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Payments 06-08-15
CITY O�'+ MEMORANDUM CHANHA��������I TO: Mayor 770o Market Boulevard City Council PO Box 1�17 ''�J �" Chanhassen,MN 55317 � � FROM: Greg Sticha, Finance Director ����� Administration DATE: May 29, 2015 Phone:952.227.1100 � Fax:952227.1110 � SUBJECT: Review of Claims Paid Building Inspections Phone:952.22711£30 Fax:952.22711�o The following claims are submitted For review on June 8, 2015: Engineering Phone:952.227.�160 Fax:952 227.1��io Check Numbers Amounts Finance 160063 - 160ll8 $671,841.23 Phone 952.?_27.1140 Fax:952.227.1110 ACH Payments $139,050.66 Park&Recre�tion Pnone:�52 22���2o May Visa charges $15,�38.98 Fax�952.2271110 ----------------- Total All Claims $826,430.87 {�GCYG't�fl0f7 I:i i1�GY 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone 952.2?_71400 I ax�952.22�7.1�04 Attachments: Check Suminary Check Detail Report F�Ban�1i����� iV��tural f�esource� Phone:952.227.1130 Fax:952227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone:952.227.1300 Fax�952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone:952.22711?5 Fax:952.2�71110 Website www.ci.chanhassem m�.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life� f'rovlding for �oday and Planning for�lomorrow Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check Number '� ���(�� a1 �l User: dwasl�burn �� Printed: 5/29/2015 12:14 PM Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checks Check Amount 160063 carabs CARVER COLINTY ABSTRACT&TITLI OS/18/2015 0.00 614,779.78 160064 POST POSTMASTER OS/18/2015 0.00 250.85 160065 RU�GJERR JERRY RU�GEMER OS/18/2015 0.00 150.00 160066 AARP AAILP OS/21/2015 0.00 430.00 160067 aircom AIR COMPRESSORS PLUS OS/21/2015 0.00 33.75 1600(8 alttec Altima Technologics,Inc. OS/21/2415 0.00 700.00 1600(9 aspmil ASPEN MILLS OS/21/2015 0.00 44530 160070 bcatra BCA TRAINING&DEVELOPMENT OS/21/2015 0.00 135.00 160071 borsta BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY OS/21/2015 0.00 328.99 160072 bryroc BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC OS/21/2015 0.00 681.04 160073 BushKris I�risti Bush OS/21/2015 0.00 63.00 160074 ccnene CENTERPOINT EN�RGY MINNEGASG OS/21/2015 0.00 464.73 1(0075 chaska CITY OF CHASKA OS/21/2015 0.00 685.65 160076 conpla Consolidated Plastics Company OS/21/2015 0.00 220.66 160077 enfijoc JOE ENFI�LD OS/21/2015 0.00 83.18 1(0078 ANAFATT Ana Fatturi OS/21/2015 0.00 595 160079 firsaf Fire Safety USA OS/21/2015 0.00 6,225.00 160080 flepri F1eetPride,Inc. 05/21/2015 0.00 4Z64 160081 FraAnn Annette Fragale OS/21/2015 0.00 228.00 160082 goocom Goodyear Connnercial Tire&Seivice Ccnt OS/21/2015 0.00 636.00 160083 govcon GovConnection,I�ic. OS/21/2015 0.00 100.50 160084 hdsup HD Supply Waterworks,LTD OS/21/2015 0.00 7,019.00 1(0085 LANEQI Lano Equipment OS/21/2015 0.00 477.64 160086 McAfee McAfee,Ine. OS/21/2015 0.00 97.00 160087 inediac MEDIACOM OS/21/2015 0.00 11.09 160088 mcma MN CITY COiJNTY MGMT ASSOC. OS/21/2015 0.00 220.00 1(0089 raitre RAINBOW TREE COMPANY 05/21/2015 0.00 840.00 160090 seh SEH OS/21/2015 0.00 1,494.25 160091 shotru SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE OS/21/2015 0.00 43.92 160092 SPAMOT SPARTAN MOTOR CHASSIS INC OS/21/2015 0.00 i,357.93 160093 termin TERMINIX OS/21/2015 0.00 104.00 1C0094 volfir ASSOC OP MINN VOLUNTE�R FIR�FI( OS/21/2015 0.00 580.00 160095 watcom WATEROUS COMPANY OS/21/2015 0.00 484.50 160096 A1drMari Marilyn Aldritt OS/28/2015 0.00 10.00 160097 alltra All Traffic Sohirions OS/28/2015 0.00 4,935.00 160098 BCATRA BCA TRAINING&DEVELOPMENT OS/28/2015 0.00 G0.00 160099 BobSul Bob Sullivan Plumbing Inc OS/28/2015 0.00 18020 160100 buycha Buy Chanhassen,Inc. OS/28/2015 0.00 15.00 160101 CARLIC CARVER COLTNTY LICENSE CENT�R OS/28/2015 0.00 1,554.59 1(0102 fessou F�STIVAL SOL7NDAND LIGHTING OS/28/2015 0.00 1,000.00 160103 firlab FIRSTLAB OS/28/2015 0.00 214.75 1(0104 hdsup HD Supply Waterworks,LTD OS/28/2015 0.00 389.20 160105 InnCus Innovative Custom Homes 45/28/2015 0.00 250.00 160106 jarvtim Timothy J.Jarvis OS/28/2015 0.00 200.00 1(0107 JPCom JP and Company OS/28/2015 0.00 1,500.00 160108 midcoc MIDW�ST COCA COLA OS/28/2015 0.00 453.90 160109 MinVall Minnesota Va11ey Concrete OS/28/2015 0.00 250.00 AP Checks by Date-Suinn�ary by Check Number(5/29/2015 12:14 PM) pa6e� Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Chec(c Date Void Checks Check Amount 160110 MNCHIL MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR OS/28/2015 0.00 705.11 160111 MNHEAL MN DEPT OF HEALTH OS/28/2015 0.00 12,700.00 160112 PietKen Ken Pietz OS/28/2015 0.00 1,017.69 160]13 raitre RAINI30W TREE COMPANY OS/28/2015 0.00 200.00 160114 ryanelis Elise Ryan OS/28/2015 0.00 15.00 160ll5 rylhom Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 