PC Staff Report 07-07-2015 PC DATE: JUly 7� Z�IJ r i � � CC DATE: July 27, 2015 •��'�" ��-- CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: au�St 4, Zols CASE #: 2015-18 BY: RG, ML, JM, TJ, JS, SS PROPOSED MOTION: �� "The Chanhassen Planning Cominission recoinmends that City Council approve rezoning the property from Rur•al Residential District (RR) to Single Fainily Residential (RSF), and Subdivision approval with a Vaz�iance to the bluff setback to create four lots and one outlot subject to the conditions of approval and adoption of the Findings of Fact and Recoinmendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting rezoning from Rural Residential District (RR)to Single Family Residential (RSF); and Subdivision approval with a Variance to create four lots and one outlot. LOCATION: 1510 Lake Lucy Road r t���� APPLICANT: Estate Development Corporation Michael & Leah Glaccum 15250 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 101 6003 Coffer Woods Court Wayzata, MN 55391 Burke, VA 22015 (612) 990-0666 tom@landmn.com PRESENT ZONING: Rural Residential District (RR) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density (1.2 —4.0 units/net acre) ACREAGE: 3.12 acres DENSITY: 1.28 units per acre gross, 2.27 units per acre net LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAHING: The City has a relatively high level of disci•etion in approving rezonings because the City is acting in its legislative or policy-making capacity. A t•ezoning must be consistent with the City's Coinprehensive Plan. The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat ineets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it ineets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The City's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances for variances. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. - Planning Commission Glaccum Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page 2 of 17 �� Notice of this ublic hearin has been mailed to all ro er owners within 500 feet. i p g P P tJ' PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the property fi•om Rural Residential District, RR, to Single-Family Residential District, RSF, to pei�nit the subdivision of the property into four single-family lots. Part of the request is to eliminate the bluff setback, a variance, so that the site may be graded and to remove the retaining wall on along Lake Lucy Road and allow the development to grade out the bluff area to pi-ovide suitable building sites foi• Lots 2 and 3. The applicant is proposing to subdivide one 3.12-acre parcel into foui•building lots and one outlot. The area is single-family residential. The new public road is a cul-de-sac extension of Lakeway Drive. Water inain and sanitary sewer would be extended to provide for future development. The applicant is also requesting a variance from the bluffprotection ordinance. This variance allows foz• an additional lot to be platted and allows for site grading to eliminate the existing steep slopes on the site creating a potentially moi•e stable site. To mitigate this variance, they are proposing to dedicate increased protection around the wetland. The site is heavily wooded and the proposed gt•ading would result in significant tree removal APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 2,Ainendments Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3, Variances Chapter 20, Article VI, Wetland Protection Chapter 20, Article XII, "RSF" Single-Family Residential Distiict BACKGROUND The house on the property was built in 1910. The property was z•ezoned fi•oin Agricultural Residence Disti7ct, R-1 A, to Rural Residential District, RR,in 1987. REZONING The existing zoning of the p1•operty, Rur•al Residential, is not consistent with the land use designation of the property, Residential Low Density. The coinprehensive plan allows less intensive land uses to remain in place. However, any approval by the city for development of the property must be consistent with the comprehensive plan. The following zomng dist�-icts would be consistent with a Residential Low Density land use: Single-Family Residential, RSF, Mixed Low Density Residential, R-4, Low and Medium Delisity Residential, RLM, and Planned Unit Development—Residential, PUD-R. The RSF district is the I Plamling Commission Glaccum Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page 3 of 17 most appropriate zoning distl7ct to rezone this property since it is the saine zonuig as the �� sun-ounding residential properties and pei7nits only single-family homes. While the R-4 disti7ct I permits single-family holnes,it also pei�nits twin homes which would be inconsistent with the � surrounding developmeilt. The RLM district permits single-family homes, as well as twin homes, townhouses and attached housing. But the RLM district also requires that large a�•eas of upland are preserved or created as pei7nanent open space to balance the higher hard surface coverage pei7nitted on the individual lots. Finally, the PUD-R district can be created for a single-family subdivision, but the ordinance requires that the minimuin development size be five acres. Staff is recommending the rezoning to RSF be approved. SUSDIVISION The applicant is proposing a four lot single-family detached housing subdivision served via public streets. � I I �!.n;� ✓� �tr' ✓�.�5 �'dJ 'frr� �. +'; 1 ' r �i i i i . � �� 4 �� �✓r; p'✓ �'�'' � � C r: '` 'r .y�� Yi� ,',,'',. '`� �.� .' . � �����J�ti,r ��+����'i� �+✓�y ,/ {��{�,✓',^� °✓� y� �� s� �y`'r ✓ �� �� 1 ,�F r,� P �. p s�,/''' �� � �l,-, �+ Yr�a� �p�, r r J...� ✓`� �,'' 7*' � �+�`�ti`��+�'�F✓,dj���i���'�r'✓f,�.�4 r'�qi+��✓`��,,+�,'�'�°,,�+"ir�'���"�,,�"'�'r �� �✓,J�7 -� �r ,�.. S t .v ✓�R �v�`. r� '� '��1 {��� f/r�; r/ :'"� � }�4�^r" /✓+ 'r �d+ ��' td+ �+�� ��✓� '����;#�{ d �v'i.'�'r'�� f �i.�✓� f✓ f'":���s rr�� �y�''! r°+'.� ��� f�''.I / �f. Fi e� �dr �✓� ��3 rfr'�,i °r �r�'�f ��i t� !�," ✓a rx''� r°fi '�J , i /%� t°'a r'�' E✓'.d�� y�r�',ry�✓'✓' � ✓ i✓! �� ✓✓` � ��J . � ✓ J r✓ ! �J �� d J t�y { � . rr v` � rr"f J� �, �, 1 �"� J'�� � � �,+ o'. �,+ `�✓��:� p� r;�/'���,•� �� rt �r"r���°rr .�'Wry'vti }� , �^�� �''. �rti �'� ��` �i� �'�", F�✓ � � �` P�!��d � I ✓ �d�' ' µCmi Ja+ ��li e1 " f✓'y r�'�� r�✓ .r-� ��� (..� r ' ''vF +".� y�'� .✓ �'::}'°eF �P '�' F` i =J k �' Fs�",• �°: 1�'i( � ;�� t.�� r�' '; �'i'"r � i. � r✓ :r''� y,� j �: ✓ f .:,�.� F °"����(r -�� �' �, i r r� '-,:o ' �., + ��' c k i1 '4 � .r� � � :.s �.��. Y , �. �5�.: !�, ."'i I''r �I r i'� � r }9°� { 'xi r+ �+� 3 ��' BLQCK 1 �P '`���"` �`°� , K �� G ��, �r'd �:..r'" L . � �':� � '`r �.:,i�y �` :;+�.a. f] r�� q� C �:� i'.t�y ::� � N ' t �'''� :lJrf' _ b ,;,;,.r � � H^�3� JI 4j C J ;i( sr '�"�F5'��tn. � 1 ? I� .3�'i•, I� �+9y�� �plt r� ��,c. vt`7''C•n'E't,?4' i ,� n.r�,' �— _— — _ _ __ — .—.. __ 598V3�a'E'.Fe.27' -- 7t L�E' _ 4 L LAKE LUCY fiOAD i -� NOQ'C3'S(i'lA'411.Ga' ' � Planning Cominission Glaccum Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page 4 of 17 EASEIVIENTS The existing easements on the property shall be shown on the existing topography page of the plan set. Yosemite Avenue and Lake Lucy Road right-of-way is cur•rently under a roadway easement. The preliminaiy plat would dedicate 33 feet of right-of-way to Yosemite Avenue and 40 feet to Lake Lucy Road. The preliminary plat will dedicate a 0.467-acre conservation easement over Outlot A and backyard portions of Lots 2, 3 and 4 as well as portion of the side yard of Lot 1. The conseivation easement abuts the lower retaining wall on Lot 3. The conservation easement language must allow the property owner to do proper maintenance and/or replaceinent of their wall, or the conservation easement and/or wall must be shifted to allow enough ai-ea for said � maintenance. ', The drainage and utility easements are shown in the preliminary plat around the perimeter of I, each lot as well as locations of public utilities. The easeinent diinensions inust be revised over I the sanitaiy sewer to provide adequate area to excavate the pipe for future maintenance at a 1:1 � slope (ininimuin), 1:1.5 slope (pr•eferred). � In the applicant's narrative for variance request, one of the benefits listed is to allow future access reduction on Lake Lucy Road by providing a future access for the driveway of the adjacent property, 1430 Lake Lucy Road. For this future benefit, an access easement across Lot 4 must be gt�anted to the property at 1430 Lake Lucy Road, or the portion of Lot 4 that lies between the cul-de-sac and 1430 Lake Lucy Road must be dedicated as public right-of-way. GRADING Drainage Under existing conditions, the majority of the site drains to the north to City wetland 10-116-23- 02-031-A. This wetland is a Manage 2, Type 3 wetland dominated by cattails and reed canary grass which is hydrologically connected to a Manage 1 wetland. The drainage is conveyed through a culvert to Clasen Lake before heading through Curry Farms Park and into Christmas Lake. The remainder of the site drains to Lake Lucy Road where it is picked up in the storm sewer and conveyed to Lake Lucy. Under proposed conditions, watershed area will remain largely unchanged. The proposed cul- de-sac and poi�tions of Lots 2, 3 and 4 will be treated through an underground infiltration facility. This facility is comprised of perforated pipe embedded in washed rock. Rates to Lake Lucy Road will be reduced under all modeled storm events post-development. Rates to the wetland will increase slightly—0.70 cubic feet per second at most. The wetland can accommodate the input with zero discharge off-site and, thei-efore, does not pose a threat to downstreain areas. Plamling Commission Glaccum Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page5of17 Under Section 19-143 of city code rates can increase if it can be demonstrated that"no adverse downstreatn effects will result froin the proposed system." Given that the water is contained within the wetland, staff feels that this condition is met. The grading plan znust be revised to include the proposed elevations at each lot corner. Lot 1, Block 1 shall require drain tile sei•vice to promote drainage from the back to the fi•ont of the lot. Erosion Prevention and Sediinent Control The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Dischal•ge Stoi7nwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal Systein (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant has prepared a draft Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the