G-1. 2016-2020 Park, Trail Acquisition and Development CIP ��'..� '._ _. CITY O:ti'y MEMORANDUM � i, C"""""""'����� TO: Pai-k and Recreation Coinmission 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 FROM: Todd Hoffinan, Park & Recreation Director ��� � �:. � '� Chanhassen,IVlfv�.��i l � � DATE: June 23, 2015 Administration Phone:952.22�.110o SUBJ: Initiate Discussion Regarding Reconunendation to City Council, Fax�952.227.1110 2016 through 2020 Park and Trail Acquisition and Developinent Building Inspections Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Phone 952.227.1180 Fax 952.227.1190 Aiulually the Park and Recreation Commission is responsible for making a recommendation to the City Council concerning the 5-Year Park and Trail Engineerin� Acquisition and Developinent Capital Improvement Progran7 (CIP). The commission Phone:952227.����o Will have up to two months to work on this recoinmendation starting at this ineeting Fax:952 227 I1�o and concluding at the August meeting. Responding to comTnission direction over the Finance next two months, staff will provide a recoinmended 5-Year CIP for your Phone�95222�.��4o consideration on August 25, 2015. Fax:952.2�7.I i10 Coinmissioners are asked to i-eview the cur7•ent set of projects in the CIP in addition �ark�,t�ecrea�io�r to considering any other potential projects. This discussion is intended to give the Phone:�52.22z112o commission an opportunity to review its goals sm-rounding capital improvements over Fax:��222�.1�I10 the next five years, propose priorities, and seek additional information. Ia;;r,re�fion Genfer 23�o Coulter Boulevard The Park and Trail Acguisition and Developmeilt CIP pro�-am accounts for all major Phone�952 z27.140o park and trail acquisitions and improvements. The park dedication fund is used to �ax�952.2��.i4o4 finance the majority of these activities. Park dedication funds are collected througli the developinent of residential, coinlnercial and industrial property. The cui-��ent ����`��'�'i����j balance in the ark dedication fund is a ioxiinatel $1 904 000. The iernise foi• Na4�u•al ResouecL� P pl�� Y > > p' Phone�952.227.����3o these fees is that development of vacant properties results in increased needs for Fax:95222�11 lo public park and trail amenities. In order to fulfill or meet these new deinands for services,park dedication fees are collected and used to acquire parkland, build parks Public uuor��zs and h•ails, purchase playgrounds, construct picnic shelters, build ball fields, plant 7901 Park Place trees, etc. Phone:952.22%.1300 Fax:952.227��io General tax levy dollars are also used for soine projects, primar•ily those that involve Senior Cent�� the replacement oi-refurbishment of old or outdated iinprovelnents. For example, in Phone:952.22�'i��25 2014 through 2018, new neighborhood park picnic shelters valued at $500,000 ai-e Fax�952227.�110 being installed using general fund levy dollars. Website www ci.chanhasscn.mn.us g:\park\tl�\cip\prc report 6-23-IS.docx Che�iihas5en is a Community for Life-Providliig iorloday and Planniny iorlomorrovd Park &Recreation Coinmission June 23, 2015 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission initiate a discussiarl concerning the 2016-2020 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement Prograin (CIP) and begin the process of assigning pr•iority rankings to specific projects. In addition, it is recominended that annual expenses in the pa��k dedication fuizd CIP average $300,000 or less per year over the neXt five years. