H-2b Rec Center Sports Spring/Summer Activities Update �'-�. � � CITY OI.�° MEMORANDUM <<;��u,��,;�( ����� TO: Todd Hoffinan, Park and Recreation Director 7700 Markef Boulevard �'�� PO BoX 147 FROM: Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager Chanhassen.MN 553�17 DATE: June 23, 2015 Administratioi� Phone�952.227.��oo SUBJ: Recreation Center Sports Spring and Suimner Activities Updates Fax:952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone:952.227.11�o Rob Stevens joined the Rec Center staff in April as our Rec Center Spoz-ts Fax:952.227.1�90 Coordinator. Rob has a degree in sports manageinent fi•oin the University of Minnesota. He also works in before-and after-school childcare for the YMCA. Engineerin� Phone:952227.��Go Our Rec Center Spoi�ts pr•ogram continues to be popular. In spring, we held Fax�952.22����o After-School lacrosse, football and teimis programs for youth ages 7-11. A total �inance of 31 youth participated in the After-School progY�alns. Phone:952.2271140 I��ax��52.227t���o Our Lil' Star Sports Program for ages 4-6 year olds had a strong session of indoor/outdoor soccer with 51 youth pai�icipating. The weather cooperated and �ar���g��crea��iori we were fortunate to hold a few of the sessions outdoors. Our current session of Phone�g52.227�112o t-ball is operating on 3 fields with 150 youth participating. We are veiy thankful Fax 952.227.�1�110 for all of the volunteer coaches. Recreation Ce��fer 2310 Coulter Boulevard The Rec Center continues to offer a Sinall Fly Sports program for 3-and 4-year Phone:952.2271400 olds. A total of 22 thi•ee-week sessions of flag football, golf, and t-ball were I ax 957.2?I.14o4 offered with 107 participating. Upcoming activities include soccer, track & field and another session of t-ball. �'larinin�g� NaturalResou�ce� Phone:952.227.1130 Fax:9522271110 Public Works 7901 Park Nlace Phone:952.227.1300 Fax:952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone 952.?_27.1125 Fax:95?_2?/1110 Website www.cl.chanhassem m�us Chanhassen is a Community tor Life-Provi�liny for�loday and Nlanning for Tomorrow