Administration Section Administ�ative Section
���� �
� ��� May 29, 2015
7700 I�arkef Boulevard
PO Box 1Q7 Chanhassen American Legion, Post 580
Chanhassen,MN 55317 Post Commander Glenn Anderson
290 Lake Drive E.
Administration Chanhassen, MN 55317
Fax:952.227.1110 Dear Glenn:
Building Inspections
Phone:952.227.1180 On behalf the City Council, the entire community and myself, I would like to
Fax:952.227.1190 personally thank you for playing a big role at this year's Memorial Day
Ceremony. The Legion's dedication and coordination of this event has created a
Enyineeriny tradition that the Chanhassen community has grown to love. Your support of
Phone:952.227.1160 the Memorial Day Ceremony allowed over 500 people to pay respects and honor
Fax:952.227.1170 those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.
Phone:952.227.1140 Civic pride of our community is one of the many reasons why Chanhassen is a
Fax:952.227.1110 great place to live and raise a family. It is not surprising that these types of
partnerships and events make Chanhassen one of the best places to live in the
Park&Recreation nation.
Fax:952.227.1110 Again,thank you for your involvement in the Meinorial Day Ceremony. Your
Recreation Center efforts are sirlcerely appreciated!
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone:952.227.1400 Best Regards,
Natural Resources
Denny Laufenburger
Public Works Mayor
7901 Park Piace
Senior Center
g:\park\4th�2015\thank you letters�American Legion Post 580
Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning tor Tomorrow
�� � , , ��� May 29, 2015
7700 Markef Boulevard
PO Box 147 Chan-O-Laires
Chanhassen,MN 55317 Ms. Dianne Prieditis
7401 Frontier Trail
Administration Chanhassen, MN 55317
Fax:952.227.1110 Dear Dianne:
Building Inspections On behalf of the Chanhassen American Legion Post 580,inyself, and City
Phone:952.227.1180 Council and the entire cornmunit I would like to personally thank you for
Fax:952.227.1190 Y�
playing a big role at this year's Memorial Day Ceremony. The Chan-O-Lairs
Engineering sang beautifully which made the event more special. Your support of the
Phone:952.227.1160 Memorial Day Ceremony allowed over 500 people to pay respects and honor
Fax:952.227.1170 those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.
Finance Civic pride of our community is one of the many reasons why Chanhassen is a
Fax:952.227.1110 great place to live and raise a family. It is not surprising that these types of
partnerships and events make Chanhassen one of the best places to live in the
Park 8�Recreation nation.
�ax:952.227,1110 Again, thank you for your involvement in the Memorial Day Ceremony. Your
Recreation Center
efforts are sincerely appreciated!
2310 Couller Boulevard
Phone:952.227.1400 Best Regards,
Natural Resources
Phone:952.227.1130 •�������
Denny Laufenburger
Public V�larks Mayor
7901 Park Place
Senior Cen4er
g:\park\4'��2015\thank you letters\Chanolaires
Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow '
� � ����� May 29,2015
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147 St. Hubert School
Chanhassen,MN 55317 Ms. Diana Fornshell
8201 Main Street
Administration Chanhassen, MN 55317
Fax:952.227.1110 Dear Diana:
Building Inspections On behalf of the Chanhassen American Legion Post 580,myself, and the City
Phone:952.227.1180 Council and the entire communit I would like to personally thank you for
Fax:952227.1190 y,
playing a big role at this year's Memorial Day Ceremony. The children's choir
Engineering sang beautifully,which made the event more special. Your support of the
Phone:952.227.1160 Memorial Day Ceremony allowed over 500 people to pay respects and honor
Fax:952.227.1170 those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.
Finance Civic pride of our communit is one of the many reasons why Chanhassen is a
Phone:952.227.1140 Y
Fax:952.227.1110 gt'eat place to live and raise a family. It is not surprising that these types of
partnerships and events make Chanhassen one of the best places to live in the
Park&Recreation xlation.
Fax:952.227.1110 Again, thank you for your involvement in the Memorial Day Ceremony. Your
Recreafion Center
efforts are sincerely appreciated!
2310 Coulter Boulevartl
Phone:952.227.1400 Best Regards,
Natural Resources
Denny Laufenburger
Public lNorks Mayor
7901 Park Place
Senior Cenfer
g:\park\4�'�2015\thank you letters\St.Hubert School
Chanhassen is a Eommunifiy for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
�oj�t.� �,: � _ � _ _,, � �
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Satu rd ay, J u ly 4th
710am at Lake Ann Prizes awarded at Lake Ann boat launch at conclusion of contest
Longest Northern Pike Prizes
level 1 Watercraft 1st Place........................................................Daiwa Rod&Reel Combo
Inspector On Duty at�h 2nd Place.................................................................Berkley Tackle Bag
3rtl Place.........................................................Rapala Digital Fish Scale
Watercraft qND Longest Largemouth Bass Prizes
Ins ection
p Re �� 1 st Place............ ............................................. ...Plano Tackle Box
REQUIRED Pj 2ntl Place.......................................................Daiwa Rod&Reel Combo
Prior to Launch 3rd Place................................................................Rapala 6"Fillet Knife
Door Prizes
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: GiftCertificates Depthfintler 4thofJulyT-Shirls
Minnkota Trolling Motor Handheld GPS Fishing Supplies&More
Monday,June 22 at 3:30 pm or until full Contestants must fish entire contest to be eligible to win door prizes.
