Administrative SectionAdministra tive Section F4k i rl FA LL CLASS SCHEDULE AV as Class Fees Code" Parent/Tot 18 mos -2 yrs Thursdays 5:45-6:15pm $40 Res/$44 Non -Res 3154.100 Ballet/Creative Movement 3-4 Mondays 6-6:45pm $73 Res/$88 Non -Res 3154.101 3-4 Tuesdays 5:15-6pm $80 Res/$88 Non -Res* 3154.102 3-4 Fridays 9:15-10am $73 Res/$80 Non -Res 3154.103 3-4 Saturdays 9:30-10:15am $73 Res/$80 Non -Res 3154.104 Ballet/Tap 5-7* Mondays 5-6pm $90 Res/$99 Non -Res 3154.105 *and youth that will turn 5 years old by December 1 5.7* Thursdays 4-5pm $90 Res/$99 Non -Res 3154.106 5-7* Saturdays 9:15-10:15am $90 Res/$99 Non -Res 3154.107 Jazz/Tap 7-9 Mondays 6:45-7:45pm $90 Res/$99 Non -Res 3154.108 Jazz/Hip Hop 6-8 Saturdays 10:15-11arn $73 Res/$80 Non -Res 3154.109 8-11 Tuesdays 6-6:45pm $80Res/$88 Non -Res* 3154.110 Jazz/Lyrical 10-12 Tuesdays 4:15-5:15prn $99 Res/$108 Non -Res* 3154.111 13+ Thursdays 7-8prn $90 Res/$99 Non -Res 3154.112 Hip Hop 12+ Thursdays 6:15-7pm $73 Res/$80 Non -Res 3154.113 Pre-Pointe/Pointe 11+ Saturdays 11am-12noon $90 Res/$99 Non -Res 3154.114 September 8 -November 21 10 weeks No Class September 7 or October 1547 Dance for Fun also offers Competition Classes. For further information contact Nicole Kochar at nkochar@cl.chanhassen.mn.us. tin pen, LIcusez You Can... Register for classes Watch past recitals Meet the Instructors See our dance studio New and gently used shoes sale Receive* FREE ballet slippers for NEW students that register atone of our finon 14nHt.Ot Tae Kwon Do Ages 7+ OPEN HOUSES TUESDAY AUG. 11 5:00 7:OOpm THURSDAY AUG. 27 5:00 7:OOpm e Watch a few Demos e Try -out some quick drills e Instructors available to answer questions * Raffle for a FREE The Kwon Do session Forthe bee Mass raffle please sign -in atthe Open House and leave your name and email address so we can contact the raffle winner * Brig this Oyer in to edeem free unifonn F F You Can... Register for classes Watch past recitals Meet the instructors See our dance studio New and gently used shoes'available for purchase Receive* FREE ballet slippers for new students that register at Open House DANCE FOR FUN OFFERS Small class sizes Professional teaching staff Parent class observation Variety of classes Classes from ages 18 months to adult State-of-the-art dance facility, floating wood floors, ballet barye and mirrors Fall Dance Sessions September 8 -November 21 TUESDAY THURSDAY THURSDAY WEDNESDAY AUGNJI AUGt C AUG.7 SEPTR2 5-7pm 4 -bpm 5-7pm 4:30-7pm DANCE FOR FUN c KANF[. - I RECREATi0fN CENTER c 2310 COULTER BLVD. t, CHJANIHAN t 952.227.1400 CARVER � j�j-►r�-.II ��i�1�i>l�it1�1� COUNTY ��I ��+�`r�`:J��.��yi+.1 --- PARKS Regional Park Master Plan Update Coney Island Acquisition Amendment and Master Plan Update In 0 Please join us for a beautiful night by the lake! We will be gathering together to review the original Lake Waconia Regional Park Master Plan and the inclusion of Coney Island into the park boundary. As part of the design process we will be conducting some fun activities at the meeting in order to gain some valuable information that will help shape the design and will also discuss the historical, cultural, and natural resource aspects of the project area. There will be a series of community engagement meetings and activities taking place over the upcoming months. Look for us at Nickle Dickle Days, Carver Steamboat Days, the Chaska Farmers Market, Lake Waconia Regional Park, and along the Dakota Rail Regional Trail. A project website will be up soon with a schedule of meetings and activities. Check the Carver County Parks website at http://wvww.co.carver.mn.us/ parks routinely for updated information and a link to the project website. If you are unable to attend the open house, you may submit questions, comments or input to the following project contacts: Candace Amberg, RLA Martin Walsh WSB & Associates, Inc. Parks Director 701 Xenia Avenue South Carver County Parks Suite 300 11360 Hwy 212 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Cologne, MN 55322 camberg@wsbeng.com mwalsh(!'