city's review. This SWPPP shall be revised to be consistent with the NPDES Construction Pei7nit and shall contain all required eleinents as listed in Parts III and IV of the permit. The PCA has developed a checklist for the benefit of SWPPP designers. In addition, staff will provide redline comments to the applicant's engineer. The erosion prevention and sediment control plans must also be consistent with Section 19-145 of city code. When individual building pei�nit applications are submitted, an erosion control plan consistent with Section 19-145 of city code will be requued specific to each lot. SITE CONSTRAINTS Wetland Protection The City of Chanhassen Wetland Inventory and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed Wetland Inventory both indicate a wetland immediately on, and adjacent to, the subject property. The applicant has had the wetland delineated by a cei�tified wetland delineator. The report has been provided and the application has been noticed. Comments are due July 10, 2015 at which time a decision will be made. Staff has reviewed the delineated boundary and feels it does accurately reflect the boundary. The proposed plan does not result in any impacts to the wetland. The proposed buffer area meets the city requirements. In addition, a conseivation easeinent is being proposed around the wetland to mitigate for the requested variance to make significant topographic alterations to the � bluff area. The wetland area itself is being placed within an outlot which will be dedicated to the ', city. Bluff Protection There is a portion of the property that meets the ci-iteria for bluf£ having a vertical rise of at least 25 feet, having a horizontal run of at least 50 feet and having a grade of at least 33%. This bluff area is shown on figure 1 as stippled grey. The rest of the slope fails to meet the required Planning Commission Glaccum Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page6of17 25-foot vertical rise. However, in many case it is actually steeper than the bluff area. This means people could potentially build to the top of the slope even though it is no more stable than the area considei•ed bluf£ By grading as is proposed, these areas of steep slope are eliminated ori the subject property. To illustrate this, cun•ently the slope on proposed Lot 1 is 2:1 or 50%. Under the proposed conditions, this area is reduced to 4:1 slopes. It is the case on all proposed lots that the slopes will never exceed 4:1. In some areas it is currently as steep as 65%. �IJIS.Gi I i� '�rt�mu _ �'i��'- ' I r� .r,K.... 5 _� �I' i I �T. � �I � J II' �t LI�1-�. �"c_ ' I i I i TOP OF SLOPE � T,,.� .c,�'; rv \ � ; � ; I � «r _- t,�.� � I j i ��.,_�� �'� TOE OF SLOPE—� �K � 1�:�'` I r;� � � �.�_.,m� Y� � �,,:�i I � i �icai.r� :ti�i�t c, �r: '�� r.,!�; � � �� � - ! � � ��- --�---. : xi.d.t. i n..� `,� � � �r I �i� � � � I -- xiai� � i�;,i.�.� SLOPE MEETING CITY '� ���7_5 �T�- COOE DLUFF CRIIERIA� � � � � ' � c.�, ���o� � �> I . xio��1.� T - �_ ! ..`.� '� � '� ii : .. - �i�ia��a � SLC1�E IS v OT I �`Tt:�G � - "_, .. ) 4 '_ .I � ` � e�:;.`°` '25' IN HEI��;HT 1�.n :'a�j� �... �,ri �,��4K'- �10�33@, ara �� :: 7 3�� _ FRl7M TOE:�TOP � � � c . � � I ! F� , o�x �� ��,.r� T �. ,�, J, �:ICI f TIJI..iN �.�'I / r. 1 1- I.� 5 � 1 11-.� ��-r I I II:`I� 1 9 • -� i"i.. T:: �� t '�If�� f I� 3; { �' �( ��:—l. � r' � I I .. � I IA[L` �TF TF F`7(J,T S� �.�-'�l�+ 1 � - . � ._,'_l i�_ J .. B3S l t__ ��} 1 h ' - l�.. �� ; . � `, i � , � �� BLUFF IM�AC,7 Z'ONE � i , _ ;'` ' � l � � ' "t=�LUFF STRU�CT�JRE SETBACK ; _ s� _...._ ( _ - - - - - - __ _ _ - -- - - - - - -_ _ �.-- - - - - �J --- - - '_ �_ ' - LAKE �LUCV- �--ROADy� _ _ -- ------- ��� - - - ._`._ - - Figure 1. Bluff area Shos�eland Management The propei-ty does not lie within a shol•eland area. Floodplain Overlay This property does not lie with a floodplain. �� ����'� �'�= ��,�� t � ��_, gyA �77�7 �7�7 T7 �����Ki't� ����r (...� i��TtwllrilrG d9'�LL� � �i �tt. � i ., b+Mj 4�s �M �.'R��';��` 'tra- �, �� 4� ��� ���� An existing liinestone retaining wall runs aloiig fl1e ' '�� �,��� '� �' "`.- � � �. southern property line adjacent to the Lake Lucy Road trail. '.���� ���������. This wall is ul disrepair and obstructs the sight lines for � - -� �� vehicles at the intersection with Yosemite Avenue. The � � � proposed plan would remove this wall and grade the site to � - ~ � reduce the visual obstruction. Removal of this wall would also benefit trail users by eliminating a hazard from the trail Existing Retaining Wall vicinity. The MnDOT Bikeway Facility Design Manual Planning Coininission Glaccuin Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page7of17 calls for a minimum of 20 inches clearance from the trail to retaining walls. � The developer proposes three boulder retaining walls on this site: two on Lot 3 and one on Lot ', 4. The plan calls for a safety railing to be installed where the wall height is greater than four �� feet. The walls will be owned and maintained by the individual property owners. The plans I shall show the top and bottoin wall elevation for all proposed walls. , - -- � , _, � -�.ER..,,., WET�AND ���� - f- ��� � � ���-� ' ,�. F: T �' �/ , l/� � � '� / ��/ ,.� �i 1.A I /. � .�EI1L7 T< i OUTLOT A � +'/"./' �`�V.`� �; ��`i i � � � � � , ��,� �-Ht)ILlE4FET=1!:I':f /.` � '.YPLL T � cunw � .. // \ �� � � ����, "ex�vrrnw. �/�, ., '�. ' -. -.. - �k rt • ` ��': �' =at�'Lf / > / I I'-� � F0.T-F w ''� �,���� ' ' �,1 /�`- ��;r:- ������ �� � I 4 �%i i� ;�', �j��j` }`'�;�� %y ' ,,�'// I 1�� � /� �OC�K �� � ��'� 3 �,-�'� � , , ,, ; �, ., ,/ i; � y ;�:. � /J , ��—�-�=' i � � '� -i �_ �l i / . �'t�;l �� �\ _� �, i I �_iuu.c=n� I � \� - .� � _ — �✓ �� � � , . / I . . � i �� — - - -� � 'I �— � — -- ����� � _- � ���� ' �� ��� � .� � � i � \ � � . � , �.. e i � I i �i i i� i .��.. 5 f \; �4 �� � � � i i � b � V" R� � , w 1 �i �i � � � 1 �� �l t_ �i ; !C 'j' �. _. , W. ..--.- ' c, L._._.-___ JI I I I L _.I___.___'._ 17-.__ , ` +���y\ �/iTA.,IE .k � �1 �I M � t i ! ',,�.� ;1 O_ I \ � )ITIL'I.PLJ IJ HT tF�t._Y Fat ACEIi � �-� ` \�, / ' : I � 6 � — I� I � _ � _ 19 -� ._. . . _' � �( —�� i � y� / ` i i} �—.'_ 1. �t � Lj ._. _ . �__ _ � .. _-' i .-. - � j-4... P Hi^F H�tY OEGI..ilf[N. ' - -- - � "�-� _ �-I _-. -. �. ._ _ _. ._ - _ __ -...__ J . ._ _ 7 _ � � ._ '_ ' ..r��J I y'��r _ -� __. .- - ___ - _- „I� ! ' � .-. ;� _ ._ .._. . _ ._. _ __ :✓/ I '"\ t- '_' � LAKE LUCY f ROAD �- '•, I �' ) �\ s'!� I i �vnu✓� -,�i ir.ai:;.�.,rut � . � _ __. The walls on the north side of Lot 3, Block 1 are approximately 120 feet long. The lower wall is approximately six feet ta11 and the upper wall is approximately four feet tall. Walls over six feet high shall not be boulder walls. Tiered boulder walls with a combined total height greater than six feet must have adequate spacing between such that they do not structurally impact one another. The vegetation between tiered walls shall be low or no maintenance. The wall on Lot 4, Block 1 is approximately 785 feet long with a inaximuin height of six feet and is located between the proposed home on Lot 4 and the eastern property line. The wall is outside the five-foot peritneter drainage and utility easement. STREETS The proposed street plan consists of a public cul-de-sac to access onto Lake Lucy Road opposite Lakeway Drive. This 90-foot diameter cul-de-sac would be an extension of Lakeway Drive to provide access to three of the lots on this site, as we11 as a possible future access to the property east of the site at 1430 Lake Lucy Road (see discussion in the Driveway section). Planning Commission Glaccum Property—Planiung Case 2015-16 � July 7, 2015 , Page8of17 !, �I The cul-de-sac is approximately 238 feet long with a p1•ofile grade of 5%, which meets the �� guidelines for public streets. A 50-foot landing at 2% grade is provided for vehicles at the intersection with Lake Lucy Road. A stop sign shall be installed for traffic on Lakeway Drive to come to a stop before crossing or entering Lake Lucy Road. DRIVEWAYS AND TRAILS The plan must show proposed driveway elevations at the center of the proposed driveway at the curb line as well as the maximum slope on each driveway. The maximum allowed driveway grade is 10% at any point on the driveway. The Lot 1 and Lot 4 driveways must be revised to be undei-that maximum. +�;��, �� r ,.� ri-;�� ��=y ` , In the applicant's narrative for the r % h '�'`�� .' ,�' �.. . � v�. r �.. .s, �. , "`' ��� . � . ' variance request, one of the benefits 5 R ��� t f .�.��.'f . �. . �'��;;� � ' � � "'��'�' � '� �� listed is to allow future access ,�-; , 4 3 �� �� � �� � � t��� `� reduction on Lake Luc Road b �� � '���: ��- , f'' Y Y ,�l 'r ✓`i� fU�akt;:-.� ,�a al-: � � � � ` ` ��' , providing a future access for the � �'� driveway of the adjacent property, �;,�.� 1 :�� - . ;'F� �--- ``` ' a� 1430 Lake Lucy Road. This future r � ��"�� . :,�� ! �/ � � �r connection would eliininate two . + �'o. �'uture Dr�. , acces� accesses onto Lake Lucy Road, as , ,,,. � � ��������w�-��fl°�'� . 1430 has a U-shaped di-ive (see ; ���" � r'� ���' '�' aerial photo at left). Lake Lucy . A � .1 � � 1 ' J�� . �r� V�'}. . - '� : �;�, �,,y'' ��� ;'�;o,�, �:��`r ��_ Road is classified as a major � : � .. .!� �` ,;F!. :•! .I t��:� ;k � f � .� �, , ; � ` ` collector in the 2030 � ���' '� ���E� `. �� � }��� rj, '� g ;�}`; Comprehensive Plan; therefore, . r.... ' . l.._...,s r .j� access reduction would be consistent with the Plan. See the Easement section for further discussion. The existing trail on Lake Lucy Road is zero to two feet offset froin the back of curb. In the proposed plan, the trail will be removed and reconsti-ucted with a two-foot offset. A two-foot buffer stz•ip is considered too narrow for proper vegetation to establish and survive the salt applications in the winter. The plan shall be revised such that a five-foot buffer is between the trail and traffic on Lake Lucy Road. The pedestrian i•amp at the cor�ler of Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite shall be replaced with an ADA compliant pedestrian ramp. The City of Chanhassen standard detail plates for pedestrian ramps shall be added to the plan set. Plaiming Commission Glaccum Pi-operty-Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page 9 of 17 SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN The developer proposes to dii-ectionally bore a connection under Lake Lucy Road to the existing sanitary sewer manhole on Lakeway Drive. This connection is at a depth that allows sanitary sewer access to all the proposed lots on this development. The sanitaiy sewer main on site will be 8-inch PVC and shall be installed per the City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The developer shall comlect to the existing water�nain on Lake Lucy Road. The 8-inch watennain pipe shall be C900 and shall be installed per the City of Chai�liassen Standai-d Specifications and Detail Plates. The pi-oposed sanitary sewei•and water main shall become City-owned after construction and acceptance by the City Council. The city shall require the developer to extend the sanitaiy sewer and water main to the northern property line of Lot 1 for future connection to the properties to the west. j STORM WATER MANAGEMENT II Ai�ticle VII, Chapter 19 of city code describes the required storm water management development standards. Section 19-141 states that "these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features." The applicant is proposing �� —� ' an underground infiltration � .