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2016-2020 CIP Worksheets 2. Current Park and Trail Fund CIP Project Sheets 3. 2016 Budget Calendar � � � � � _ � � n v � 0 x s � :-° 'G X O G � A rt N O N � n � N O o � N � V y T � � e�F N O F� � N O F, �O N O N O � � � � � x � v I n � v � 0 x- s � r° �p X O � �• n rt N O F+ Q1 n � N 0 O � F- � V N S � � r-F N O F+ 00 N O � t0 N O N O c� � � � � _ � � 'n v � 0 �- � m `D 'O X ON �• n � N O F, 01 n � ' N � , V N I �D I� r� �� � I N O N � N O F� lD N O N O � � v � � x � v n v � 0 �- � � r° 'G � O fD r�+ N O �-► � n � N � O � F+ 7� V � � � � e�F N O F+ � N O F, �O N O N O City of Chanhassen, NIl�T Capital Improvement P�og�am 2015 tt„u 2019 PROJECTS BY FUNDING SO�,�2CE Source Pro,ject# PrPority 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Totai � Assessment/Revolving Assess Fanc� TennisCourtRefurbishmer.t PK&T-072 nla 150,OD0 1b0,000 AssessmentlRevolving Assess Fund`Y'otal 150,000 f50,000 Capitai Replacement E uipment Fund MowerReplacement-Park EQ-?04 n!a 95,000 104,000 189,000 TractorReplacement-Park E�-?08 nla 16,000 16,OD0 32,000 Be�iRearMountMower E�-117 nla 10,000 �p,ppp Att�letic Field TudAe�ator EQ-139 nla 31,000 31,000 Recreation Center Revltaiization P:oject EQ-140 n/a 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,OOD 925,400 EnUy Signs-Bandime;e Park 8 Lake Susan Park PK&T 126 nla 60,OQ0 60,000 Capital Replacement Eqrripment Fund 177,000 101,000 129,000 25,D00 25,000 457,OD0 Total General Fund Sur lus Neighborhood Park Picnic Shelter Initiative PK&T-120 nla 100,000 100,000 10Q,0�0 1D0,000 d00,000 General Fund Surplus Total 100,OQ0 10Q000 100,000 100,000 4Q0,000 Other A�ency Cantribution Reconstruct-Cty Rd 61 from TH 101 to Gharlson Rd ST•033 nla 34,000,000 34,000,000 I�' Other Agency ContribuNon Total 3d,000,0U0 34,000,000 I ark Dedicat'ron Fund �I PicnicTableslParic@enches PK&T-042 n!a t0,C00 t0,000 10,000 10,000 10,0�0 50,000 Tj�g PK&T-043 Na 15,C00 15,000 15,Q00 15,060 15,000 75,D0� Camden Ridge Trall PK&T-075 nla 50,000 50,000 Chanhassen Native Preserve Trail,Final Phase PK&T-099 Na 90,OQ0 90,000 AthleGc Field Lighting PK&T-119 nfa 400,OU0 400,000 Fenced Cug Out-Lake Ann Park PK&T-f2i Na 50,C00 50,000 Hockey Rink-Bandimere Communiiy Park PK&T-?22 nla 46d,000 480,000 Bandimere Community Park Picnic Shelter PK&T-123 nla 500,d00 5p0,000 Soccer Fieid�ence-Bandimere Communi;y Park PK&T-124 nla 40,000 20,000 Galpin Blvd 7rail Extension PK&T-?25 nla 150,0�0 150,000 Recanstruc;-Cty Rd 61 from TH 101 to Cha�son Rd ST-033 rJa 150,000 150,000 Park Y3edication�'und'�otal 445,000 485,Od0 425,400 515,000 525,Oq0 1,995,OG0 �arface Water Utility�'und Galpin BEvd T�ai!Ex!ension PK&T 125 nla 25,000 25,000 Source Projcet# Priarity 26fl5 2a16 2017 2018 2019 Total Surface Water Utility Fund Total 25,OOD 25,000 �RANll�'fJTAL 34,747,000 686,000 854,000 240,000 7UO,OOD 37,017,QOQ I Capital Tmprovement Progra�n ZQ 15 thru 2019 �epartment Park&T*ail Improvements �ity of Chanhassen, N� Contact Todd Ho'gman Project# PKBL�-o7� Type Impravement Usctul L°efe 25 years Pro�e�t Mame T�nnis Caurt Refurbishme�t category