PRC SUM 2015 04 28 CHANHASSEN PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SUMMARY MINUTES APRIL 28, 2015 Chairman Kelly called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Cole Kelly, Steve Scharfenberg, Brent Carron, Jim Boettcher, Luke Thunberg, Rick Echternacht, Jennifer Hougham, and Lauren Dale STAFF PRESENT: Todd Hoffman, Park and Rec Director; Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent; Katie Favro, Program Specialist; Terry Jeffery, Water Resources Coordinator; and Adam Beers, Park Superintendent NOMINATION AND APPOINTMENT OF 2015/2016 CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR. Carron moved, Boettcher seconded to appoint Cole Kelly as Chair for the 2015/2016 season. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. Boettcher moved, Hougham seconded to appoint Brent Carron as Vice-Chair for the 2015/2016 season. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. The agenda was approved with the following additions under Reports: Chair Kelly added 3. Discuss meeting with Roundhouse neighborhood and 4. Update on Red Birds Rally. Commissioner Scharfenberg added number 5. Staff follow-up on CAA Baseball. Commissioner Echternacht added number 6. Review of group soccer meeting. Commissioner Thunberg added number 7. Announcement of 5K Run scheduled for September th 12. And Commissioner Scharfenberg added number 8. Update from joint meeting with City Council regarding band shelter. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: Todd Hoffman publicly recognized the Chanhassen Athletic Association and the Dugout Club for installation of concrete floors in the dugouts at Lake Ann Park. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. Lee Carlson, 7606 Iroquois Avenue, noting he is the unofficial Chan Rec Pickleball representative and clinic trainer, expressed appreciation for all the work that’s been done to bring more pickleball courts to Chanhassen. He explained that Chanhassen will continue to have the support of the Southwest Metro Pickleball Club. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:Thunberg moved, Scharfenberg seconded to approve the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated February 24, 2015 with the verbatim Minutes amended by Chair Kelly as follows: Page 7, changing the word, Cold to Cole; and Page 19, changing the wording, speaker. Mics. to speaker mics. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. Park and Recreation Commission Summary – April 28, 2015 Thunberg moved, Scharfenberg seconded to approve the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Park and Recreation Commission meeting dated March 24, 2015 as presented. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. RECOGNIZE CITY COUNCIL APPOINTEMENTS TO THE COMMISSION. Chair Kelly congratulated Lauren Dale on being appointed to a one year term as youth commissioner, and Jennifer Hougham and Jim Boettcher on being appointed to 3 year terms. LAKE SUSAN SPENT LIME WATER QUALITY TREATMENT SYSTEM. Terry Jeffery presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked about access and equipment that will be used. Commissioner Carron asked for clarification on maintenance. Chair Kelly asked if the Watershed District favored other options. Commissioner Boettcher asked how often the spent lime is changed. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked about flooding potential associated with this system. Scharfenberg moved, Boettcher seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend to the City Council installation of the spent lime treatment reactor. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. APPROVE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION BY-LAWS. Chair Kelly asked about changes regarding the youth commissioners. Commissioner Boettcher noted the wording stating the first meeting in April under 4.1 should read the April meeting. Carron moved, Scharfenberg seconded that the Park and Recreation Commission approve the By-laws amended as follows: 3.1 shall include wording stating, “and up to two (2) youth commissioners as voting members”; and under 4.1 remove the word “first”. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. RECREATION PROGRAMS: 2015 EASTER EGG CANDY HUNT EVALUATION. Katie Favro presented the report evaluating the 2015 Easter Egg Candy Hunt. Commissioner Carron asked about the speaker system not working and noted that the fire department would like to attend more city events. Chair Kelly asked if the increase in numbers was due to weather or new housing in the city. Commissioner Hougham asked what happens with the surplus funds. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS: CHANHASSEN ARBOR DAY EVENT. Todd Hoffman invited commission members to nd attend the Arbor Day event which will be held on Saturday, May 2 at Chanhassen Hills Park. RED BIRDS BASEBALL OPENING DAY. Todd Hoffman announced that the Chanhassen Red Birds have been reclassified from C to B so the opening day will remain the same, Friday, th May 29 but the remainder of the season games will change. Commissioner Scharfenberg th provided an update on the Red Birds Rally that was held Saturday, April 11, and discussed that the Red Birds will play in the first annual Town Ball Classic being held at Target Field on June th 27. Chair Kelly asked how season tickets can be obtained. 2 Park and Recreation Commission Summary – April 28, 2015 CHANHASSEN MEMORIAL DAY CEREMONY. Jerry Ruegemer provided an update on the activities associated with the Memorial Day ceremony. PICKLEBALL COURTS. Adam Beers provided an update on construction and opening of the pickleball courts located at the Rec Center. SET UP NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING FOR ROUNDHOUSE PARK. After discussion th between staff and the commission it was decided to hold an open house on Tuesday, July 14 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Roundhouse Park. CHANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FOLLOW UP WITH STAFF. Commissioner Scharfenberg asked for an update on the scoreboards at Lake Susan Park and Lake Ann Park Fields 2 and 3 that were deleted from the Council’s consent agenda. REVIEW OF GROUP SOCCER MEETING. Chair Kelly provided background information on the Park and Recreation Commission meeting with different community baseball and soccer organizations. ANNOUNCEMENT OF UPCOMING 5K RUN. Commissioner Thunberg announced a new th event being sponsored by the Star Legacy Foundation, a 5K run to be held on September 12 at Lake Ann Park. UPDATE FROM JOINT MEETING ON BAND SHELTER. Given the feedback received from council at their joint meeting, Commissioner Scharfenberg asked staff to prepare a survey to obtain their resident feedback, and present possible designs, locations and funding sources. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMITTEE REPORT. None. COMMISSION MEMBER PRESENTATION. None. ADMINISTRATIVE PACKET. None. Carron moved, Echternacht seconded to adjourn the meeting. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 8 to 0. The Park and Recreation Commission meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Submitted by Todd Hoffman Park and Rec Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 3