PC Minutes 05-19-2015Chanhassen Planning Commission – May 19, 2015 13.A soils report shall be submitted to staff indicating soil conditions and permeability. 14.The grading plans must be revised to show the first floor elevations of adjacent lots. 15.Spot elevations must also be shown to illustrate the drainage pattern near the existing home’s driveway. 16.The proposed grades on the site shall be no greater than 3:1. 17.The engineer shall coordinate with MnDOT and incorporate their comments. 18.The radius of the driveway curves must be shown on the plan set. 19.The trail width shall be labeled on the plan set. 20.The plan shall be revised to reconstruct the trail further north to create a better connection. 21.The new addition is subject to sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. These charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. 22.The developer’s engineer must incorporate the latest edition of Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates into the plan set. Environmental Resource Conditions: 1.Install tree protection fencing around all preserved trees shown on grading plans. The fencing shall be installed prior to any construction activity and remain until site construction is completed. 2.Site plantings shall be increased to meet minimum bufferyard requirements. Plantings shall be located so as to soften direct views in areas where the proposed building is closest to property lines. 3.Bufferyard plantings shall be located on the west side of the entryway drive rather than on the east as proposed. 4.A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to the city showing proposed plantings adjacent to the entire parking area that limit direct views of the pavement and the vehicles. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: DAYCO CONCRETE CUP/SPA AMENDMENTS, PLANNING CASE 2015-11: REQUEST FOR AMENDMENTS TO CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2001-02 ND SITE PLAN AGREEMENT 2001-05 TO ALLOW SCREENED OUTDOOR STORAGE ON PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AND LOCATED AT 13 Chanhassen Planning Commission – May 19, 2015 1850 LAKE DRIVE WEST (DAYCO CONCRETE). APPLICANT/OWNER: LDW PROPERTIES. Generous: Thank you Chairman Aller, Planning Commissioners. As you stated this is basically a re-do. The reason this came about, the City annually does inspections on all our Conditional Use Permits to determine compliance with the original conditions of approval. When we went out to DayCo Concrete this year we found that they were storing some of their excess equipment outside and so we worked with Mr. Brockpahler to come up with a solution. We looked at the original CUP and there was a condition in that that there be no outdoor storage. However under the planned unit development there was a clause that you could have outdoor storage if it was approved as part of the site plan. At the time I don’t know why we didn’t do this back in 2001 but he thought that all his equipment would fit inside his building. He’s been doing very well and is very busy and so he has all this excess equipment that he needs to store and so we recommended that he come back through the process and amend both the site plan to show a storage area and the CUP to eliminate the prohibition against outdoor storage. And so that’s where we are tonight. This property is located at 1850 Lake Drive West. It’s at the end of Lake Drive, west of Audubon. It’s the last property on the north side. Just to the north of this is a railroad. Twin Cities and Western Railroad Line which is actually 10 feet higher than this property so it provides a perfect opportunity to screen the back yard of this site from other properties to the north. And to the west is the Bluff Creek corridor. It’s a dense area of wooded lands and then it drops down into the Bluff Creek which runs through that little valley down there. LDW Properties or DayCo Concrete are the applicants in this. They’re requesting an amendment to the Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan to allow screened outdoor storage which is located, and they’re proposing to locate this just to the north of the existing building. Everything behind there will be screened. And this, I thought I changed this number. No, that was, that was a history one there. The PUD was originally reviewed in 1991 and it was approved in 1993. This came through for site plan review in 2001 and was approved at that time. Additionally there’s another building pad on the south side of this building that in the future will come in for site plan review. The conditional use permit was for development within the Bluff Creek corridor and as part of that there was prohibition against outdoor storage because it wasn’t shown as part of their original site plan so, there we ran into problems so go to the next one. As I stated they’re looking at the north side of the building so from the cul-de-sac you can only see the very corner of this area and so it’s, under our