� si�r WETLAND �.� K;, ,� - ���.-.� � -� ,. system located between f �'"'� ' �' .- . � �" � , ,, ,. . ;� �._/.�:.�, OU7LaT A , � , i' s---_- - ' Lots 2 and 3. The outflow � � e=;� ''YR�� —1� elevation for the system is ' �� ��`�'�' i� ; . , . � ,,, at 1019 feet. The low }' _""."". .��"' �==;5''''''''' ( - ,� , F'LS 5 y, � !. �_-- �� � floor elevation for Lot 3 is � -�..�;���'�:� � �� `;1', ' ,,; � at 1019.8 feet. City code '� - =� �%,���� '` �� ��,', �!f /�� ' ' ',� � '� requires that there exists a / `" • - -(�-��;� ';1;�''j�� 'f 3 '�,'�,'�, tlll•ee (3) foot separa�ion � //`' �,�f"�� ��`�; �e`u�re� i���,r'({� '�'�, � � I . —� --1. _����};f � � �EAFGiATE'MC�rt 1��1 � ( between the lughest known � , , �'-��>� ,/ ;°��E, �� �� �'°� �' �` ,� groundwater elevation and � ���`_""*� �` '� `., ' _��I''�/- =:�' �' � '�:,�. .� . a. ;:� 111 I . � : ;\ �'C�.�.". .�� 1 M 2 T I � :`. i.,.��, . I 1� � the lowest floor elevation. �< ;�; �� ,i`�;��--=-� :, �, �, L Staff has discussed this +I � ' ;� ; � ��:-- r���y�'�'�``�`�� '�`,,� IW i �- � � � r:�4 i``r r -- � �/ '� )"',;t�' with the consulting -� �-"'°"''r' � -L i I i ` � � '�M �� � i ��f'� engineer. They will either �� � � _� _ � � ' �����-- ���u ,i; ; ;, , _�� �, ..: . o - . ��� , �;� �. ; ,� look to lower the system, � , �'�", ' �"� �' '' .. � � , -- • � � ,� f '' L W� r I � ..�....� �-- .. f ____ .J I I.__ __. ,�^,nvuN� it� 7 . which could prove difficult �'�---.-.__,.rtC --- � - ' ` �� �-� F;�,�,�T � � - - - - _ - - - —�---� . as it could potentially � - � - - � " � --_-_._-_- - — t�-�A� -�,F� ; `� — - , - - -�- - - - -- � make the system too deep L ___iT E LUCY ao�o i - -=�"�� �� - - -i � to inaintain between the � ---- Fi�ure 2.Utilit.y plan Planning Commission Glaccuin Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page 10 of 17 two houses, or they must stipulate in the development contract that the house on Lot 3 must be a left-loaded garage. This would significantly incl•ease the horizontal separation. The proposed system meets the volume reduction i•equireinents as well as the total phosphorus and total suspended solid reductions as required by NPDES and MCWD rules. The long-term maintenance and operation of the systein is of concern to city staff. As there are only four (4) homes in the developinent it is highly unlikely that the homeowners association (HOA), if one were to be fo�-�ned, would have the resources to maintain the system. Even if the HOA was formed to assume maintenance of the system, as an MS4 city Chanhassen is required to assure that these systems are maintained and functioniilg properly. If tliis system is approved it would fall to the city to maintain and operate the systein. Staff is concei-ned about what liabilities the city might be exposed to. The applicant's engineer shall prepare an operations and inaintenance manual itemizing the anticipated inaintenance and schedule. Storm Water Utility Connection Charges Section 4-30 of city code sets out the fees associated with surface water management. A water quality and watei•quantity fee are collected with a subdivision. These fees are based on land use type and are intended to reflect the fact that the inore intense the development type, the greater the degradation of surface water. This fee will be applied to the new lot of recoi-d being created. It is calculated as shown in the table below: Pei- acre Size of new lot in Totals rate acres Water Quality $3,ll0.00 1.95 $6,064.50 Water $4,440.00 1.95 $8,658.00 Quantity Total due at final lat $14,722.50 ASSESSMENTS Water and sewer partial hookups are due at the tul�e of final plat. The partial hookup fees will be assessed at the rate in effect at that time. The remaining partial hookups fees are due with the building perinit. LANDSCAPING AND TREE PRESERVATION The applicant has submitted tree canopy coverage and preservation calculatioi�s as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands) 2.08 ac. or 90,678 SF Baseline canopy coverage 78% or 70,872 SF Minimum canop,y coverage allowed 46% oi• 41,711 SF Proposed tree preservation 20% or 17862 SF Planning Commission Glaccum Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 i Page 11 of 17 � The applicant does not meet ininimum canopy coverage allowed; therefore, the difference between the baseline and pi•oposed tree preservation is multiplied by 1.2 to calculate the required replaceinent plantings. Difference in canopy coverage 23,849 SF Multiplier 1.2 Total replacement 28,618 SF Total number of trees to be planted 26 trees The total number of trees required for the development is 26. The applicant has proposed a total of 28 trees. A minimum of one tree in each front yard is required per city oi-dinance and has been shown on the landscape plan. The applicant is required to provide bufferyard plantings along Lake Lucy Road. Bufferyard requirements are as shown in the following table: Landscaping Item Required Proposed Bufferyard B — South 6 overstory trees 7 overstoty trees property line, Lake Lucy 13 understory trees 13 understory trees Rd., 330', 15' width 19 shrubs 20 shrubs The applicant meets buffei-yai-d landscaping requirements. The applicant is proposing a conservation easement in the rear yards of Lots 1, 3, and 4 to preserve the natural character of the property, provide additional protection to the wetland and maintain a buffer along existing properties. The applicant will need to provide the legal description of the easeinent to the city. MISCELLANEOUS Final grading plans and soil repoi-ts must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building pei7nits will be issued. Engineered design and building permits are required for retaining walls exceeding four feet in height. Each lot must be provided with a separate sewer and water service. Demolition pelmits inust be obtained before demolishing any structures. Proper removal, abandonment or sealing of storage tanks, on-site septic systems, wells, etc. is required. Pe�mits are required, as applicable. If applicable, existing home(s) affected by the new street will require address changes. A three-foot clear space must be provided around the new fil-e hydrant. No burning pennits will be issued for tree,brush reinoval. Submit proposed street name to Chanhassen Building Official and Fire Marshal for i-eview and approval. Sh�eet name sign shall be installed prior to any building construction. Planning Commission Glaccum Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Pagel2ofl7 PARKS This property is located within the neighborhood park seivice areas for Pheasant Hills Park and Cun•y Farms Pai-k. Residents of this subdivision will have convenient access to these publicly- maintained park and i•ecreation facilities. Pheasant Hills Park is located one-quarter mile west of the new home sites and is eleven acres in size. The park features a children's playground,half-court basketball,picnic shelter(under construction), grass play field, wooded and wetland areas, and a walking trail. A small off-street parking area is currently being consti-ucted along Lake Lucy Lane concuirent with a municipal well proj ect. Cui7y Fanns Park is located one-half mile east of the new home sites and is seven acres in size. This park features a c1u1d1•en's playground, half-court basketball, small sledding hill,picnic shelter (under construction), and walking trails. Off-street parking is available. No additional parkland acquisition is being recoinmended as a condition of this subdivision. TRAILS The subject site has direct access to the public h�ail along the north side of Lake Lucy Road. No additional trail construction is being recommended as a condition of this subdivision. PARK AND TRAIL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Full park fees in lieu of additional paskland dedication and/or trail construction shall be collected as a condition of appi•oval for three of the four lots proposed at 1510 Lake Lucy Road. One lot is being granted park fee credit in recognition of the existing single-family residence that was on the property. The park fees will be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat subinission and approval. Based upon the current single-fainily park fee rate of$5,800 per dwelling, the total park fees would be $17,400. COMPLIANCE TABLE Lot Area Lot Lot 25 %Maximum (sq. ft.) Width Depth Site Coverage Notes (sq. ft.) Code (RSF) 15,000 90 125 3,750 Lot 1 20,096 110 237 5,024 Corner lot, wetland set backs Lot 2 16,066 75" 152 4,016 Corner 1ot Lot 3 21,697 56'�` 173 5,424 Wetland setback Lot 4 21,696 300 240 5,424 Outlot A 19,342 Wetland ROW 37,206 Total 138,105 3.12 Acres '�` Meets 90 feet at building setback as permitted on cul-de-sac Plamung Commission Glaccum Property—Planni�lg Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Pagel3of17 RSF Setbacks: Front: 30 feet, Side: 10 feet, Rear: 30 feet. Wetland Setback: Buffer 20 feet, buffer setback 30 feet. VARIANCE The applicant's variance request is for relief from the , �: _ .. bluff setback requuement in that they propose to �� � ��` � Y�� � - - - _ - - WEM�D E�:TI-'-iE �� .