WETLAND DELINEATION BOPRAY 05062015Wetland Delineation Report Arbor Glen Chanhassen, Minnesota Prepared for: Mark Eklo and Sathre-Bergquist Inc. May 6, 2015 BES Project No. 2015.011 Wetland Delineation Report Arbor Glen Chanhassen, Minnesota May 6, 2015 Background Bopray Environmental Services LLC (BES) has completed a wetland delineation on an approximately 10 acre site located in the NW ¼, NW ¼, SW ¼, Sections 24, T116N, R23W, City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota (Figure 1). The site consists of open field with a steep slope down to an extensive wetland along the south side of the property. The topography of the north half of the site is fairly flat with a 30 foot drop to the wetland on the south side of the site according to the U.S.G.S. quadrangle topographic map (Figure 2). The approximate wetland boundaries are shown on an aerial photo in Figure 3. Sathre-Bergquist Inc. surveyed the wetland boundaries and incorporated them into the site plans (Appendix A). The purpose of this delineation was to identify wetlands on the site for planning purposes for site development and for regulatory purposes. Methodologies The site was evaluated for wetlands based on the methods contained in the “Level 2 Routine Wetland Delineation” section of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers “Wetland Delineation Manual” (Technical Report Y87-1, 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Midwest Region. This is the methodology currently used to determine wetlands by both the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for implementation of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act. According to the Climatology Working Groups’ webpage, the Wetland Delineation Report Arbor Glen, Chanhassen, MN BES Project No. 2015-011 May 6, 2015 2 area was at 90-125% of normal year to date precipitation at the time of the site visit. Results Wetland A Wetland A is eastern end of a large depressional basin that encroaches on the south end of the property. The wetland is a Palustrine, Emergent, Seasonally Flooded, drained, (PEMCd) shallow marsh. Off site to the west there is an open water area in the basin. Sample point SA- W is dominated by lake bank sedge (Carex lacustris). The vegetation community met the dominance test and had a prevalence index of 1.13. Soils in the wetland consisted of four inches of 10YR 2/1 sandy loam, over 10YR 3/1 sandy loam with 4% 10YR 3/4 iron concentrations (F6). Below 10 inches the soil was still frozen at the time of the site visit. The water table (A2) was observed in the soil pit at a depth of 7 inches and the soil was saturated to the surface (A3). The other wetland hydrology indicator observed in the wetland included Inundation visible on aerial imagery (B7), geomorphic position (D2) and a positive FAC-neutral test (D5). The adjacent upland vegetation was sampled on a slight topographic rise on the toe slope of the slope. Sample point SA-U is dominated by Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis), and smooth brome grass (Bromus inermis). The vegetation community did not meet the dominance test and had a prevalence index of 3.51. The upland soils consisted of 3 inches of 10YR 5/3 sandy loam, over seven inches of 10YR 3/2 sandy loam, over 11 inches of 10YR 3/1 sandy loam with 10% 10YR 3/4 iron concentrations, over 10YR 3/2 course sandy loam. The water table was observed at a depth of 28 inches and saturated soil was at a depth of 26 inches in the upland soil pit. There were no wetland hydrology indicators observed at the upland sampling point. The wetland boundary was generally staked along a slight topographic break and a change in the plant community. Resource Maps Review The National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) (Figure 4) does identify a wetland on the south side of the site in the approximate location as BES delineated Wetland A. The NWI classified the portion of the basin on the site as a Palustrine, Emergent, Seasonally Flooded, drained (PEMCd) wetland. The DNR Protected Waters Inventory map (Figure 5) does identify the basin as public waters wetland 214w on the site. The DNR has not established the ordinary high- water (OHW) elevation for the basin yet. The Carver County Soils Survey (Figure 6) shows the site is predominantly mapped as the russet-Lester-Kilkenny complex (YC, YD), with Kilkenny- Lester loams (KB) at the top of the slope and Terril loam (TB) at the bottom of the slope. The wetland area of the site is mapped as the Houghton and Muskego soils (MK). The Russet- Lester-Kilkenny complex, and Kilkenny-Lester loam soil map units are listed as having 0% inclusions of hydric soils. The Terril loam soil map unit is listed as having 10% inclusions of hydric soils. The Houghton and Muskego soil map unit is listed as having 100% hydric soils. Wetland Delineation Report Arbor