02.1 AG P8 PREP8 Urban Catchment Model, Version 3.4 Run Date 06/05/15 Case ArborGlenEX.p8c FirstDate 01/01/71 Precip(in) 514.7 Title Arbor Glen LastDate 12/19/81 Rain(in) 411.53 PrecFile p8_default.pcp Events 897 Snow(in) 103.15 PartFile nurp50.p8p TotalHrs 96048 TotalYrs 10.96 Case Title Arbor Glen Case Data File ArborGlenEX.p8c Path C:\P8\ Case Notes: Storm Data File p8_default.pcp Particle File nurp50.p8p Air Temp File File p8_default.tmp Time Steps Per Hour 4 Minimum Inter-Event Time (hrs) 10 Maximum Continuity Error % 2 Rainfall Breakpoint (inches) 0.8 Precipitation Scale Factor 1 Air Temp Offset (deg-F) 0 Loops Thru Storm File 1 Simulation Dates Start 6/1/1970 Keep 1/1/1971 Stop 12/19/1981 Max Snowfall Temperature (deg-f) 32.0 SnowMelt Temperature (deg-f) 32.0 Snowmelt Coef (in/degF-Day) 0.06 Soil Freeze Temp (deg-F) 32.0 Snowmelt Abstraction Factor 1.00 Evapo-Trans. Calibration Factor 1.00 Growing Season Start Month 5 Growing Season End Month 10 5-Day Antecedent Rainfall + Runoff (inches) CN Antecedent Moisture Condition AMC-II AMC-III Growing Season 1.40 2.10 NonGrowing Season 0.50 1.10 Watershed Data Watershed Name DA: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff to Device PRE-DEVELOPMENT Infiltration to Device Watershed Area 6 SCS Curve Number (Pervious) 69 Scale Factor for Pervious Runoff Load 1 Indirectly Connected Imperv Fraction 0.025 UnSwept Impervious Fraction 0 UnSwept Depression Storage (inches) 0.02 UnSwept Imperv. Runoff Coefficient 1 UnSwept Scale Factor for Particle Loads 1 P8 - PRE DEVELOPMENT Swept Impervious Fraction 0 Swept Depression Storage (inches) 0.02 Swept Imperv. Runoff Coefficient 1 Swept Scale Factor for Particle Loads 1 Sweeping Frequency 1 Sweeping Efficiency 1 Sweeping Start Date (MMDD) 501 Sweeping Stop Date (MMDD) 1031 Device Data Device Name PRE-DEVELOPMENT Device Type PIPE Infiltration Outlet Normal Outlet Spillway Outlet Particle Removal Scale Factor Bottom Elevation (ft) Bottom Area (acres) Permanent Pool Area (acres) Permanent Pool Volume (ac-ft) Perm Pool Infilt Rate (in/hr) Flood Pool Area (acres) Flood Pool Volume (ac-ft) Flood Pool Infilt Rate (in/hr) Infilt Basin Void Fraction (%) Detention Pond Outlet Parameters Outlet Type Outlet Orifice Diameter (in) Orifice Discharge Coef Outlet Weir Length (ft) Weir Discharge Coef Perforated Riser Height (ft) Number of Holes in Riser Holes Diameter Flood Pool Drain Time (hrs) Swale Parameters Length of Flow Path (ft) Slope of Flow Path % Bottom Width (ft) Side Slope (ft-v/ft-h) Maximum Depth of Flow (ft) Mannings n Constant Hydraulic Model Pipe, Splitter, Aquifer Parameter Hydraulic Res. Time (hrs) 1 Particle Data Particle File nurp50.p8p Particle Class P0% P10% P30% P50% P80% Filtration Efficiency (%) 90 100 100 100 100 Settling Velocity (ft/hr) 0 0.03 0.3 1.5 15 First Order Decay Rate (1/day)0 0 0 0 0 2nd Order Decay (1/day-ppm)0 0 0 0 0 Impervious Runoff Conc (ppm)1 0 0 0 0 Pervious Runoff Conc (ppm) 1 100 100 100 200 Pervious Conc Exponent 0 1 1 1 1 Accum. Rate (lbs-ac-day) 0 1.75 1.75 1.75 3.5 Particle Removal Rate (1/day)0 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 Washoff Coefficient 0 20 20 20 20 Washoff Exponent 0 2 2 2 2 Sweeper Efficiency 0 0 0 5 15 Water Quality Component Data Component Name TSS TP TKN CU PB ZN HC Water Quality Criteria (ppm) Level 1 5 0.025 2 2 0.02 5 0.1 Level 2 10 0.05 1 0.0048 0.014 0.0362 0.5 Level 3 20 0.1 0.5 0.02 0.15 0.38 1 Content Scale Factor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Particle Composition (mg/kg) P0% 0 99000 600000 13600 2000 640000 250000 P10% 1000000 3850 15000 340 180 1600 22500 P30% 1000000 3850 15000 340 180 1600 22500 P50% 1000000 3850 15000 340 180 1600 22500 P80% 1000000 0 0 340 180 0 22500 LOAD (LB/YR) Variable OVERALL PRE- DEVELOP MENT P0% 9.4 9.4 P10% 77.1 77.1 P30% 77.1 77.1 P50% 77.1 77.1 P80% 154.1 154.1 TSS 385.3 385.3 TP 1.8 1.8 TKN 9.1 9.1 CU 0.3 0.3 PB 0.1 0.1 ZN 6.4 6.4 HC 11 11 PRE DEVELOPMENT RESULTS