Sathre-Bergquist Transmittal 06-05-2015a�'�Rs S`R`S SATHRE—BERGQUIST9 INC. 150 S. BROADWAY, WAYZATA, MINNESOTA 55391 TEL: (952) 476-6000 FAx: (952) 476-0104 WEB: WWW.SATHRE.COM Transmittal To: Bob Generous Date: June 5, 2015 Company/City: City of Chanhassen Job #: 23605-001 :,IT! OFCHANHASSE`: Department: Planning From: Dan Schmidt RECEIVED Address: 7700 Market Boulevard Project: Arbor Glen JUN n 8 2015 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT x Herewith ❑ Fed Ex ❑ Under separate cover x Courier ❑ Mail ❑ Hand delivery F1 Pink un Item/Revision Date -5—uanbty Format Description 1 8.5x11 Narrative 1 Report Arbor Glen - StormWaterQuali and Quantity Plan 1 Re ort Storm Sewer Desion 1 Repo Arbor Glen - Construction Specs 7 22x34 Arbor Glen - Final Construction Plans 1 11x17 Arbor Glen - Final Construction Plans reductions 1 8.5x11 Arbor Glen - Final Construction Plans reductions 7 22x34 I Arbor Glen - Preliminary and Final Plat 1 11x17 I Arbor Glen - Preliminary and Final Plat reductions 1 8.5x11 Arbor Glen - Preliminary and Final Plat reductions 7 22x34 ALTA Survey/Existing Conditions 1 11x17 ALTA Survey/Existing Conditions - Reductions 1 8.5x11 ALTA Survey/Existing conditions -Reductions 1 8.5x11 Lot Tabulation 1 Report Wetland Delineation Report 1 Re ort Soil Borin s 1 Report Title Commitment 1 1 Re ort Environmental Stud 1 8.5x11 Permits 1 8.5x11 Applications(Mark needs to get si nitures, I have a 1 Check Checks 1 Disc Arbor Glen- PDF'S ormat CodesD=Digital; Sk=Sketch; P=Plan; Ps=Plan set; M=Mylar. T=Transparency; R=Reduction; O=Odglnal; B=Bound Fonn Notes/Comments All of the above items can be found at https:/Iapp.box.com/s/rr8anx2l khbh9idwta74sxek5zwbh79e W:\S-B Proj\23605-001 CHANHASSEN - ARBOR GLEN - Mark Eklo\INFO\Correspondence\Transmittal\TRANS 6052015 GENEROUS.doc