06.LaMettry - Volume Calcs - 061815Subject: Volume Control - 1.1" Abstraction of Runoff over the Proposed Hardcover North Building =18,300 Each North Parking =21,600 SF South Building =22,150 Each 40,450 South Parking =28,200 SF 40.45 Total Hardcover Area =2.07 Acres Existing Hardcover Area = 0.0 Acres Difference =2.07 Acres Gross Site Area =23.11 Acres Impervious Ratio =9.0% Abstraction Volume Required: Desired Abstraction Depth - 1.1 inches = 0.092 ft Hardcover - 2.07 acres = 90,250 sf Abstraction Required - 90,250 sf x 0.092 ft = 8,273 cf Hydrologic Soil Group:B Provided by the NRCS Web Soil Survey Assumed Infiltration Rate: 0.3 in/hr Drawdown Requirement: 48 hr Maximum Abstraction Depth: 1.2 ft Abstraction Credits: North Chambers 3395 cf of dead storage Middle Chambers 3214 cf of dead storage South Chambers 1913 cf of dead storage 8522 total cf of dead storage provided Dead Storage values taken from HydroCAD storage tables. Volume Control Underground Stormwater Treatment will be provided using the Cultec cystem with chambers and crushed rock, as spec'd by Cultec and Royal Enterprises. We have limited the proposed dead storage to the Maximum Abstraction Depth as indicated above. Three chamber systems will be used to meet the stormwater requirements for this project.