Da�k �I Account#1 Aceount#.3 Priori4y n!s AceQunt#2 Account#4 Description Totai Project Castc $35Q,G�00 Reseuface a*�d crack seal tennis courts at Lake Susan Parlc,Meadcw Green Park,North Lotvs Lake�'ark,South Lotus Lake Park and the Chanhassen Recreation Center, Justification We have deiiberateiy limited the number of courts constructed within our system to lower overali maintenance costs associated with tennis courts. '3'he courts we do offer are kept in�layabie cordition through patching and:esurfacing on a six to ten year cycle. f'rior Expenditures 2fl15 20�fi 2017 2018 2019 Tatal 2�Q,000 fNaintenance �5v,00� 150,000 Tot�l TOtal 150,000 150,000 1'rior Fundi�g Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 Z019 Total 2G0,0�0 AssessmenURevolving 15Q,�00 150,OOD Assess Fund Toiai Total ��0,000 150,000 Budget Impact/Clther Maintenar.ce an�operations costs. Capital Improvement Program 2O 1 S thru 2Q 19 Departrnent Major Equ�pment CI� �f G'�1$TEIlA$S8I]� �� Contact Todd Hoffman Project# EQ-1Q4 Type Equipment Useful Life rro�e�t tvam� Mower Repl�cement-P�rk r_.�r����,y v�rk Account t�l 400-0000-4705 Account#3 Priority n/a Accoant#2 Account#4 De9Crintlol� Tota!Praject Cost: $256,000 2015-2000 Toro 5808(#4S3) 2017-199&Toro 560D(#452) � I 7usti�ication The City had 4 high-production.grounds mowers. Each machine is used daily during the growing season and needs to be in good working condition. In 20I 2,the City:epiaced two 325�mowers with one large Toro 4000 mower. Tt is anticipated that staff will be able to mcw jast as much with one large mower. Prior Expendifures 20fl5 2ff�6 20�7 20I8 2019 Total 57,"C� Equipment 95,OQ0 t04,000 199,000 ToCai �'o�l 95,Q00 104,000 19?,QO� 1'r'sor Funding Sources 2015 201G 2017 2018 2019 Tofal 57,000 CaFitallReplacement 95,000 104,000 '99,000 Equipme�t Fund Tolal TOtSI 95,000 104,000 199,900 Budget Impact/Other Ca�ital Im�rovement Program 2d�5 ahr•u 2019 Department Major Equipmar.t City r�f Chanhassen, �� Coassct Todd Hoffinan Prc�ject# E�-106 �'ype Equ:pment UseSul LEfe Project Name Tractor�teplacement-Park car�a,y Park Account#II 400-0000-Q705 el,ecount#3 Priority nJa Account#2 �lccount#4 D03CriDt10t1 Tatal Pro,ject Costc $32,OQQ These tractors�re nse�'for feId maintenance at nark faailities. 20'.5- ?997 John Deere 455{#468) 2016- 1393 John Deere 455(#459) ' I � dustification These tractors are used for maintenance and lapkeep of base9a11�e[ds, The tra�tors wiil be I5 and 17 years old be;ore they are replaced. �xpenditures 2015 2Q16 2017 2018 2019 Ta�taE E�uipment 16,000 16,000 32,000 Tot81 16,060 16,U00 32,000 Fu�ding Sources 2d15 2016 8017 20F8 2U14 Total Capftai FZeplacemen', 16,000 16,�00 32,pQQ E�uipment Fs:nd Total 16,000 16,000 3z,W0 � Budget ImpacdC?ther Cagital I�nprove�nent Program 2��.5 thYu 20�9 Department Majo:Equipment �ity ���hat�assen, ll+�T cpnr��r roaa Ho�,� Project# EQ-117 Type Equipment Usefu!Life rro3ect Name Berti Rear Mount Mower Category Fark Aecount#1 4�4-OOQO-4705 Aecount#3 Priorfty n/a Accouret#2 Acco�nt#4 Description Totat Peoject Cost: sio,00a This purchase�s reqaired to maint�in a reiiable piece of eqaipment for mowing, 3nstifi�ation 6 This±racter meuntea attachment was pu;chased in 20Q6 aztd is used to rnow the SOC acre;.ark sys±em,w?�ich features S community pa;ks,22 nei��bQraood par�cs and SS miles af�ails and s�aetivatks. Mowing is done ir.t�'�e parks a.