CC Staff Report 06-08-2015 Approving Development Contract �� �� ._.�...� CITY 0�� MEM��RANDUM �,s Cd6lAl\11dLdAV j14�� p t� TO: Paul Oehme, Director of Public Works/City Engineer � 7700 Market Boulevard � PO BoX 147 FROM: Alyson Fauske, Assistant City Engineei• ���%'� Chanhassen,MN 55317 � �;���"��T� i DATE: June 8, 2015 Aast�inistration Phone 952.227.1100 SUBJECT: Metes & Bounds Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 2 of Moline's Addition: Fax:952227.1110 Appl•ove Development Contract Building Inspection� pROPOSED MOTION Phone:952.227.1180 Fax:952.227.1190 "The City Council approves the Uevelopment Cont�-act for the Metes &Bounds � Engineering Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 2 of Moline's Addition." Phone:952.227.1160 Fax:952227.1170 City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of tl�e City Council present. Finance The metes and bounds subdivision was ot�iginally approved on November 24, 2014. One of Phone:952.227.1140 the conditions of approval was that the applicant was required to install the sewer and water Fax:952.227.1110 service to the vacant property (Pa�•cel 2)and submit a $10,000 escrow to ensure that the work f���l����iec�•�a4ion �'as complete and the street propel•ly restored. Subsequent to the November 24, 2014 Phone:952.227.1120 meeting, the applicant requested that this condition be removed so that the person(s) Fax:952.227.1110 purchasing and buildil�g on the property would be responsible for the installation of the sewer and watei•service, including the necessary road 1•epair to West 65`�' Sti•eet. Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard The3•e a1•e no public improvements required for this subdivision. Phone:952.227.1400 Fax�952.227.1404 The attached development contract incot•porates the conditions of approval for the inetes and bounds subdivision and the soils investigation reports that were submitted by the applicant. �0�°�°0����' The cash fees foi•this pi•oject total $l 0,393.55. A breakdown of the cash fee is shown on Na4ural hesource� Phone:952.227.1130 page SP-2 of the development contract. Fax:952.227.1110 Staff recommends that the development contl•act dated June 8, 2015 be approved conditioned �i�blic Wor6ts upon the applicant entering into the development contract and pay a cash fee of$10,393.55. 7901 Park Place Phone 952.227.1300 Attachment: Development Contract dated June 8, 2015 Fax:952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone:952.227.1125 Fax:952.227.1110 UVehsite www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us G:A�NG\PROJECTS\T-Z\West 65th St Metes&Bounds\20150608 approve de.doe Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing tor Today and Planning for Tomorrow CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 2 OF MOLINE'S ADDITION DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT (Developer Installed Improvements) i s 1����� TABLE OF CONTENTS ' SPECIAL PROVISIONS PAGE �i 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL................................................................................SP-1 � 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL............................................................................SP-1 3. DEVELOPMENT PLANS.................................................................................................SP-1 4. IMPROVEMENTS.............................................................................................................SP-1 5. NOTICE..............................................................................................................................SP-1 6. OTHER SPECIAL CONDITIONS....................................................................................SP-2 1R1797v1 i CITY OF CHANHASSEN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT '', (Developer Installed Improvements) i METES AND BOUNDS SUBDIVISION OF LOT 3,BLOCK 2, MOLINE'S ADDITION SPECIAL PROVISIONS AGREEMENT dated June 8, 2015 by and between the CITY OF CHANHASSEN, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City"), and JOHN J. COREY AND KIMBERLY E. COREY,husband and wife(the "Developers"). 1. Request for Subdivision Approval. The Developers have asked the City to approve a metes and bounds subdivision of Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition (referred to in this Contract as the "subdivision"). The land is legally described on the attached E�ibit "A". 2. Conditions of Subdivision Approval. The City hereby approves the subdivision on condition that the Developers enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the subdivision documents with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 30 days after the City Council approves the subdivision. 3. Development Plans. The subdivision shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. The plans are: Plan A: Lot Split Exhibit for 2061 West 65th Street approved May 26, 2015, prepared by Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. Plan B: Grading and Erosion Control Plan dated October 31, 2014, prepared by Sathre- Bergquist, Inc. Plan C: Utility Plan dated October 31, 2014,prepared by Sathre-Bergquist, Inc. 4. Improvements. The party that secures a building permit for Parcel 1 shall be responsible for installing the improvements shown on Plan B and Plan C and shall acquire all necessary permits and post all necessary securities to perform the work. 5. Notice. Required notices to the Developers shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developers, their employees or agents, or mailed to the Developers by registered mail at the following address: is»9��i SP-1 John J. Corey and Kimberly E. Corey 'I 6409 Oxbow Bend Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Manager, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Manager at the following address: Chanhassen City Hall, 7700 Market Boulevard, P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317, Telephone: 952-227-1100. 6. Other Special Conditions. A. FEES The $10,393.55 cash fee and the fully-executed development contract must be submitted before the subdivision is recorded. The cash fees were calculated as follows: Partial Payment of Water Hook-Up Fee: 1 unit x$1,957/unit= $1,957.00 Partial Payment of Sewer Hook-Up Fee: 1 unit x$677/unit= $677.00 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision)+$10/parcel x 2 parcels= $45.00 Park Dedication Fee: 1 dwelling x$5,800/dwelling= $5,800.00 Surface Water Management fee: $1,914.55 Total Cash Fee= $10,393.55 B. BUILDING OFFICIAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The existing structure on proposed Parcel2 must be provided with sanitary sewer connection—permit required. 2. Proposed Parcel 1 must be provided with separate sewer and water services (permit required)before a building permit is issued. C. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The City Attorney shall draft and the developer shall execute a"Grant of Permanent Easement for Public Drainage and Utility Purposes"document. This document shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 2. A roadway, drainage and utility easement must be dedicated over the portion of the existing cul-de-sac within the property and 15 feet beyond the edge of the road. This easement shall be recorded with the metes and bounds subdivision. 3. Prior to recording the subdivision the developer shall pay the $45 GIS fee: $25 (subdivision)plus $10/parcel. isi�9��i Sp_2 4. Before a building permit is issued for Parcel 1, the water service and sanitary sewer service must be installed. The sanitary sewer is within West 65th Street, therefore installation of a sanitary sewer service will require cutting into and patching the City street. A Work in Right of Way permit must be obtained before installing the water and sanitary sewer service; an escrow for street repair to ensure that the street is restored shall be part of the permit requirements. The estimated cost of the street repair was $10,000 in 2014. The escrow amount shall be adjusted according to the construction costs at the time the Work in Right of Way permit is issued. 