`-� eliminate the bluff area on the propei�ty. Only a . "t""'"""' t"'' - - ClASSfICAT10N f���� . �- 1. limited area of the slope is classified as a bluff, with ' "��� •� � . �� -T"-'�L E:-E the balance of the steep slopes on the property not � � '� ��� � „ � � meeting the criteria for a bluff. Therefore, they are , - � not eligible for development and grading. � � ' � � �� � ��� � �� , . . ,� ,. ��> -, , �. ._. � Developinent of the site for single-family homes is a �, �°�`r �"> �;�� � reasonable use of the parcel. The proposed variance , �• �;,'` eliininates a small area of bluff on the site but �� '� � '_�� �� preseives a larger natural area adjacent to the wetland ` � ' �, at the bottom of the hill. An additional benefit to the �� ' o � I community is that as part of this project, the aging � �� - I and deteriorating retaining wall along Lake Lucy Road will be removed. I RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the rezoning fi•om Rural Residential Disti7ct (RR) to Single Family Residential (RSF), and Subdivision approval with a Variance to create four lots and one outlot subject to the following conditions and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: Rezoning: 1. Contingent on final plat approval. Subdivision: Buildin�: 1. Final grading plans and soi11•eports must be subinitted to the Inspections Division before building per-�nits will be issued. 2. Engineered design and building per-mits are required for retaining walls exceeding four feet in height. 3. Each lot must be provided with a separate sewer and water service. 4. Demolition permits must be obtained befoi-e demolishing any structures. Planning Commission Glaccum Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page 14 of 17 5. Pi-oper removal, abandoninent or sealing of storage tanks, on-site septic systems, wells, etc. is required. Permits are required, as applicable. 6. If applicable, existing home(s) affected by the new street will require address changes. En ing eering: 1. The existing easeinents on the propei�ty shall be shown on the existing topography page of the plan set. 2. The easement dimensions must be revised over the sanitary sewer to provide adequate area to excavate the pipe for future maintenance at a 1:1 slope (minimum), or a 1:1.5 slope (prefer7•ed). 3. The developer shall dedicate a coriservation easeinent over the wooded area being preserved adjacent to the wetland. The conservation easement language must allow the property owner of Lot 3, Block 1 to perform proper maintenance and/or replacement of their lower retaining wall or the conservation easement and/or wall must be slufted to allow enough area for said maintenance. 4. For future benefit, an access easement across Lot 4 must be granted to the propei�ty at 1430 Lake Lucy Road, or the portion of Lot 4 that lies between the cul-de-sac and 1430 Lake Lucy Road must be dedicated as public right-of-way. 5. The grading plan must be revised to include the proposed elevations at each lot corner. 6. Lot 1, Block 1 shall require drain tile service to promote drainage from the back to the front of the lot. 7. The wetland delineation is approved or, if need be, modified for approval and the setbacks and buffer areas are changed as necessary. 8. The Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan shall be modified to include all elements as required in Parts III and IV of the General Pel�nit Authorization to Discharge Stormwatei- Associated with Constl-uction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Eliinination/State Disposal System. 9. The SWPPP shall list among the quantities the required volume of topsoil to spread six inches on all areas to be sodded or seeded. 10. The retaining walls will be owned and inaintained by the individual property owners. 11. The plans shall show the top and bottom wall elevation for all proposed walls. 12. Walls over six feet high shall not be boulder walls. 13. Tiered boulder wa11s with a combined total height greater than six feet must have adequate spacing between such that they do not structurally unpact one another. 14. The vegetation between tiered walls shall be low oi•no maintenance. Planning Commission Glaccuin Property—Planning Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page15of17 15. A stop sign shall be installed for traffic on Lakeway Drive before crossing or entering Lake Lucy Road. 16. The plan must show proposed driveway elevations at the center of the proposed driveway at the curb line as well as the maximum slope on each driveway. 17. The maxiinum allowed driveway grade is 10% at any point on the driveway. The Lot 1 and '� Lot 4 driveways must be revised to be under that maximum. �� 18. The plan shall be r•evised such that there is a five-foot buffer between the trail and traffic on �� Lake Lucy Road. I 19. The pedestrian rainp at the corner of Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue shall be replaced with an ADA-compliant pedestrian rainp. 20. The City of Chanhassen standard detail plates for pedestrian i•amps shall be added to the plan set. 21. The sanitary sewer main on site shall be installed per the City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. 22. The eight-inch watermain shall be installed per the City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. 23. The proposed sanitary sewer and water main shall becoine city-owned after construction and acceptance by the City Council. 24. The city shall require the developer to extend the sanitary sewer and water main to the northern property line of Lot 1 for future connection of properties to the west. 25. The detail plates in the plan set must be updated with the inost current City of Chanhassen plates. 26. The applicant's engineer shall provide the anticipated operations and maintenance i•equirements for the infiltration system and shall deinonstrate to the satisfaction of the city, how maintenance, ulcluding excavation can occur. 27. The applicant shall move MH 2 to the curb line and, if need be, move OCS 3 a commensurate distance. 28. The suinp depth of MH2 shall be four feet. 29. A total of$14,722.50 in stor�n water utility connection charges shall be due at time of final plat. 30. The applicant is responsible foi•procurement of, and compliance with, any other agency approvals that may be necessary. 31. Water and sewer partial hookups are due at the time of final plat. The partial hookup fees wi11 be assessed at the rate in effect at that tiine. Plamling Commission Glaccum Propei-ty-Plamling Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page16of17 Envii-onmental Resources: 1. Tree pi•otection fencing will be required at the construction limits prior to any gi-ading. 2. Lots 1 through 4 will have the following quantities of trees planted, as shown on the landscape plan dated 6/16/15: Lot 1: 4 trees; Lot 2: 3 trees; Lot 3: 3 trees; Lot 4: 4 trees. Bufferyard plantings will be located on Lots 1, 2 and 4. 3. Conservation easement signage shall be installed at propei-ty lines and directional changes. 4. All retaining walls must be located outside of the Conservation Easement. Fire: 1. Provide a tlu•ee-foot cleat• space ai-ound the new fire hydrant. 2. No burning peimits will be issued for tree,brush removal. 3. Submit proposed street narne to Chanhassen Building Official and Fire Marshal for review and approval. 4. Street name sigiz shall be installed prior to any building construction. Parks: 1. Full park fees in lieu of additional parkland dedication and/or t�•ai1 construction shall be collected. One lot is being granted park fee credit in recognition of the existing sulgle-family residence that was on the property. The pask fees will be collected in full at the rate in force upon final plat submission and approval. ATTACHMENTS i 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. I 2. Development Review Application. 3. Preliminary Subdivision and Rezoning Subinittal Narrative dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 4. Variance Request Submittal Narrative dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 5. Reduced Plan Cover Sheet dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 6. Reduced Plan Site Sui•vey dated 5/20/15. 7. Reduced Plan Preliminary Plat dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 8. Reduced Plan Site Plan dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 9. Reduced Plan Grading and Drainage dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 10. Reduced Plan Erosion and Sediinent Control dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 11. Reduced Plan Erosion and Sediment Control Notes and Details dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 12. Reduced Plan Sto1-m Sewer and Utility dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 13. Reduced Plan Tree Canopy Coverage dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. Planlling Coinmission Glaccum Property—Plaiming Case 2015-16 July 7, 2015 Page 17 of 17 �� 14. Reduced Plan Tree Inventory and Preservation dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 15. Reduced Plan Landscape and Refoi-estation dated 6/5/15, ainended 6/16/15. 16. Reduced Plan Landscape Details dated 6/5/15, amended 6/16/15. 17. Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Mailing List. g:Ap1an�2015 planning cases\2015-18 glaccum rezoning&subdivision with variances\staffreport glaccum.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Estate Developinent Corporation and Michael & Leah Glaccum for Rezoning and Subdivision approval with Variance. On July 7, 2015, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Estate Development Coiporation and Michael & Leah Glaccum for rezoning of the property froin Rural Residential, RR, to Single-Family Residential, RSF, and preliminary plat appi-oval to cr•eate four lots and one outlot with a variance from the bluff setback � requirement in that they propose to eliminate the bluff area on the property. The Planning �' Cominission conducted a public hearing on the proposed rezonulg, subdivision and variance preceded by published and inailed ilotice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the followulg: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The propei�ty is cun•ently zoned Rural Residential District (RR). 2. The propei�ty is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density use. 3. The legal description of flle property is: Beginning at a point in the center of the Public Road 331 feet East of the Quarter Section corner between Sections 2 and 3, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the Sth Principal Mei-idian; thence North along a North and South road 331.8 feet; thence East 402 feet to Gust Johnson's land; thence South 2 degrees 20 minutes West 332.2 feet to an East and West road; thence West along said road 385.5 feet to place of beginning, situated in the Southwest Quarter of the Noi-thwest Quartel•of Section 2, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Caiver County, Mirulesota. 