H-2c Recreation Center Capital Improvements .� � —�� �� CITY�i�'V MEMORANDUM (�j��;l;i ������ TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director � 7700 Market Qoulevard � Po Box 147 FROM: Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager Chanhasscn,MN 55317 DATE: June 23, 2015 Administration Phone:952.227.110o SUBJ: Recreation Center Capital Improvements Fax:952.227.1110 Building Inspections The City of Chanhassen has committed $125,000 over the next 5 years to Phone:952.227.118o revitalize the Chanhassen Rec Center. To date, we have purchased 3 new Life Fax:952.227.11go Fitness Inte�-ity Treadmills totaling$12,782.77. Engineering In addition to the fitness equipinent, we are currently obtaining quotes foi- Phone�952.27_7.t��o updated countertops and a digital welcoine center for our lobby. Fax:S52 2)/.11/0 6=ioia�ace Phone�9522L7.11�0 Fax:952227.1110 Park&Recreation Phone�952227117_0 Fax:952.227.1110 Recreation C�fides• 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone�952.7_27.1400 Fax J5?.22/i�0�� �°�c�l�6ilfi[)ak Natural Res�urc€;� Phone�952.227.1130 Fax 9�i2.2�7i i i0 6�eehlie Worfz� 1901 Narl�PIac2 Phone:952.227,i300 Iax�952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone:957_.?_7/.1125 f�ax�952.?271110 Website ��vww.ci.chaiihasscn.n>»us Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Provi�ingforlodayand Plaiiningforl��rriorro�n