Legal Description V2GLACCUM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of South 88 degrees 03 minutes 48 seconds East along the south line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter a distance of 330.10 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 01 degrees 50 minutes 12 seconds East 331.80 feet to the intersection of the westerly extension of the south line of SHADOW RIDGE; thence South 88 degrees 03 minutes 48 seconds East 408.80 feet along the southerly line of SHADOW RIDGE 3rd ADDITION and SHADOW RIDGE; thence South 01 degrees 21 minutes 04 seconds West 331.81 feet along SHADOW RIDGE and SHADOW RIDGE 2nd ADDITION to the South line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence North 88 degrees 03 minutes 48 seconds West 411.61 to the point of beginning.