5. Sewer and water hookup charges are due for Parcel 1, a portion of which shall be I, collected before the metes and bounds subdivision is recorded: �' Water: 1 unit x $1,957/unit = $1,957 Sewer: 1 unit x $677/unit= $677 The remainder of the sewer and water hookup charges for Parcel 1 shall be collected with the building permit. 6. If the final subdivision submittals are received after 2015, all fees shall be recalculated based on the rates in effect at that time. 7. A plumbing permit is required for the private storm sewer; the plumbing inspector will inspect the connection to the city storm sewer manhole. 8. On Parcel 1,the proposed home style as required by City Code Section 18-40 (4) 2 (iii)is a slab-on-grade home. Based on Interstate Geotechnical Engineering's observations,the groundwater elevation is 1.8 feet below the gound elevation of the soil boring. The Developers must verify the surface elevation of the boring location to determine the elevation of the groundwater; the lowest floor must be minimum three feet above that elevation per City Code Section 18-40(4)2 (i). 9. Third Parties. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. The City is not a guarantor of the Developers' obligations under this Contract. The City shall have no responsibility or liability to lot purchasers or others for the City's failure to enforce this Contract or for allowing deviations from it. 10. Severability. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragaph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. 11. Waivers/Amendments. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. �si�9��� SP-3 12. Release. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the 'I property. After the Developers have completed the work required of it under this Contract, at the Developers' request the City Manager will issue a Certificate of Compliance. Prior to the issuance of such a certificate, individual lot owners may make as written request for a certificate applicable to an individual lot allowing a minimum of ten(10) days for processing. 13. Remedies. Each right,power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right,power or remedy, expressed or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other ageement, and each and every right,power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right,power or remedy. 14. Assignability. The Developers may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council. The Developers' obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developers sell one or both lots. 15. Soil Conditions. The Developers acknowledge that the City makes no representations or warranties as to the condition of the soils on the property or its fitness for construction of the improvements or any other purpose for which the Developers may make use of such property. The Developers further agee that it will indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its governing body members, officers, and employees from any claims or actions arising out of the presence, if any, of hazardous wastes or pollutants on the property,unless hazardous wastes or pollutants were caused to be there by the City. 16. Soil Correction. The owner of Parcel 1 is responsible for the necessary soil correction work on the property. The City makes no representation to the Developers concerning the nature of suitability of soils nor the cost of correcting any unsuitable soil conditions which may exist. On lots which have no fill material a soils report from a qualified soils engineer is not required unless the City's building inspection department determines from observation that there may be a soils problem. On lots with fill material that have been mass graded as part of a multi-lot grading project, a satisfactory soils report from a qualified soils engineer shall be provided before the City issues a building permit for the lot. On lots with fill material that have been custom graded, a satisfactory soils report from a qualified soils engineer shall be provided before the City inspects the foundation for a building on the lot. 17. As-Built Lot Surveys. An as-built lot survey will be required on all lots prior to the Certificate of Occupancy being issued. The as-built lot survey must be prepared, signed, and dated by a Registered Land Surveyor. Sod and the bituminous driveways must be installed before the as-built survey is completed. If the weather conditions at the time of the as-built are not conducive to paving the driveway and/or installing sod, a temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be issued and the as-built escrow withheld until all work is complete. �s��9��i SP-4 D. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES SPECIALIST CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Tree protection fencing will be required around any preserved trees. It shall be installed prior to gading and located at the drip lines of the trees. 2. Landscaping shall be installed in accordance with City Code Section 18-61. Unless otherwise approved by the City,trees not listed in the City's approved tree list are prohibited. The minimum tree size shall be two and one-half(2%2)inches caliper, either bare root in season, or balled and burlapped. The trees may not be planted in the boulevard (area between curb and property line). The lot purchaser shall sod the boulevard area and all , drainage ways on each lot utilizing a minimum of four(4)inches of topsoil as a base. Seed or sod shall also be placed on all disturbed areas of the lot. If these improvements are not in � place at the time a certificate of occupancy is requested, a financial guarantee of$750.00 in ' the form of cash or letter of credit shall be provided to the City. These conditions must then be complied with within two (2)months after the certificate of occupancy issued, except that if the certificate of occupancy is issued between October 1 through May 1 these conditions must be complied with by the following July 1 st. Upon expiration of the time period, inspections will be conducted by City staff to verify satisfactory completion of all conditions. City staff will conduct inspections of incomplete items with a$50.00 inspection fee deducted from the escrow fund for each inspection. After satisfactory inspection, the financial guarantee shall be returned. If the requirements are not satisfied,the City may use the security to satisfy the requirements. The City may also use the escrowed funds for maintenance of erosion control pursuant to City Code Section 7-22 or to satisfy any other requirements of this Contract or of City ordinances. These requirements supplement,but do not replace, specific landscaping conditions that may have been required by the City Council for project approval. E. PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR CONDITION OF APPROVAL: Park fees of $5,800.00 shall be paid for each new single-family lot prior to the recording of the property deed. F. PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Deeds shall submitted to the city for review and recorded at Carver County for the two parcels. 2. A building permit shall not be issued unless all soil corrections have been completed as indicated in Exhibits "B" and "C"titled "Subsurface Soil Investigation" dated October 25, 2014 and November 13, 2014, respectively. 3. Changes in Official Controls. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract,no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, except an amendment placing the plat in the current urban service area, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use,development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developers. Thereafter, isi�9��� SP-5 notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls,platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. ' 4. Iron Monuments. Before the security for the completion of utilities is released, all ' monuments must be correctly placed in the ground in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 505.02, �', Subd. 1. The Developers' surveyor shall submit a written notice to the City certifying that II the monuments have been installed. 5. Variances. By approving the plat,the Developers represent that all lots in the plat are buildable without the need for variances from the City's ordinances. 6. Compliance with Laws, Ordinances, and Regulations. In the development of the plat the Developers shall comply with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the following authorities: a) City of Chanhassen; b) State of Minnesota, its agencies, departments and commissions; c) United States Army Corps of Engineers; d) Watershed District(s); e) Metropolitan Government, its agencies, departments and commissions. 7. Proof of Title. Upon request,the Developers shall furnish the City with evidence satisfactory to the City that it has the authority of the fee owners and contract for deed purchasers to enter into this Development Contract. G. WATER RESOURCES COORDINATOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. Total surface water management fees due prior to recording the property deed are $1,914.55. 2. Erosion Control During Construction of a Dwelling or Other Building. Before a building permit is issued for construction of a dwelling or other building on a lot, a$500.00 cash escrow or letter of credit per lot shall also be furnished to the City to guarantee compliance with City Code § 7-22. [Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank.J 181797v 1 SP-6 CITY OF CHANHASSEN BY: Denny Laufenburger, Mayor (SEAL) AND: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , ; 2015, by Denny Laufenburger, Mayor, and by Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City of ' Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the �, authority granted by its City Council. �'i NOTARY PUBLIC I �s i�9��i Sp_7 DEVELOPERS: John J. Corey Kimberly E. Corey STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ���I )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2015,by John J. Corey and Kimberly E. Corey,husband and wife. NOTARY PUBLIC DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1100 �a i�9��� SP-8 EXHIBIT "A" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: Lot 3, Block 2 of Moline's Addition according to the recorded plat thereof in Carver County, Minnesota. 181797v1 ' EXHIBIT "B" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT i g i�9��i Intcrstat` (;cotc�chnic��i Engiuccring, [nc YaU-ick J tlines,PL� 5167 1 DO°5t S Cor.age Gmve MN SSpI� (bI21414 5i70 25 nctober 2414 h1r Jacnes Rudu� 1�1K46'rir��her� Hill Rna<i �� �9innc;�,»;a M': „��1� Rc: �u�>>;�r(2cc Scaii Tm�eshg�i;i�t1 �I Propused �in�;le �'umily Residcncc I W of 20G1 W ES`"St,Chanhussen,I�Qirui i ln aecordance with your suthorization,I have cotiipietcd thc afs:�vc rci'rre�,ced investiz�tiuF� to determinc sitc suitability for the proposcd consiruction. A stut�n,ar}' ot' n�y iin�iinc.� togetl�er with bonn�; lugs anct �zty conclusions and recnr,�mendations an:presented in ;itc• e��ciosed report. I f�und,ns you alrcudy huve been bricfed,morc than usual probierns w�ith the sitc.�I7�crc is a total of 5'/,'&6'/�'at tlic locations of Boring 1 &Probe 1 A,respcctively,ofunsuit�ble soil in thc form oftopsoil fi11,general and vary�ing fill,and buried original humus.Belo��at fitst is a low sand contcnt le��n clay,�cncrally dark in color,saturatcd,�-cry soft to soft(w/dcpth). It is "normully cons�lidntcd" {consolid�tcd cnough to oniy s:,ppurt its ew�i wei�t�t, nut ac�c�itional wei�t of fiil soils �r structuzes nbrn�el. The �verburdening fi1.! h�s not F�eeii ;nplace long enough to force further eonsolidation.The moisture content test in this material indicAted nearly 42°S,, hi�h for a lean ciay. 'I'his rr�atcrial extends oniy from 53/�' to 7' in I3oring 1,but from 6�/�'to 8�/2'in Probe 1 A.'I'hc first 9"o#�this matcrial in Probc lA is v��r�� suft and is a borderline marl material.All oCthe aforemeniioned materiials are unsuitabie f�r structure support should be removed. I do acknnwledge th�t excavators are oftcn reluctant to cxcavatc furthcr ancc thc buricd �rs���nic soil is cicarcd, s�� un<ictstan�iitt�;ti shuu;�3 bc inplace at the time of gathering bids. B�se soil below at first is a lean ciay, a :ittIe s�ndy, dark grzy, saturated, rathcr soti tu medium. It has inclusions of a poorly graded(biase�finer grained) sand with �fe��� fines, �lso dark gray,saturated,loose to firm.Jecpest soil,comrnencing at l 1'in Aoring 1,is a le�n clay,rather sandy,dark gray,iow�ravel content,me�'_um.'I'hescs matenais arc glacia! till. The sand inclusions in the upFer portion are glacial outvvash.All of these base mineral sc�ils are s�iWblc t�c�r residcntial canstni�:tion,with conditions.I2cf�;sa)to e��;er advanccni�tit was n�t encountered by boring termination depfh of 23",indicating lack of becirock to this level. Vcry important'y, groundwater was found in the main 3oring at 1.8' (elev 9fi'i�). !t is ayuifc� g�uut�c3water, but margi�3tilly so. 1t appcats to bc contair.cd primarily in thc sand inclusions at 7'-. Bvt it also is c�minb froni tlic upp�r sof�ar�d�ery sofi�iay,pc�ssihl� frt�m 181797v1 :Vlr Ja:,�, I:ttci�,� 25 t�ctca!�::r 2��i� Pngc � the lo��er �rgal3i� soi�. Prc�pc;r construction o:i !lie site (rcu�oving tuc softct icau cl��,. promoting good site clrainage)wiil mitigate somc of t}►is. Thus,water found presc�►tl}� c� � I, he regarded as a maximum levcl. Slah grttde of thc ��r+����,���:��_-<! rc�si�i�.i���� tihuiil�3 },� ti��� �,. � accordance with City rcquirements utilizing this leveI. ' 1 reeommend eom�lete removal ofall unsuitable soii tivh?c?� :-iik��ly iu k�c chc lil:<:ra�i hc;�ir '. I! or�:uiic soil as encountercd 4�lus t}�e overly sofl clay found "s+� both the bor�ng �+��d �ai��i,. j While this amount�s onty to anothcr 1'l;in the vicinity of 13orin� I, it is another 2'I iiz ci:. I vicinity of Probe 1 A. As indicated,cxcavators mzy be reluctant to excavate belozv organic � soil icvel,but it is necessary(scc lunger disaission in ihe re�port). It is so im�wnant tha�t full tin�e ens��ectit�n of the excavati�n by a soils engineer ma}•be necessary. C)f coursc, othe; zones of unsuitable soil noi represente�by the borin�an�probe could still be encounteree due to the nature of small volume random sumpling.Any other c�epihs or r,ones of imsuitable soil sliould bc removed as Krll. You could lowcr luotin�s sontir��}iat so that �•uu lis�-e t�� providc Icss oversir.ing and not siray onto ihe neighbor's properly.}3ut(oosngs hcr�,should not be iowered so much as to rest direc;ly upon the suitabic base soil as it is onty marginally siiit.�hlc. You nccd fi liitic fill (2'is rccommcndcd)to sprcad fo�ting loads out with depth. f��,c,ti,»�,iiiuy be g�n���ll�-�lesigned allowinb lhe usual 2UOUpsf foundationbeari3:b cap�cii�, which will likcly result in normal strip o:pad f'ootings. S��ecial attention is agair�drawn to thc advisary thnt excavutions bc cxnmined by the tic>i < Engincer to verify soil boring results and to document adequscy of site preparation. Abain this is very important as how much so�L'ver}�soft cl�y must be r�emoved will require a high degree of fieId judgment. }�ill, �s i:scd, shoutd bc testcd for compaction adeqU3Cy. �OI) cortection sh�uld not be abatcel belo��.�slubs it� ::n}'m:�nner(i�, do ne�! iet Ihe rxc;��:itc���tr� td"trench atound"slab areasl. 'I'h�nk you I�nr tl�c o�pi�rtur�it�•tu h,����•i,r,c,r�<,f�rrvi�,c. I'�ti�ui:!i;ivc t�n�.