0.00 4,500.00 160116 shewil SHERWIN WILLIAMS OS/28/2015 0.00 67494 160117 signso SIGNSOURCE OS/28/2015 0.00 247.50 160118 sofliou SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIONAL OS/28/2015 0.00 1,944.00 Report Total(56 checics): 0.00 671,84123 AP Cliecks by Date-Summa�y by Check Number(5/29/2015 12:14 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable � �, �;n ������e���r:��� � �: ���� ��� � Checks by Date - Summary by Check �. , ' User: dwashburn �� � �;#� Printed: 5/29/2015 12:16 PM �' ����}���,,'Y ' :�` '� Checic No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Void Checics Check Amount I ACH altbus Altei-native Business Furniture Inc OS/21/2015 0.00 1,670.20 ��� ACH anctec ANCOM TECI-INICAL CENTER OS/21/20]5 0.00 522.50 � ACH BATPLU BATTERIES PLUS OS/21/2015 0.00 28.00 � ACH benext BENEFIT EXTRAS INC OS/21/2015 0.00 70.00 �� ACH boytru Boyer Truck Parts OS/21/2015 0.00 201.97 ACH camlcnu CAMPBBLL KNUTSON OS/21/2015 0.00 14,554.87 ACH carcou Carver County OS/21/2015 0.00 2,108.00 ACH civplu CivicPlus OS/2l/2015 0.00 6,803.44 ACH delden Delta Dental OS/2l/2015 0.00 2,075.65 ACH dicsan Dicl<'s Sanitation Inc OS/21/2015 0.00 527.7� ACHFergEnte Fe3�gusonWaterworks#2516 OS/21/20]5 0.00 15,31232 ACH hoikoe HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP OS/21/2015 0.00 �,922.50 ACH innoff Innovative Office Solutions, LLC OS/21/2015 0.00 240.24 ACH IntLoss Integrated Loss Conh�ol, Inc. OS/21/2015 0.00 103.50 ACH kidplu Kidd Plumbing Inc OS/21/2015 0.00 287.00 ACH lifsup Life Support Innovations LLC OS/21/20]5 0.00 1,641.80 � ACH napa NAPA AUTO&TRUCK PARTS OS/21/2015 0.00 233.50 � ACH prares PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC OS/21/2015 0.00 749.50 ACH quaflo Quality Flow Systems Inc OS/21/2015 0.00 777.65 ACH pinlcr•ay RAY PINK OS/21/2015 0.00 575.00 ACH rbmser RBM SERVICES INC OS/21/2015 0.00 4,957.62 ACH sensys SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. OS/21/2015 0.00 397.99 ACH snatoo SNAP-ON TOOLS OS/2l/2015 0.00 108.73 ACH SPRPCS SPRINT PCS OS/21/2015 0.00 103.44 ACH STREIC STREICHER'S OS/21/2015 0.00 31.98 ACH sunlif Sun Life Financial OS/21/2015 0.00 3,598.92 � ACH WATSON WATSON COMPANY OS/21/2015 0.00 941.32 ACH WitPub Winner Public Safety Group, Inc. OS/21/2015 0.00 2t3.55 ACH wsb WSB & ASSOCIATES 1NC OS/21/2015 0.00 1,156.00 ACH xcel XCEL ENERGY INC OS/2l/2015 0.00 357.80 ACH azren A TO Z RENTAL CENTER OS/28/2015 0.00 904.02 ACH aflac American Fa�nily Life Assurance Company of Columb OS/28/2015 0.00 39.78 ACH carcou Carver County OS/28/2015 0.00 11,758.90 � ACH choice Choice, Inc. OS/28/2015 0.00 226.92 �1CH collif Colonial Life&Accident Insurance Co OS/28/2015 0.00 83.14 ACH cormec CORPORATE MECHANICAL OS/28/2015 0.00 303.11 �� ACH DLTsoI DLT SOLUTIONS INC OS/28/2015 0.00 2,092.74 � ACH genpar GENERAL PARTS INC OS/28/2015 0.00 1,008.49 , ACH harh�e HARTMAN TRE�FARM OS/28/2015 0.00 4,081.00 ACH hawche HAWKINS CHEMICAL OS/28/2015 0.00 19,028.86 ACH IndPla Indelco Plastics Co3poration OS/28/2015 0.00 1,533.14 � ACH innoff Innovative Office Solutions,LLC OS/28/2015 0.00 312.61 �� ACH jeffir JEFFERSON FIRE SAFETY INC OS/28/2015 0.00 105.46 �� ACH jollsup JOHNSTONE SUPPLY OS/28/2015 0.00 89.37 Page 1 of 2 �i Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Checic Date Void Checics Check Amount I ACH mvec MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP OS/28/2015 0.00 108.88 ACH pjpro P&J Pt�omotions OS/28/2015 0.00 570.00 I, ACH quaflo Quality Flow Systems Inc OS/28/2015 0.00 3,860.00 I ACH sprpcs SPRINT PCS OS/28/2015 0.00 162.96 �, ACH UniFar United Farmers Cooperative OS/28/2015 0.00 87.80 ' ACH verizo VERIZON WIRELESS OS/28/2015 0.00 40.01 �', ACH witpub Witmez•Public Safety Gz•oup, Inc. OS/28/2015 0.00 889.77 ACH xcel XCEL ENERGY INC OS/28/2015 0.00 26,490.97 ', Repot-C Total: 0.00 139,050.66 � Page 2 of 2 Accounts Payable � „ . Checic Detail-Checks ����� ��� t_.. �u����������1���� User: dwashbw-n ��`"$ � Printed:OS/29/2015 - 12:16 PM Name Check Da Account Description Amount AARP 05/21/2015 101-15C0-4300 Dcfensive Drivinb= 430.00 AARP 430.00 AIR COMPRESSORS PLUS OS/21/2015 101-1370-�4120 Filter elements 33.75 AIR COMPRESSORS PLUS 33.75 Alciritt Marilyn OS/28/2015 101-0000-2033 Refimd overpayment-deposit correction ]0.00 Aldritt Marilyn 10.00 All Traffic Solutions OS/28/2015 400-0000-4705 Speed Display 4,935.00 All Traffic Solutious 4,935.00 Altiina"I�echnologies,Inc. OS/21/20]5 101-1160-4220 NetZoom subscription renewal 700.00 Altima Tecl�nologies,Iuc. 700.00 ASPEN MILLS OS/21/2015 101-1220-4240 Class A Uniform-Chaplain 445.30 ASPEN MILLS 44530 BCATRAINING&DEVELOPMENT OS/21/2015 101-1120-4300 bacicground investigation fee 135.00 BCATRAINING&DEVELOPMENT OS/28/2015 101-1120-4300 Solicitor/Employment