PC Minutes 06-02-2015Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 2, 2015 5.A security in the amount of $1,000.00 shall be provided for erosion control, vegetation and site stabilization. 6.The interim use permit shall terminate on November 1, 2016. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. PUBLIC HEARING: TH 800 WEST 78 STREET VARIANCE: REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO ALLOW SIGNAGE WITH A LOGO TO EXCEED 30 PERCENT OF THE SIGN DISPLAY AREA ON PROPERTY ZONED CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (CBD) AND LOCATED AT TH 800 WEST 78 STREET (BYERLY’S). APPLICANT: LUND FOOD HOLDINGS, INC. OWNER: IRET PROPERTIES, A ND LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, PLANNING CASE 2015-13. Ingvalson: Good evening Chairman Aller and rest of the Planning Commission. For those of you that don’t know me my name is Drew Ingvalson. I don’t have a name up there yet so just want to let everyone know my name is Drew so feel free to ask me any questions as we go along. So the first thing we’re looking at, so what we’re looking at here is a sign logo percentage variance request. This is the applicant is Lund Food Holdings and then the owner is IRET thth Properties. So the location is 800 West 78 Street. The property is north of West 78 Street and then west of Kerber Boulevard. Looking at that, the signage is located just to the south here, on the south side of the building and then also on the east side. The east elevation. Then there also is a monument sign that’s located right here at the entrance and this is the Byerly’s store for those of you that don’t know. So the request the applicant is making is they’re requesting a variance to allow the replacement of the existing signage that will have logos that exceed 30 percent of the sign display by up to 12.1 percent. City code allows logos to be up to 30 percent of the sign. The largest one that they are proposing is 42.1 percent. This request is being made to keep consistency between the signage that they have at other sites and also with the signage that they have here in Chanhassen. So a little bit of background. There was a variance actually given for this site in 1994. The variance was given to allow up to 431 square feet on the south elevation which you see in that picture and then up to 376 square feet on the east elevation. At the time the maximum signage allowed was 80 square feet. In 2002 and 2003 they went through a remodel which has the signs that you see there in the picture, that’s current. And that signage actually reduced the signage on the south elevation to 270.6 square feet and on the east elevation to 57.7 square feet. This is much lower than the maximum allowed at that time so the variance wasn’t needed at that time. The signage actually was up to 275 square feet for a side of the building. So here’s what the signage is going to look like. The new signage is on the right and the current signage is on the left so the first thing is there is going to be changes to the logo. It’s going to be changed from that B that you see on the left side to L&B for Lunds and Byerly’s. They are also going to be reducing the letter height so that height is reduced approximately 6 inches on most of the signage and also signage is changed from Byerly’s to Lunds and Byerly’s. And another thing off the signage is, keeping consistency with the letter depth. The depth of the letters is going to be 4.5 inches so that’s a dimension that it has off of the wall and then also the logos have that same letter depth. The City requires a half an inch for that letter depth so it’s much deeper. Has a lot more of an accent than what the City requires. Also the logo has that same letter depth. The City does not require it to have logos have letter depth. They can be on a 8 Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 2, 2015 panel so that’s something that we noticed right away is that the logo has that same letter depth which gives them nice accent to the signage. So the methods for finding the signage for these, if you look on the screen in blue is the logo area. It was determined by the circular area of the logo and then the sign area is what we used was in green. So taking that outside perimeter. Making right angles along the signage to find the total area. Previous signage was approved for it actually used what you see in red which is just a large rectangle. Excuse me, large rectangle for the signage. If that was used for this signage it would exceed the amount allowed for signage for the site but we have, as staff we’ve kept consistent with keeping if there’s signage above lettering that we just include that small area instead of taking that whole entire rectangle. Here is the existing and proposed south elevation signage. Starting from the left there’s going to be change from Byerly’s to Lunds and Byerly’s with the new logo. The logo percentage change is 34 percent to 35.6 percent so a small percentage change in making it larger. The pharmacy will not have a logo. The only thing that’s changing is the style of the lettering. The wine and spirits will also have a change with, instead of having Byerly’s it will just have the L&B logo with wine and spirits. The percentage change is from zero percent with no logo to 42.1 percent. The largest logo percentage that it’s taking up. And then the Minnesota Grille will just be removing the Byerly’s section so it will just say Minnesota Grille on that. On the east elevation there’s going to be sort of similar to that front main signage, it’s just going to have a, it’s a change from the logo from the B to the L&B and then Byerly’s to Lunds and Byerly’s and next one. The existing proposed monument sign has the same logo change as the other ones. The other main ones in Byerly’s logos and it will have a 34.7 to 35.4 percentage change in the logo size so very small. So at this time staff is looking at it, if you’re looking at city code like I said previously the logos are limited to 30 percent of the signage. A large reason for this ordinance is to limit the amount of panel signs that doesn’t have that dimensions on it so something we noticed right away was that signage actually has that dimensional which makes it very much more aesthetically pleasing. Also the total signage is being reduced for on the site even more, bring it further down to the little further below the 275 square footage requirement. So with that staff is recommending that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the variance request to allow signage logos to exceed 30 percent of the sign display area by up to 12.1 percent as shown on the plans prepared by Scenic Sign Corp and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. That is the end of the presentation. I feel free to answer any questions that you might have at this time. Aller: Great. The signs are not back lit? Ingvalson: No. Aller: There’s no lighting involved? Ingvalson: No. Aller: The area that the lettering and the logos are taking up are substantially similar to what was there before? Ingvalson: Absolutely. 