ordinance you have to screen storage with either buildings or landscaping and one of the next slides will go into that. We asked that he provide us with a list of the equipment and materials that he was proposing out there. The only issue we had is to make sure that he didn’t provide any storage of any loose materials like dirt or that. That’s something that he says he’s not, he doesn’t plan on doing and he agreed to all the conditions of approval that we recommended so. And Terry is acceptable to this because this does drain right into the Bluff Creek corridor so. We did go out to the site and try to look at the view corridors into the back part of the site. This shows basically the cone of where you can potentially see back there and if we go to the next one, there’s actually a picture. We tried to show you know if you were looking what you would see and there’s just a small area and so as a condition of approval we’re recommending that they provide additional landscaping in this spot and work with the City Forester to come up with an adequate plan to make sure we get permanent screening in that one location. And the next slide basically shows that little area. There is some existing landscaping in there already so it would just be enhancing that. With that 14 Chanhassen Planning Commission – May 19, 2015 staff is recommending approval of the amendment to the Site Plan and revise the Conditional Use Permit to allow screened outdoor storage and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recommendation. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions. Tietz: Yeah Bob, is there any security fencing proposed to screen, you know to, well security fencing I guess basically. It’s a pretty wide open site back there. Generous: Yes. Tietz: And if I had equipment and scaffold things tend to get legs sometimes. Generous: He hasn’t proposed that and that was actually one of the questions our Fire Marshal had. If they do put up a security fence they would need to have access to it but currently he’s not proposing any fencing. I think he believes that the equipment’s too heavy for people to move and plus he’s at the end of this long cul-de-sac that you go through so. Tietz: Okay, thanks. Aller: I was going to ask, just as clarification. What we’re doing here tonight is in reality living up to the spirit of the original CUP. This isn’t something that is a surprise to the City. Something where he was operating outside of what normally would have been done or was thought to have been done originally. Generous: No, we’re not operating outside of it. We knew he would have equipment there. It’s just, it’s gotten too big for him to be able to continue to store it all inside so. Now we’re just procedurally we have to. Aller: So the use hasn’t changed. The volume has changed. Generous: Right. Aanenson: And I just want to add too, because it was the Bluff Creek corridor. This is one of the first industrial parks that I think I worked on when I came here and one of the concerns was, you know because there’s a corridor the wildlife movement and the quality of water that we, you know he said that at some time in the future as Bob had mentioned they may expand so that was kind of our sensitivity in looking at what of materials being stored outside and how that’s being used. Just to make sure that the integrity of the creek is being maintained so we do allow outdoor storage with screening. We have that in industrial parks pretty common place. And there’s different types of screening so we look at it situationally. Not everybody has to secure their’s with a fence depending on what they have. Sometimes it’s most appropriate but in this circumstance because of the view shed it seemed to make a lot of sense and if he’s comfortable with the security he has there, there’s no requirement that it has to be fenced. That’s kind of how, we leave that up to the owner to make that decision but that’s a good question. 15 Chanhassen Planning Commission – May 19, 2015 Tietz: And just one more. Kate, you brought up when you mentioned the runoff or the future expansion. I noticed that that back area is all curb and guttered. Does that drain to that little wetland to the, what would it be? The northeast. Aanenson: Yes. Tietz: Not to the west so I didn’t look at the out flow from that curbed area but at least it’s retained now. It’s not just sheet drainage. Aanenson: Right. Exactly, and I think that’s similar to what we looked at at Powers Pointe. The new building that just opened up on Powers Boulevard. I mean they also abut the creek and so their drainage, they actually have an underground system that’s draining the opposite way to maintain it underneath the parking lot. Tietz: Okay, thanks. Aller: Commissioner Madsen. Madsen: Does the storage area allow for large pieces of tractor equipment and wooden pallets to be stored outside? I didn’t see them on the list. Generous: Well it would be because it’s part of the other materials that they have