�yai���stic?n-:t�n thi�,�_ . if 1 can be of assistancu in atiy addit���nul ct.p.iciq�, do not hcsatatc t� �«�it�.ct m� a1 ti�u::r convenience. Sinccrcly, INTERSTATE GEaT}�CIl:11C'.�11 �='�i�,'1�1?(�ti;N{�, 1��� � �, % '` , i' P�trick J Hines,PF; ?r�sident enc2�s�rc� pl IIS{. 181797v1 S�TBSURFACL GEI?TF(;HI�"ICAI.[N�'t;':`f'[CATt019 PROPOSEU Si�Gi,F FAMILY I�I;SIBE��E W of 2461 `vV CS`5t, f:t�.anttxssea, Mtnf��:�o�a ,Prepared bSF: Interstate Geotechnical Engincering, Inc R167 100°i Street S Coti�ge Grove hiri 55016 25 Octobet 2614 181797v1 ln:sntate Gsotecltaltai Enkl�exrluk,!r,c Fa;:ick 1?iines,Ff 8167!00'St5 Cougr Urove MN�'<:I�� (612)C 14�iT7_> RF.PORT�� SliBSURf�ACE('i�,0'I'�:C'Iti`1t'AI, In'1�f:5"1]t;A'll(;_1 eoR PKDPUSED SINGLE FAMII,Y�tES1DL•'N(':: �VCst ef 20fi1 W 55'`St,�hanh,isscr., Minr:<�snt.: '?` (1�irl>rr 2f)'�! �I ,, , SCU, f;Uf �5f�.:1':ri����S Interstate Geoteehnical Eng:neerir:g,Ine,l;�reaRer;e±ecree tc+:�, "tG1A,', wa5 rc�.aine:i by J�mes Rudos, hereaftc� rcfcrrc;d to as ::,e "G(�e�t", tc perform a subsurfaee soil investigation on a parccl of l�nd lacated as r.atec in tY;�a�o ac tit�c h?cck,T.hc purposc ot this iiivesti�ation is;as U�is is s":c:sFli;",to i3e..tify and evxYuat�so:l�ad watcr�:cpertie� associated with the sitc�r�iL�res�c2 tc cons�:oti:;g a s:ngle famiay resideace thereon. Onc prim�ty soil boring was perfc�cd hacd and powc-�light auger methods to a do��th of 23' within the project �rea, Tn addi:ion, :aborato.y;as;s were ;t:r: upan selceted s<>ii samples, and a shallo�vtr prube wds put dowr, tc far�he� ciclineate depGh and extent of nnsuitabie soil.From the resu�ting data,conclusions are draivn regarding site suitabifity fo, thc propascd usc and recom.:.cnda:ions zrc d��-eFap�ci,'.:escd u7.^.fl IC1�OC1i1'L�:on bath�r:J ic date within the presently authorired scope of sen�ices, .`or srte eorrcet�s>n�r:,cedi:r:s an;? foundation and si�►b dcsign. Si'I E;:�IiSt•:R�_i=i{!)�� 'I'Iic �;eneral area is suburban residentiai in n�:ure, modc:.itc in eicv:::ion. � ici�iit�: stn�ciures vary in age and desigri,but are gene:�ily newer,in goc�d co��dition.�1'hat�;r�o�e;;. however,is l,hat depths of installation seem to be ratner shallaw.`I'tus site is ratl�er level iu :errain pattcrn,flat from street gradc."!�:�ro is an abandoned w�zstewater treatmcnt mound oa thc site.T�-�c site is covered�ai,-�]y by sho:;mainWine�grasses, wich Uees und brus�, mostly tc t};�rear,and landsca��ng p?ants at varioas loca�ons. Proposed construction on t�:�site:s a sir.gic fa.;.ily resictc.c�.it most likcly wiil bc o( slab-on-grade or craw)space design con�gutation with flttac�cd garage.Loca�or,was not known,but mosl likcly ii wiil be st setbecks similar t�those?;t tl:e vicis:ty,ness�6l�•s;i�;zGy more to the front.Ciiven site grade versas strm:level,tt�e site w:!!be h:�ii��p t'-2'in an}° eveni for pc�sitive drainuge. It is ass�umed that the residence will be of usual wooc�fram: design with most bui3ding loads transferred to exteriar ar.d interior strip fmtings at fro.t proieclion depth (3.S or �re�ter below firii�l�cci Ltadc; "1'his e��c :il�s(n:cttur in���;iTt, relatively lig�t loads onto foundatian soil. NOx1NG LOC;��j��(��s �'vt) f�l ��,v,1 i It��v� T1ie borin�;and probe locatiens�ve;�determincd by IG�and were has�t�u��un liF:c�lr location of�tl�c pro}>c�scd constructian, initial impressions and�ss�.:ma::�:s,acc;:ssabilit��, ohs;acies,ctc. 1(iH al�;o det��rmineci d�p:�s h�:�e�u^,^.n r.ati!�'o`;hc�ta7oscc�wnrk,usu_,1 �n� ucecnte�i {�ractr_e r�ne� re:���1t� of� tfu� inv���tit_Etiu,i �_: i; 7r;�G�;cti�;�_I. .'1'l �-co��: �+�:�s 181797v1 W of 2cHil W fi5"St,C'hs�haaRrn,N,inr� -�- �erformed in an attempt to obtain geatech�ical da4a representative af thc site.R�fcr to the attuehed sketch for boring locations. In addition,they were marked in the ftetcl with tuth. As thc wcst property line location w�s net ;ctalty assurcd, beria�s st�ould be ►nore accurateiy located in the course of futuce site surveys. Ground surfxce eleva;ion at �.e �o�:;g �r,d Fro�e lacatiors an3 at a few key topogr.tphic points �vas :�=te:rnin�:i to Ul;c r�aresi 0.1' usin� a�� e^,g::se�.*'s tcdcl aZd re�crcnc;ed to top nut of a fire nytira:,:cr.t'ne rc�:h side or 55°�St;�v,ap;roxi�-:-�ate:y �SO' west of'the area investigated,Iocated as show�n on tl�e rrferenced s!tc,cl;.As thcrc was no eom�enienily availahle sca levcl datum bench mark neu;b}',t�nis ter.:�ora.ry bench murk was assignecf sn arbitrary ref'erence eleva!i�.i of 10�J.0�J.�:levations are s}:own on bore logs and on the site skctch. Accuracy o#'this s�'tou?�no:h� ake�as a:.;�e2'er than the methods used tivauld imply.Again,in the cc�urse of furthersito sun�cys,cicv�tions nf the hori��g r.r,ci or�cc should be more accurutcly detcrnuned in accordance with a sea level d�t�m. F�!!i.0 Itvv�S;:GATtON Thc boring and probe were pr'rn�ci:y accc:npl:she3 by the Powe:F!ight A�ger(FA) and Har,d A�6er(I IAj methods ira aecorciance w:th AS:''v1�1�52,"Standard Pcuctiee for Soi?I�vestigation and SaR:ntin�,�y A��g�r Bo:�r,gs",As t�e�z:a aug�:n�u�r parti;r:af the main boring was advanccd in sardy soiE,one sttpgte:r�r.cai tcs:wr.s pc,:Com:e�usi�ig the "Dynamic Conc Penctrometcr" (�CP) method. 'f'hesc prc�cederes a:c des::riEcd in attac}Lments at thc back of the text FQrtiQ�of�h;s repart.The f+.rst a*tac?i�ent als�describes :he soil class:fcation systerre used(Ilnified- c�?AI"I 2�$Ci:ed}and method of groundwater measurement. A Professional i:nginecr �crsonn(iy performed thc boring F+nd probc and immediatcly ciassified soils in thc field, Soil strength wus �'eteniur.ed by said en�ineer mostly on an empirical basis by such means of drilli�g eP,se or difficulty, nature of recovered s�il sampics,consultation of lahoratory and 1�CP test i�esults,ete.Some samples were bagbed and returncd to the soils luboratory for ��r.hcr cx:z.m�^�tion und possi�!c tes��r.g. Laboratory tests were performe�:n accordaace with AST�,s:andards. SC?lt. zjQEt;tiC:RP,SL'I.TS Attached is a log for thc boring toget'r,e�wi:�a key exp?aini*:g tcrms und entries on thc log sheeis. Results of the snaliewer pret;e a:� giver. � r:�ore s�lrr.mary i:rn on thc coniinu�tion shcct of thc log for thc main bari»g. Tt:e de�,th cf in�:v�d�ut iFyrrs of soils may vary somewhat from what 'ss srown on :hc iogs du� to thc i:�exact nat;::c. r�('dugcr sampting and,m�st importanL'y,the o�curr�acE of t-a�s:,:cr beiw�n s�i�laye:�. Also be adviscd ihat s�il conditions not et thc boring an.�'.prc�be icjcations may vary.La�aratory test (mois€urc c�ntcnt) results nrc givcn i::t��c"w"cciuTrr.;c`';�c hcring 1_a�at the approprintc relative locations.Z'he DCP test resul:is given:n t'r,e r�g��-most coiumn of the bori�ig log, again at lhe appropriate rzlative'.ocatio�. Tnc horyngs sho�v a condition of�:s!': over or6ginal organic soii, with ovcrty suft seil hclow.Thc f:i is 2'/,'in thc mair.boring,si;g!�:iy ics�:r,thc probc,and consists ol'tc�asnil fill {z variably sandy organ;c lean c;a;�{0:.;,clac:�l e��a�iaced �c'_� �ttl, most of it ?ean clay, somewhat sandy, dark is. cot�z(CI,) wi:n a iitt,c�:gsr.:c sc:: t�3�j. Bc::aw, t� ;o}�� dcpths of S'!,'&fi�14'in Rns:�g i an��:cbc 1 A,fCS�X:Ctivc(y, is w���,t a��poar�iu bc t�uri.:? originai humus, a lean c�ay, r�ther silty, i�igaly organic (UL}, black. [n ur;�cr rcacl�es i� 181797v1 ��� W of 2061 VJ d5"S!,Chanhaxxn,\1�nn -�- migkt be a borderline sapric peat. The thickncss together wi11� ihe l�i};hi}� c�r�;,�nic na?