Criuiinal Background Iuvestigation 15.00 BCA TRAINING&DEVELOPMENT OS/28/2015 101-1120-4300 solicitor/employment back��ound investigations 45.00 BCA 1'RAINING&DEVELOPMENT 195.00 Bob Sullivan Plumbing Inc OS/28/2015 700-0000-36(4 refimd water meter overpayment 169.00 Bob Sullivxn Plumbing Inc OS/28/2015 700-0000-2021 refund water meter overpayment 11.20 Bob Sullivan Plumbing Inc 180.20 BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY OS/21/2015 101-ll90-4510 floor outlet cover -i2�•�� BORDER STATES ELECTRIC SUPPLY 'ZA�� BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC OS/21/2015 101-1320-4150 rip rap 681.04 BRYAN ROCK PRODUCTS INC C81.04 Bush Kristi OS/21/20]5 101-1534-3631 Refund-dancc tiekets 63.00 Busl�Kristi C3.00 Accounts Payable-Check Detail-Checks(OS/29/2015- 12:16 PM) Page 1 of 5 tV'ame Check Da Account Description Amount Buy Clianhassen,Inc. OS/28/2015 101-1110-4370 Registration-Campion 15.00 Buy Chanhassen,Inc. 15.00 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT&TITLE OS/18/2015 605-0000-4701 67�Lakota Laue 614,179.78 CARVER COUNTY ABSTRACT&TITLE E 14,179.74 CARVER CO[JNTY LICENSE CENTER OS/28/2015 700-7025-4704 License&Registration 777.30 CARVER COUNTY LICENSE CENTER OS/28/2015 701-7025-4704 License&Registration ������ CARVER COUNTY LICENSE CENTER 1,554.59 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINIVEGASCO OS/21/2015 101-1220-4320 gas charges 309.77 CENTERPOINT EN�RGY MIiv'NEGASCO OS/21/2015 101-1530-4320 gas charges 122.85 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO OS/21/2015 101-1551-4320 gas chaiges 32.�1 CENTERPOINT ENERGY MINNEGASCO 46`�73 '� CITYOFCHASKA OS/21/2015 101-15C0-4�00 FaribaultTrip-5/13/15 «5��5 �� CITY OF CHASKA «5'C5 �'� Consolidatcd Plastics Compauy OS/21/2015 101-1250-4130 13x18 minigrip bags Z���« �I Consolidated Plastics Company ���« � ENFIELD JOE OS/21/20I5 201-0000-4370 FDIC conference-meals 83.18 ENFIELD JOE 831 R Fatturi Ana OS/21/2015 101-1220-4530 Postage-sliip gas monitor for repair 595 Fathiri Ana 595 FES"PIVAL SOIJND AND LIGHTING OS/28/2015 101-1(00-4300 Production services w/operator 1,000.00 FESTIVAL SOUND AND LIGIITING 1,000.00 Fire Safety USA OS/21/2015 201-0000-4705 IG'PPV I.5 HP Variablc speed fans C,225.00 F�ire Safety USA 6,225.00 FIRSTLAB OS/28/2015 101-1550-4300 pre-cmploymeut/random drug screei�inc 8590 FIRSZ'LAB OS/2A/2015 101-1320-4300 pre-employmenth�andom drug sm�eeninb 85.90 FIRS"I'LAB OS/28/2015 700-0000-4300 pre-employmeut/random drug scrccninar 21.48 FIRSTLAB OS/28/2015 701-0000-4300 pre-employment/random drug screening 21.47 PIRSTLAB 214.75 FleetPride,Inc. OS/21/2015 101-1220-4120 end yokeiu-joint 47.C4 F1eetPridc,Inc. 47.(,4 Fragale Ai�nette OS/21/2015 101-1539-4300 Line Danciiig 228.00 Accounts Payable-Check Detail-Checl<s(OS/29%2015-12:16 PM) Page 2 of 5 Name Check Da Account Description Amount Fiagale Anuette 228.00 Goodyear Commercial Tire&Service Centers OS/21/2015 101-1550-�4120 GY 11.2-24 SFT105 R3 TL 06 (36.00 Goodyear Commercial Tire&Seivice Centers C3(.00 Go��Connection,Ine. OS/21/2015 101-ll60-4150 patcl�cables 100.50 GovConncction,Inc. 100.50 IID Supply Waterworks,LTD OS/21/2015 700-0000-4150 Saw blades 130.00 IID Supply Waterworks,LTD OS/21/2015 700-0000-4550 Clow l�ydrant 3,388.00 HD Supply Waterworks,LTD OS/21/2015 700-0000-4530 Clow Hydrant 3,501.00 HD Supply Wateiworks,LTD OS/28/2015 720-7025-47 50 24"storm water pipc-Preserve at Bluff Creek 389.20 HD Supply Waterworks,LTD 7,408.20 Innovative Custom Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-2278 Longacres Drive 250.00 Innovative Custom Homes 250.00 Jaivis Timotl�y J. OS/28/2015 101-1C,13-4300 4th ofJuly Celebratiou-Ragtown deposit 200.00 Jarvis Tinlothy J. 200.00 JP and Company OS/28/2015 815-R202-2024 Erosion Escrow-7551 Great Plains Blvd 1,500.00 JP and Company 1,500.00 La�io Equipment OS/21/2015 101-1550-4120 ring/retainer ���•�� Lano Equipment OS/21/2015 101-1320-4530 nitro charge-recharge hammer 162.18 Lano Equipment OS/21/2015 101-1550-4120 seal kit g��l� Lauo Equipment 477.C4 McAfee,Ine. OS/21/2015 101-ll60-4300 MX Critical Defense-May 97.00 McAfee,Inc. 97.00 MEDIACOM OS/21/2015 210-0000-4300 cable se�vice ll.09 MEDIACOM 11.09 MIDWEST COCA COLA OS/28/2015 101-1540-4130 pop/water-Lake Ann Concession 45390 MIDWEST COCA COLA 453.90 Minnesota Valley Conerete OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Eiasion Escrow-350 Chesterfield Lane 250.00 Minncsota Valley Concrete 250.00 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR OS/28/2015 700-0000-200C 5/29/15 ID#00147216C 101 280.13 MN CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR 05/28/2015 701-0000-200C 5/29/15 ID#001472166101 190.10 MN CIIILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR OS/28/2015 700-0000-200C 5/29/l5 ID#001520040501 203.97 MN CIIILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CTR OS/28/2015 701-0000-2006 5/29!15 ID#001520040501 3091 Accounts Payable-Check Detail-Checks(OS/29/2015- 12:16 PM) Page 3 of 5 Name Check Da Account Description Amount MN CHILD SUPPORT PAI'MENT CTR 705.11 MN CITY COUN"CY MGMT ASSOC. OS/21/2015 101-I 120-43C0 membership-Petersen 220.00 MN CITY COUNTY MGM'I'ASSOC. 