there. Madsen: Okay. Generous: He doesn’t intend to store the, actually store the block material outside because he likes that inside or it’s just in time he gets it and he wants it at the job site rather than at his facilities. Madsen: Thank you. Aller: And in looking at the packet he’s agreed to all the conditions? Generous: Yes. As you can see he didn’t, he liked it so well and he was happy that we came to the solution that he’s not here tonight. Aller: Any additional questions? Weick: Is there any concern over lost parking spaces? Whether it be just for their own employees or requirements? Generous: No because they’re over parked on this site and the future expansion is that whole area. He had proof of parking on here because he doesn’t have as many men as our ordinance requires that he provides parking for. Weick: Oh, okay. 16 Chanhassen Planning Commission – May 19, 2015 Aanenson: So if you look at there’s a future pad on this spot here and that’s kind of what we’re talking about. So if he was to come in and put a building on there, then we’d have to reassess, do both buildings. Are they whole? Right now Bob indicated they’re over parked so they should be fine. Good question. Aller: And if he wants to put up another structure it will come before us. Aanenson: Absolutely. Generous: Right and at that time we will address any stormwater issues for the southern part of the site. Aller: And that will be under the new guidelines? Generous: Yes. Aller: Any additional questions? Okay we’ll open up the public hearing portion of this item. Anyone wishing to come forward may do so at this time. This is your opportunity to speak either for or against an item that’s before us. Seeing no one come forward I will close the public hearing and open it for commissioner discussion. Tietz: No questions. Aller: I think the, it’s a good solution because it’s living up to what we wanted to. The use in reality hasn’t changed. He’s comfortable with the security issues and I’m sure would bring that up if there had been problems and there obviously have been no reports of violations of the understanding of what the privacy was so I would be in favor of a motion at this time. Undestad: I’ll make a motion here. Aller: Commissioner Undestad. Undestad: That the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City Council amend Site plan 2001-05 and revised Conditional Use Permit 2001-02 to allow screened outdoor storage at 1850 Lake Drive West subject to the conditions of the staff report and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation. Aller: Having a motion, do I have a second? Yusuf: Second. Aller: Commissioner Yusuf. Having a motion, future discussion. Undestad moved, Yusuf seconded that the Planning Commission recommend City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit and Site Plan amendments to allow screened outdoor 17 Chanhassen Planning Commission – May 19, 2015 storage for LDW Properties, to be located on Lot 2, Block 1, Chanhassen Business Center, as shown on the plans dated received April 17, 2015, subject to the following conditions: Planning 1.The Conditional Use Permit shall be restated to “outdoor storage is prohibited unless it has been approved under site plan review.” 2.No unlicensed or inoperable vehicle/equipment shall be stored on the premises. 3.Outdoor storage is limited to the construction equipment outlined in this report. 4.The applicant shall work with city staff to complete full screening of the outdoor storage space through landscaping. Water Resources Coordinator 1.Materials shall be free of concrete. No cleaning or maintained of equipment can occur in this area. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to 0. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Yusuf noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated April 21, 2015 as presented. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS. Aller: I guess I would just like to remind everybody that I believe we have one more upcoming th Mayor Is In on the 28 so feel free to come down and see Mayor Laufenburger and give him a piece of your mind on how things are going here in Chanhassen. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. th Aanenson: Thank you. On Monday, May 11 the City Council did hear the Children’s Learning center. They did table action to clarify the site plan conditions and the PUD so that is on for consent next Tuesday. That’s all I had that was on for that meeting. If I may Chair I’ll go onto our future items. Aller: Please. nd Aanenson: We do have a meeting on June 2. Two weeks from tonight and that will include an interim use permit for grading on, this is on the Holasek Greenhouse property so there’s someone looking forward, pursuing potential development there. Again that’s guided office industrial so you’ll see potentially something on like that. And then we do have a variance request for Lund’s Food Holdings. As you know Byerly’s and Lund’s have combined so their sign, their new sign 18