�D, co.carver.mn.us N N 6 0 Ac&aw I PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! ale MW Picnic Facility �i+C�� �'�ri �J�a�t Group Name (Optional) Excellent Good Averag(E, Pc���� vo@p Procedure for Reserving Picnic 10" (J5 ( Please circle one) 4 13 2 Picnic Reservation Fee 4 Cleanliness of Facility 4 2 Sufficient Number of Tables and Grills �5 � M Fulfillment of Expectations 4 3 2 OvercH ILurnpresmon a? �GcMty, 5 4 3 2 Comments: What did you enjoy most about the facility? �ec� �2►„� �- �`�� k, &A dTi 1#029: 4 va A P7 '01 A J,014 ero:41- 0 L%,. (Evaluation Form continued on other side) 'A lk'da -.0%A "a Addilio 7 Thankyou for taking the, time to complele lhig- , j9 Your input and comments are very irnpnorVIPAI tO U). . S 0 Please return 1-nis surveY I week after receiving it to*o Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Blvd. po Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 I PICNIC EVALUATION In order to befterserve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the followoc�y questions and provide suggiesfl'ons.. Thank yoO Picnic FacaHt%1--- PO`� ( -7— Group Name (Optional). '/-.:: v,)Q ', I dt.c�, I M -W M-0 I Procedure f or Reserving Picnic P'cnar eserval-pon Fee C�eanliness of FacHlty U5 Sufficient Number of Tables,and Grills (_5) Fulfillment of Expectations LV Overall Impression of Facill�y &60d- Avepage Fair (Plecise circle one) 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 4 0 Titoce-1 What did you enjoy most about the acility? A P1 it/ C 0-,-, (Evaluation Form continued on other sids) What improvements do you f eei would enhance the f aci lity? Do you have anysuggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? rOMINE III 11111 11111111111111111111111 I US C t V Thank you f or taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Please return this survey I week after receiving it � c Chanhassen Parks and Recreation market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CHAINHASSEN PAkK��. A Nb kEc kEA TIONd 7700 MAki"eFT B-,'iaVb. P.O. BOX 147 CHANFiA55EN, MN 553117 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) 1 11 PICNIC EVALUATION Excellent Good Average Fair (Please circle one) U5 4 3 2 IThat did you enjoy most about the fancil (Evaluation Form continued on otherside) amenities wodulyou like odded?- - A & A_4A iLA2�� What improvem, arras do you feel rvould enhance the fncility. �ca beter the picnic reservation p roces7 bc, you have any Sugn, or, to-CF"GO a r , C�L. 1�1 " this evaluation. , b Thank you f ®r takinq the �. � ��wnpartant to U.S. Your' input and comments 1 plentre return this SurVE-Y fj,&v recciAng ft "eG: Chanhassen Parks Wd P*eCre(t'OP- Blvd k 77UU pp you 147 Chanhassen* MN 55-317 I PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! Picnic Facility'.4,... Group Name (Optional) Procedure for Reserving Picnic Picnic Reservation Fee Cleanliness of Facility Sufficient Number of Tables and Grills Fulfillment of Expectations Overall Impression of Facility Excellent 5 L5J 5 5 Good Average Fair (Please circle one) 411 3 2 4 3 4 3 �w 2 2 Poor ter .�= WIA (Evaluation Form continued on other side) whe amemlrt&g- tqcda, YOU Hke ndded?,, What improveffie- d w'j f, ss�� ummuW enk'ance, -deas to better the picnic reservatiori PVOcess? Do you have any sa�lgczztl Oc) n!� Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluOtion, your input and comments are very important, to Us. picase return this survey I week after receiving it ' �0 Chanhw.sen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Blvd. po Box 147 Chmhassen, v M -N 55317 CHANHASSEN PARKS ANb RECREAT102 7700 MARKET BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, Please tike a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! Picnic Facility_ La,�� Su�sanJ Group Name (0-ptional)=q-e, Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Procedure for Reserving Picnic � 4 (Please circle ones 3 2 1 Picnic Reservation Fee Cleanliness of Facility 5 2 � Sufficient Number of Tables and Grills 5� 4, 3 2 Fulf illment of Expectations (50 4 � 2 Overall impression of Facility � ; 4 31 2 What did you enjoy most about the facility).Loo/ 6r ..fez e onj a hod sv�t�tc QnJO/ Aa 1(lN�� ��C.111�/'`L'/J. (Evaluation Form continued on other so z) �Ss would you, like, added?