*:d 21ong:.he t.ails and sidewalks which:s hard an eqaipment. Growth in the par!c system creates additional work for this mower. This equi�rnent purc;�asa is consistent with the ec�uipment reptacement scheda!e. Expen€3itures 24115 2016 2017 2018 2619 Total Equipment 1Q,000 �p,qpQ TOt81 10,000 10,OOQ Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Capl;al Replacement 10,OD0 10,000 Equfpment Fund TO�aI 10,OD0 �O,QD� Budget Impact/Qther C�pital In�.provement P�ogram 2015 thr�u ��19 pepartment Majo�Eqaipment City o�Chaayhassen, �T co���r Todd Hoffman Project# EQ-Y39 TYpe Equipment Useful L'efe Pro�ect Name AthPetic Field Tarf Aerator Category Park Account#1 Aceouni#3 Priority n!a Account#2 Account#14 �85CY[Ut1Qt1 Total Prolect Cosk: �31,OOQ Toro-Pro Core 1298 Athletic F�eld T�rPAerator Justification Th?s piece of equipment w;il be used extensively to increase the health and overall condition of all playing fields within our park system. T"ne current piece of aeration equiper.ent ir.our fleet was purchased in d4&8 and is not adequate far proper maintenance. Ex�enditures 2015 2Q15 20�7 2018 2019 Total Equipment 35,000 3i,Q00 TOtBI 31,000 31,Q60 Funding Saurces 2015 ZU16 2017 2018 2019 Total Capi:al Rep!acement 3t,000 31,000 Equipment Fund ' �'p�] 31,0�0 31,000 Budget ImpacdOther I Capit�l Irr�provement Program 2015 tht'u ���9 Department Maior Equipment City of Cl�anhassen, MN c�nta�t Taaa xQ�»� Project# EQ-14E! Type Improvement Usefu[Life Project Name �ecreation Center Revitaljzatia�Project category Park Account#1 Accour.t#3 Priority Na Accouot#2 Account#4 Descriptian Total Project Cost: $125,000 PF�rchase of new fitness cer.ter equipmem,re�lacemeat carpet,countertops,window treatments throughout the facility,failing tables and chairs need replaeement,upgrades are required to the fitness center audio system for partioipants and a digital lobby information system is needed to improve customer experience at the Chanhassen RecreaEion Center. Justification The Recreation Center is entering its 24th Anniversary. Due to age,usage and wear;a number of items require replacement or upgrads at this time. 2015-replace trvo treadmi:ls,digital lobby information screen,FM audio transmitter for fitness center and replacement countertops for Conference Roem and L�ce Minnewashta Room 2016-replace elIiptical machine and replace carpet in lobby,office,Conference Room,Lake Ann Roam,Lotus Lake Raom and locker room 2037-replacement countertops for Lake Ann Room and Lotus Lake Roorn,window treatments for Lake Minnewashta and Lake Ann rooms and two upright bikes and ar.elliptical machine for fitness center 20l 8-window treatments for i,ake Susan and Lotus La1ce Rooms,replacamant countertops for locker rooms,ten padded chairs and five,eight foot tables and one stair climber and nvo elliptieal machines for fimess center 2019-window treatments for iitness eenter,stuciio and Conferenee Ttoom,ten padded chairs,four,six foot tables and a five foot rounci table and one elii tical machine,one treadmill and one recumbent bike for irtness center Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 25,OD0 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 TOtxl 25,Oe0 25,000 25,000 25,OQ0 25,000 125,OOD Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 