�;re could mcan that this originatcd in a shall�w cicpth swamp. As a minimum, thc,r suils arr unsuitable for construction.Application of foundAtion loads upon them will undoubtcdl� restilt in differevtial sctticment and loss af value of the new shvcture.In additi��r7,rnocic�r: I huiidin� codes prahibit establislimcnt of residenii�l structures on or over or�;anic o� �i otherwise unsuitable soil. � Belov�+ at first in Boring 1 is a lean clay, a little sandy, very dark to dark gray(CT.i, I saturated,vcry suR to soft(w/dcpdi).'1'his appears to be a lacustrine(lake origirt)deposit. it is "normally cansoliciatcd" (consolidatcd enough to only support its own weig}it au�! original soil �ti�eight above, not addiponal weight of fill soils or structures ahove�. Tht c>ver�urdening fill has n�t hecn inplace long enough, geologieally, to force furthcr cemsolidation.7'h�moisturc c�ntent test in this material is 41,9%,high for a l�an clay o? this nature.It is obviousiy ncar ar ov�r the liquid limit Qf:his material(est 40°'0+).In suc�� a scenaric�, the material is very s��ft, prone to eonsolitlation upon ttpplieAtion ot� f'urthcr loads,This lnateriat catcnds only fiorn 5'/,'to 7'in 13aring 1,bui from C>'!4 to FS'll'in Prob� IA.The first 9"oi'this material in Probe lA is verysaJt and is a borderline mazl materiat, Basc soil below at first is a lean clay,a little sandy(CI.),dark gray,saturated;rathcr soft to medium(confim�cd by another moiswre content test). It has inclusions of a p�oriy graded{�iased fincr grained)sand with a few fines(SP),also dark gray,saturatcd,loase tc� �rm(as per DCY tcst resu�t). Deepest soil,commencing at 1 P in Boring 1,is a lean cl�v, rAther s�tndy,dark gray(CL),low gravel contcnt,mcdium.Theses matennls are glacial tial The sand inclusions in the upper porlion are glacial outwash.AEl of thesc base mineral sn,I� are suitable for residential construction,with eonditions. Refusal to augcr advancement was not encountercd by pawerl�oring termination c1e;�1 i�. elcvntion ?S±, indicxting lack c�f hedrnck ni Icast tc�this F:cva.tion, Ground��ater was found in the main boring as evideneed by s?anding wuter in t��e bor� hole after a standard period of monitoring,aep�� ].S'(eiev 96`l4±).This is a s�.�rprisin��y high Icvc1 given thc moc�cr�te elevation of the arca enci its secmingly wcll draincd naturc It is,however,aquifer groundwater,but marginally so.lt appears to be contained primarily in the sand inclusions at 7'+.Ba�t it alsc is comzng from the upper soft and very soft clay, pessibly from the lawcr organic soi1,once a void(t1�e bc�rc holc)hccame t�vailabic.Praper construction on thc site(removing ihe softer iean clny,promoiin�good site drainagc)will initigate some ef this. Thus,water found presently can be regarded as a ma�cimum level, It shauld be pointecl ous that most of the lower elevation sandier lean c?av soils arc tc:ctinicsllv saturated(all�res filled with weler),but�c t wa�ecbearin►:{capable ofreleasin� this waterj.This is a normal condition for a soft to medium or better clay.As indicatecl,ttie upper lean clay soils,beir.g sof�to very soft,do rclease water. However,be advised,as explained in the ariaclunent,that�;roundwater ma�still occur and vary accc>rding to vario�s c:imatoiogical and meteorological influen�es uncleterrtunc;i within the time frame, scope and budget allow�ed in this investigation. ln addition, arez development patterns and drainage alternti�ns can inFlucnce soil moisture t�nd ground��•atcr. 13esir i►�mind that indicated results are for timr and conditions of testing only. Refer to the borin�aud orobe log tor a more datailed description of soils and mc�isturt conditic>nti cncoi�nicrcci. 181797v1 1V oi�206I W 65"St,C?�nhassen,b?in;� _d_ C'(�NC1,lJSID1\S A.'VD RI?C�Iy�1V.'FsNUA'i'1(r'V:�_ The ioLlflwin�conelusions and recc�mmendations are hpsed upon intcrpreter,i res�IG�c�:' boring aud pr�bc logs, including laboratory tests,their relatic�n to the plarined wc�rk,anci ; ocher informatic>n. Beca�isc the bo±�ng,�r�6e�.„d te�ts reE;reser�#a srna??�;:�r!:on e;'the sitc. ', in retation t�the proposed arc�of S.•ork�QTi�nJ?`g review ef eonstn�ot:nr.shouid i�e ca;ried out.lf excavalions reveal subsurface soil� �f a di�`ere:t rz:�,�re 3:^r t�ose ebscrved?n !t�c ' horin�and��robe,or if the: lacatic>n or el�vations or ty};c ��ctie p�anned tvork arc alier�d I si�;nificantly,���e Soils E?ngineer shrnild becontr�cied forpcassihly revi:se�zecoinmendaticrn� � or adt3itional testing�see#fi helo�v and th�follo�l��ng"L�mit�tions �f lnti�csti�:4i�an'�'). �i 1.Generai__�t�5uitabiliri�: II Baseci upon interpreted resu(�.� c�t' t�le hnriif�s, it appe�rs that the site Ii�s somc timitations regarding suitat�ility f�r ccrr,stractior.. 'I'nesc ma:nly ccnsist c�f tn��resci�cc c:f' fell o<<er buried original topsvil, so2 :o very sof� clay be4aw {thickncss vary:ng;, high gr�un���>a;er�*�the site and«:e need ic�ad�:�t:he site i:i�er.era?far th�ir�ten�ed�:se,These ?imi±ations are corrcctablc hy arieaua`e site correct:o�,�our.da�:s�n engi.neering and further monitoring of soils as constructi�n proc:,e�s. 2,,�rriiial �itc Preparation: `T'llis anelysis is based upon tt�e proposea strueturc bein�;,as indicated earlicr,�f slab on-grade or crawl space design with attachcd garage,grade set to�ueet City requiretnec�ts. Lxterior footings�vill be at least 3�l2'bciow frnal gra�e.jnteriar fooiings c�uld be at subslxb level if place�upon pr�gerly corr.pacCed itli.t lntess marginat soils are teft belo��,-corrcc.tinn lvvcls, seme f�otin�s could be Iowered if n�are canvettient to deal �,�ith unsuitable soil ]cvcls, All org4nie, loose, frozen or otherwise ansuitable s�il, unconlro?led fill; vegeiatinn; debris and l�oulders(3''+)and,most in��ortantly in t�iis case,ihe sof�tn very soft lean c2ay, should be removed from the pro�osea buiiaing pad area, �erernlly ac}:ievin� the first natut�lly oCeutrir�g suitable sc:t,?ikety a rathcr soft tc��rae:iium or bettcr somewh�tt ssney Iean clay,x�ithwaicrbcarin�sand'+.ricli�siC;�s.f3�-ing e�t_+.ie.^.�e s:tggests t�`�a:th:s will amaant to excavation depths of at le�st T sr:c� �'I2' ai thc lacations c�f l3orici� 1 and Probe 1A, respectively. If tvorking room is noi adequate for safe exca�ation bacl:slo�ec,c�r perl�aps j.�st to control excay�ation and filling exterit, f�olings could be lowered som,ewh�t so that proper ove:sizing and a safe backsio�e,not straying onto tl�e neighbor's prc�perty,cazi bc provi�ied. But tis bs�se soils, even wncr: corecte�, are margina! a! fic-tit, faoti;�gs in tiiis vicinity shc�uld not be towered so much as to rest cn or near base saiL`t'rere sl�ould be.�t least 2'of praperly compac;ted fi13 helow footings to allow some s�read of foundati�n load with depth. Tt is also notcci that areas below slab areas shUuld be carrecied as �vell, uot attempting to trench around ttiem. 4ome�iscussian shcild be:rac3e a�Qut ever-excavating out thc soft to very soft lcan clay, �xcavators arc often reltictant to d�this onca buried organic soil is cleared.Again it is pointed out that ficld indicztior,s�iGs a labcrr�to.y:est;n3icatc thjs material te be sc�Ct to ve.ry soft. It is cstimated t�have a c�efiici�nt oCconsolidaticm{c�?o�'�.i5. A�:�lyi:�g th�5 to th�thickncss of'the soft layer(1'-2')ar_d conside��ng li!�e:y�ew stresses,if this r,�are;�a� wcre not removed,ai tc�ng teim sctticment o#'a�proximaiely l" to Z"��rould result. Thi�is 181797v1 W of 206{W 65'�St,C�anhasscn,hiinu -5- excessive forthis structure.When obtaining�ccavation bids,t'nis overexcavaticm necessity s?1o�?d be elear to excuv�tors so that problems,contrectual or othcrwise,arc lcss likely to occur iater.During the construction phes�,the amo�:ni ofexcavar,ion ofoverly soft cla}�wilt necessitate a high degree uf judgment. It is possible that full time o�servaLion by a soils en�inecr will bc rcyuired. �3ased upon the fact that the excav�[ion wiil be oelow water levet,watcr tivill enter and accumulatc it�the excavation.This wuter shouid be controllcxi,sttcr as bv si:rn_;i�g or other means, so that the bottom of ttie excavation can be viewed and so that i�:ater does not interfere with compaetion cffc�r�s in the Iowest levels. It should again be emphasi�ed, �owever, that ihc estimated depths nf excavation of uasuiGible aoil giti�cn above are pretiminary estimates based upon random but somewhat targeted auger tests.Thcsc should be considcred oreiiminary cstimates onty,to bc verified by aetaal excavations. In fa�t, fn: c�rstruCti:>P uutt*::Cy g�rposes, a s:naii amoun: o: additional cstimated excav�tion depth sttoutd be nddod to that given in thc l�gs t� cor►servatively allow for varixtioas and for inau�vertent over-excavat:ons ti��hich are impoSsib':c to uvoid whcn power ma�hincr}� ±s cmployed for thc purposc. lt is especially ca�ltioned Lhat there could be areas of unsuitable so:I rot represe�icd by t,�;e boring and prohe to date.These zcmes coufd be�ntbbeQ oui tree stLr,ip pits,an old basement,trash pits, borrow pits,test cxcavations,utility trenchcs,etc.Excavators should be especially aware nf this gossibiliry. F.xcnvated orgnt�ic mate7al, uncontrcilcd itil, wet unstahlc soi! or oihe.r soii contaminat�d with topsoil,vegetation,etc,should be di�ose�of offs�te,or in landscapin� arcas,whcrc thc bcarinb of wcight will not b�rcyuircd.Th�n appears ta bc no opportunity to salvage excavatcd mineral soil for ro-usc as controlled fill as said excavated soil,evcn if'mincral soiD, will be cohesive, overn:oist and difficult to work with. "I�e excavar�on cor.tractor wili likely import a grar:vlar fill. Refer to subscqucnt scctions for more detaiied and spe�iCic rec�»���iE4u�tio,�> ft;r ,�tc; correction recommcndations for each structural com�nent 3,�Q�tndakions: ror pu�r.scs of proposed construction,foundations and fi I1 to support Co�uxiut���ns ni�st , rest u�on and over mineral{non-organic)scils of adequate bearing value.Por the prc�pesed �!, construction,a bearing capac:ty of 20L".i p�L�ds per square foot(ps�is iypi�al ly targete_d. 'i However, most single famity residences actually bear much less, even under maxic,urn snow load. I "fhis annlysis of soil for faundatior. p�rp�ses is based upon ihC locution, cictii�n configuration and grade indicatet� abave. If t�cre is any sign>fseant deviation ii,�m assumpt;ons indicatcd herein,then Lhese reeUmmer,dations may ravc ta be reconsidcr.�.�. The site should be prepared zs cut!i�ed:r.T2 a��ve,rer.toving ansu�iabl�soil,ir.cluc;���� the overly soR cifiy that exists over the bu�Iding pa�arca,�e:foani::g uny further cxe�v�ti,m as necessary, controlling wat:,r that r�.�y er:te;t�:, exesvation ar.d 7lacing c�nL�rllcc? till (minimum 2')as needed.'Chis�eing do�e,per:aleter ar�d interior footirgs may be gencr�3i(;, dcsigncd allo�vi ng 20�n p;f fou��dation bcaring capacity;likc?y ccsuiting in c:dinary spr�aai or pad fcx>tings).This va!uc is reccR�;��er��C�Q:l 1ai�tiaS'S Di l�tv?c;;�tt�-.'.i t�IC f:,��?I';�iliK;lti wi!!rest dircctlyupotj fill that has been com�act��t�t`.ie icvcl t�u��;ilic;i i3� �-5 hc'„w, l liir� 181797v1 r' 01 ltlb{ �:4'ti5'Sl C'6._:.':.,,sn: `,tinn � -(i- ' iakos inte account shear failur;,D01c:;1Qfl�AC'L(:uutlit� l��_Es �n� l�tc :�sCU�. i�(;�r.:�c.�i t;: ,� regarding Settlement. Nill,as myuired,should bc placed,compacted,and tested as per the"Fill Plai�i;ii�.��" {#5)section following. The abovc should providc a factor ofsafety against foundation tailure of approximutcl� 3. (?vcr-all and differential settlements should be l�ss than 'I," and �1,", mspectively. �� fcx�tin�c�r�ciitions changc�;�m wha�has been assumed herein, further study atid�in��ly��� Hould be necessary. I1�thc sitc is grndcd to diffcrcnt Icvcts than assumcci ahovc, if dic typc of Luil�li-�; proposed change, or if soils of a significandy differeni nature are discovered duriT:� cxcauations,the Soils L�ngincer shoutd bc contacted for re-ttnalysis and}�ossihly rcvisee recouunendations. It is noi rccommende� ta p'.&c: fAb:tpgS upon or ovcr �rp,anic soil ar am� othcr unsuitabie soil or to de�:a:e fi-cr,s �eco�nenC2;:Lf�s ��ntainc3 ht�cir, as ���cssi�,u� diffeecntial sctticmcnt of ti.e 5tructure c�uld result. 4.Slabs: Siahs and fill t�support slFibs should nlso rest upon anc?cvcr mincrul s�il of ad�•;u.::� density io resist settlement.Based upon boring evidenee,base mineral soils on thc sitc,�v;th uncontrolled f�:,organic soil,vegetation and any other encuuntered unsuitahlc;oii rcmoved a�d wiu contro�led till Flxccd:hereoe��s necessary are zdec�uate�or s:a:.}�:;p�:�r;. 1:is not reco:mr*�e�de�to abatc si?e prcp;:ra.�o�hclow slabs ir.�::y r.lrr,n:r. Sl�bs she�ld have clea^ance from�axi.-�1m ant;cipate.�',aqs�fer groundwu;er level and s�iould i�c protected from intrusior,by sutfacP wsts:s.As ir.dic€ted ab�ve,flecr ievel ofthis s:r�c:ure should be set in aeeo�dai�ce wi.h City sec�uirc.n:erts, utilizinb :he levcl oC �our;d�a;ar,`�and as a maximvm Icvcl.(�ood site drain��c;r�f�1'n flt tiii ti rric c�t'c,�enstn��tinn ar.d for the Iife of the stru�ture,is recommended. S.Fill.Piaccmcnt: t�i!!mc►.�:ial,as required,should be ntincral soil, f'ree of debris,boulders and org;►nic r.:�'e�al, of sueh suitablc moisturc contcnt that it can be readily compacted to spccificd Ievc�s. Fili skould be pinced and compacted in a manner that w•ill allow complete c�:n�actioe cf:�e rotal fi11 layerto S�5%ofSiandardMaximum nensity according to ASTM U 638. rrozcr.matcrial should not bc uscd in fill constructian,nor should any��a�t c�f thr co:�o�e:ec�ii!be allowed to freere. A soil compactior� lest should bc conductcd for cvcry'.wo fect c�f fill in appropri;�t� se�nents cf the area. If crushcd rock or any other vcry coarsc granular soil or Figgrcbate (%:�(�`% ?/4" �,� coarserj is used, the ab�ve Standard Matximum Density would not bc applicahle. In this case,the fill shuuld be compacted to 60%of M�im Index Ucnsity according to AST'M I) 4253. Top of fill shoitid cxtcnd t�t Ic�st onc foot horirontally bcyc�nd the struc:�irc pac9 ��� fo��ung limits. "I'he fil�surface may then extend downw�ard nnd outwar�on a 1:1 slopc to cnrnpctcnt soiL (1 is�i�x�n this i�a;is that rc�c�uirecl o�ersiiin};should hc ccrm��utc:l. 181797v1 ..'n(.'` . `.�'G> ;'l::.,_. o.P,'i,: 6,�nsnection and Test+r�,;: 7'hc Clicnt should retain a �i:�>tccl���ical cn{incrri:iti 'ti�-r:� ta inspc_t �xca.at�:m>, !n:ik� ficld jud�rncnts as to subsoil adcquacy,and to carry out a pmgram of ficici and lahor:tory� tcsting of enginecred fill and possibly other materials. 7'his fitm should hc��r fiill responsibility for knowledge of contents of this report and for proper interpretation and c�rrclation of data,and bc preparcd to mnkc any further anal��sis as ncccasary. A�;ain,tliis is especially necessary in t}iis casc due to thc hi�*h dcgree of ju�l�uicr.t neccss�ary rc�ar�i�i� ficst encountered clay soils. 7. Fi ial S'ti�:_l�u�obr<iot�: I�inal soil surfaecs should be gradc�to pro��idc adc�uatc�raina�c }':om slr,cture� �.ncj hard surfuccs so tht►t as littic watcr as possiUlc infiltratcs inio soils adjaccnt to thc structurc. L1MI�1'A'1`iONS OF II+IVESTIGA7'iON Intcrstatc C:cotcchnical t:nginccring, Inc, has prcparcd 4tiis rcp<>rt usin�, an ordisiary level of eare and in accordance with generally aecepted foundation and soit en�ineering practices.Because tre bpring,probe and tests represent only a small portion of thc lotal sitc and for o2her rcasons, Interstate Geotcchnical Engineering,Inc,does not wxrranl that the boring, probe and tests are necessarily representstive of the en#ire site but only of the boring,probc and tcst locations at the time of investigacion.No wurranry of thc sitc is mad� or unplied. 7'he scope of this :epo� is limited strictty to geo;ec:�nical issues wit�c}: incli:cic cstphlishmen?of soil profile as:�i only those conclasscns expressly madc. Ylcasc�iotc that this n�ork is not intended ia documert the presence or absenee e;ary e;�virotv::en.a� cuntuminants at thc site, nor for ider.tifyicg appiic�bla le:.a?, state or federal laws t�r regulations of a r.oii-g�otec}�ieal nature which may e�rt�a;��ot be appli�ablc to this site. Further,Interstate Geotechnical Engineering,inc,caanot be l:�Id tCSDC?'iSt�':e for;'ac�ti not c�iscl�srd. 