- miai- Ce, a flCO C Whe do VIDU 6 ? pro bsl-Ier The VlMic Do you days any S Lgqeg�-wns cor osmu, Addlt'OW Thank you for taking the time to compleo�Qnt lus tion. your input and comments are very imto Please return this survey I weekafter receiving It to* Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Y/00 Nlarkct Blvd,. PO Box 147 - Chanhassen, MN 55317 CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 7700 MARKET BLVD. P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) PICNIC EVALUATION Tn order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! Picnic GacHlity Group Name (O /7 Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Procedure for Reserving Picnic b, ucnuc Reserva"I"ion Fee Cleanliness of Facility Suf f icient Number of Tables and Grills Fulfillment of Expectations Overall Impression of Fa6HTy /014 c,ommentsq. (Please circle one) 5- 4 3 2 5 4 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 (Evaluation Form continued on other side) What amenities would you like added? 1L ee Additional Comments: tlu)t Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Please return this survey 1 week after receiving it to: Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 CHAV�4,HASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 7700 AAARKLT BI,'W'b. P.O. BOX 147 ;'4ANlHA.S EN, MiV 55317 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry RuegQmerr PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities,p lease take a few minutes to answer the foHmAping questions and provide suggestions. Thankyou! icnic Facilitv�: � e — Group INJame (Optiona�)_ Comments: What did you enjoy most al 6 - 7--!J1515 M� � I M4 (Evaluation Form continued or (other side) W1 Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure for Reserving Picnic (1:5 4 3 2 U-KINH, FM!,SsQ­:-�hrvm OUN Fee 5 2 OeanHness of FaciH y .,5 4 3 2 Suf f icienT Number of ToNes and Grills 5 4 3 2 Fulfillment of Expectations 4 3 2 Overall Impress�'on of FcacHity 5 9 4 3 2 Comments: What did you enjoy most al 6 - 7--!J1515 M� � I M4 (Evaluation Form continued or (other side) W1 What amenities vyoW l you Hadded?— What dd — ;khat improvements do you f eed wodd enhance the f acoHt '? Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Please return this survey 1 week after receiving it te: Box CHANHASSEN PARKS AND RECREATION 7700 MARKET BLVD. P,O,, BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PHONE 452-227--I121(Jerry Ruegemer) I PICNIC EyALVATION Yn order to better serve users of our picnic facilities,P ew minutes tothe followinganswer questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! Picnic Facility I'ar-e �v�s 4OPW�,4� Grou Nome(Optlonal)K-Psc, �4m-e,rs1� Comments: didYouoy most about the facility? ik ,r,��5 ,,�n� -�o be, a,.,bt�.� -�� (Evaluation Form continued on other sid4 Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Procedure for Reserving Picnic tPlecise circle one)4 Picnic Reservation Fee 5 2 4 cleanliness of Facility 4 sufficient Number of Tables an brills 4 Fulfillment of Expectations 4 � � Overall Impression of Facility 4 3 g 2 11 Comments: didYouoy most about the facility? ik ,r,��5 ,,�n� -�o be, a,.,bt�.� -�� (Evaluation Form continued on other sid4 cadded h,a# amenifle$ IMUt"d YO'u' 0 jo enhance lh" f 0 Y What nn r®veme � Cdz YO to better the picnic reser proc you Gestions or ideaS 011N 111 11 have ony Sug YVV Jan. he t' to complete fi��aluat'Thank you for taking t 'me yow input and comments are very importO us se return this survey I week after r"eivirq !At to: Plea Chanhas-i-sen Parks and RecreatiOn ..... ..... . s 7"7UwU Market Blvd po Box 14-7 Chanhassent MN 55,317 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry kuegemer PICNIC 'I In order to better serve users o facilities,the following uestions ur picnic please take a few minutes to answer provide suqqestions. Thank you! Picnic facility p�� Group Name (Qptionalj..Q Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Procedure for Reserving (Please circle one) picnic 4 3 2 1 Picnic Reservation Fee 4 3 2 � Cleanliness of Facility �-_� � 3 2 1 Sufficient Number of Tables and Grills 4 3 2 Fulfillment of Expectations /D'} 4 3 2 Overall Impression of FacilityC�_/ 4 3 2 What did you enJOY Mo t about the facility 4 +D k C1 .Loi a 0 %, (Evaluation Form continued on other side) 1 A A --,w W Ow Id you, like added?,,.,,- - -ties WOU What ameni u f eel would enhance the facility?,.