9 Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 2, 2015 Aller: And in fact in some cases a little bit reduced. Ingvalson: Yes. Aller: Some cases with a little bit expanded on the logos. Ingvalson: Correct. Aller: When you go back to methods. Ingvalson: Sure. Aller: Are we being consistent in our application of the red outline, the green outline and logo area with all our businesses now in town? Ingvalson: Absolutely. Aller: That’s consistent. Ingvalson: Absolutely. If there is something small above it we don’t take the entire signage area because that will take up a lot of area, especially if you have something very small. A small logo similar to this one and with a smaller sizeable wall, it’s a smaller percentage they can have so that can make it a larger issue so what we’ve been consistent with doing it this way. With what you see in the green outline on the screen. Aller: Alright, okay. Any additional questions? Alright. Does the applicant wish to come forward to speak? Ross Elenkiwich: I can if you would like to hear… Aller: You don’t need to. You can come up and introduce yourself. We always love to. Ross Elenkiwich: My name’s Ross Elenkiwich. I’m a project manager at Lund Food Holdings. As you guys know we are undergoing a new branding operation right now at the 26 of our stores around the metro area. We’re changing them all to Lunds and Byerly’s and if you look at the logo back there, the L&B is an integral part of that and so just trying to stay consistent in changing out the signs that are existing. Something to note is all of the signs are decreasing in size on this store with the exception of adding the logo above the wines and spirits and removing the Byerly’s so that’s the one difference. Also the signs that will be lit there from the back side will be LED so they’ll be a lower energy. Yeah just the ones on the building will be lit so they’ll consume less energy and it should be a really nice, new, sleek look for the store. Aller: Awesome. Well I know you have 25 different stores in the area. Ross Elenkiwich: 26. 10 Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 2, 2015 Aller: 26 so. Ross Elenkiwich: Yeah, if you count LBK in Wayzata. Lunds and Byerly’s. Aller: So people have a choice of which Lunds and Byerly’s to go to. Ross Elenkiwich: Exactly. Aller: And they should come to this one because it’s Chanhassen right? Ross Elenkiwich: I agree, absolutely. Aller: Wonderful, thank you. Ross Elenkiwich: Thank you. Aller: At this time we’ll open up the public hearing. Anyone wishing to speak either for or against the item before us can do so at this time. Seeing no one come forward we’ll close the public hearing. Open it for comment and discussion. Tietz: I think it’s very appropriate. Aller: Pretty straight forward. Nice design. Good partner for the community. Yusuf: …remove the apostrophe? Ross Elenkiwich: It was. Lunds removed… Aller: People want to hear you at home. Ross Elenkiwich: So a while back Lunds removed the apostrophe in our Lunds stores and then recently we decided to also remove the apostrophe in Byerlys which makes it a lot easier to actually light too because we don’t have to get the little LED in the apostrophe and have it separate because there is no track on the back of these. All of these letters are singly mounted to the brick behind instead of having the raceway in front of them. Aller: Easier to keep clean too. Ross Elenkiwich: Yep, exactly. Yusuf: Thank you. Aller: Comments, questions. If not I’ll entertain a motion. Hokkanen: The Planning Commission recommends approval of the variance request to allow signage logos to exceed 30 percent of the sign display area by up to 12.1 percent as shown in 11 Chanhassen Planning Commission – June 2, 2015 plans prepared by Scenic Sign Corporation and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. Aller: Having a motion, do I have a second? Madsen: Second. Aller: I have a motion by Commissioner Hokkanen and a second by Commissioner Madsen. Any further discussion? Hokkanen moved, Madsen seconded that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the variance request to allow signage logos to exceed 30 percent of the sign display area by up to 12.1 percent as shown in plans prepared by Scenic Sign Corporation and adopts the attached Findings of Fact and Decision. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 7 to 0. Aller: Anyone wishing to follow this item should do so again at the City Council June 22, 2015. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Yusuf noted the verbatim and summary Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated May 19, 2015 as presented. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Aanenson: Before I do that those of our new Planning Commissioners may not know Drew but Drew’s been with us for 2 years as the intern so we’re practicing not calling him the intern because as of Monday he’s full time. He graduated from the Humphrey Institute so. Aller: Good job. Aanenson: Yeah he’s done a great job for us so obviously we wanted to keep him so yeah, we’re excited. This is his first week so baptism by fire. Make him do a presentation. So with that I did put in your packet a couple items that are coming up for the City Council. One of those has been removed. We found an issue with that. I’ll go back to what happened at the City Council in a second but that was the, there was a variance on Minnewashta. Can I get your packet? I don’t know where mine went. And that one is missing, we found some errors there regarding sewer, water easements that were in the way of preventing them from being able to move forward so, I can’t find my items for upcoming. Here we go. So that was, so you only have one item on and unless something becomes of that, that was a little bit more complex. That’s relocating a variance for the wetland setback but then also making sure wherever we give that variance that it doesn’t, it meets the suitability for a septic site so we’ve got two things going on there. Make sure we can address that. We are anticipating on Friday getting two subdivisions in. One of more consequence. Maybe 24 lots and the other one 4 lots so we’re anticipating both of th those coming in and that would be for your July 7. Two of those are on here but those 2 are on here but we may see a couple other things. Actually the variance that was pulled will move to that date so you’ll come to the, after the holidays with some work to do. So last Tuesday night the City Council took action on the Children's Learning Center. They tabled it. Want to go back 12