RE Business Impact Group - Landscape Security DepositThank you Kim. I must have been confused with all of the checks I wrote early on to the architect that they submitted to the city. Peter, go ahead and send over a certified letter and have them write the check to TVLP. I don’t want to have to go back and edit the capital investment from BIG. Paul Taunton President / CEO ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BUSINESS IMPACT GROUP 2411 Galpin Court, Suite 120 Chanhassen, MN 55317 www.impactgroup.us <http://impactgroup.us/> Direct Line: (952) 278-7822 Cell Phone: (612) 840-5164 From: Meuwissen, Kim [mailto:kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 2:32 PM To: Paul Taunton; John Clouse; Generous, Bob Cc: Bob Copeland (bob@copelandbuilding.com); Peter Vos; Brager, Jolene Subject: RE: Business Impact Group - Landscape Security Deposit Paul, Attached is a copy of the original check and receipt showing payment from Business Impact Group, LLC. As you can see, the $20,000 security escrow was paid along with the building permit. Kim Meuwissen Sr. Communications/Administrative Support Specialist 952-227-1107 kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> City of Chanhassen 7700 market boulevard po box 147 chanhassen, mn 55317 <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chanhassen-MN/City-of-Chanhassen-Minnesota/74951569087#/pages/Chanhassen-MN/City-of-Chanhassen-Minnesota/74951569087> From: Paul Taunton [mailto:ptaunton@impactgroup.us] Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 