220.00 MN DEPT OF HEALTA OS/28/2015 700-0000-4509 water supply service coiuiection fee 12,700.00 MN DEPT OF HEALTII 12,700.00 Pietz Ken OS/28/2015 420-0000-4300 Rciuibursement for In'i�atioii Instatl&Rcpair 1,017.(i9 Pietz Keu 1,O17.69 POSTMASTER OS/18/2015 101-1120-4330 ScniorCeuterNewsletter 250.85 POSTMASTER 250.85 RAINBOW TREE COMPANY OS/21/2015 720-7202-4300 Wtr Trt plant scab spray 200.00 RAINBOW TREE COMPANY 05/21/2015 720-7202-4300 Bluff Crek scab spray 640.00 RAINBOW TREE COMPANY OS128/2015 720-7202-4300 Scab spray at treatmcnt plant 200.00 RAII�TBOW 1'REE COMPANY 1,040.00 RUEGEMER JERRY OS/18/2015 101-0000-1027 Lake Aun Conscssion Start Up Money 150.00 RUEGEMER JERRY 150.00 RyanElise OS/28/2015 101-1110-4370 Registrationreimbursemcnt ]5.00 Rya��Elise 15.00 Ryland Homcs OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-89C9 Southwest Villagc Loop -35.71 Ryland Ilomes OS/28/2015 815-R202-2024 Erosion Escrow-89C7 Southwest Village Loop -35.72 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-R202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8965 Southwest Village Loop -35.71 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-R202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8963 Southwest Village Loop -35.72 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Eiasioi�Escrow-8959 Southwest Village Loop -35.71 Ryland FIomes OS/28/2015 815-R202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8957 Soutl�west Village Loop -35.72 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 415-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8961 Southwest Village Loop -35.71 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosioi�Escrow-8969 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland IIoines OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8981 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland IIomes OS/28/2015 815-R202-2024 Erosion Esci'ow-8979 Soutl�west Village Loop 250.00 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-89C1 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Rylai�d Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-89C3 Soutl�west Villagc Loop 250.00 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-89C5 Soutl�west Village Loop 250.00 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-89C7 Soutl�west Village Loop 250.00 Ryland I�Iomes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8974 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Rylaud Homes OS/2R/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8972 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8957 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Rylai�d IIomes OS/28/2015 315-R202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8977 Soutl��vest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland Homes OSi28/2015 815-R202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8975 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-A973 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Eserow-8971 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland IIonles OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8982 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8980 Soutl�wcst Village Loop Z50.00 Accounts Payable-Check Detail-Chec]<s(05/29/2015- 12:16 PM) Page 4 of 5 n'ame Check Da Account Description Amount Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 415-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8978 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland Hoines OS/28/2015 815-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8976 Soutl�west'Village Loop 250.00 Ryland Homes OS/28/2015 315-8202-2024 Erosion Escrow-8959 Southwest Village Loop 250.00 Ryland FIomes 4,500.00 SEH OS/21/2015 815-8221-2024 2014 Anteuna Projects 1,302.2C SEH OS/21/2015 101-ll 20-4300 2014 Antenna Projccts 19199 SEH 1,494.25 SHERWIN WILLIAMS OS/28/2015 701-0000-4150 marking paint 67494 SIIERWIN WILLIAMS C74.94 SHOREWOOD TRUE VALUE OS/21/2015 101-1190-4510 40#iron fighter pellets 4392 SIIOREWOOD TRUE VALUE 4392 SIGNSOURCE OS/28/2015 101-1(i00-4130 No Lifeguard ou Duty signs 247.50 SIGNSOURCE 247.50 SOFTWARE HOUSE INTERNATIO?VAL OS/28/2015 400-4117-4703 Microsfot Windows Seiver Std(2) 1,944.00 SOFTWARE IIOUSE INTERNATIONAL 1,944.00 SPARTAN MOTOR CHASSIS INC OS/21/2015 101-1220-4140 clr-trans MC-4008 