4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commissiarl to consider six (6)possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan since the zoning is consistent with the land use designation of the property, utilizes existing infrasti-ucture and provides housing opportunities. b. The pi-oposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area, wluch are single-fainily detached houses. 1 c. The proposed use confoi7ns to all pei-foi7nance standards contained in the Zoning �i Ordinance, subject to approval of the bluff setback variance. �' d. The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed since the use is similar to surrounding uses. e. The proposed use can be accominodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity since adequate infrastructure is available to the site. f. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of st1•eets seiving the property. 5. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Plaruiing Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The pi•oposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not lunited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and stonn water di-ainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, stoi-m drainage, sewage disposal, sti•eets, erosion control and all othei-improveinents required by the subdivision ordinance; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause sigilificant envirornnental dainage; f. Tlie proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1) Lack of adequate stoi�n water drainage. 2) Lack of adequate roads. 3) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4) Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. 6. Section 20-58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be perinitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the coinprehensive plan. The proposed variance eliminates a small area of bluff on the site but presei-ves a larger natural area adjacent to the wetland at the bottoin of the hill. b. There are practical difficulties in coinplying with the zoning ordinance, which include the fact that only a small area of the site is classified as bluff while the remainder of the steep sloped areas can be altered on either side of the bluff. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variai7ce, means that the property owner pi-oposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not peimitted by this Chapter. Development of the site for single-family homes is a reasonable use of the parcel. 2 Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone, but pennits the efficient and logical development of the site. d. The plight of the landowner•is due to cucumstailces unique to the property not created by the landowner since only a ininor portion of the site is classified as bluff. e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the esseiltial character of the locality,but would permit the development of homes similar to those in the development to the east, , which extend in to the steep sloped areas surrounding the wetland. I f. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota �' Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when ul har7nony with fllis Chapter, which is not applicable to this development. 7. The planning report#2015-18 dated July 7, 2015, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorpoi•ated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Plamling Cominission recommends that the City Council approve the Rezoning, and Preliminary Plat with Variances subject to the conditions of the staff report. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 7th day of July, 2015. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman 3 _ ..�. .'3i:?f��,ra. ��^S t�.�j��V��J '��.. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard �` ; ' ,, ����� ���� �� ��������('�(�L� �i Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 ` p ����� Phone: 952 227-1300/ Fax. 952 227-1110 1���'� � � � � f .,i r r t`.e�`.�'y... . . �.....�+ .—.. . .� ...� _, . APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW submitta��ate: 6/5/15 Pc�ate: 7/7/15 cc pate: 7�27��5 60-Day Review Date: $�4��rJ . � . . . . - . . . (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment.........................$600 ❑✓ Subdivision (SUB) ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers.....$100 ❑ Create 3 lots or less ........................................$300 ❑✓ Create over 3 lots.......................$600 + $15 per lot ❑ Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ( 4 lots) ❑ Single-Family Residence ................................$325 ❑ Metes & Bounds 2 lots ❑ All Others.........................................................$425 � )..................................$300 ❑ Consolidate Lots..............................................$150 '�, ❑ Interim Use Permit(IUP) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment.........................................$150 ' ❑ In conjunction with Single-Family Residence..$325 � Final Plat..........................................................$700 (Includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* ❑ All Others.........................................................$425 "Additional escrow may be required for other applications through the development contract. �✓ Rezoning (REZ) ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD)..................$750 ❑ Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way(VAC)........$300 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD.................$100 (Additional recording fees may apply) �✓ All Others.........................................................$500 0✓ Variance (VAR)....................................................$200 ❑ Sign Plan Review...................................................$150 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit(WAP) ❑ Site Plan Review(SPR) ❑ Single-Family Residence...............................$150 ❑ Administrative..................................................$100 ❑ All Others.......................................................$275 ❑ Commercial/Industrial Districts*......................$500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: ❑ Zoning Appeal......................................................$100 ( thousand square feet) ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment(ZOA).................$500 *Include number of existinq employees: 'Include number of new employees: ❑ Residential Districts.........................................$500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. Plus $5 per dwelling unit ( units) ❑✓ Notification Sign (city to insta��and remo�e)......................................................................................................................$200 0✓ Property Owners' LISt withln 500' (City to generate after pre-application meeting)...........................�?.�.29..............$3 p@I'addl"eSS ( 43 addresses) ❑✓ Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply).................................................... . ..........$50 per document ❑ Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interim Use Permit ❑ Site Plan Agreement ❑ Vacation ❑✓ Variance ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ❑ Easements ( easements) TOTAL FEE: $1,739.00 . - . -. . . Description of Proposal: Glaccum Property Preliminary Plat, Rezoning and Variance Property Address or Location: 1510 Lake Lucy Road Parcel #: 250022900 p Legal Description: See Separate Narrative Total Acreage: 3�12 Wetlands Present? � Yes ❑ No Present Zoning: Rural Residential District (RR) Requested Zoning: Single-Family Residential District (RSF) Present Land Use Designation: Residential Low Density Requested Land Use Designation: Residential Low Density Existing Use of Property: 1 Single Family Residence w/Accessory Structures 0✓ Check box is separate narrative is attached. , ,,����.� ,? e ` s e• O . r • i • � • APPL�CANT C3TH�R 1'HA�! PROPERTY t�WNER: !n signing this applica#ion, !, as appiicant, represent to hav�obtained autharization from the properky owner ta fi6e this appEicafion. 1 agree to be bound by conditions of appraval, subject only ko the right to object at the hearings an the application �r during the appeai period. If this appEication has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate dacumentation of fulllegai capacity to file the application. This appiicatian should be process�d in my name and 1 am the party whom#he Gity should c�ntact ragarding ar►y matter pertaining to this appli�ation. I will keep myseli informed of the deadiines for submissian of ma#erial �nd the progress of this application. I furth�r understand that additiQnal fees may be charged far consulking fees,feaaibility atudies, etc. with an estimate prior to any autharizatian to proceed with the study. I c��tify that#he information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. ��m�: Estate Devalaprr�ent Carporation Contact: �Qm Ganyea Address: 1�250 Wayzata Baulevard, Suite 101 �,h���, (612}990-4666 CitylState/Zip: YUayzata, M�i. 55391 Gel9: EmaiL to landmn.eom ���: Signature: � Date: 6/1/9 5 PR{�P�l�TY O1►�NER: In segning this application, I, as property awner, have full iegal capacity to, and her�by do, authorize the filing of this application. 1 understand#hat conditions af appraval are binding and agree to be bound by those canditions, subject c�nly#a the right to obj�ct at the hearings nr dusing the appeal periods. I will keep myself infarmed of the deadlines for submission af material and the pragress af this appficatian. ! further understand that additional fees may be charged for consultis�g fees,feasibi6ity studies, etc. with an estimate priar to any authorization to proceed with the skudy. 1 certify that fhe infarmation snd exhibifs submitte� are true and corr�ct. Name: Michael W& Leah R Glaccum Contact: � �� � Address: 6fl03 Coffer Woods Ct. Phane: CitylState/Zip: Burke,VA. 22015 Csll: � / 2. • 2_.�`� -7 ?�� Email: � G Z�/KH � c-�f �trjt c7"� �'°c��' Fax: �..5'"Z -. �-I 7 Y -- P'..5`fl.� _— Signature: � ,� .