'I'he bore holes have backfilled the as well as possible using native cutUngs.While the dceper }3oring i did not produce an �:nvironmental Borc liolc as defincd hy Minnesc�ta Department of Hc:alth regulations, Bentonite was added to the cuttings during the backfilling precess.However,some aontinuing se:tlement may occur if constructian does not t�kc glacc in thc ncar futurc. lf sctticmcnt docs accur,thc Clicnt shoiilc�backtilB wit'.� additiona]soil. This repart and ail supp�rting informatian is furnished only to the Client and his�ssi�n� fur the dcsignated purpose. \u representations to other p�Ri�s or fur other uses are maeic, Soil samples retrieved during the investigati�n proccss wcre classifred in the fieid by a Soils Enginccr. Most of thcm wcrc immcdiutcly discardcd. Sumplcs rcturncd to t}�c laboratory will 5e held for s period of 30 days uniess a reyuest is r�c�;v;,d to retain theni fer a ion�er perioci. 181797v1 «'af 2�1 R'65'"St.C'han';xa�cn,htinn -8- �I`��'tII1�EI�'S,�'ERTI FICATP. I hereby certify that this plan,spccification or report was p:epared by mc or under nz}� direci supervisian ar,d that I am a duly licensed Professional Engineer under ihe 1a��s oP titic Statc of:vlinncsota. IiV'I'ERSTATE GEOTFCd 1'�'I�'AL ENGItrr'EERING, Inc ��. C, � �, - U `�`�,\1��\� _�1��'��1"'..�•• �� � 't I b�---- G a.' PAtrick J Hines,PB,President ����psNa���s'4 llate �� v, � � Registtation I�o. 12Q8fi �,� : � �zo� a Proofcd by: S(: �� 8TATE ;4� 'y �f S r=� : S� a Fr�4�ti.!I+�y E 5 O�,,�V,,�� ,�'���i i�i��:e'�� 181797v1 Tir�:TFA?i� OP I;d`JFS'd1_G1l'PTdI;, A11GER L'Ul:ihC:S 'I'It� Au};Pr BoYiug pi'ocec;ur¢ is ane ot t:he siri,�J��;t r,cthodr ng �,;�� 1._ vestigsri�,<< a,r.d sampli�:g. Zts tini[a�icns are that racovered samples ❑r� di�turhed samples, and tttut dePth nf �ossa,ble invEstigation is l.imi'e�l -,y var�oitn factors, Aepeciding u�nn s�ill of tkae o��erator or erew ��;ief, varioufi enRineering �ro�ert:iPy of so;7, such as soi,l pr�#lie, estiu�ated inp3�te strengeh, Etc, may be cletermined b�� thi� m�thod. It may elso bc used [o re�ricve sar:ip,�er, fot l�:boratury testing and det�rr�i.nation �f suita6il�ty of sa;;l f,�r uthcc purpos,�y,`�'his des�ribeb the ,r��,r:r of't�n procedures uses3. In thi.s Wro��eriure, .+ugers :ir�o aclv:�,��ed inCo the �;rouad 3�y hydraa�llc/ ineclte�r,iral me�ns, At intervals, iasually �', ttie ateger Wichdrawn and tioil s�mples nre z�[;=i�`�ed and classified: retair:ina �amntes :,s necessary f�t� f�.rtiier cenal;�sls. keeprd data includEr deptl� tU changer+ in atrata, cles�crip- eion of soil i.n es�h enaj�r s[�acum, grqundwater deptti or elevatiU�� tati�ee fouaad, ,nd utEiPr informntion. Tiiis i� i.n ace.�rdanc.Y with che <tmerxCa�; St�ciPty lc�r 'I'estiny; and Pfattri�ls (h57M) Desi�r.ation: D i452-8U, "Stzu�cl�a,{ Rructice icrr Soil Lnve.stiga�icrn .nd Sr�in�7?ni; by ,iugcr ll��rin�;y". 5ometimes, lid:s� aui;er l�urings �ji uari�us t}�pes are t��,{I ;�� ❑ccompl;�;� ct�c ��me }.�aiE���_r. . 3f��•„re»er, j�anetr,iLioi� deptli is ttsu:�ll�� liR',ted. 7[s ad'i2n.. ;afic 's �reate-r :�ccux�cy and thr fact th:it i }»ijri r�i�i.�r ht�ri.ng niay be t u� ,�nl.y C;';� pc:�ssi�ie +s�'.;err- a<<.i�:�;; it; 7.i�alicd tC�r puvcr ,iu,,�r r;taCl'.ie�eC1'. (ov�=r) 181797v1 A1;achmCnt to l:ng�nccnng Kcp��� Intcrstutc c,cotcchnic:al t.rzgtncxring,inc METtiUU UF 1N V�11ua�tUN Dynamic Cone Pcnctromcter �i he iJynatnic C:cne Yenetromeur (U(.:Y) procedure ss aa ►ncreas�ngty acccpted method t� investi�ale soil in limited zones, ta sugment existtng icsUng, or to :est en teiatively iso(�te�or tasccessib�e m�eas. [t ts a relativety;�gFitweight devict that evalus!es snil cons�stenc�� and dcnstty. !t is "dyaarti�c", versus staifc, m that rt ut�lius a talling weight in the testa�g. 7�e dev�ce ut�lizes E 15#stee!nng w'eight ta[ling ZU"on an E-rod slide(s�skctch uelaw).At the end of ine 6-rod agsembly is e spccislly shapcd cone ihat is driven into the sai3 by repeated drops ofthc hammer on�se unvil.The cane;s sl�ghtly enlarged a:its b�.se to m�nimize shaft resistanc�abovo.'Cl�e test is eithcr made at existing surf�ce:evel,but most likety through an augered hole (see saQarate "Auger Borings" procedure). Soi prafite is cstablisheci thrauyh this tetter pta:edure,At tesi dc�th,the cone is seatcd 2"{the "set")into undisturbai soil far proper err.bedment.The cane point is then fiuthor driven i'Jq"by tha 1 SN hammer dropping 20".The blows to drive the cane 1�/�" int�tf�r soil are counted and reeorded. Sorctetimes, a second and thtrd penetration can 6e made in this sartie set. Sy succvssively Advan�ing the boro hole end sdding rods,tests can be madc a? vurio•�s icvels.This proccdure may bc tcscd to dcy�ths of up to 15 or 2�fcc;. ; 9 �i t Ro� ,.'. !�. .. PYliaul ,:nul� ,, 1--- f_�r r � I-;�— +� � , : �- — � �i �+. / �I 'p� � �� — _. .t I_ RIlt; , . `� C t,l �� ! � � � j. ) ( �Iltln9 on��t � J tl — _1 __ \ 4� j _ `\__�! l 1 �, � v �N O S]iding Ar:ve Hamraer Cone Pair.t 181797v1 � L.{..•rr�[:,fc C��uic:=i�n1��a; F:uyfr�,.r. ��i,�_. I�ii II . ._ _ _ ..._ _. ,_. ..:. � UNIFIED SO[L CLASSIFICATION � w pt.,�oa+ �'�p r�yin+n.rna Lewa�ory ciatsinntw.aWri. � � � _, � � Gpr W�-P'�+In•ch�.pare un; C .�—{naw Wa k��,.�a�,M.sse�w4 I � 4 $� miuurn�INIr a ro(inq + Q. D...0.. f i' �� Powty Fadm yf.elf.pa.ei• " i q ^ �� C� GP _ y N�r.anw�ail yaGar,on�sOo:reoam fa Gw Z �nC m�n�in.auk or ro:Sn. .c q � Y ���' �- ` ' _ - __ — : v`_}i � � _Z �~ � S�MY{reveb.ir�►e{'tandw�li Y n�% A��erbc.ry Kmrrf OM+..,t•• � � 4 �� � � �,�,,rb Nnr a P.i.leu�I+u+� � i : ` � u 'n Y a o.'v { Aeo.t..A,.�.i�n v) Z � X v . « bo�em 3�yC ' arr b.�. ` i ;�� �� 3< a drrtiwt�asa nc�,�,�5�r- � - � � w C � � CL.e)�rave�L�i�'!�'Y/�A�Si� ?� v�: �11tc'S+n�Lm1N tDOA^,�•• O�4Yi]f�91bO�J ■ t � � m+�•�ra �s ►n...,�P.9.poier�h�n� § 3 �� - — . , �� - • a � � � g�y wJ fra6csf w�+.va�dt� �? C.��'O[�IE fME�:C�.�D�' ��-i..�a� `� � tanw.M�Is a n0 fSno D. D.�D. �� e `a � A ' ' `iO nt --- n � Y � t'� SP P0�`�Fadcd sud�.�n.dlr 2� . . ' . . ya.�nenio��II�ra6auon reaauemw�for 5 W �I y �+ : w.4.M�Is a w Ma :e yi �, : � �2 � °�lB�; � : � � _ �2 s �i 5�1 � S€� �� Ai�n,a{limw le�on.•A,• .�,._ s fr 5�1.wndi.�.+���A� ��3r�^ c lr.na�Ob���n�cn nii:h�� � a !!�'q�f(t �r � ' I�ht P'Y.I.If11 I�N� � _ � � 4 { i C � } !ON A'lIA'.I.RRMRiI a J�� }t � s 1M��!�b O f d f�llf.!Cl•6 ^ _�{3 L= ' � :y x^ re��inr�uuofduils��m- �1 �� r K Q��qHnd�.und<bytru�� � ' Aac�er{Wrouak+�r.•A., Mah �` k r J Z wre F!r� �rK.•-�n►.1,po�G tMn' f lnorpeic ti+h�arW�ec>fiM A �a�6,rccl M1on,why a:5�.•, 0 � .,1 ,d„,ud�a Mr u,i,,...� ^'� � � : , i � - — _ �4{1�phaicrr ►r aWvrsr el Mr�pw+d 5a - wi aiC ?+�t fnc+on o1 eavM �j Inar{�ti:ctan o(bw to mr SO a"'�W�b. , — '. t! � $ .` dlwn C�WKiIr.Q�'d!�tla.�. •nvl�ry l�mu Iloq�e� rs � ^� _ � y �L wwy Can.fiY.e1ap.ka� �d1[1�MlirrAa'/���ir N a�r ` t_���_�- 1 � r ` � ' d.h � �.eww - M;�; � ' ' (cn'�n ot�b.w: � � � ��� � � � I Or K Il1U MO __ ►1•�'7•Ll�SI pn Ory�rv�W� --.-7+-._.-�...�.._.� � Z _ �t � au.�oi Iw ptu;cill +� q. ' � . � - � � Ir.ar�an.e wAA nca.'.vu�a (' �.� ^�•w yN1�'t-� i� � �tH eia+ana�ow f.x ww+a � _ � 4 � ? . M.�rnlS.e1if1\YHS ` G c3 Jt CH Iror�smc.'IaM of���h N��. 10 --- � ` : � :.n>-r,�:�., ' _-�... `� �' ' _^ -_: : � ��!�a'-�.��..,�� - a ;� n �._�_, ._— � ._ ._---L----- --- : �' GN ( (�yn.rLn at�wdn��..�. D iC v� SU n� ..� �;, �o k_, Bc� iu:� � �' _ H��}I G�I�IMt).Ofv1YR 1ii:! ' � _ ' � �.' _ ' .."__ � t= � ^� hae�nu ana n.�tl'r>.•., L�..0 e C-." ! - a � ��. �� _ _ � Ig17�7V� i �� � o " t' S a ,"�� � w �;� � w � � �+n Y A � 0� � �� � o J � � � ;�,. ��' � - �� � �' P �� � a � � , e �� � '� t+ +� �p � O �S �' " � .., " � � �qu �+� � . � a rJ � +� u k�� � � u � v� w H V V ��a �� �v o u � y,a �o� � a � � �x ,� � 7' O O"� N id 1+ � .�.� � Q.��i Cj � �.t: � �!.U � i � � v, - � A � ' •a� � '. � N o � i O U' � N 4!i V (n H � " � C Cl O Pd V (C�.-! O r�T7 � O 5a � � ~ ni u L Q a � C y (.i N y � O O � i �� � J S/l o U w Z �Sa ' b� � sr'— �s � � - -_ _ _ �; � � a � � � za a d a� �� �w� �. Y s`l �R^''� � jl appccrcimte p-�em; linc r'.r, � , +r/i�'�� .._.__. _.....,.�..f_o,..� .�. _..,_..�.�.�-. - .o.�....,�.t,.o- - ,.-. _..-_--^..._�._.