2:28 PM To: Meuwissen, Kim; John Clouse; Generous, Bob Cc: Bob Copeland (bob@copelandbuilding.com); Peter Vos; Brager, Jolene Subject: RE: Business Impact Group - Landscape Security Deposit The original payment did come from TVLP. Paul Taunton President / CEO ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BUSINESS IMPACT GROUP 2411 Galpin Court, Suite 120 Chanhassen, MN 55317 www.impactgroup.us <http://impactgroup.us/> Direct Line: (952) 278-7822 Cell Phone: (612) 840-5164 From: Meuwissen, Kim [mailto:kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 2:26 PM To: Paul Taunton; John Clouse; Generous, Bob Cc: Bob Copeland (bob@copelandbuilding.com); Peter Vos; Brager, Jolene Subject: RE: Business Impact Group - Landscape Security Deposit Paul, In order to release the escrow to a party other than the original payer, the city needs a notarized letter from the original payer (on Business Impact Group, LLC letterhead) stating the check can be issued to Taunton Ventures, LLC. If you would like to proceed, please provide the letter to us by next Wednesday no later than 3:00 p.m. and we will be able to issue the check next Thursday. Kim Meuwissen Sr. Communications/Administrative Support Specialist 952-227-1107 kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> City of Chanhassen 7700 market boulevard po box 147 chanhassen, mn 55317 <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chanhassen-MN/City-of-Chanhassen-Minnesota/74951569087#/pages/Chanhassen-MN/City-of-Chanhassen-Minnesota/74951569087> From: Paul Taunton [mailto:ptaunton@impactgroup.us] Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 2:09 PM To: Meuwissen, Kim; John Clouse; Generous, Bob Cc: Bob Copeland (bob@copelandbuilding.com); Peter Vos; Brager, Jolene Subject: RE: Business Impact Group - Landscape Security Deposit The check needs to be written to Taunton Ventures LLC. Paul Taunton President / CEO ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BUSINESS IMPACT GROUP 2411 Galpin Court, Suite 120 Chanhassen, MN 55317 www.impactgroup.us <http://impactgroup.us/> Direct Line: (952) 278-7822 Cell Phone: (612) 840-5164 From: Meuwissen, Kim [mailto:kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 1:53 PM To: John Clouse; Generous, Bob Cc: Bob Copeland (bob@copelandbuilding.com); Peter Vos; Paul Taunton; Brager, Jolene Subject: RE: Business Impact Group - Landscape Security Deposit John, I have requested the Finance Department to release $18,000 of the Landscaping Security to Business Impact Group. The check will be processed and mailed next Thursday, May 14. Let me know if you have any questions. Kim Meuwissen Sr. Communications/Administrative Support Specialist 952-227-1107 kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us <mailto:kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen.mn.us> City of Chanhassen 7700 market boulevard po box 147 chanhassen, mn 55317 <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Chanhassen-MN/City-of-Chanhassen-Minnesota/74951569087#/pages/Chanhassen-MN/City-of-Chanhassen-Minnesota/74951569087> From: John Clouse [mailto:jclouse@impactgroup.us] Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:10 PM To: Generous, Bob Cc: Bob Copeland (bob@copelandbuilding.com); Peter Vos; Paul Taunton; Meuwissen, Kim Subject: RE: Business Impact Group - Landscape Security Deposit Thanks Bob. John Clouse VP, Operations and Purchasing ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BUSINESS IMPACT GROUP 2411 Galpin Court, Suite 120 Chanhassen, MN 55317 www.impactgroup.us <http://impactgroup.us/> Direct Line: (952) 230-6592 Cell Phone: (952) 686-1483 From: Generous, Bob [mailto:bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 3:50 PM To: John Clouse Cc: Bob Copeland (bob@copelandbuilding.com); Peter Vos; Paul Taunton; Meuwissen, Kim Subject: RE: Business Impact Group - Landscape Security Deposit John, The landscaping is complete, but we need to hold 10% as replacement security for a year as required by city code. If any trees need to be replaced, you will need to do that before we can release the replacement security. I’ll submit a request to release 90% of the security. Bob Robert Generous, AICP Senior Planner 7700 Market Boulevard P.O.Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952) 227-1131 bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life— Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow From: John Clouse [mailto:jclouse@impactgroup.us] Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2015 4:58 PM To: Generous, Bob Cc: Bob Copeland (bob@copelandbuilding.com); Peter Vos; Paul