Preliminary Subdivision and Rezoning Request NarrativeConcept Plan Submittal May 11, 2015 Segal Property – Maple Grove, MN Page 1 of 5 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION AND REZONING SUBMITTAL NARRATIVE GLACCUM PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA June 5, 2015 SITE INFORMATION Legal Description: Beginning at a point in the center of the Public Road 331 feet East of the Quarter Section corner between Sections 2 and 3, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the 5th Principal Meridian; thence North along a North and South road 331.8 feet; thence East 402 feet to Gust Johnson's land; thence South 2 degrees 20 minutes West 332.2 feet to an East and West road; thence West along said road 385.5 feet to place of beginning, situated in the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota. Address: 1510 Lake Lucy Road, Chanhassen, MN PID: 250022900 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION AND REZONING REQUEST The proposed plan consists of a low density single family residential development with 4 single family homes lots. The proposed development will require rezoning the property from RR – Rural Residential District to RSF – Single Family Residential District. The proposed rezoning of the property from RR to RSF would provide a per acre unit density consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan land use plan. EXISTING SITE DESCRIPTION The development site is 3.120 acres and is bound by Lake Lucy Road to the south, Yosemite Ave., to the west, Shadow Ridge 2nd Addition to the east and north. The property is currently used for one single family home with two accessory garage buildings. The existing residence driveway connects directly to Lake Lucy Road. The property has significant topography with a slope cutting from west to east through the property. The southern portion of the site is above the slope and the north half is on the low side. The higher elevation areas of the site primarily drain northerly over the existing slope to the lower half of the property. The lower north half of the property contains a wetland that is a portion of a larger wetland that extends northerly offsite. The lower area of the site and wetland is in landlocked drainage condition with the nearest overflow elevation roughly 13 feet above the wetland delineation elevation. The existing slope through the site is currently not very stable Concept Plan Submittal May 11, 2015 Segal Property – Maple Grove, MN Page 2 of 5 with several existing trees having fallen and uprooted. Approximately 78% of the useable site area is covered with tree canopy. The dominant tree species on the site is Box Elder with some Ash and Basswood, there are only a small amount of Oak, Elm or Maple. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION The application area has a current and future Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation of Residential Low Density. The surrounding land use is also mostly Residential Low Density. The land directly north of the property has a land use of Parks Open Space and there is a portion of land south and west of the property that is Residential Large Lot. The Residential Low Density land use guides for single family housing density of 1.2 – 4.0 units per acre. The City has used an average of 2 units per acres for projection of land demand. The proposed development plan has a density of 2.16 units per net acre and so is consistent with the current and future Comprehensive Guide Plan land use for the property. ZONING CLASSIFICATION The property has a current zoning classification of RR – Rural Residential District. The properties to the north, south, and east of the development site are also zoned RSF – Single Family Residential District. The properties west of Yosemite Ave and southwest of the project site are zoned RR. The proposed development plan will require rezoning from RR to RSF – Single Family Residential District, which is consistent with adjacent developments and consistent with the current land use plan for the property. PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL PRELMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN The applicant’s intent is to create a 4 lot single family residential development that is enhanced by the proximity to the open space and wetland onsite and offsite to the north. The development plan is consistent with the existing developments directly to the east and south of the property and is considerate of market demands. The project also is consistent with the density requirements of the City’s current and proposed land use plan. The homebuilder for the lots will be David Weekley Homes. David Weekley Homes is a privately owned homebuilder who has recently entered the Twin Cities market. This development would be there first project in the area. Concept Plan Submittal May 11, 2015 Segal Property – Maple Grove, MN Page 3 of 5 The following is a brief summary of primary project elements currently proposed: Primary Site Features • 4 Single family homes • Extension of public sanitary sewer to the west property boundary. • Granting additional Lake Lucy Road right of way and permanent dedication of Yosemite Ave and Lake Lucy Road right of way. • Preservation of onsite wetland and wooded wetland buffer. • Provision of additional wetland buffer beyond that required by City wetland regulations. • Creation of a safe 4-legged intersection Lake Lucy Road and Lakeway Drive. • Removal of the existing deteriorating retaining wall adjacent to Lake Lucy Road. • Removal of an existing septic and drainfield improving water quality in the onsite wetland. • Installation of stormwater management facilities