201� 201� �otal Capitai Replacement 25,C00 25,OD0 25,OD0 25,OOJ 25,000 125,000 Equipmsnt Fund Tot�l 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Budget Impact/Qther Reduced repair costs and increased customer experience at the Recreation Center. Capital I�provement Program 2d15 t�tYu ZQ1 g �epartmea►t Park&Trail Improvemenis �.1� O�e112ii11iiiSS�II� �IN Contact Todd Hoffman Project# PK&T-126 Type dmprovement Usefal Life rro�e�t Name Entry Signs-Bandimere Paric&Lake Susa�Fark cetegory rartc Accoun¢#t Account#3 Priority n/a Accouttt#2 Account#4 Description Tota!Project Cost: $60,000 Installation of stone monument signs including illuminated tetters at Bandimere and Lake Susan Cornm�►nity Parks. Justification 'The signs provide consistent identification for t�1e entry ways to the City's Community Parks. Design and materials will be consistent with the new sign at Lake Ann Park. Expenditures 2015 2�16 2017 2018 2019 Total Constructior 60,4Q0 fip,app TOtAI 60,000 60,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Capital Replacement 60,000 60,000 Gquipment Fund Total so,aoo sa,000 Budget Impact/�ther Approximately$200.00 per year for etectricity. Capital Improvement Program 2015 thru 2019 �epartment Park&Trsil improvemen:s �ity of Chan�assen, MN con��t Toa�xo�� �ro�ect# PK&T-120 'L'ype ImprovemenY Useful L'efe Project fVame �elghborhood Park P'scnic Shelter Inatia�ive Categvey Park Account#1 400-4008-47Q6 Account#3 Priority n/a Accovnt#2 Account tt4 D03Cfi�tlOn � Totai Project Cosh 5500,000 Ir.stallatiar.of covered�ark she?ters in parks to serve as central gathering Eocations,provide shelter from inclement weather and provide a meeting location for activities and events. 201 S-Channassen Hiils Park,Pneasant Hitls Park and Curry Fam�s Park 201b-Bandimere Park and Greenwood Shores Park 2017-Mi.^.newashta Heights Par?c,Herriar�'ield Park and South Lotus Lake Park �20;8-Sunset Ridge Par:c,Prairie K.noll Park and Carver Beach Pla�gound �Justification �This initiative will fil!a carrent void in the�ity's park and recreation infrastrucfi3re system helping to ensure that our park system remains a strong element in our mission of providing for today w:�ile planning for the future. � � � I Prior Expenditures 2015 2016 ZU17 2018 2019 Total ?OO,OOC Construction 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,400 400,Q00 Totttl '�'p�l �OO,oQO 100,000 100,000 i00,Q00 400,000 Pt•ior Funding Sources 2U15 2U16 2017 2018 2019 Total 100,�0 General Fund Surplus 100,0�0 10�,U00 100,000 100,000 400,0�0 TUta! Total 100,OOQ 100,OQ0 100,OQ0 100,D00 400,OQ0 Budge�Impac�/�ther This will add minimal annual operations icr�pact. CapitalYmprove�en�Program 2Q15 thru 2a49 Departmeut Pazk&TrailImprovements City of�hat�hasse�, NI'vi comta�t Toaa xo�,� Project# PK&T-042 Type Improvement �Jseful Life 30 Yeazs Project Nan�e piCa�iC TabECsi���'k BenChes C�tegory gark Account#P 414-�OQ-4705 Aecount#3 Privrity nJa Accownt#2 Accaunt#4 DesCiiptiari Total ProJect Cost: �126,000 Purchase of picnic tab':es aad par�c benches. 