1,357.93 SPARTf1N MOTOR CHASSIS INC 1,357.93 TERMINIX OS/21/2015 101-1170-4510 pest control 104.00 TERMINIX 104.00 VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BENEFIT ASSOC OS/21/2015 101-1220-4483 FD Annual Rencwal Fees 580.00 VOLLTNTEER FIREFIGHTERS BENEFIT ASSOC 580.00 WATEROUS COMPAI��Y OS/21/2015 101-1220-4120 ball valve/valve repair kit 484.50 WATEROUS COMPANY 484.50 (71,841.23 Accotints Payable-Check Detail-Checks(OS/29/2015- 12:16 PM) Page 5 of 5 Accounts Payable ��_:� Check Detail-ACH � ��� ������ �c�, � - ���������'�� User: dwashburn �'�' Printed:OS/29/2015- 12:16 PM Name Checl:D Account Description Amount A TO Z RENTAL CENTER 0512R/201` 101-1600-413 chair reutal 904.02 A TO Z R�NTAL CENTER 904.02 Alternative Business Furniture Inc OS/21/201` 400-0000-470 stand up workstation-Fauske 1,670.20 Alternative Business Furniture Inc 1,670.20 American Family Life Assurance Company of Colum OS/28/201` ]01-0000-200 May 2015 39�78 American Family Life Assurance Company of Colum 39�78 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER OS/21/201` 201-0000-470 install APX remote motmt into Chev truck 522.50 ANCOM TECHNICAL CENTER 522.50 BATTERIES PLUS OS/21/201` 101-1220-42C 2/3AA Lithiun�Std Batt 28.00 BATTERIES PLUS 2A.00 BENEFIT EXTRAS INC OS/21/201` 101-0000-201 Cobra admin fee-Marcl�&April 70.00 BENEFIT EXTRAS INC 70.00 Boyer Truck Parts OS/21/201` 101-1320-414 cooler assy 201��� Boyer Truck Parts 201.9� CAMPBELL KNUTSON OS/21/201` 101-ll40-430 April legal services 14,554.87 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 14,554.87 CarverCoimty OS/21/201` 400-0000-475 2015PictomehyAerialPhotography 2,108.00 Carver County OS/28/201` 400-4ll 7-470 ESRI Enteiprise License Agreement 11,75890 Carver County 13,86690 � Choice,Ine. OS/28/201` l0]-1220-435 Clearing services �2���� � Choice,Inc. 226�9� ��� CivicPlus OS/21/201` 210-0000-430 CivicSend Communication Platform Annual Fee 995.00 � CivicPlns OS/21/201` 210-0000-430 Annual Fee far Hosting&Support 5,178.44 � CivicPlus OS/21/201` 210-0000-430 CRT Uscr Licenses 630.00 �� CivicPlus 6,803.�14 �I _ Pa e I of 7 � Accounts Payable-Check Detail-nCH(05129/2015 12:16 PM) g I I Name Checic D Account Description Amount Colonial Life&AccidentInsurance Co OS/28/201` 101-0000-200 May 2015 75.30 Colonial Life&Aceident Insurance Co OS/28/201` 700-0000-200 May 2015 3�92 Colonial Life&AccidentInsurance Co OS/28/201` 701-0000-200 May 2015 3�92 Colonial Life&Aecident Insurance Co R3.14 CORPORATE MECHANICAL OS/28/201` ]01-1170-453 replace condensate pump ii�server room 303.11 CORPORATE MECHANICAL 303.11 Delta Deutal OS/2U201` 101-0000-201 Dental Iusurance-June 1,541.93 DeltaDental OS/21/201` 700-0000-201 DentalInsurance-June 19C96 Delta Dental OS/21/201` 701-0000-201 Dcntal Insurance-Jime 19�•9� DeltaDenta! OS/2U201` 720-0000-201 DentalInsurance-June 139.80 Delta Dental 2,075.(5 Dick's Sanitation Inc OS/21/201` 101-1550-435 May garbage servicc 316.19 Dick's Sanitatio�lInc OS/211201` 101-1550-435 May garbage service -163.18 Dick's Sanitation Iuc OS/21/201` ]01-1220-435 May garbage seivice l lfi.13 Dicl<'s Sanitation hic OS/21/201` ]01-1220-435 May garbage seivice -33.37 Dick'sSanitationIne OS/21/201` 101-1190-435 Maygarbageservice 21��2� Dick's Sanitation Ine OS/21/201` 101-1190-435 May garbage service -112•(,3 Dick's Sai�itation Inc OS/21/201` 101-1170-435 May garbage service 180.09 Dick's Sanitation Ine OS/2ll201` 101-1170-435 May garbage service -����4 Dick's Sanitation Ine OS/21/201` 101-1220-435 May garbage serviee 35.15 Dick'sSanitationIuc OS/21/201` 101-1220-435 Maygarbabeservice -1A.14 Dick's Sanitation Iuc OS/21/201` ]01-1370-435 May garbage service 169.89 Dicl<'s Sanitation Inc OS/21/201` ]01-1370-435 May garbage service -g���� Dick's Sanitation Inc 527.74 DLT SOLUTIONS INC OS/28/201` 101-llC0-422 AutoDesk annual license and support 2,092.74 DLT SOLUTIO?v'S INC 2,092.74 Ferguson Waterworks#2516 OS/21/201` 700-0000-425 1 I/2 ineter flange kits 774.55 Ferguson Waterworks#251C OS/21/201` 700-0000-425 Mtr Flg Kits 355.53 Fergusou Waterworks#2516 OS/21/201` 700-0000-425 gaskets/meters/supplies 4,(,13.64 Fergusou Waterwarks#2516 OS/21/201` 700-0000-425 2°HP Turbine meter 697.14 Feigusoi�Waterworks#2516 OS/21/201` 700-0000-425 meteis g,871•4� Fergusou Waterworks#2516 15,31232 GENERAL PARTS INC OS/28/201` 101-1430-430 replaced defi'ost heater 1,008.49 GENERAL PARTS INC 1,008.49 HARTMAN TREE FARM OS/2R/201` 202-0000-430 cemetery planting 4,081.00 HARTMAN TREE FARM 4,081.00 HAWKINS CHEMICAL OS/28/201` 700-7019-416 Hydrofluosilicic acid/sodium permanbanate/con�osion inhibitor 15,432.4( IIAWI�TN5 CHEMICAL OS/2R/201` 700-7019-41C Azone 15 3,59(,.40 Accounts Payable-Check Detail-ACH(OS/29/2015- 12:16 PM) Pagc 2 of 7 � Name Check D Account