- Dai�: _._�� ' S� r S� This applaca#ion must be compieted in full and must be accompanied by all i�forrr�atit�n and plans required by applicable Gity Qrdinance pr�visions. Before filing this application, refer to the apprapriate Applica#ion Checklist and canfer with#it�Pianning Departrnent ta determine th�specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determin�tion of completeness o€the app0icati�n shall be made wsthir� 15 business days of�pplication submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shal9 be mailed to the applicant wittrin '15 busia�ess days ef application. F'R�JECT ENGINEER{if applicable} Name: Alliant Engineering, Inc. Contact: Mark Rausch Address: ��� �'��Aue. So. Suite 3flQ p��n�: (612)767-9339 City/StatelZip: Minneapolis, MN. 55495 CefL• Email: mrausch@alliant-inc.corn F��: (612}758-3099 . . . . . Wha st�o�ld receive copies of staff reports? *Other Gon#act informatior�: [] Rroperty Owner Via: ❑ �mail ❑ Mailed Paper Copy tJame: �✓ Applican# Via� �✓ Email 0 Mailed Paper Capy Address: �✓ Engineer Via: �'❑ Email ❑ Mailed Pap�r Copy CiRytSfate/Zip: ❑ Other' Via: ❑ Emai( ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Emai1: INSTRUCTlt3NS Tt7 APPLICAtVT: Camplete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FOFtM to save a copy to yaur device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city aBong with requered documents and p�yment. SUBMIT FORM #o send a digital copy to the city for processing (required). �� � �� SAVE FDRM PRINT FQRM BUBMCE FORM PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION AND REZONING SUBMITTAL NARRATIVE GLACCUM PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MINN�SOTA Amended June 16,2015 SITE INFORMATION Legal Description: That part of the Southwest Quai•ter of the Northwest Quai-ter•of Section 2, Township 116 Noi•th, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota, described as follows: Co�nmencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Not�thwest Quartet; thence on an asswned bearing of South 88 degrees 03 minutes 48 seconds East along the south line of said Southwest Quartel•of the Nor�thwest Quartet�a distance of 330.]0 feet to the point of beginning; thence North O1 degrees 50 minutes 12 seconds East 331.80 feet to the intersection of the westerly extension of the south line of SHADOW RIDGE; tllence South 88 degrees 03 minutes 48 seconds East 408.80 feet along the southerly line of SHADOW RIDGE 3`a ADDITION and SHADOW RIDGE; thence South O1 degrees 21 minutes 04 seconds West 331.81 feet aloi�g SHADOW RIDGE and SHADOW RIDGE 2°a ADDITION to the South line of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quat�tei; thence Nor-th 88 degr•ees 03 ir�inutes 48 seconds West 411.61 to the point of beginning. Address: 1510 Lake Lucy Road, Chanhassen, MN PID: 250022900 PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION AND REZONING REQUEST Tl�e pr•oposed plan consists of a low density single fainily residential developinent witl� 4 single family hoines lots. The proposed developinent will require rezoning the pr•oper-ty fi•om RR—Rural Residential District to RSF — Single Fa�nily Residential District. The proposed rezoning of the property fi•om RR to RSF would pr•ovide a per acre unit density consistent with the City's Compreheilsive Plan land use plan. EXISTING SITE DESCRIPTION Tl�e development site is 3.125 acres and is bound by Lake Lucy Road to the south, Yosemite Ave., to the west, Shadow Ridge 2"d Addition to the east and nor•th. The property is currently used foi� Preliminary Subdivision and Rezonin� Submittal Ju»e 16, 2015 Glaccum Property—Chanhassen, MN Page 1 of 6 one single family home with two accessory garage buildings. The existing residence driveway connects directly to Lake Lucy Road. The property has significant topography with a slope cutting from west to east through the property. Tl�e southern portion of the site is above the slope and the north half is on the low side. The higher elevation areas of the site priir�ai�ily drain northerly over the existing slope to the lower half of the pz•operty. Tl�e lower north l�alf of the property contains a wetland tllat is a portion of a lazger wetland that extends northerly offsite. The lower ai•ea of the site and wetland is in la»dlocked drainage condition with the nearest overflow elevation roughly 13 feet above the wetland delineation elevation. The existing slope through the site is curi•ently not veiy stable with several existing trees having fallen and uprooted. Approximately 78% of the useable site area is covered with n�ee canopy. The dominant tree species on the site is Box Elder with some Ash and Basswood,thet•e are only a slnall amount of Oak, Elm or Maple. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DESIGNATION a Tl�e application area has a curr•ent and future Comprehensive Plan '�� �, Land Use designation of Residential Low Density. The surrounding I ' o land use is also nlostly Residential Low Density. The land dit�ectly asa�t � nortll of the propet-ty has a land use of Parks Open Space and there is a ii � por•tion of land south and west of the property that is Residential Lar•ge "��������� n� Lot. The Residential Low Density land use guides for single family � � u�y oad � ��� , housing density of 1.2 — 4.0 units per acre. The City has used an m'� �rµ��av � average of 2 units per acres for pr•ojection of land demand. The ` � proposed developinent plan has a density of 2.16 units per net acre and �"� -o so is consistent with the current and future Comprehensive Guide Plan land use for t11e property. ZONING CLASSIFICATION The pr•opet•ty has a cur•i•ent zoning classification of RR — Rural Residential District. The properties to the north, south, and east of the r o developinent site are also zoned RSF — Single Family Residential �sa" � Distr•ict. The properties west of Yosemite Ave and southwest of the ����� ��� project site are zoned RR. SITE f '�� u�y oad � The proposed developinent plan will requir•e rezoning from RR to RSF Q �a� " ` — Single Family Residential District, which is consistent with adjacent ro , developments and consistent with the curt•ent land use plan for the property. Preliminaiy Subdivision and Rezonin� Submittal June 16, 2015 Glaccum Property— Chanhassen, MN Page 2 of 6 PROPOSED R�SIDENTIAL PRELMINARY SUBDIVISION PLAN The applicant's intent is to create a 4 lot single family residential development that is enl�anced by �, the proxiinity to the opeil space and wetland onsite and offsite to the north. Tl7e develop�r�ent plan is consistent with the existing developmei�ts directly to the east and south of the property and is considerate of market delnands. The project also is consistent witl� the density requiremeilts of the City's current and proposed land use plan. The l�oinebuilder for the lots will be David Weekley Homes. David Weekley Homes is a privately owned homebuilder who has recently entered the Twin Cities market. This development would be there first project in the area. The following is a br•ief sumnlary of primar•y project ele�nents curreiltly proposed: Primary Site Featur•es • 4 Single family homes • Preservation of o�lsite wetland and wooded wetland buffei•. � Outlot over the existing wetland that will be p�•ovided to the City afte�•platting. • Wetland buffel• creation in accordance with City 1•equii•ements and establishment of a consei•vation easement beyond the City required wetland buffet•. • Extension of public sanitaiy sewer to the west property boundar•y. • Granting additional Lake Lucy Road rigl�t of way and permanent dedication of Yose�nite Ave and Lake Lucy Road right of way. • Creation of a safe 4-legged intersection Lake Lucy Road and Lakeway Drive. • Reinoval of the existing deterioratii�g retaining wall adjacent to Lake Lucy Road. • Remova] of an existing septic ai�d drainfield improving water quality in the onsite wetland. • Installation of stormwater management facilities to p1•ovide volwne control, water quality and r•ate conn•ol for runoff fi•om the new roadway prior to discharging to the onsite wetland. • Enhanced development landscaping including ri•ee planting along Lake Lucy Road and the east property line and within conservation area. Concept Plan Areas Gross Acreage 3.125 acres Wetland Area 0.444 acres (Exc. 0.006 ac within Yosemite Ave R/W) Conservation Easement 0.467 acres (lnc. 0.137 ac wetland buffer) Yosemite Ave and Lake Lucy Road R/W Dedication 0.599 acres Net Buildable Acreage 1.615 acres Net Density 2.48 units per•acre Lot Dimensions Required Provided Width along R/W Standard Lot 90'(miniinum) 90' Width at Front Setback Cul-De-Sac Lot 90'(minimum) 90' Cornei•Lot Width 90'(minimuin) 100' Lot Depth 125'(minimum) 148' Lot Size Minimum 15,000 sf 16,068 sf Lot Area Average 19,889 sf(0.46 acres) Preliminary Subdivision and Rezoning Subinittal June 16, 2015 Glaccum Property— Chanhassen, MN Page 3 of 6 Setbacks Side Setbacks l0' 10' Setback to Public Rigl�t of Way 30' 30' Front Setback 30' 30' Rear Setback 30' 30' � Site Access and Pedestrian Circulation T11e proposed development will be create a new cul-de-sac connection to Lake Lucy Road in alignment with the existing Lakeway Drive to the south creating a 4-legged intersection. Thl•ee of the proposed hoines will be connected to the new cul-de-sac and the 1•emaining home will have a driveway connection to Yosemite Avenue. Tl1e pi•oject is not proposing any new sidewalk interilal to the project. The existing trail alo»g Lake Lucy road will be removed and reconstructed within the project limits. Cui•rently, the trail is located right on the back of the Lake Lucy Road curb but the proposed plan will shift it 2' back from the cur•b to be similar to the existing trail section to the east of the site. Gradin� The site and slope will be regraded to develop the 4 hoine pad sites and cul-de-sac roadway. Per City requirement all pi•oposed graded slopes will not exceed 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. Sanitary Sewer and Watei•main The project will connect to public sanitaly sewer in Lakeway Drive. The trunk sewer will be extended to the north to the new cul-de-sac via directional drilling to avoid disturbance to Lakeway Drive and Lake Lucy Road. The trunk sewer will also be extended to the west propet�ty limit along the not�th side of Lake Lucy Road right of way to service the proposed westerly lot and for futul•e development west of the site. The site will connect to public watermain in the Lake Lucy Road. A trunk watermain will be extended norther•ly into the new cul-de-sac to pr•ovide sei�vice to three lots. The fourth lot will require an individual sel•vice connection