�� Ig�797V1 -' —'-'--- ----- SUiL IiQHI�iG LOG - ...__._---...._.._.._..,,�_.Y�,.._n.e.-.._�..._�__Y_�- I - -t'ntrlck d Ninee, PB ^ ' 61G7 100th SC-S � C�ttaRe Grove M.N SS016 � Propoe4 � ng e Fami2y Re- s-iaence"T' s - PROJE�T: T�eat of 20b1 W bSth StL,Chanhaesen, Minn � LOG OF BORING NO: _.._�,.�____ , _ DEPTr� SURFACE ELEVATION: ~'^ SJ►MPIfi lAd i OTHE9 TEST9 98.1__� r �N GEOLOGY N W8 � - FEE7 �+�ESCAIPTIONANDCLASSiFiCAT10N // TYA£ R W DE. p;�. ' � � � LEAir CLAYi vBTisbly sandy, Organic (Ql, Topsoil ,�+ i � p,� ' 1 Black, w/tr's wineral Soil, Fill j � very moist, loose to flrm � ; i I I Y. t � i'r�3 Ihrk(ti'ay (,(:l„ �. �, I � x/a littic Orga¢ii:c Soil. w/ tr �ve� •t 1 (�i� ��;•t17 � I�1 i � 2 �mist to yecv�isc, ina�e rb fi�q/ , , :J1.� C:LAY, ra[her ailty, qrganic �i)i,j :�ur;ec � ; � N� � IHlack, w/ ssall roots, tr's undecom- ?iL�us I � ' ;�poaed vegetation, saturatQd, raYl�er ' � ' `�orderline Sapric Peat in sntt { i � ,_t�p�er Portion , 51 li hter, leen or anic, w/ de th � ! t''1'�-L � e tC e San y� eTy ar to Lxcus[ri��r }' %i:\ 41.`1 � ;Dark Gray (CL), very soft to soft (vl lleposit depth� � �}� 1 Ir �'( . Poor y gra e pio nQ gr;w,� t;lacia3 �' S !'; S�l_i F�a�ed, tr ca); w/ a fev fine», Dark c7rny Till, u/ � (SP),'aaEurated, looeQ to firm pii�venh Y 6 FA u.6 �banded w/ 1.EAN CI.AY, a litClc sandy. }��clus�uc� � y Dark Gray (GI.), eaturated. rather oolt � soft Co medium ¢ 8}'+ � 10 aore bands of clay, leas of saad, w/ � I depttf , �� S i LEAN CL.AY� rather eettdy� Dnrk �r:�y Claclnl '` ' � � ti � � ; (f'l;, �/ �� lictle gravFl 7s1: I i � i ' :�;1C1=:�'.tl'4j� 1'.It:�:1LL�, :; � ; i � � �� a ( a i � ' I I � f I i�� ; . � i � 15•�+' � v � � '.:1 I � � y � � 16 I 17-i E , � � , , Ii;' , ��� ! ,y_; � � I ; � ! i ,�,,,I I � � � �' � j ' ; i i � ��� � � I i SW t 5 n��l�� Nrr.•�:� ; ' (24� x►�y. �nNy [7c.r,' _-_-1�:r�nKlnucd..cn.ge.�t� c1�ee t) �-----.---- � � ? �JeatTter: ��3Y ) 7Q°F_, � (�etiru� WA?'Er� LEVE:.lr1EA5UREMENTS � DHILLING DATA � ; .__.._.__; —�-_ -- --___�_----__.._.-...__� -�-_�___. . -- -..- 4AMPiED UYMG UVE�M ONILLING w��E� � ��� TM�L DE1rN OCFfM DEPTN (MUC LEYE t�vE: Ci�„`�h��f J„ VN __,_�__ , . � + � �r+r,od 3" Hand 6 �i' Powor Flight' '. � 16^19_ ...�f� .__. _ None_ 3.c� --_._ __, ___� 2b Ore 13:51 5' t,n� ' Augere �bile 8-31 Drll'. -- --- --- Hig on Dodge Power Wag�:• " " ( 14:35 to 23' _ o;,' s�' C�d: 3 c[o er ' � �� „ ' _.�{,� � � ,1, i � ,. � 9,�",,c. ,���-� � za o�c�t _ 2o�a 181797v1 __ _ �..--'.-.._- -�—--'_-. .._.�---_�_—'.----. ts,,il. HU3l.':�. t,ilf: . _ .. _......_-----. ..-------,� ._. � (cuntlnuCd) �1(�; 10U��' 5[ S I htTie�J Rtrw� 1K CattPg:• G.m;n NR7 '►Sf11b' i � � Yropoeed Sinqle Fam12y Residence t'RO,)ECT:_Weat of 20b� 65th St �hanhaeeen, Minp ____.�_ , ' i I LOG OF 80RING �i0: _ 1 � I Rkr�rr� SURFACE ELEVATION: 98.1 SAMP�E y UB �OTHEA TESTS i �N GEOIDGY N W� � � FEET iGATlON I �T'1'PE N w DE p:�, { DESGRIPTION ANA CUSSIi � _� __.. — --- ' �LEAN CLAY, rather sandv, ��rx Gr�� .U� t ,ci11 ; ,, � f� I ' ;� ,W/ tr to s little gravel �:7? i + 1 � eaturated. medium i � � i � I �,_._..,.�� i � � �� F.ad af Bozing - No Refusal � ( � � �4 I ! � � 1 Bore hole void backfillcd w/ nutivu 1 � ? z5 cuiting� mixed p/ t;cntnnice ust 74 I ( i � 6 Octo'�er 2014 � � � � � , ; � � � �' �_ _ ; 1'r�r,e lA - Elev = 97.& � � � � � � 3 ` ` � ; � 0-5}' Topeoil Flil, Fill (51_.lev�: � I � thnn Boriag 1). BurieJ 1ius:,i,�: � I � � i � �� 6;'-7' Leaa Cisy, poaBibly Marl, ( � � j�� Gray, eaturated, very aoft � { I � � 7'-8}' Lean Clay, rether ailty, Dark F � r ! ? 3L �=ay, Faturated, v�ry µoft t+� i � 1 + nott � � � t8}"-lOj' Lear+ Clay+ w/ bend inciusioaA,� ' � � � 3�` DsrY Gray, eaturaced, soft to; � _ � j mediva: � � t � j 3��Prob¢ pc:t da� by powcr f light nuge: � � : 6 Imethod on 24 October 2014 6 u�edf � r � � i 34i$tely backfilled W/ netive cuttings i � E imixed v/ Bentonite ' t . 'S� i I � � i , � 36� i i I ' i � � 'j� � � � a � �r, ! I � i { � 9 35 ' � o � 0 ; � ! � I '�i,� � a I � ! � i 9 � � ' i I ` I � ! � t � ' � � j I I I I I �.j� � ' � I I � � ' ; ' E 1 � � � � � � ; , y5� � i t � ( � I I � i I � i i i ' , �g1�9�V� j II j YatTlck J N'Lnen. PE ��'�. � . - . � 31��. :i: ,,�r :�. 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T,��.�, � (t:.i;..,:?;1 : � - •- - , .. -- -- -- - - { . _ , •;,ctt A il��i� vi s�.�Je�..r,,T$ =N.-t'N= O��t . . - ' �: � L�S .. � (r. :{Y.. - . F•_:. ;' . , . .t � �t� - � Clr•n � .. . . .. .. .I�r�� t/.1. ( _ ,• •' . . _ . � . . . . . . . ...� �i - i " � � •�.r .. . . .. ,_. , ' . . " . . . � • � _ __ . � . . _ � - _ . .. - � ... _.. ... � ' � � . 181797v1 EXHIBIT "C" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT ig»9��i li;it3�;lA�l� 1�i:�JiC�illlltal �' �.. . .. � '��. Patrick!�finCs;:�� �i a�c��cr�s��� ' cvttac�G.o.e\e-'s''' I iC321a-• -- . ii$-fU lIII1�Ci.`l:� Minnetonka MIv .;__ Re: Subsurface Soit �� PToposcd Singlc i au�;iy it�'�id�: titi of'2G61 W 65`�St,Ghanhas,c,:;i,i;.y� T�i1S 13 1Q TC51lonsc to YOltf COII18C[Of tC-CCTtt i�a2riti;���ri)u1i.1�.t�.�lc'-Y CrY, If�15�7r�ljc_t-:�- . . k.no�v,1 investigated the lat last month and issued a report dated 25 O�ober 2019.] i��;:•: � a total of T&S�/1'of uusuitable,soil at tfic lcx:ati�us of Boring 1 &.Probc lA,respectivcl�. in thc focm of to}�seit fill,general and viuying fill,buried original humus and ovcrly soft cl:�. or mari. Ficst suitable base soil is a loose to £�rm sand or a soR to medium lesn cla�_ i recommendad removin�these matmals and placing cantrolled fill,noting that you will 1�,�. : to sseriously controi groundwatcr in tlic proctss.I?egarding groundwater,I found it very h i�'�� vnth�isssite-acastabilize.ilevelofl.8'.Aslundecatandit, �t--.+ ,�.��;f�'t,:,;�:�_;=_.�.,�,_ .-�.. if this watcr level wili ch�nge as a result of site conrectiu:.. I used as a stabilizcd watcr i�vel the 1.8' found a da. :�� - �. �� , �: , .,: ,..: eompleted.I hsd encaunter�d water whilc dtillir.�and did:�ch�e�e the;ras:;�c an:�lur sni 1 ti,.. first day.Vt'hen I did the power auger pt�ase,water�vas creeping up to neazly the same te,:�� a few honrs lat�r, so T felt tttat thc 1.8'is valid. I believe that,whcn you eorrect this l:�r. controllai$grc�uudwater,and compacting fiil,cuost likely granular,thc grour�dwaterwili sc*�� rebo�uxl to its ori�inal le�el- 1.4'as foi;r,d`,t;;r.�horir�: 1s V�lt:CrP+�TUCt pi�3i;�.�.;�a��i n�, � . site drainage on ycwr fiuishcd pzoject, ;•, , ,.. . ,: . . -- rcch�ge the resulf of your ectivities. If you ha�•e xnv adciitic,c�ai que5ti�ns on T � . . , s ' _ ! � : � ; capr: � � � ,, , . Sin�:��. �lYl['I�.l . .�1. ; if.'. � t....t7_ !: .QsS>1c��7:... — .:{;, t .. a+��`1�4t:«. I//��ffl� � - .�. � � :�' � � I:.-:lL.r � J�"y � /� � �y' 4Pr�G�hSFQ��,, Pr -i'�1��S. �i r ...��.}:..��:i�:�.i it-�:C ��ip L�;�:�J,,.. �����<7C.� �.. � �' . Patrick d Hines.PE t � � • ��:':`'.�'j �::�i�:. ,' � ,_;:,,-- " 12Q86 * � "�� Ci I1�•ri A Gl:�_� ul._:f��C�Pi1;;: . � 'ti t� —1 PTCCICICflL ,��,.'d� TSIA:E .' •C�— '1 lJ! y{i��..1✓iY1�,7 Qt' Irl�STATE Ot�91Y�:S�� � ;�E� ; �;�. �� � ��_ ti.- ' Qi� 0� � � �.u. n?i/CC ��r�•^-."!E6�.°-/!i�',�`!� U/,'TE:_ �_3,j�r!r� 'f fL?iPJi�ES�TAR+fi F:�, t21)�� _ �•. �1�,7�f t.E",i�a ---- � �'�t;,,i�.t;it. 1cg1797V1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT MIN: 1008671-0504161542-5 MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., as nominee for the Lender FLAGSTAR BANK, FSB, a federal savings bank, its successors and assigns, which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect Dated this day of , 2015. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. BY: ITS: '� STATE OF ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2015, by the of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., a Delaware corporation, acting solely as nominee for the Lender Flagstar Bank, FSB, a federal savings bank, on its behalf. NOTARY PUBLIC THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan,MN 55121 Telephone: 651-452-5000 181797v1