to provide volume control, water quality and rate control for runoff from the new roadway prior to discharging to the onsite wetland. • Enhanced development landscaping including tree planting along Lake Lucy Road and the east property line. Concept Plan Areas Gross Acreage 3.12 acres Wetland Area 0.45 acres Wetland Buffer Area 0.22 acres Yosemite Ave and Lake Lucy Road R/W Dedication 0.60 acres Net Buildable Acreage 1.85 acres Net Density 2.16 units per acre Lot Dimensions Required Provided Width along R/W Standard Lot 90’(minimum) 90’ Width at Front Setback Cul-De-Sac Lot 90’(minimum) 90’ Corner Lot Width 90’(minimum) 100’ Lot Depth 125’(minimum) 148’ Lot Size Minimum 15,000 sf 16,870 sf Lot Area Average 23,959 sf (0.55 acres) Setbacks Side Setbacks 10’ 10’ Setback to Public Right of Way 30’ 30’ Front Setback 30’ 30’ Rear Setback 30’ 30’ Concept Plan Submittal May 11, 2015 Segal Property – Maple Grove, MN Page 4 of 5 Site Access and Pedestrian Circulation The proposed development will be create a new cul-de-sac connection to Lake Lucy Road in alignment with the existing Lakeway Drive to the south creating a 4-legged intersection. Three of the proposed homes will be connected to the new cul-de-sac and the remaining home will have a driveway connection to Yosemite Avenue. The project is not proposing any new sidewalk internal to the project. The existing trail along Lake Lucy road will be removed and reconstructed within the project limits. Currently, the trail is located right on the back of the Lake Lucy Road curb but the proposed plan will shift it 2’ back from the curb to be similar to the existing trail section to the east of the site. Grading The site and slope will be regraded to develop the 4 home pad sites and cul-de-sac roadway. Per City requirement all proposed graded slopes will not exceed 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain The project will connect to public sanitary sewer in Lakeway Drive. The trunk sewer will be extended to the north to the new cul-de-sac via directional drilling to avoid disturbance to Lakeway Drive and Lake Lucy Road. The trunk sewer will also be extended to the west property limit along the north side of Lake Lucy Road right of way to service the proposed westerly lot and for future development west of the site. The site will connect to public watermain in the Lake Lucy Road. A trunk watermain will be extended northerly into the new cul-de-sac to provide service to three lots. The fourth lot will require an individual service connection to the trunk watermain in Lake Lucy Road. Stormwater Management The development is located within the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, however, the City of Chanhassen and the City’s Surface Water Management Plan provides governmental jurisdiction. The proposed development’s stormwater management plan does provide the required volume control, water quality, and peak rate control. The development will provide stormwater management via an underground infiltration storage pipe. Runoff from the new cul- de-sac will be pretreated with a sump manhole prior to discharging into the perforated infiltration pipe. The pipe is sized to infiltrate the volume equivalent to 1” of runoff over the proposed additional impervious surface. In larger events the pipe will discharge to the wetland onsite. The wetland complex is a regional landlocked low area so a back to back 100 year flood analysis was completed to verify there are no flooding concerns. The natural overflow to the wetland is towards the SW and is roughly 13’ above the wetland delineation at an elevation of 1012.5, however, the back to back 100 year flood level is only around 1001. The lowest floor proposed on the project is 1013 or 6” above the natural overflow so there is no flooding concern for the proposed homes. Concept Plan Submittal May 11, 2015 Segal Property – Maple Grove, MN Page 5 of 5 Tree Preservation The estimated baseline tree canopy coverage for the existing site is 78% of the net area (excluding perimeter right of way dedication and wetland areas). Per the City code, low density residential is then allowed to remove to a limit of 46% tree canopy prior to requirement of mitigation. The development plan proposes to maintain tree canopy coverage of 17% and thus tree replacement is required. A total of 29 trees are proposed to be replanted per City regulations. Landscaping The landscape plan for the project will include boulevard trees within the 4 new lots. The required mitigation trees have been proposed along Lake Lucy Road and along the project’s east boundary adjacent to existing homes. The proposed trees are a mix of deciduous, coniferous, and ornamental. Since Lake Lucy is defined as a collector road, the development is required to create buffering landscape along that frontage. Enhanced buffer landscaping including shrub and ornamental tree plantings have been proposed along Lake Lucy Road. The proposed single family yards will be vegetated with typical residential turf grass and the wetland buffer area will be vegetated with wetland buffer seed mix. TIMING/PHASING If the City approves the preliminary subdivision and rezoning request, it is the Applicant’s desire to proceed immediately with application for final review in hopes for possible construction in Fall 2015. CONCLUSION The applicant respectfully concludes that the request for a rezoning and preliminary subdivision approval will allow for a development consistent with City Goals and Objectives for this area. A rezoning to a RSF will allow for a single family subdivision consistent with the adjacent land uses surrounding the property and provides for density goals of the area.