Taunton Subject: Business Impact Group - Landscape Security Deposit Hello Bob, At the start of our new building project at 2410 Galpin Court, we paid a $20,000 deposit to the City of Chanhassen as a Landscaping Security. This is to be refunded to us upon completion of the project. The project has been completed so I’d like to inquire about the process/timing around the refund. Best regards, John John Clouse VP, Operations and Purchasing ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– BUSINESS IMPACT GROUP 2411 Galpin Court, Suite 120 Chanhassen, MN 55317 www.impactgroup.us <http://impactgroup.us/> Direct Line: (952) 230-6592 Cell Phone: (952) 686-1483 The information contained in this message may be confidential and/or proprietary, and legally protected from disclosure. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and permanently deleting it from your computer. Thank you, Business Impact Group, LLC. The information contained in this message may be confidential and/or proprietary, and legally protected from disclosure. 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Thank you, Business Impact Group, LLC. 䔏둾꼯锏ꑺ긱돕콧㸟엢첋䳌捣紓롽䚆空䙒욆案湪焾Ӣꀔ婖䠧縼⏑�঄⴩䔭䮚縼Ꮙ惬褷㸟臄翐ἄ钸蓝ฒ껁⡇⒍뿜キ菁⑒왠ࡰ부Ῥ䏞ꯆ꽗齎挾浭떣덹麾躾꺎桮辄魍䔶䞄뚠鹏쌼琑捌天똺䝙ࡈ鄽䝓ﭐ䠌鍈뾻ﯦꁟ俳豩鮛臭見⤨鐞⊖�蛖껛䒬訠抋짙崒瑺稿᝔⺜䇶层䙊䩜쾚ꗮᜐ众≊甃ꂀ贶ꅙ忈즹苪渚맜梳�檃ㆦɭ䅠䰦댤碬�駌Ꭓ鵌漲ﳾ佧醟쓃틐爢ꆑ睫ꡒ괊�恿珿츗魏ᴶ⣹䉍䩊ﱌ⍳ꏕ佧㯁Ⰶ젭䌂舒풥责醅銒꣜裴㘈 㑾螄㞇䡬粖身�ষ買ꣂ贓⒥❠씥ﱸꏕ掣涶臛�샀☠稺껇�疻ซ訊࢈�ᆬᔞ䀛딖쳇苼⌂⍃趤챍上Პ稵Ꝕ鷎㓠됪㵩遠Ⱒ죆䝟痮䙱ㄔ⹻㩙胧臧ᣉሦ篝壶械諁⭕꠷왽ⶴ뛛␦樥棩㷑䓦塌摄囋낿翯광낭ꢠ䡿㉣菽覽ᴏﳺ쉘Ꭓ量⪣鏔ꅷ⋰r㋡섩࿺鐙銔쒂齇✿죄얤㔪员鵎펻褟搮퐏욑군余톘㏕猪簴庽䵲艌쐛馪䱌�㈆爲냰掐晢橦�綶꠻㛽첊錌形她尥鏔䢘掞䆁홨禢ꂃ惀ꉤꐎ䐲࢟ⰼ깤�黀劳荃ൌ基豨༯帡�瞻਺괍耉欆쓢唉硽彔灄䴸밐ﵾ蘚혗㪛根 