�, What improve nts do yo kin Now, any SUggeS- TI- ions Or ipicnicdeas to better the reservation process Do you have LLAA)� �. re a Additional COmnw-ntss Thank you for taking the time to complete juatiafj. Your input and comments are very important tc US, survey I week after rece��' it t'o Please return Tnis Chanhassen Parks and Recreation Marke noo t Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhosw# MN 53317� 'W*'HONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry jj Ruegemer') PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a fever minutes t the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! a answer N-LPicnic Facili' � e. �,�� '�� j �� �'� � � � �` Group Name (Optional)r A 10 Procedure for Reserving picnic Picnic Reservation Fee Cleanliness of Facility Sufficient Dumber of Tables and Grills Fulfillment of Expectations Overall Impression of Facility Excellent Good Averug¢ Fair Poor 4 (Please circle one) 3 Z 1 5 4 (3 2 1 4 3 25 1 4 3 z 1 5 4 3 z 1 5 4 3 z 1 W� IL hail What did you enjoy moi$ about the facility*) (Evaluation Form continued on other side) Do you have any Suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process*) Additional COmme I lets this evaluation. Thank you for taking the time to compa- --- - yyourinpufi and comments are very important to us, * Pleae retuM this sUrVeY I week after rece'VIN it fio CHA N\\,IHAS.SEN\, PDARKS AND RECREATa-ION 7700 MARKET B-D:,,L V LD--\ P.O. BOX 147 CHANHASSEi'c. MN 553117 PHONE 952-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) 0- -aftmaft., PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! haz Picnic Facility ---k I) t)CIC0 Group Name (Optional) e-OL6Y j illillillip" W ® W/hall- didd You enjoy moslr c-louir Trhe f QaciH-�Y? tx)az) o - (Eva�uation Form continued on other side) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure f or Reserving Picnic 4 3 2 1 U U 1Z=1 U U U I "� N�� t&) lkz� U VAS' U U �-- a U Ll V=7o 4 2 Cdean gess' of Facility 4 3 2 Sufficient Number of ages and Grills5 (D 4 3 2 Fulfillment of Expectations 5 4 3 2 Overall Ing preg sion of Facot 5 �3) 4 3 2 illillillip" W ® W/hall- didd You enjoy moslr c-louir Trhe f QaciH-�Y? tx)az) o - (Eva�uation Form continued on other side) What amenifles wouou," Hke added? JUA,� Z�A&J- bodh roy��� -7azA n--j4z�c—t ��� 0111111 �pviiiii �illillillillill� What improvements do you f eed viou do enhance the f aci i ity? ml--X� J6 4 N ' 9 N Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Please return this survey 1 week after receiving it to: Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 PHONE 452-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) I PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic fQC111T1eS., Please take a few minutes to the following questions and provide su�estions. Thank you! answer Picnic FacilityILxk�lr�� Group Name ) (Evaluation Form continued on other side) Excellent Good Average Fair Poor Procedure for Reserving picnic(Please 5 circle one) Picnic Reservation Fee 5 4 Z 1 Cleanliness of Facility 5 4 3 2 Y Sufficient Number of Tables and brills 5 4 3 2 1 Fulf illment of Expectations c 4 3 4 2 Overall Impression of Facility ✓ 3 4 3 2 i 2 � Comments: r , What did you enjoy most about the facility? S� � CV, A (Evaluation Form continued on other side) cn c reserve -'Ori to better the p� Do you have any suggestions or ideas the time to complete this evOlu'Oflon. Thank you f or taking 0 o%ortant to us.. ments are very IMP y,nur �,,jput and com 'ttv-3r v Please return this SUrveY I week after rwx Chanhassen Plmrks WW P'ecreation sAarkat Blvd. PO Box 147 CM Mama .317 PHONE 452-227-1121 (Jerry Ruegemer) PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! Picnic FacililY �n Group Name (opt"maj��e_���Jt Excellent Good Averagwo Fair Poor Procedure for Reserving picnic Picnic Reservation Fee Cleanliness of Facility Sufficient Number of Tables and brills Fulfillment of Expectations Overall impression of Facility Comments: (Evaluation Form continued on ofiher side) No, s to better the picnic reseryation oce e.stions or idea IIIS, ou have arry SU Additional Comments"" doom Thank you for taking the time to complete this evOluOtiOn- your input and comments are very important to LIM, 0.: Pleo�sc return this survey I week after receivIr 9 it to p,ecreation W alnhassen POrks W a Blvd 7700 M.arket pp Box 147 Chanhassen� Mtd 55317