Sponsored by:Area Businesses&The City of Chanhassen
� Mazimum of 50 participants. • All contestants shall provide their own boat and be responsible for launching.
• Contest is open to ages 16 and older. Fishing is also permitted from the shoreline or piers.
� All contestants must check in upon arrival at the boat access. � Contest is for Largemouth Bass antl Northern Pike.
� Minnesota State fishing regulations shall be follo�ved. Measure all fish with a ruler and return them to the water immediately.
� Practice gootl sportsmanship and honesry. Prizes will be awarded by longest length,not weight.
All contestants will be provided with a ruler and recording sheet.
� All contestants must meet at registration area for instructions 10 minutes
prior to the start of contest. • Lake Ann is a non-motorized lake;however,electric trolling motors are
• All fish must be measured by end of contest, permitted.Outboard motors may remain on boats in the upright position.
� Once the signal sounds to end the contest,no more fishingwill be allowed. • All boaters must comply with Minnesota DNR Aquatic Invasive
� Each contestant is eligible for one fish prize and one door prize. Species Laeu and Regulations.
City of Chanhassen • 7700 Market Blvd.,PO Box 147,Chanhassen,MN 55317 • 952.227.1100 I,
- - - -- -- -� -- -� — � - - --� - - - � -- - � -- - - - - -- -- - � - -
For more information ,
2015 4th ofJulyAdult Cateh & Release Fishing orto register, please call ',
Contest Registration $20/person entry fee 952.227.1100 �
Name: Birthdate: I
Home Phone: Alternative Phone:
E-mai I:
Payment: ❑Cash ❑Check O Visa❑Master ❑Amex Card No. Exp.Date
I do hereby agree to participate in the above mentioned activity and i further agree to indemni(y and hold harmless from and against any antl all liability for injury�vhich may be su�eretl by the aforementioned intlividual(s)arising
out of,or in any way with,my padlcipation in this activity.I do hereby allow the City of Chanhassen to use any photographs taken of the individual(s)named herein In city intorma6onal bulletins released to ihe general public.
Participant Signature: Date:
C��1 ��' TO: Shas�neen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner
Cu�Nu�� �i����
"""""""�����,' FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park&Recreation Director
7700 Markel Boulevard
Po Box 14� DATE: June 10, 2015
Chanhassen,MfV 55311
SUBJ: Request for Subdivision of approximately three acres into one 1ot and one
Atlministration outlot (Villages on the Ponds 1 lth Addition), and Site Plan Review with
Phone:952227.��oo Variances to construct a 23,520 squa�e-foot specialty retail building on
Fax:952227�r�o pz•operty zoned Planned U�nit Development (PUD) and located on Outlot B,
Buiiding Inspections Villages on the Ponds 4th Addition. Applicant: Venture Pass Partner•s,
Phone:952.227.1180 LLGOwner: Northcott Company
Phone:952.227.�1uo This propet-ty is located within the community park service area for Lake Susan
Fax �r�2.2�z��io Community Park and the neighborhood park setvice ar�ea for Rice Maish Lake
Finance Neighborhood Park. Employees and visitors to the specialty retail store will have
Phone��52 22�:���o convenient access to these publicly-maintained park and i�ecr•eation facilities. Lake
�=ax��52.22�����o Susan Park is 33 acres in size and featui•es large playgrounds,basketball court,picnic
sheltei•,tennis courts, archeiy range, public water access, fishing pier and a ballfield.
�art<��ecreation Ample off-street pa�king is available at the park.
Fax 952.227���o Rice Mar�sh Lake Neighborhood Park is four acres in size and features a playground,
Recreation Cer�ter ballfield,basketball court, volleyball court and a small picnic shelter. Off-street parking
2s10 cou�ter Bou�evar�i is available. No additional parkland acquisition is being recommended as a condition of
Phone�952.227.1400 thls subdivision.
Natural Resou�ces
Phone:952.22z���3o The subject site has convenient access to the public trails along Great Plains Boulevard,
Fax:g52.227.�����io the three-mile Rice Marsh Lake trail loop, and the lakeside trail route to Lake Susan
Pai•k. No additional trail construction is being recoinmended as a condition of this
Public Worlt� subdlvision.
7901 Park Placc
Senior Cent��� Full park fees in lieu of additional pas•kland dedication and/or trail construction shall be
Phone�952.227.1�2� collected as a condition of approval for the proposed plat of Lot 1, Block l, Villages on
f ax�952 2�/.���o the Ponds llti' Addition. The park fees will be collected in full at the rate in force upon
final plat submission and appr•oval. Based upon the cur-rent commercial park fee rate of
vuebsite $12,500 per acre,the total park fees would be$33,875.
Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Plannino for Tomorrow
Environmental Commission Agenda
Wednesday, June 10, 201 S
6:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Fountain Conference Room
6:00-6:05 pm Approve May minutes
6:05 -6:45 pm Todd Hoffman, Parks and Recreation Director, Chanhassen AIS program
6:45 -6:55 pm Seminary Fen discussion
6:55 -7:10 pm Arbor Month photo contest-finalist selection
7:10 -7:30 pm July 3 Trade Fair Planning
7:30 pm General Discussion '
Jul Au ust Se tember
• Fen Day Planning • Joint commissions tour—
o Determine August 6 • Month off
Needs/Assign Duties ,,
• Trade Fair Event Summary ,
• Finalize plans for Tree �
Photo contest !�
announcement at
Chanhassen Day
• July 3—EC at Trade Fair
Event-tree photo contest