襛韏弯巒ㄈ�耯ʂⳌ⇍鈇ꭣ텆龮䃪ᆝ늷㖚꺠飖ꑚ랛≮븞ꍾ꽤쮫쏗싂辆儘塘삈譵綽灠屐礜䆀蕆귖쭰؆㸆⴬뷝朕흧벼ᴼᵭⰨ멙�첚㑌㜷侇潢罯尿ᘋ屄�⑶礐᳸砺㼨缿뿞㔷Ե忭禽퇨裈ꖨ靋㻗©㪂ϗ妍㆏Ձ날Ⲑ㥤�湐늻�矻髍禓쉔㺮鶟눺㨦ଷᛍꤴ⏩귬荒䌑輎धଇ�ᇓꑵ萱줄꾬夰辝쯢碗鲒ᨵ톳댇中灠린䖥雳ᄂ防쁝⾈僒者䕴ற⸗崠剒㒂꒝┩᳤鋑䰧团ᦃ谺↌꧃븖Ⱦ仹ᣖ燣⋔함ᖪ婮噃陖뺾쳾㎙꿗ཟ䥓ឃ쇠ރᄌ㦑 칧떜흫﫺�춾嶅쁐갍ꚦ眶峮ⴭ됭恽瘄뷑ȵ역ւ렋縪ԉԅ㯡ѐꕵ紱㔀⤱㴡봽틨֥ᜋꖤ喬譞ꈪㆽ∲妏溳뫝쒍捯韾鎕㟅䱌䉌戁곣梠䁠尀㵼ﵽ节붂䇧⤭줩폓왳᧌엞鉝鎛涻훛蟃茏엳업醑羑讇쮫寍隷崬⸪脡侻麤舢횓욝斂Ũ룐䬛煣爙쨻逵⍻苴멌ⶺᕧ힕䎭鼎鋐ꢥ᜔ᒃ빟뚬겑떒ÿ얙ىꔤ鯙벞騑ꁰ芥洂믑⓷ק뎲䞹௃坆ᓛ鳔阓鈶劒ꮷ硢ᩡᮏ秿蜹侊㴕녺☴蓵⽻ὅr쫊퓊꨷沷䂥✵⑎紋僁뫃돒䟐봚⚆�㓯䯛뻧㽯븹䇪堫࡝鐲험꼿뵝癆ﵾ㵍觟 Æ䩂챁య穤祹䩱䀬ᄮç魑漷ꃞ荁崮좺쫊駜⣾᮸⭱鲢ⴖ瑚�ᰝᩃ虍噠ᐆ侦넧瘆ϑ㉾࣎葫쉝ᅧ⌹ಚ蚔ꪣ㴷蟃뼏琚汪赬㋔늳�軜㴞雦馕苢瞪�അ�㶞ฎ⹿羜ꖇ꿱잣�ై㨝⤴ᬸꈜ잖ᶎ쯋㷋晜♦Ҝ틒裒裈뷞蕻蚇��斲蠋䝍琻瑴捀ᓤᔕ歩ퟫ枯黏㘛聬摇乢煦풊䑓ᩍ蛃믐侳쿟奏욂赲蜾�㚍됔Ḵ괻垺�讂揉ཊ쑡⛆폧维渏昲ቢ푩삪錅矛熐﨣ᝢ钊渔ᘼ岿蚃㓲磳燴ᵭ㊲䀦⌹젬寬㫵싋订�枸動䃛䕹Ჹᴻњⱑ駎룛፩প눨�렬発䓬넦紼哶虒 Ⅲ죷ㆊ櫋퀖䑂�鎄浨棽臀쌚厨产얭Ȱ꺰䞣随醑爹ࣤᄶ蕕蒄㷀⎆ᮍ蔞嬬ಶ�鞷崮殢ꆳ題둜鏸꿙溼㫝럜꯰ሓᘒ娭挄䭎ᆮ貨᎓땹走兀䜂㪠仪�綺☋帑븴븒缼糾䂴Ṱ꣈閨噫䊓ꘙ퍉ꡦ䑽㡸튾퇛礸筻鋃�⾷㤹ﳹஅ繾偾嗀홉�䴄袄ム욝枼ỏ殘挴䓈㾈�ᠼ㭪묻콧릞遻㏷품䑓ᩍ讋졋㟋뱙襤᮫ꖙ耬ꦉꯕⲭ꼭邗੗ᤀ饙ᘋទკ吷Ʀꝝ�쿧뙿ꇉ℡濗쵀ᘯꔖ摧꠶뇪䵈㥍�亽쫸컧偝剒ꕪ₠⬧ꯗ⽗緷퓤Ɓ咁�঄⨪�胎릙닥쭥쳍逭ꏱ꺎⏡ 瞫퀍㙧喔扑繼仇钝喕鴜틶ਜ୳嘫妬늫෪퐛㓑㷈댺ƊΊ⌑�ἳ쫋헚徯蛿㞛녯야ภ�碇切틒쟟ᾯ俠倞砻탰熸ᯣ椷⼦�ꕾ퀯꽛Ꙏ햦૮㽽茚艦ˆ껴鉽젂뿙ソᴎ䐺䝇舋[䟦婚왺ᦌໂ䀚⿍흮謒ꛓꭍ〞ꮃ龠㐔䌍䭈ᆨ侠䔷楝豇쟇旭湦ᝎ嵘暽ꖍ햕趆뗚एꌉ끽纭⵩졘럦揑籽훼ጨ獗ῆ붆ꀛ樸�뵞盻훫푳퇨廎抶�楮ᤙ㵭젲귑佧䬋ঋ줓轻㐵ꜵ㻾㨝并梸䡱�赆뽍涴垼뵭渚�劭ꂋ�Ⱪ┡☭�䦤䍳⍃獓췓嫚㄂ㄲ낲育粺꫹紾妸戟 籢䆘寒练㳒፜搲縪됒㟇�砺部늲묲䲗ឋ洯ꛓ㘝샑퉯䚍엍ׅ䥷晆댹改쥱䩅궋국̑⨋扣橪橬掺仗̽⭽꭫뮝哊ㆧ刢Ꜻ胺枧䩲鼲꿓떯趍ꦱꂉ刨馚ꦩ馹릙뛭煵맞ݫ㲌室箽鷷甲괚叉쯰؆㢅㨸搇�⽢䌣ע붜䪦摊儡ꄀ�궖㻞ま퍗㏒∢آ后⻄Ⲳ㕐䇇빘负嗡亁蘵殆ꠄ晫٦ꚵ魍喢認芊覃፼໶ฏ紖纟䁀谀뾼㾿䁚唜ꁫ蘴�嶄귦娺沶孉愜௲亣阴钒濆☦㔡�돯콦ﮞ糧ഺ림ㆠⲼ뉺;䯮帖ڃ륝玪㉧瀱듊ꩩꩪ染⃌ొ�喔췖䁟ᫍ䯳쑢揑ೇ 萘鲟ਖ쀭�牭ᶬ㴛뱦麮㚈ⳃ둜☐뾱夢㵫ʟ캁갷钱뢴಴쁔傷轃휚⑋开㐒틧ᇤ僔騍騀圶훨瞽礣⫁扟鏩疺赁淣脨ည�柼㑡�֪㒻Ԣᨗ뷖뽧;婩깎ꭑ淖ꔥﬦ檥ャﯤᣑ瑰葴急牚㕺짡➓㘶訶誊↴ꑀ㚍샚Ⲁ俫㺃幡ܡ앖쏃蜃䡈쁈猦萻ﴀꤚ蜈毹宝ꫀꭕ膨媺ṣᱏ鏓鎒ꊣ폩�鶎箎⋷䠼乊쌙汲닱鹥廞遨놘忍ꮠに럲녑焉៳࿌ಋ헓쟓㣥쫘⭕睷ꎈ溶뛟莪྇舡侢礎祺狀添�蜀군쪲௑쿦躏ㄾ؋칫벜ﲂ玹曧杦粡謨叔ꁄ䷰媧䉒 뢱�邌笐逫踯ሒ鞺㕟䷮ؠ尋�煄作ᤩ瘱袔颂ɜ娵埦梄鎲㽘诫礈襜➑⦙뺅⋸艕퉌뒸�䙆낆㖮Ⳬ⓰鬥檷닝≪퀧ா勗똣�润瘋ẽ뤙眻榑ე枖⋡�ᱻ폰뼣묙芗쮮ﰋ혧ኘ℆孀哖ݔ쾟챇퀩᫼䭊ᅋస〘眀ȯ䡐�狚ꮻ浠鹍ϰ鶙鶝⥱견뢬甝Ⰰퟹ讆祱ཫ膪튺骘ᐔꆪㆩ鶑᯴귃컶꺨荗觛Ⰴ궶ᶝጸ퍰㡆⵾뙚獲飷㯲탱攤䉤䋂斥籥絼藂㘰䌵鴾되핢ꑊ巩暽髭䷆﬚؅⟐�掸㯍ጞ뛍䤝�ͥᱪჀᐈ䶾﫣吓ꪦ㠾헓為矴햯ӗ⋷萂죈㠨❬鹏྄梌퉪捕歫ጓ屽彟㜟랺 ⣔밬摨鱌巉ᱻ乢⣄夭킬떺龿駟朳싂ꟃפֿ踝쭺੖夙֙伧쟆㟇⁨ꞧᮧሒ삊喪瘫촍ᕪ점땷Æ扜啼빔ᨺ渷嬜啭੖Ⱕꛨ붽㴽謽讋듛퍩厩蒧쾄㳋᫢ܢ鯍켷㮝⼧�掱ﳇἒ过⚸ꟈʛ웣ᮍ䘣ꂌ꧵퐒毡⮨ꦍ킠篝潶퓒덂ᐜ怜ꡠ甿铪蒸머޾낀蔍ೂ傼衘출㫚軇䳅㲞�揍軛糭繱硨ﭸ䲍嵌凘萊匜亦쭉彌鲺᤬砃磺冭湖볖�䬡쭫䧐⚓粒괇땜氆輏삌裡∯楯ꤑ袡ꓟ￱삚砋铥錩ꎣᾏ瀸퍠趦产銝鑂歫懈藜ꪪ炪ꄣမ鿠銜⴪댭뢞뜛�ﬞ�揑꽆뵜⸪븾┥ 