1�ustifica�ion , I'� New tabl�s and benches�re needed annually to replace ol�stock and meet new needs. I 1'rior Expendit�res 2f�15 2016 2Q17 2a�8 2�19 Total 5�,�00 Equipment 4U,� 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 50,400 Tota( Total 10,000 1d,Qo0 16,Ooo 10,000 1Q,000 50,000 Prior Fundir�g Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 'Total 66,000 ?ark Dedication Fund 10,QG0 10,OOQ 10,C00 10,OOC 10,t�0 50,000 Total Total �o,00� �o,00a 1o,aoo �Q,000 10,�00 �o,aoo Budget Tmpact/Other Capita.l Improvement Progr�n ��15 thru 2019 Department Park&TrailImprovaments CI� Of�llAtl�l,iiSSel'1� �T Contact Todd Hoffman Projeet# PK&T-043 Type Irnprovemer.t �Project Name �pe�� ' Usefvl Life 50 Years � Category Park Account#1 410-0000-4701 Account#f3 Priority n/a Account#2 Account#4 T2escriptian TQtal Praject Cost: S1as,000 Anr.ual tree plantir.g program. This�rogram is proposeci:o Qe accelerated to mitigate ti:e affects of Emerald Ash Borer. Justification Parklands and other eity proparties experience tree loss annually,due to storm damage,disease,stress,etc. Priar �xper�ditures 2Q15 BOi6 2017 2018 2019 �'otal ?10,000 Land Improvement 15,0(� 1�,D0� 15,000 15,000 15,000 7:i,000 Talal TOtal 15,000 15,Q00 15,OOQ 15,000 15,000 75,060 Prior Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 20I8 2019 Total 110,000 Park Dedication Fund 15,000 15,000 ?5,000 15,0�0 15,000 75,Q00 Tota{ Total 15,QD0 15,000 15,000 15,000 �l5,OOD 75,000 Sudget Impact/Other Capital Improvemen�Program �o i s t{tru 201� ISepaetment Pazk&Trail Improvements �ity of Chanhassen, NIN can��t Tadd Hoffman Project# PK&T-07S Type Improvement Use21�1 LiSe ProJect NaEne ����e�e Ridge Tra�[ �ategory Fartc Account#1 410-OOQO-4710 AccQae►t#3 Psiority n/a Account#2 Account#4 li DesCription Totai Project Cost: $50,000 I The Camden Ridge Trail is a 2,600 foot pedestrian trail situated in the BSuff Creek nreservation corridor traveling from Bft;ff�reck Blvd sauth to I new Highway 212, 'F"nis trai;wiil be huilt concurrently�vith the Camden Ridge housing developrnent. Justif'ication This section of trai]is identified on the City's compreher.sive trail plan. It is one of the last remaining lirks to'�e completed between Chanhassen and the Minnesota River Valley. Expend►t�res 2Q15 2016 2017 201� 2Q19 Total Constnaction 50,000 50,Q00 'TOtal SO,OQO 50,U�J0 Funding Sources 21215 Z016 2017 ZU18 2019 Total Park Dedication Fund 50,000 50,000 Total 5t1,000 5o,Doo Budget Impact/Other Maintenance and operations costs. Capatal Iinprovement Program 20 4 5 thru 2019 �ePartruent Park&Trail Lnprovements City Qf�han�aassen, MN can,�et m�aa xo�,� P;oject# PK&T-099 Type Irnp;cvement Useful Life I Projeck Name Chanhassen Nat�ve Preserve T'r�il,Final Phase Category ra:k i Account#1 410-0000-4710 Accound#3 Priorety n/a � Account#2 Account#4 � Descrigtaon Totsl II'roject Cosf: $90,000 A 900 foot section of eight foet wide bituminous trail,iocated at the perimeter af L,ot 2,�loc:c 1 Arboretum�usiness Park 7th Addition. i Justificat�on This section of trail is the final phase of a two mile trail loop around the Ch�nh�ssen NaYive Preserve. The hail project was initiated in 1495. Expenddt►�res 2��5 2ti16 2017 2018 2019 Total Canstruction 90,000 9u,uu�7 Tatal 9Q,000 90,000 �undi�g S��arces 2015 2a16 2017 2018 2019 �'otal Rark Dedication Fund 90,000 9D,OOD Total � , so,oao so,oao Bndget ImpactlOther Maintenar.ce and operation cosks. Will need to be includeci in the pavement management pragram, � Capital Ianprovement I'r�grar� BO�S thru 2019 Deparhuent Park 8c Trail]mprovements Cf�Of C:�1a2�11S5SeT1, �� Contact