Description Amount HAWKINS CHEMICAL 19,028.86 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP OS/21/201` 410-0000-430 Bandimere Park Improvemcnts 1,485.00 HOISINGTON KOEGLER GROUP OS/21/201` 101-1420-430 AUAR Update 3,437.50 HOISINGI'ON KOEGLER GROUP 4,922.50 Indelco Plastics Corporation OS/28/201` 700-7019-412 2"mpt x mcl adapter 13.14 Iudelco Plastics Corporation OS/28/201` 700-0000-453 reweld flange/repair flauge on site 1,520.00 Indelco Plastics Corporation 1,533.14 Innovative Office Solutions,LLC OS/21/201` 101-1170-411 office supplies 240.24 Imiovative Office Solutions,LLC OS/28/201`_ 101-1170-411 offce supplies 1R3.01 Innovative Office Solutions,LLC OS/28/201` 101-1170-411 office supplies 14.89 Innovative Office Solutions,LLC OS/28/201` 101-1170-411 office supplies 114.71 Innovativc Office Solutions,LLC 552.85 Integrated Loss Control,Inc. OS/21/201` 101-1220-430 Hea1t1�&Safety services-June 2015 103.50 Integrated Loss Conri�ol,L�a 103.50 JEFFERSON FIRE SAFETY INC OS/28/201` ]01-1220-42C poly back board strap 105.4C JEFFERSON FIRE SAFETY INC 105.46 JOIINSTONESUPPLY OS/28/201` 101-ll90-453 Kitlgnitor 89�37 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY ���� Kidd Plumbing Ine OS/21/201` 101-1190-453 locate lcak in mixing valve 287.00 Kidd Plumbing Inc 287.00 Life Support Innovations LLC OS/21/201` 201-0000-470 AED 1,641.A0 Life Support Innovations LLC 1,(41.80 IvIN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP OS/28/201` ]01-1350-432 clectriciry charges 78•A� MN VALLEY F,LECTRIC COOP OS/2R/201` ]01-1350-432 electricity charges ����� MN VALLEY ELECTRIC COOP �08�8 NAPAAUTO&TRUCK PARTS OS/21/201` lO1-1220-414 oil filtcrs/spark plugs/air filters 35.59 NAPAAUTO&TRUCK PARTS OS/21/201` 700-0000-412 coolant 5.13 NAPA AUTO&TRUCK PARTS OS/21/201` 700-0000-412 coolant 5.13 NAPAAUTO&TRUCKPARTS OS/21/201` 101-1220-412 hydraulicfilCer 12.85 NAPA AUTO&TRUCK PARTS OS/21/201` 701-0000-414 brake pads 174.80 NAPAAUTO&TRUCK PARTS 233,5� P&J Promotions OS/2R/201` 101-1534-413 Dance recital shirts 570.00 P&J Promotions 570.00 Accounts Payable-Check Detail-ACH(OS/29/2015-12:16 PM) Page 3 of 7 Name Checic D Accouut Description Amount PINK RAY OS/21/201` 720-7202-432 Rototilling-Community Garden 575.00 PINK RAY 575.00 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC OS/21/201` 720-0000-430 Kerber Pond-thinning/cutting/treating 499.50 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC OS/21/201` 720-0000-415 Higli School Rain Garden-site prep spiay 250.00 PRAIRIE RESTORATIONS INC 749.50 Qualiry Flow Systeins Ine OS/2 U201` 700-0000-453 keypad ���•��5 Quality Flow Systcros Inc OS/2R/201` 701-0000-453 QCI controller 3,860.00 Qualily Flow Systems Inc 4,C37.65 RBM SERVICES INC OS/21/201` 101-1190-435 nigl�tlyjanitorial 2,195.00 RBM SERVICES INC OS/21/201` 101-1170-435 nightly janitoriaUshampoo carpet 2,762.62 RBM SERVICES INC 4,957.62 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. OS/21/201` ]01-1170-430 Monitoring services-June 71.21 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. OS/21/201` 101-1540-430 Monitoring services-Jane 29�95 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. OS/21/201` 700-7019-430 Monitoring services-June 90.94 SENTRY SYS'PEMS INC. OS/21/201` l O1-1190-430 Monitoring scrvices-June 5099 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. OS/2U201` 101-1370-430 Monitoring services-Jime 77.45 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. OS/21/201` 101-1550-430 Monitoring seivices-June 77.45 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. 397�9`� SICAP-ON TOOLS OS/2ll201` 10]-1370-42C hard grip screwdriver set 108.73 � SNAP-ON TOOLS 10A.73 ; SPRINT PCS OS/21/201` 700-0000-431 phone chaiges 5���2 �I SPRINTPCS OS/21/201` 701-0000-431 phonecharges 51.72 SPRINT PCS OS/28/201` 700-0000-431 phone cha��ges 39�9� � SPRINT PCS OS/28/201` 701-0000-431 plione charges ����g SPRINT PCS OS/28/201` 101-1220-431 phone charges 42�99 SPRINT PCS 266.40 STREICHER'S OS/21/201` 101-1220-42C battery 31.9A STREICHER'S 3��98 SuuLifeFinancial OS/21/201` ]O]-]310-404 Lifelnsi�rance-May 3���� SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` ]01-1320-404 Lifelnsurance-May 3A��� Sun Life Financia] OS/21/201` 101-1370-404 Life Insuranec-May I8•29 Sim Life Financial OS/2ll201` 101-1520-404 Life Insiu�ance-May 10.2( SunLifeFinancial OS/2U201` 101-1530-404 LifeInsurauce-May 5.40 SunLifePinancial OS/21/201` 101-1600-404 LifeL�surance-May ���8� SunLifeFii�ancial OS/21/201` 101-1700-404 LifeInsurailce-May ���� Suu Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1550-404 Lifc Insurancc-May 37.25 Sim Life Finaneial OS/21/201` ]01-1420-404 Life Insuranec-May 2��33 S�m Life Financial OS/21/201` ]O1-1430-404 Life Insiu-ance-May 1.A0 