篝䣴䥉�轢퉈탐럫㞛꺓酵ள폩鮧ꎳ㗺졢←ↂ慟뫜歵싡ꎅ赆睲蝷ꟓਏ価��膡�⮵〒࢕뮆�鷎⎴铊䉝䮣⺗럛཯ఌ퓔蓔떻慒侳濓뻟퇕ጡ븁㶆閔볕轶缀욍卨丧㲚ퟲ퀙룘㢸ሣ멘襸䮋䕀㩅䝟䗢ᚋ䵃잌틗싒�涶粛웣劒㍒៙㘎황홢릜烢꟔嬑渽ӂ̽㸃ᱟ䲅㆟욓䣛죋髊馚릹容婚츣㘜ᦴ㞤䧄⛣ꩌ趽䂇⟳殍똖ᶛ鞋愯鰺鴜㐴䴶㆟죽⎑떛龴紼摢硤৽☓✤䰮䵍놵햵헑떅맙읳銵浫듛⧬↢ₘ䬋풋풴擆杦墢阸뙛祬縑ﷷᤏల僆ʴ楝�粲狹䱔 ਘਊ㜛ﱮ埵傲찜鴵◔㍌ᣐ墭嚫⾨혊ᝡ瞔�뿕罿奙ꛙ魍潢线ჽ஄䬦鋂�ᖺࠊ燋ꅹ昰ᣌ罿Փ밁벼部記䍂囀ㆸ롊酸⨼㭛᫾ꦍൟለ산۫䲾텼䉟襷੨홯Ꚙ嗠놭갪刣ᅃ캁ᩏ᝗ﹸ认䞞䲦硻栜닙痚Ọ�蚯䛆墳৶എ�ힻ쏃ؓ샛Ⴠ྾问者陃瞒텳�渼�벼�䭰ꬫ덙᭧᠘폕컆豚똧�໖㪝맾㹠❂核閸潫ーᨅ�믘䒆厛䲦उ脉ண痮훫㔍바勬‘찭믝屝㈫内呔䬄䌋碍쫤凞♂彅뽰ᙱ搴㥰ꈑ巓샂䖅䃫땫顪燽웣쾁ᨂ�垻㓐苔Ჿ;ꁐኵꪩ䂰⟧ꮍꔋ伱璚탊࡙ 峚䤱퉩⹡ⴥ浫뭫胿䁇䁐�걤鴕嘜劵ᢚꢝ쁋勜⤊깙몿鿶ﯩ飑顲퉾蚉가궫ⶭꃌ놱卑礀ڃ⬬㼞墳헴垫㸟硼項差ܴٴ쏈읝捡뿟轿쮜⾗ᘗ或″藂吋ኁ樘㕠ꇍ莀鯓꒽娭颴町떪㖵枂ழ㨝ꭰꅇ畮䡜꺣蘴ᖽ霗㊘驵쪲►?꽖﹑홣퐜瑊芗욓ਵ곭䉆螌⢫Ꮝ삗撅럇㵱廑쾃籢䤉㬞䴊ꚻ䤁铒僃ᆐ樥籢簠螲뙰⥌浮ᐽꮩ뿋伧ಞ䀘⧆ꘑ갢⮅̋꺨⺮ᾘ�駙踽됀채㸀灅ばෂ἟ᄠᐔ蚄਀奙繙繾矈灰얀आ黡┤䔥䙆脢ᱼ​䖾퓺厩꜂쓺ᎉ顰秩侧躟᳠㖚鑫钔 辨渍ὗ䀘捊泼췦桟桠憴画቟⫵胙♫覼櫏甹崔茽쮥﹖ᄿ❁傿묇䢨랑냘垶벌䵸Hꎋ鞪㝀㉅⚿䣵�ᓴ㒗㄀ܸꐁ礪놵ᆱ꡾蘈☚옚쨖ꋰちⰖ聘ᠰм춁쳌廀ᆤ코㶞㘻ᘶ᝖䏴ŀ쎶훕�榴ꡪ鎁邈ᣡ붣놀귍쥺踎玢膧涶�򆝭ᶾ쫺쫊븘贃藃⿫䢀忦ꩰ珉㾧怘縜픺࿿ﯤ捙ࠁ妳䠈볛獹ꋄ꺮낮⯀깗눗ᤠ音嬭엢늲в燏煱ⓠ搼뇄鈈ऑ坣䩊㘊嵡�玹賑ಌ�ẏȽ䅣록냫馺香覉䆱㡯�璼ዩ璼䁔﫰쐫쯤⾗ꦇ롟ⅰМ揪뀃싏�፼굿஋鵂澱ࠊ彆₭泳ﰞ隗ᄣ悗唭ﬞჼ䡉 녈钋隋㗳ꤑퟕ┄꓿迱O贂砅ﳾ�扢鵢町߷愕�⎵徳蘨ᤌṉᔬ췠㞛漷ᓞ쒄֐ཫĢꚮꖥ৑裘榨悾ລ缰賆瀙㐵퀴뢔릹℡쬫�餃̅忎�⸣팯躸䄢楢ᕱᕕ㝗뭗嬭㚚♫⌣散ൣ⥆夭몌폙싒熪隋�략뜰드퍱駌〤ⴓ鿪丈鏴㿆ﲾ㑫瞦䥿쥉㆘ࡣ塣嫗䵍칭㦜嘈ᴝԝ◫ꀂ谙∤濡�촵鲜䴜쵍��੤_ᏼ㒱㮝뙷�К繁㚛๭ᘟ齽㟙뷱豨ഊ᱔Ꮴ⿠℩꾡꾯ꦡ碹ዉ⬋퐫폒毋쳚ꯩ굖犼ꫵ썜歆喔ሒ咓귖ﵫ夋귿❶꿹ਊ䧼ΰ﹟歍饌駌菁枹嬰梴ᨁῃꡆᜌ瘚鶎欵氖 跦랪홪뀝ᇼᄑꪪ슪؄亦＀욜苛洴ᓚ痑伭紲�᫏쥋☷瓃﫽௵㢘話曦佬틺쯥㘴鞓騀驛淞賚㛩똶헫娷�渶ꓒ⻶뾫㠪俋:퉯聘ꟓ协쌦뇘奭놀牠컧힟Յ饠ᔕ휕嶮␡ע䩗쀵⺵⸮㱆恬`ྛ䬳ꁋ죓칐識凳硈懛ӡ㤱స帷諠◿㝼댚슋崬�폃昃椙❇姧졳ং뙛틚↗痮᩵愻드➪ຟ㤟὆ኜ࢟תּ弟Ꮎ䖍䠂큡恝룲�玓槰ᕡⴭ䌭䍃捣苨裌ﭗ洿㓚ꪩ烁궐靋쌮ආ㞛鹯몺놺놱閕趕ඍꪌ隖닖쭥嵀谄亂ꀬ꽗ᙞᘖ뙛奬撲퐉⌢ꄣﱿ燸ʜŽ䇕蹘훳ꙥ赇軸畎꺷諝ᔮ孚 浛탒㐘휈ꡤ龏ꖯ얕嶎쵍㫌粴૥᜸홖昶雦牲赮꫗蒨薆욓갿ﯼ壖烀乘ர޷䎹␤㥀㴽�峜杧炷鶳鲜㐴꠴畂䩈퉊鑉泬쿓겏팁侧薇䉇䥉⼩⼯㠸콸㶞繾鿏뽟㵾伈袟쀂ୋﷰ놬荔贆뛚㣫토왣榵䙋愹擢蒺ᐵ툚ẗᤏ氲Ӽ亲ᰀ煮趍업먥ઉ藺嗤∱罻࿊B贾쇠㬃㬻䝁蝱ᴎ繠귗띛흫ᔮ锕獨㴞폩䆧ڃ읣֎䭝䭋涷뛛捱㛲㠌Ꮷ䰦냹냃宺溷㱅緭�ᆱ䘣淀䭎䍋Ώ걗腘⛰⋬䬁⺗쮭绢텻氘ꮤ垙䱁떂ⲍⳈ퍵⹨껃↪ꄨўꃕ흥台埪対̚栈㥁 쪸滴℁ᗡූᒆ⸡鲜頜�㞻⠨䘈駴朳础䓨䑄Ꮰ药炨嶛屜ഌ服黏炍ԗ壢�؃럛삯써�澷鏟�㣫४븁捅ᅡ蓒꣰肯졝츔徯绹E窔ム욖㾔ᔕ㜕��輄舴䢖틃踢琽შ쟍硦喪Ⴋ쌒⊊䗨൴寷䝇冧䚣껰헁肀萀凙兑幞㭞净쩴쨧⟄瞼ᶰ릑蝰迖橓羗욁邵硄찗藲ᜋ繠輅腃蒔轰㏡㸟�쇁Ⰱ瞅⬍炽䋡折晘捬⍣┥焵䓢捣䅣ᐹ〠ꌝ欽⨇䭖薵鏱㿆뿥ᾗ욁ૂ�㦼䈜끢잗ৣ惜틘뷞⍻Ꙉⴋ웃饎攲鋉ࠥ垆庯Ὅ䁩�疺ㅫㄱ패ᴙ쫊৊उꨯ㻞轑䧸鿣�뿋膿 �箽鄗볰뗚䝫懽們쮒짉쳁奲ꉟ쭥鎖䴦瑲葴︇竛〧絅툎链薷Άⷿ퇔ՙ㱀읣↎鸒缿냾썡櫀䭡+ೈ�勺㞛䙯峌塘䜈㧓ỿ冘䚣ⶣ⧼ᐿ蓜﷜迸֐㘉ڻ蓐䐈넲幙乞ޗ⨨쨪쿏䱏䑌먏蒆₄췢컎缾ﳾ�莖�ꊊÿ姪ﴰ쮼ݎ