Todd Hof&nun project# PK&T-119 Type Equipment Useful Le'fe Project Name Athletic Field Lighting Category Pa:k Accouut#1 410-00�0�706 Accaunt#3 Priority nla Aceount#2 Account#4 Description Total Project Cast: $63U,000 installation of fiald lighting and parking lat Iig}:ting systems at the City's various parks. I, � ' Justificatian The lighting will increase the number of baseball games and other athletic evants that can be played at the various City parks. Additianally,the overall safety af the park areas will be improved. Prior Expenditures 2Q15 2016 2017 20�8 2Q19 Totai 230,000 Equipment 4�,G,�CC 400,000 Totat Tota1 aoo,o00 400,000 1.'rior Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 20F8 2019 Total 23d,00D Park Dedication Fund AOQ,000 400,000 Total Total ano,000 aoo,aoo Budget ImpaedOther This will add electricity cos:s of$],OOd per year, Capital Improvement Program ZQ1� thYu 2o i 9 Department Park&Trafl Improvements City o�C�assen, MN Contact Todd?�ofiman � Praject� PK&T-12I Type Improvement Useful Li£e �rroje�t�vame Fenced� Dug Out-Lake Ant�Park , Category Par':< Accoant#L 410-0000-4705 Account#3 Priority n/a Accaunc#2 Account#4 D�sCripti0n 'Fotal Project Cost: SSQ,Qi10 �Ires+.allation of chain Iink dug outs on fre•ds#4 anci#6 and backstops on fields#4,#5 and#6 at La.ke Anr:Park. i � � � Justi�cation The dug outs will improve player safety. Ali other fieids currently have dug outs. Expe�ditures 20�5 2t316 2017 2018 2019 Total �onstructian SG,OGO 50,Q00 T'otal 50,000 50,000 �'unding Sources 2015 2016 ZQ17 2018 2019 '�otal Park Dedication Fund 5�,000 50,000 Total �o,aoo so,aoo Budget ImpacdOther w¢� Capital Imp�ovement Program 2��5 th�'u 2019 pepaetment Park&T:ail[mprovements City of�hanhassen, �IN Contact Tedd Hoffman Project# P�egiT-iZ� Type Irnprovemant Usefu!Life Project Name goekey Rfnk-�andimere Communifiy Par��C eat�gory rar� Accoani#I 410•0000-4705 Account#3 Priority n/a Account#2 Account#4 Desctiption Totsl Project Cost: �460,000 InstalEati�n of an eutQaar hockey eink,dasher boards,lights and associated improvements at Bandimere Comtnunity Pa;k. � Justification This rink will ftll a recreatior,service area that currently has limited access to public winter recraation facilities. Exper�ditures 20P5 201� 20F7 2018 2019 Total Construction �S^,uCG 460,000 Totai aso,00a 4so,aoo Funding SQurces 2015 201� 2017 2lEIl8 2019 m�ta' Park Dedication Fund 460,OOQ 460,000 Total aso,000 4&�,000 Budget ImpactlOther An increase of$5,000 per year in operation and maintenance costs. Capital Improveanent Pxogra�n 2�15 tha'u 2019 nepartmeiet Puk&Trail Improvements C.I� Of�.iti�ldi�dSSE'+11� �� Contact Todd Hoi�inan Project# PK&T-123 Type Improvement Useful Life Project Name Bandimere Community Park Ficnic Shelter category park Account#1 Account#3 Priority n/a Acconnt#2 Account tt4 Bescription ToCaE Projeck Cost: $500,000 Cans�suction of a!arge pic7ic shelter at 8andimere Community Park near the playgrovn@. Justif catian Bandimere Park is the CiTy's only community park withoat a shelter. Lake Ann Park,Lake 5usari Park and the Chanhassen Recreation Center a11 have picrtic shelters. Expenditures 2015 20�6 2U27 2018 2019 Total Gonstruction 50�000 500,000 Total �00,000 500,000 Funding Soar�es 2015 2016 20Z7 �018 20�9 '�otai Park Dedication Fund 5QO,GOD 500,Od0 Total 