CC Minutes 07-27-2015Chanhassen City Council – July 27, 2015 PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: INVITATION TO NATIONAL NIGHT OUT, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4. Mayor Laufenburger: Good evening and welcome to this council meeting. To those present in the chamber as well as though who may be watching on Cable Channel 8 at home and also for the record all members of the council are present tonight. First of all I would like to make a public announcement. Chanhassen, the city of Chanhassen will be participating in the National th Night Out on Tuesday, August 4. The Chanhassen fire department, the Carver County Sheriff’s office along with city officials and staff will be visiting block parties from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Now National Night Out is the ideal event for gathering neighbors. Ideal because this program is meant to be a neighborhood party but also ties in the public safety aspect by reminding residents how they can help to maintain safe neighborhoods. Studies show that neighbors who know each other are more likely to look out for each other, consequently safer environments to live and to raise families. This night especially also gives city officials and law enforcement a chance to get out and talk with citizens. I would like to invite residents to set aside this night to spend time with your neighbors. And last year if I’m not mistaken Mr. Gerhardt we did over 50 National Night Out neighborhoods, is that correct? And you can still register for Chanhassen’s event by calling our public safety liaison, Beth Hoiseth and her phone number is 952-227-1610 or simply call city offices and our receptionist will direct you to Beth Hoiseth. National Night Out, great event for the entire community. Let me first deal with an agenda item. Council members are there any modifications to the agenda for this evening’s meeting? If not then we will proceed with the agenda as printed. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilman Campion seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1.Approve City Council Minutes dated June 22, 2015 2.Receive Planning Commission Minutest dated July 7, 2015 3.Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated June 23, 2015 Resolution #2015-43: 4. Resolution Accepting Donation from Klein Bank for Senior Center Lifelong Learning Program Resolution #2015-44: 5. Approve Easement Agreement with Xcel Energy for City Property PIN No. 251790030 (Bluff Creek Preserve Area Located West of Lake Drive West). 6.Well No. 15 Improvements: a.Approve Xcel Energy Underground Service Contract for Power Extension b.Approve Change Order for Associated Improvements to Meet Department of Health Review 3 Chanhassen City Council – July 27, 2015 7.Deleted. Resolution #2015-45: 8. Powers Pointe: Approve Resolution Accepting Sanitary Sewer Improvements 9.Resolution #2015-46: Approval of Resolution Amending the Metes and Bounds th Subdivision of Lot 3, Block 2, Moline’s Addition, 2061 West 65 Street, Applicant: John Brudas/Owner: John Corey 10.Resolution #2015-47: TH 101 River Crossing: Approve Resolution Extending Temporary Work Hours 11.Resolution #2015-48: Approve Quote for Rice Marsh Trail Replacement from CSAH 101 to Eden Prairie City Limits 12.Resolution #2015-49: Approval of Resolution Accepting a $12,155 Donation from the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community for an Auto Pulse Device for the Fire Department All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: TOUR DE TONKA UPDATE, TIM LITFIN, MINNETONKA COMMUNITY SERVICES. Mayor Laufenburger: Let’s begin, we have with us, I would like to invite Tim Litfin to the podium if you wouldn’t mind. If you can make room for Mr. Litfin. Tim as a perennial visitor to Chanhassen City Council. He’s significantly involved in the Tour de Tonka so Mr. Litfin, welcome. Tim Litfin: Good evening Mr. Mayor, thank you very much. Council members. City staff. Community members. Thank you for having me here tonight. I’m here to talk about Tour de Tonka. A bike ride that proudly comes through Chanhassen every year. It has since year one and this is our tenth annual Tour de Tonka event. It’s happening this Saturday, just a few days from now. There’s a noise maker going around for everyone there to chime in whenever you feel free. Sorry everyone, I only have like 7 of them. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you. Tim Litfin: Might have another one in here. I’ll talk about Tour de Tonka in the past and then move forward to this year. I know you have a busy agenda so I’ll go quickly. Mayor Laufenburger: Take your time, we want to hear about this. You have a lot of potential candidates here. 4