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 210-0000-404 Life Insurance-May ���3 SuuLifeFivancial OS/21/201`_ 720-7201-404 LifeInsurance-May 2•�� nccoimts Payabie-Check Detail-ACH(OS/29/2015-12:16 PM) Page 4 of 7 Name Chedc D Account Description Amount Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 720-7202-404 Life Insurance-May ��1� Smi Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1170-404 Life Insurance-May 5.04 Sun Life Fuiancial OS/21/201` ]01-1220-404 Life Insuranee-May 20.34 SuuLifePii�ancial OS/21/201` ]01-11(0-404 LifeInsurance-May 13.41 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1210-404 Life Insurance-May 4•8� Sun Life Pinancial OS/21/201`_ 101-1250-404 Lifc Insurancc-May 35.58 S�ui Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1700-404 Life Insurance-June 2.03 Sim Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1550-404 Life Insurance-June 45.35 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1420-404 Life Insiu�ance-J�me 2633 Suu Life Finai�cial OS/21/201` 101-1120-404 Life Insurance-May 30.34 Sun Life Financia] OS/21/201` lO1-1130-404 Life Insurance-May 1���1 Suu Life Financial OS/21/201` 701-0000-404 Life Insuranco-May 2���5 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 700-0000-404 Life Insurance-May 3196 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 720-0000-404 Life Insiu-ance-May 12.5( Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-0000-201 Life Insurance-May 4�9•�� Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 210-0000-201 Life Insurance-May 6.00 Sun Life Financiel OS/21/201`. 700-0000-201 Life Lisurance-May 33.53 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 701-0000-201 Life Insurance-May 33.53 Sun Life Fiiiancial OS/21/201` 720-0000-201 Life Insiu-ance-May 28.50 Sim Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-ll 20-404 LTD-May 60.73 SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` ]01-1130-404 LTD-May -i7�84 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-11C0-404 LTD-May 27.03 Suu Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1210-404 LTD-May 9�85 SwiLifeFinai�cial OS/21/201` ]01-1250-404 LTD-May 77.44 SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` 101-1310-404 LTD-May ��•�� SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` 10]-li20-404 LTD-May 79�1� Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1370-404 LTD-May 37.48 SunLifeFinancial OS/2]/201` 101-1520-404 LTD-May ����� SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` ]O1-1530-a04 LTD-May 10.95 Stm Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1600-404 LTD-May 2195 SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` 101-1700-404 LTD-Ma�� 5.49 SunLifeFinaucial OS/2U201` 101-1550-404 LTD-May 76.03 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1420-404 LTD-May 53.26 Suu Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1430-404 LTD-May 3•�� SUn Life Financial OS/21/201` 210-0000-404 LTD-May 13.63 Sun Lifc Financial OS/21/201` 720-7201-404 LTD-May 434 Suiz Life Financial OS/21/201` 720-7202-404 LTD-May 4.34 SimLifeFinancial OS/2ll201` 101-1170-404 LTD-May 10.12 SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` 10]-1220-40A LTD-May 41.10 SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` 701-0000-404 LTD-May 54.14 Sun Life Fii�ancial OS/2 U201` 700-0000-404 LTD-May 64.89 Sun Life Financial OS/2ll201` 720-0000-404 LTD-May 25.42 Sun Life Finaucial OS/21/201` 101-0000-201 Life Instu�ance-May cobra 4.34 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1530-404 Life Insiirance-June 5.40 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` ]01-1600-404 Life Insiu�ance-June g��4 Suu Life Financial OS/21/201` ]01-1430-404 Life Insurance-7une 1.80 S�m Life Financia] OS/21/201` 210-0000-404 Lifc Insurance-Jime ���� Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 720-7201-404 Life Lisurance-Jtmc ��1�� Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 720-7202-404 Life Insurance-June 2�1� Sun Life Financial OS/2 U201` 10]-ll 70-404 Life Insuranee-June 5.04 Sun LiFe Financial OS/2U201` 10]-1220-404 Life Insurance-June 20.34 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 701-0000-404 Life Insurance-June ����5 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 700-0000-404 Life Insurance-June 3196 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 720-0000-404 Life Insurance-June 12.56 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` ]01-0000-201 Life Insurance-June 469.98 Accounts Payable-Check Detail-ACI I(OS/29/2015- 12:16 PM) Page 5 of 7 Name Checl<D Account DescripYion AmounY � Sun Life Financial OS/2ll201` 210-0000-201 Life Insurance-Junc 6.00 Swi Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1120-404 Life Insuranee-June 30.34 