Glen, Chanhassen, MN BES Project No. 2015-011 May 6, 2015 3 Wetland Classification BES’ classification of the wetlands is based on observations of the site and is include in Table 1 below. Table 2. Summary of Wetland Characteristics Basin Class Circ. 39 Type Isolated Y/N Comments Wetland A PEMCd 3 N Wetland A is fringe of a wetland basin that extends off site to the west. It appears that the basin is tributary to Bluff Creek to the southwest. Jurisdiction Table 2 indicates whether the wetlands are isolated or not for purposes of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) jurisdiction under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This determination is made by BES in the field at the time of the delineation and is essentially our best professional opinion based on the portion of the particular wetland we observed. In some cases, only a small portion of the wetland edge that is present on the property being delineated is evaluated. If no inlets or outlets are observed in the evaluated area, and none are evident on topographic maps or aerial photos, we are inclined to determine the wetland is isolated. However, since the entire wetland is sometimes not assessed, it is possible that inlets and/or outlets do exist and that the wetland has a surface connection to a federal “navigable” water and, thus, falls within the jurisdiction of Section 404. Therefore, a determination by BES of whether a particular wetland is isolated or not should not be considered a final determination with regard to COE jurisdiction until the COE concurs with the determination. The basin including Wetland A appears to have a surface connection to a tributary to Bluff Creek which in turn is flows to the Minnesota River which is a traditional navigable waters of the US. The COE will likely take jurisdiction over Wetland A. The basin including Wetland A is identified on the protected waters inventory so the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will have jurisdiction over wetlands on this site up to the OHW elevation. The areas of Wetland A above the OHW are regulated under the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) which is administered by the City of Chanhassen as the Local Government Unit (LGU). A copy of this report should be submitted to the Corps of Engineers and the LGU responsible for administering the WCA. Supplying these agencies with reports will serve the dual purpose of determining which agencies have jurisdiction and beginning the process of obtaining Wetland Delineation Report Arbor Glen, Chanhassen, MN BES Project No. 2015-011 May 6, 2015 4 concurrence with the delineated wetland boundaries. If the on-site wetlands may be affected during site construction, all necessary permits should be obtained prior to construction. The site survey with the wetland boundaries is included in Appendix A. Additional information regarding the wetlands’ vegetation, soils and hydrology is included in Appendix B. Ground level photos of the wetlands are included in Figure 7. The information contained herein represents the findings of BES during wetland evaluation activities conducted April 23, 2015 at the referenced site. Respectfully, Bopray Environmental Services LLC ______________________________ _______________________ Kelly J. Bopray Date Professional Soil Scientist Certified Wetland Delineator Enclosures Figure 1. Location Map Arbor Glen Chanhassen, Minnesota Project No. 2015.011  N Not to Scale Approximate Site Location Figure 2. USGS Quadrangle Map Arbor Glen Chanhassen, Minnesota Project No. 2015.011  N Not to Scale Approximate Limits of Wetland Delineation Figure 3. Aerial Photo With Approximate Wetland Boundaries Arbor Glen Chanhassen, Minnesota Project No. 2015.011 Wetland A SA-W SA-U Approximate Site Boundaries Figure 4. National Wetland Inventory Map Arbor Glen Chanhassen, Minnesota Project No. 2015.011 Approximate Site Boundaries Approximate Site Boundaries Figure 5. DNR Protected Waters Inventory Map Arbor Glen Chanhassen, Minnesota Project No. 2015.011 Approximate Site Location  N Not to Scale Figure 6. Carver County Soil Survey Map Arbor Glen Chanhassen, Minnesota Project No. 2015.011  N Not to Scale Soil Map Unit Legend KB Kilkenny-Lester loams, 2-6% slopes, 0% Hydric soils. MK Houghton and Muskego soils, 100% Hydric soils. TB Terril loam, 0-6% slopes, 10% Hydric soils. YC Russet-Lester-Kilkenny complex, 6-12% slopes, 0% Hydric soils. YD Russet-Lester-Kilkenny complex, 12-18% slopes, 0% Hydric soils. Approximate Site Boundaries Figure 7. Ground Photos Arbor Glen Chanhassen, Minnesota Project No. 2015.011 Wetland A looking west along the wetland boundary. Soil profile SA-U, above and SA-W below. The wetland soil was still frozen at a depth of 10 inches. Note the brown matrix colors in the upland soil vs. the dark gray in the wetland just 10 feet away. Appendix A Appendix B