500,000 500,000 Budget ImpactlOther An increase of$2,000�er year in operation and maintenance costs. Capita.l Improvemerat Pragram 2015 rh�:� 2019 Department Pa;k&Tiai6 Improvements City o�Char�hassen, N� ConEact Todd Hoffmen �roject t► PK&T-124 Type Imgrovement Useful Life Project Name �accer Field Fence-Bae�dimere Comm�nity Park cateQo,� rark Account#1 41Q-0000-4705 Account#3 Priority :Ja Account#2 Account#4 DesCrigti0n Total Project Cost: �20,000 �Installatior.of a chain link fence on the west side of soccer f e?d#Y to contair,baLs and:mnrove safety. � J�zstification ° Construction af the new park entrance road changed the grades in the vacinity of soccer field#l,creating a downward slope to the road. This fence will contain soccer bal(s on the f:eld. Expen�itures 20�5 2016 2Q17 20Y8 2t1Z9 Total Ccnstruction 20,000 2g,00p Total 2o,of►0 20,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2U1$ 2019 'f'�tal Park Dedication Fund 20,000 2p,ppp Total z�,�0o 2o,00Q Budget Impact/0ther � i Ca,pital Impresvemer�t Pragram 2015 thru ��1� Departnscnt Park&Trail Improvements City of Chanhassen, lViN co��ct Taaa xo�,an Pro,ject# PK&�-12� Type Improvement Usefid LEfe projecc Name Ga1Pin Bivd Trai1 Extension Category Pazk ' Account#1 Account#3 Yriority nla Account#2 Accountk4 �� Description Total Project Cost: S17S,000 Construction o;a 60C foot long,8 foot wide pedestrian trail from Pheasant Drive to the Shorewood City barder. I Justification This trail wil:complete another community to community trail connection. Expenditures �015 Z016 Za17 Z018 2019 Total Gons4ruction ?75,000 375,000 TOt81 175,004 175,000 Funding Soarces 2015 2016 2Q17 2018 2019 Total Park Dedication Fund 150,000 150,000 Surface Water t�tility Fund 25,D00 25,000 TOtRI 175,000 1 T5,ODD Budget ImgacbOther Date Task Forum June 22,2015 Discuss 2016 Budget expectations with City Council Work Session July 1,2015 Distribute 2015 General Ledgel•Detail, 2016 Operating Budget Preparation Worksheets, 2016-2020 CIP worksheets July 8,2015 2016 Payroll and Revenue Projections Distributed Ju1y 17,2015 Completed Operating Budget Forms Returned to Finance July 27,2015 Review 2°a quarter revenue activity to date&Investment Update Work Session August 1,2015 Powerpoint foi�detailed budget discussion distributed August 10,2015 Preliminary Budget and Levy Discussion Work Session August 13,2015 Depat�tment heads return theit•departments powerpoint information August 24,2015 Wor-k Session dedicated to detailed department review of Work Session Budgets(powerpoint presentation,cancel regulai•session) September 14,2015 Final review of preliminai�y 2016 Budget befot•e Wot�k Session Preliminary budget set at City Council Meeting Septe�nber 14,2015 Approval/Cet�tification of Maximum Proposed City Council Meeting Preliminary Levy to Caiver County Auditor September 14,2015 A11 20 1 6-2020 CIP Requests Returned to Finance October 12,2015 2016-2020 CIP review&discussion Work Session October 26,2015 Review annual Utility Rate Study with Council Work Session November 9,2015 Rate Study, Budget or CIP discussion Work Session November 23,2015 Rate Study,Budget ar CIP discussion if needed Work Session December 7,2015 Truth in Taxation Hearing City Council Meeting December l4,2415 Adopt Final Levy&2016 Budget and 2016-2020 CIP City Council Meeting