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` ]01-1130-404 LifeInsurance-June 18.71 Suu Life Fii�ancial OS/21/201` ]01-11(0-404 LifeInsurance-June 13.41 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1210-404 Life Insurance-hme 4.86 SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` 101-1250-404 Lifelnsurance-June 3594 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1310-404 Life Insurance-June ����� Sun Life Fii�ancial OS/21/201` 101-1320-404 Life Insurauee-June 39.15 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1370-404 Life Iusurance-June 18�29 Sun Life Pinai�cial OS/21/201` lO1-1520-404 Life Insurai�ce-Junc 10.2( Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 700-0000-201 Life Insurance-Junc 33.53 Swi Life Financial OS/21/201` 701-0000-201 Lifc Iusurance-June 33.53 Sun Life Financial OS/2 U201` 720-0000-201 Life Insurance-June 28.50 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1120-404 LTD-June 60.73 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1130-404 LTD-J�me 37.84 SunLifeFinancial OS/21/201` 101-llC0-404 LTD-J�me 27.03 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1210-�404 LTD-Jttne 9•85 Siui Life Financial 05/21/201` 101-1250-404 LTD-June ��•20 SunLifeFinancial OS/2U201` 101-1310-404 LTD-June ����� Suu Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1320-404 LTD-June 79.35 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201`. 101-1370-404 LTD-June 37.48 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1520-404 LTD-June Z��-� Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1530-404 LTD-June 10.95 Su�i Life Financia] OS/21/201` 101-1600-404 LTD-June 16.4C Stm Lifc Financial OS/2U201` 101-1700-404 LTD-Jane 4�12 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1550-404 LTD-J�me 92.43 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1420-404 LTD-Junc 53.2C Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1430-404 LTD-June 3�62 Suu Life Financial OS/21/201` 210-0000-404 LTD-June 13.63 Sim Life Financial OS/21/201` 720-7201-404 LTD-June 4.34 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201`_ 720-7202-404 LTD-June 4.34 S�m Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1170-404 LTD-June 10.12 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-1220-404 LTD-Junc 41.10 Sun Lifc Financial OS/21/201` 701-0000-404 LTD-hme 54.14 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 700-0000-404 LTD-June �4�89 SunLifeFiiiancial OS/2U201` 720-0000-404 LTD-J�me 25.42 Sun Life Financial OS/21/201` 101-0000-201 LifeInsurance-June Cobra 4.34 Sun Life Financial 3,598.92 United Farmers Cooperative OS/28/201` 101-1550-412 parts for push mower R7.80 United Farmers Cooperative R7.80 VERIZONWIRELESS OS/28/201` ]O1-1220-431 phonecharges 40.01 VERIZON WIIZELESS 40.01 WATSON COMPANY OS/21/201` 101-1540-413 LkAim Concession candy/food 941.32 WATSON COMPANY 941.32 Wihlier Public Safety Group,Ine. OS/21/201` 400-4105-470 Helmet 213.55 WitmerPublic Safety Group,Ine. OS/28/201` 400-4105-470 helinets 84���� Accounts Payable-Check Detail-ACH(OS/29/2015-12:16 PM) Page 6 of 7 Name Checl.D Accounf Description ��mowrt WitmerPubiic Safety Group,Ina 1,103.32 �VSB&ASSOCIAT�S INC OS/21/201` 720-0000-430 Storm Water GIS/GPS/AMS Support 700.00 WSB&ASSOCIATES INC OS/21/201` 700-0000-430 Sewer ck Water GIS/AMS support 45G.00 WSB&ASSOCIATES INC 1,156.00 XCEL ENERGY INC OS/21/201` 101-1 C00-432 Electricity Charges 19�« XCEL ENERGY INC OS/21/201` 700-0000-432 Electricity Charges 135.49 XCELENERGYINC OS/21/201` ]01-1350-432 ElectricityCharges 11.59 XCELENBRGYINC OS/21/201` ]01-1350-432 ElectricityCharges 11.59 XCEL ENERGY INC OS/21/201` 101-1350-432 Electricity Charges 23.13 XCEL EN�RGY INC OS/21/201` 101-1350-432 Electricity Charges 3A�09 XCEL ENERGY INC OS/21/201` 101-1350-432 Electricity Charges �18.2� I XCEL ENERGY INC OS/28/201` 701-0000-432 electricity charges 4,�4A.2� � XCEL ENERGY INC OS/28/201` 700-0000-432 electricity charbes 156.59 i XCEL ENERGY INC OS/2R/201`_ 700-0000-432 elcctricity charges g,l R�•�3 � XCEL BNERGY INC OS/2R/201` 101-1350-432 elcetricity charges ��•�� �� XCEL ENERGY INC OS/28/201` 700-7019-432 electricity charges 4,86493 ��� XCEL ENERGY INC OS/28/201` ]01-1170-432 clectricity chargcs 2,240.51 � XCEL ENERGY INC OS/2R/201` 101-1190-432 eleetricity charges 3,555.24 � XCEL ENERGY INC OS/28/201`_ 101-1220-432 electricity charges 80C.05 � XC�L ENERGY INC OS/28/201` 101-1370-a32 electricity charges 1,449.77 �, XCEL ENERGY INC OS/28/201` 101-1551-432 electricity charges 54.13 �� XCEL ENERGY INC OS/28/201` 700-0000-432 electricity charges 1 R1.22 i XCEL ENERGY INC OS/28/201` 701-0000-432 elech-iciry charges i 41��� � XCEL ENERGY INC 26'A4A.�� ]39,050.CC , Accomlts Payable-Check Detail-ACH(OS/29/2015-12:16 PM) Page 7 of 7