to the trunk watermain in Lake Lucy Road. Stormwater Mana eig nent The development is located within the Min�lehaha Creek Watershed Disri•ict, however, the City of Chanhassen and the City's Surface Water Management Plan provides govetnmental jurisdiction. The pi•oposed development's stormwater inanage�nent plan does provide the required volume control, water quality, and peak r•ate control. The developir�ent will provide storir�water nlanagement via an underground infiltration storage pipe and conservation of pervious area. Preliminarv Subdivision and Rezonin� Subinittal June 16, 2015 Glaccum Property—Chanhassen, MN Page 4 of 6 Runoff from the new cul-de-sac will be captured and pretreated in a sump manhole prior to discl�arging into a perforated infiln•atioi� pipe. The undergt•ound storage pipe and conserved pervious area will provide volulne control equivalent to 1" of runoff over the proposed additional impervious surface. In largei•events the pipe will discharge to the wetland onsite. The onsite wetland has been delineated by Kjolhaug Environinental Services Coinpany. The wetland is classified by the City as a Manage 2, requiring a 20' wide buffer and a 30' building setback to the buffer. The wetlaild is part of a regional landlocked low area so a back to back l 00 year flood analysis was completed to verify there ai•e no flooding conceri�s. The natural over•flow to the wetland is towards t11e SW and is roughly 13' above the wetland delineation at an elevation of 1012.5, however, the back to back 100 year f7ood level is only around 1003. The lowest floor proposed on the project is 1013 ot• 6" above the natural overflow so there is no flooding concern for the proposed homes. Tree Preservation The estimated baseline t�•ee canopy coverage for the existing site is 78% of the net area (excluding perilneter right of way dedication and wetland areas). Per the City code, low density residential is then allowed to remove to a limit of 46% tree canopy prior to requirement of mitigation. The development plan proposes to maintain tr•ee canopy coverage of 20% and thus t�•ee replacement of 26 trees is requir•ed. A total of 27 trees are proposed to be replanted per City regulations. A conservation easement of 0.467 acres in size is proposed immediately adjacent to the wetland and along the nor•th plat boundaty line. The consel•vation easeinent will cover the az•ea of wetland buffer and additional area upland of the reguired wetland buffer. The conservation ar•ea will remain priinal�ily undisturbed with a small iinpacts needed to install a storm sewer outlet and ble�ld proposed and existing grades. Disturbed areas will be restored and replanted with native tree species. Landsca�ing The landscape plan for the project will include boulevard trees within the 4 new lots. The requif•ed mitigation trees have been proposed along Lake Lucy Road, along the project's east boundaiy adjacent to existing homes and in the conset•vation easement area. The proposed trees are a mix of deciduous, coniferous, and or•namental. Since Lake Lucy is defined as a collector r•oad, the development is required to create buffering landscape along that fi�ontage. Enhanced buffer landscaping including sh1•ub and ot•namental tree plantings have been proposed along Lake Lucy Road. The proposed single family yar•ds will be vegetated with typical r•esidential tui•f gi•ass and the wetland buffer area will be vegetated with wetland buffer seed mix. Disturbed areas will be restor•ed with native vegetation. TIMING/PHASING Preliininary Subdivision and Rezonin� Submittal June 16, 2015 Glaccum Property—Chanhassen, MN Page 5 of 6 If the City approves the preliminary subdivision and rezoning r•equest, it is the Applicant's desire to proceed iminediately with application for final i•eview in hopes for possible construction in Fall 2015. CONCLUSION The applicant respectfully concludes that the request for a r•ezoning and preliininaiy subdivision ��� approval will allow for a development consistent with City Goals and Objectives for this area. A rezoning to a RSF will allow for a single fainily subdivision consistent with t11e adjacent land uses surrounding the property and provides foi� de�lsity goals of the area. Preli�ninar•v Subdivision and Rezonin� Submittal June 16, 2015 Glaccum Property—Chanhassen, MN Page 6 of 6 VARIANCE REQUEST SUBMITTAL NARRATIVE GLACCUM PROPERTY CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Amended June 16, 2015 SITE INFORMATION Legal Description: Beginning at a point in the center of the Public Road 331 feet East of the Quai�ter Section corner between Sections 2 and 3, Township 116 North, Range 23 West of the Sth Principal Mei•idian; thence ���, North along a Not�th and South road 331.8 feet; thence East 402 ��� feet to Gust Johnson's land; thence South 2 degrees 20 ininutes West 332.2 feet to an East and West road; thence West along said road 385.5 feet to place of beginning, situated in tl�e Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota. Address: I 510 Lake Lucy Road, Chanhassen, MN PID: 250022900 VARIANCE REQU�ST The proposed request for var•iance fi•om City Code is for permission to regrade an existing sloped area tl�at currently meets criteria of a bluff per City Ordinance. The Ordinance states that to be classified as bluff it must liave thr•ee characte�•istics, see the following City Code definitions. Bluff ineans a natui•al topographic feature such as a llill,cliff or embankinent having the followii�g characteristics: l. The slope rises at�least�25 feet above the toe of the bluff;and 2. The grade of the slope fi•on�the toe of tl�e bluff to a point 25 feet oi•more above the toe of the bluff averages 30 pe�•cent or greater•;and 3. A»area with an average slope of less than l 8 percent ovei•a distance for 50 feet or mor•e shall not be considered part of tl�e bluff.(20) Blz�ff im�act�oi�e means a bluff and land located withi��20 feet from the top of a bluf£(20) I31uff, side of ineans a point�at whicl�botl�conditions for a "bluff' r�o]onger exist.The side of tl�e bluff is delineated by a line coi�necting the top a��d toe of a bluff at a location in wl�icli tlie slope of the bluff is less t]�an 30 percent oi•�he change in elevat�ion becomes smaller than 25 feet. (20) Variance Request June 16, 2015 Glaccum Propei•ty— Chanhassen, MN Page 1 of 5 /31uff, loe of ineans the point on a bluff where U�ere is, as vis�aally obse�ved,a clearly idei�tifiable break i��tl�e slope,from flatter to steepel•slope above.If no break in the slope is apparent,the toe of the bluff sl�al] be determined to be tl�e lower end of a 50-foot segment,measured ou the ground,with an average slope eaceeding l8 percent. (20) Blirff, �op of ineans tl�e point on a bluff wl�ere tl�ere is,as visually observed,a clearly identifiable breal<in tl�e slope,fi•om steeper to gentlei•slope above. ]f no bi•eak in the slo}�e is apparent,the top of tl�e bluff shall be dete3•mined to be the upper end of a 50-foot segmeut,nieasured on tl�e ground,witl�an aver�age slope exceeding l8 percent.(20) Exhibit 1 shows the existing conditions of the pr•operty and highlights the portion of slope that meets all three of the characteristics necessary to be gualified as bluf£ The variance if grai�ted would allow for a regrade of the area above the bluff reducing the overall l�eight of the slope to less than 25' and eliminating it from bluff classification. Removal of the bluff classification would allow for a site that could be fully gi•aded and developed. VARIANCE BENEFITS Granting the requested variance to City Code would provide several public community and City ' of Chanhassen benefits. Benefits to Existin� Conditions 1. Reir�oval of the existing limestone retaining wall located along the nor-th side of Lake L,ucy Road, (see Exhibit 2). • The existing elevation difference and need fol� the retaining wall between the subject proper�ty and t•oadway was due to the previous construction of Lake Lucy Road. • Tl�e wall t•eaches a inaxi�num height of 8' is only 10' back from the edge of roadway. The wall is old and been inplace for a significant length of time. The wall will have to be replaced by the City at some time in the future if the 1•oad is widened or• if the wall conditions deteriorate further. 2. Regrading to lower the existing grades and removing the wall along the north side of the Lake Lucy Road's boulevard will impt•ove the sightline distance to the east for• the intersection at Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Ave. • The existing elevations are inuch higher along the north side of Lake Lucy Road (i•eason for• the existing retaining wall) and that diffel•ential cr•eates a sightline obstruction to the east for drivel•s at Yosemite Ave. • The existi�lg ar•ea above the retaining wall is also covered with heavy vegetation adding additional sightlii�e obst�•uction. • The existing sightlii�e obstt•uction is especially danger•ous in this location because Lake Lucy Road is climbing in significant elevation to the east (14' vertical feet higher only 300' east at Lakeway Drive). The significance of tlle existing cr•est curve adds i�nportance to providing adequate sight distance to d�•ivers at Yose�nite Ave. Variance Rec�uest June 16, 2015 Glaccum Property— Chanhassen, MN Page 2 of 5 3. Removal of the existing residence's septic tank, outlet drainpipe and drainfield will pt•ovide water quality benefit to the existing wetland. The septic system removal will reguire disturbance of the slope cur•rently classified as bluff. • The existi»g drainfield is located close to the existing wetland at approximately 60 feet and thus its 1•emoval will add water quality benefit to the wetland. • The septic tank is located on the north side of the existing home within area that is in bluff impact zone. Removal of t11e tank would require gr•ading in the bluff impact zone and into the top of the slope. • The drainpipe froln the septic tank to the drainfield is routed down the slope north to the drainfield at the base of the slope. Removal of the outlet pipe would require grading in the bluff slope. • It would be difficult to restore the existing bluff to a stable condition after disturbing it to r•emove the septic outlet pipe. An additional non-benefit note; the re�r�oval of tl�e existing home (built in 1910) will reguii•e disturbance of the bluff impact zone and likely into the top of the slope currently classified as bluff. The home was built only 8' fi•om the top of the slope in