G-1. City Council Action Update ��."'� ..�: � ..:�....:w.Y�..� City Council Action Update MONDAY,JUNE 8,2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: • Metes & Bounds Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 2, Moline's Addition, 2061 West 65t�' Street, Applicant: John Brudas/Owner: John Corey: ! Approval of Resolution Amending the Metes and Bounds Subdivision; and Approval of Amendment to Development Contract. —APPROVED • Dayco Concrete CUP/SPA Amendments: Approval of Amendment to Conditional Use Permit 2001-02 and Site Plan Agreement 2001-OS to Allow Screened Outdoor Storage on Property Zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD), Located at 1850 Lake Drive West, Applicant/Owner: LDW Properties—APPROVED • BeeHive 2"a Addition, Located 6440 Hazeltine Boulevard, Applicant: Tyler Stevens/Owner: Tyler Stevens and Ben & Hideko Gowen—APPROVED MONDAY,JUNE 22, 2015 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: • 800 West 78th Street Sign Variance: Approve Request to Allow Signage with a Logo to Exceed 30% of the Sign Display Area, Byerlys, Applicant: Lund Food Holdings, Inc./Owner: IRET Properties—APPROVED • 8610 Galpin Boulevard Interim Use Permit: Request for an Interim Use Permit for Grading in EYcess of 1,000 sq. ft. of approximately 50 acres of property zoned Agricultural (A2); Applicant: Chadwick Group, Inc./Owner: Holasek Farms, LP—APPROVED The minutes from these meetings can be viewed from the City's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us, and click on "Agendas and Minutes" from the left-side links. g:\plan\forms\city council action update.doc