Soils ReportBRAUN I NTE RTEC The Science You Build On. May 14, 2015 Mr. Tom Gonyea Estate Development Corporation 15250 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 101 Wayzata, MN 55391 Re: Test Pit Observations Lake Lucy Road Site Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue Chanhassen, Minnesota Dear Mr. Gonyea: Braun Intertec Corporation Phone: 952.995.2000 11001 Hampshire Avenue S Fax: 952.995.2020 Minneapolis, MN 55438 Web: braunintertec,com Project B1503769 We recently completed test pit observations for a proposed 4 -lot single-family residential development in Chanhassen, Minnesota. The purpose of the test pit observations was to assist you and your design team in evaluating the subsurface soil conditions with regard to designing and constructing the new development. Site Conditions This site is mostly wooded with some open space in the boulevard area along Lake Lucy Road. The boulevard area is also about 4 to 8 feet higher than Lake Lucy Road with a high point elevation of about 1040. The northwest side of the property slopes down into a wetland at an elevation of about 1000. An existing house is also present on this site. Test Pit Observations A total of 4 shallow test pits were excavated on May 6, 2015 on the lower side of the slope on this property. The test pits were taken on the north side of the existing slope on this property. The soils observed in the test pits generally consisted of about 1 to 11/2 feet of organic clay topsoil followed by lean clay or sandy lean clay to the termination depths of the test pits of around 3 feet. The test pits were terminated at shallow depths to avoid disturbing the roots of the trees on this property. At this depth, the soils observed also consisted of glacially deposited soils that were judged to be stiff. We also noted several small mounds of soil on the lower part of the north -facing slope that appeared to be fill soils. The backhoe dug into these shallow mounds and it was determined that these mounds were fill soils. AA/r.0r. Estate Development Corporation Project B1503769 May 14, 2015 Page 2 Recommendations Based on the results of our test pit observations, we recommend removing the fill soils and topsoil from beneath the proposed future houses and then placing engineered fill as needed to construct the house pads. The excavations to remove poor soil should also be extended laterally at least 1 foot for each foot of fill required below the proposed house pads (1:1 oversizing). A geotechnical engineer should evaluate the suitability of the soils in the bottoms of these excavations prior to placing compacted fill. As the fill soils are placed on the future house pads, we recommend benching into the natural sloped soils to key the fill soils into the existing slopes. The benches should be at least 8 feet wide and be constructed about every 4 to 5 feet vertically. The fill soils should be placed in thin lifts with each lift compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of the standard Proctor dry density (ASTM D 698). If clayey soils are used to construct the house pads, the moisture content of the fill soils should be no less than 1 percentage point below and no more than 3 percentage points above the soils optimum moisture content. If the compacted fill soils on individual lots exceed 10 feet, we also recommend a construction delay between site grading and house construction of 3 to 6 months be implemented so that the clay fill can consolidate under its own weight. If a construction delay is not possible, some of the house pads can be constructed with imported sand fill and limiting the thickness of clay fill to 10 feet or less. If the house pads are constructed as recommended, it is our opinion that the natural clayey soils as well as the compacted fill soils should be suitable to support the proposed houses using typical spread footing foundations sized for a maximum net allowable soil bearing pressure of up to 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). Construction Observations and Testing As the house pads are being prepared, we recommend that a geotechnical engineer be present to observe the suitability of the soils to support the additional fill and house loads. Compaction testing should also be completed on the fill soils used to construct the house pads. BRAUN INTERTEC Estate Development Corporation Project B1503769 May 14, 2015 Page 3 Remarks In performing its services, Braun Intertec used that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of its profession currently practicing in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made. If you have any questions about this report, please contact Henry Vloo at 952.995.2238 or hvloo@braLrnintertec.com. Sincerely, BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION Professional Certification: I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Henry Vloo, PE Associate Principal — Senior Engineer HENRY VLOO, PE License Number: 21140 '., 21140 May 13, 2015 , o`a •• I Ray A. Huber, PE Vice President —Principal Engineer Attachments: Sketch of Test Pit Locations c: Mr. Mark Rausch; Alliant Engineering BRAUN INTERTEC