the bluff ar•ea. Bene�ts of the Proposed Plan 1. The proposed plan would create a 0.444 acre outlot over the existing wetland and provide that outlot to the City after final platting, (see Exhibit 3). • Transferring the outlot ownership to the City would put the wetland into the City's full control in a more defined manner than a coi�servation easement. • The property directly to the north of the proposed outlot is covered by wetland and is currently in an Outlot owned by the City. • The �Zew outlot would put the entire landlocked wetland complex on the east side of � Yosemite Ave in outlots owned by the City. 2. The proposed plan would dedicate conservation easement over a 0.467 acre area tha�t �� would cover the proposed 20' wide wetland buffer, area upland of the buffer ai�d area � along the north plat boundaiy. '�, • The pr•oposed wetland buffer is 0.137 acres of the conservation easement resulting in '�� 0.33 acres of natural buffer area provided in excess of City reguire�nents. �� • The 0.33 acres represents 10.6% of the gross plat area or 17.0% of the net buildable �� ar•ea (prioi to the conservation area deduction). j • The conservation easement would include a 30' wide strip of land along the north plat �i boundaiy providing buffering to the property to the north. � 3. Extension of public sanitary sewer to the development's west property boundaiy benefiting the City and the property owners to the west of the proposed development. • The sewer would be extended north ft�om an existing manhole in Lakeway Drive and then west along the north right of way line of Lake Lucy to the western limits of the property. Variance Request June 16, 2015 Glaccum Property— Chanhassen, MN Page 3 of 5 • The sewer alignment would require significant excavation depths of close to 20' in the north boulevar•d of Lake Lucy Road and above the bluff area. • The sewet• would be extended »orth from Lakeway Drive via dir•ectional drilling to avoid disturbance to Lakeway Drive and the intei•section at Lake Lucy Road. 4. Safety of a cul-de-sac connection to Lake Lucy Road aligning with Lakeway Drive to the South. • The street connection to Lake Lucy Drive will align with Lakeway Di•ive to soutll to create a 4-legged intersection. • The cul-de-sac option is designed to City standards with street lighting to provide a safe vehicle connection to Lake Lucy Road and good vehicular access. • The cul-de-sac intersection will be located at the crest of Lake Lucy Road resulting in improved sight distance. 5. The cul-de-sac design provides the flexibility for a future driveway col�nection to the � existing pi-operty located east of the development along Lake Lucy Dr•ive. ' • The existing prope�-ty east of the development site has a horseshoe style driveway that ' curreiltly has two accesses to Lake Lucy Di•ive. � 6. The removal of the existing septic system drainfield will provide water quality benefit to �, the wetland. I • The dl•ainfield is located in the lowe�• portion of the site at the base of the slope and within 70' to the existing wetland. �'i 7. The proposed plan would dedicate 7' of additional public right of way for the nor-th half of Lake Lucy Road. • The north half of Lake Lucy Road currently falls within a 33' wide 1•oadway easement within the p1•operty. • The proposed project would increase the public right of way width to 40'. 8. The proposed plan would result in permanent platting of public right of way for Yosemite Ave and Lake Lucy Road. • The current property boundaiy goes to the centerline of each roadway with both roads curt•ently confined within roadway easements. • The project if appl•oved would provide dedication and platting of 33' of right of way for the east half of Yoseir�ite Ave and 40' of right of way for the north l�alf of Lake Lucy Road. 9. Development and regi•ading of the slope will result in a stable and vegetated slope that will provide additional wetland pr•otection. • The existing slope is not stable in its current state. • Ther•e is evidence of soil erosion and there are multiple trees that have fallen and uprooted. Variance Request June 16, 2015 Glaccum Property— Chanhassen, MN Page 4 of 5 • It is evident that in its current state trees are not allowed to grow long before uprooting causing long term slope stability issues. 10. The trees on the existing slope consist of priinarily of box elder with several ash tr•ees. It has been beneficial in solne coinmunities to remove ash trees to slow propagation of the �mei•ald Ash Borer•. CONCLUSION The applica»t respectfully concludes that the requested variance to grade and remove a bluff classification will provide substantial benefit to the public community and the City of Cllanhassen beyond what maintaining the existing slope would provide. Variance Request June 16, 2015 Glaccum Property—Chanhassen, MN Page 5 of 5 �-- -� �,1008.08 ��� � / i BK ��1033.24 � � I � ����1009.4X 1018.6 4�1027.01 'I�TP S ' 9K � � '�9K3.62 �,�1036.62 m�E G wE.u�,o � � �TQi�t9---- PS I•' •�BK � i035. 4 � / '!`TPS � � � % I� � ��;1014.75 �!�1036. 6 i I � TOP OF SLOPE ��etcXiozo:a� ' TPs � � I / I ��998.31 Eo�E�rEr�.Fo Eo�o.wE.aFo-.�� T�E OF SL�PE \�BK 69 %�TPS.16 -i �TOS / � �� /, � I I � P�P � IOOL2�� �Y�� �� ��1014.67 �J1036.50 �i �TOS \ BK `�TPS ��...-µ�- -�52- .��M-� �'1021.30 I �.1�11.98 � � � ��`BK � `� I �'1017 78 ��1037.81 iooa.44 SLOPE MEETING CITY � TPs XTos CODE BLUFF CRITERIA / / � \ ' / / � Bi�{�2:6,9 � io s.s7 1012.�J�„01 94 � TP XI 09.20 � � � �I i TOS � � � �,JI34$ � � SLO E IS OT I / ��K: � „ioss.s5 25' IN HEI HT �\iC�'.4�TPS ' > ��ai2.�a � idi?Fe �0�336���a+a �tozo.�� P FR M TOE TOP �, ¢ � .�loi2.s3 �,ioi� ia �� ��; 1037. ( �.IB I�n79��BK �BK B� , , I�%`'G�. i;� � .;�i039.28 '��IQ��J�. P I ! 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En elhardt bein first dul swoin on oath de oses that she is and was on ��� � � � � Y � P � June 25, 2015, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Glaccum Property— Planning Case 2015-18 to the persons nan�ed on attached Exhibit"A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasui-er, Carvei-County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. � � /� � �:.-���.�` � ��--'�--� �f� G��--z...�. i Kar�n J. Enge ha dt, Depufy Clerk , � Subscribed and sworn to before me �E� .--,___ thi�!�� day of< �:��_��`�.;�' , , 2015. � � - ` _. . ` l: � �� �;z��.�,-�-- � Notaiy Pu ' �� KIM T. 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J � (0 V V Z fl- U . . e • • ALAN ROBERT WEINGART ALLEN A & MARJORIE SATTER ALMOND L &CAROLYN C KRUEGER 1685 STELLER CT 6515 SHADOW LN 1600 LAKE LUCY RD EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9080 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9374 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9023 BARBARA R CAMERON BRIAN J & DENISE A CARNEY BRIAN R &JENNIFER B JOHNSON 6559 SHADOW LN 6566 SHADOW LN 6639 LAKEWAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9374 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9375 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578 CRAIG & DEANNA CLAYBAUGH DANIEL J & MARY K MCGRAW DONALD J & NANCY L GIACCHETTI 1630 LAKE LUCY RD 6573 SHADOW LN 6679 LAKEWAY DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9023 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9374 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578 ' GWEN M WILDERMUTH REV TRUST �I FRANK D & CINDY F POSTIC GARY G &AMY MEIER , 6507 SHADOW LN 1420 LAKE LUCY RD 6672 LAKEWAY DR ! CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9374 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9382 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578 JAMES A& KRISTIN R SANFORD JASON BUTTERFIELD JEFFREY J BAUMER 6520 SHADOW LN 6626 POINTE LAKE LUCY 6500 SHADOW LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9375 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8433 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9375 JEFFREY J KOERSELMAN JEFFREY T DAHL JOSEPH J & D GAYLE MORIN 6610 POINTE LAKE LUCY 6675 LAKEWAY DR 1441 LAKE LUCY RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8433 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8405 JULIE A MILLER KATHRYN J BERSCHEIT KATHRYN KENYON RANDALL 6511 SHADOW LN 6470 YOSEMITE AVE 1571 LAKE LUCY RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9375 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9037 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9022 KEITH A & MARY JO REINHARDT KRIS E & LISA T BERGLY LAURIE A LOKAR REV TRUST 6530 SHADOW LN 6687 LAKEWAY CT 6642 POINTE LAKE LUCY CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9375 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8433 LAWRENCE H & NANCY S MARC & RENEE SCHUBBE MATTHEW D &STACY A HASTAD MCDOWELL 6550 SHADOW LN 1430 LAKE LUCY RD 6663 LAKEWAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9375 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9382 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578 MICHAEL C &SHARON F TODD MICHAEL J & REGINA M BUCHHOLZ MICHAEL S &JENNIFER A HARTER 6540 SHADOW LN 6656 POINTE LAKE LUCY 6510 SHADOW LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9375 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8433 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9375 MICHAEL W & LEAH R GLACCUM PATRICK G & ELISE M RYAN PATRICK J EGAN 6003 COFFER WOODS CT 6587 SHADOW LN 6503 SHADOW LN BURKE, VA 22015-2901 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9374 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9374 RAMESH GURUSAMY ROBERT J &SANDRA A KENDALL ROGER L &CHARLOTTE J 6612 LAKEWAY DR 1645 LAKE LUCY RD FRERICHS CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9024 6648 LAKEWAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578 RYAN WILLIAM YANKOUPE SHAUN D NUGENT SUSAN JORGENSEN 6481 YOSEMITE 6560 SHADOW LN 6510 YOSEMITE EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9036 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9375 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9038 TERRY M SCHABEL THOMAS ALAN STEWARD TODD M &APRIL S BAILEY 6545 SHADOW LN 6471 YOSEMITE 6630 LAKEWAY DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9374 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9036 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578 TROY M PARRISH TUCKER&ALEXANDRA M MASUI 6480 YOSEMITE AVE 6619 LAKEWAY DR EXCELSIOR, MN 55331-9037 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7578