CC Minutes 08-10-2015 Summary Ordinance CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 10, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson, Todd Hoffman, Greg Sticha, and Roger Knutson Mayor Laufenburger: Welcome to this council meeting, not only to those of you present in the chamber but also to those of you that are watching on Mediacom Channel 8 in your homes or somewhere else. Nice to have you with us. First action tonight if regarding the agenda. Council members are there any modifications to the agenda? And if not we will proceed with the agenda as printed. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS: None. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1.Approve City Council Minutes dated July 27, 2015 2.Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated July 21, 2015 Resolution #2015-50: 3. Approval of Grant of Permanent Easement and Temporary Easement, 9401 Audubon Road, Patrick & Teresa Kocourek; Award Contract to Minnesota Dirt Works to Install Storm Sewer Pipe and Appurtenances. 4.Approve Extension to Purchase Agreement with RBSC Chanhassen, LLC for nd Redevelopment of Lot 2, Block 1, Gateway East 2 Addition 5.Approval of Fireworks Display Permit, Resolution #2015- Specialty Pyrotechnics for Display at St. Hubert’s Church, 8201 Main Street, September 12, 2015 Resolution #2015-51: 6. Resolution Authorizing Redemption of 2004-C General Obligation Tax Increment Financing Bonds (TIF #4 – Downtown Entertainment District) 7.Approval of Summary Ordinance Amending Villages on the Pond Sign Criteria for Publication Purposes Chanhassen City Council – August 10, 2015 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS. None. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR VACATION OF STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, 8805 SUNSET TRAIL, APPLICANT: JAMES AND ROSEANNE BOYUM. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Oehme, nice to see you tonight. Paul Oehme: Very good evening to you. I have a real short presentation about the vacation here. So the subject property requesting the vacation is at 8805 Sunset Trail which is just north of Lyman Boulevard and say west of Powers Boulevard on Sunset Trail. The property survey is shown here. The property was originally dedicated or recorded at the County in 1966 metes and bounds before it was platted. The easement, roadway easement is on the west side of the property line shown here. A 25 foot roadway easement in the shaded area. The property again, Sunset Trail currently ends at the north property line. You can see it here. There’s a driveway that runs to the west to service the property here. The right-of-way for roadway is shown here. On our comp plan, City’s comp plan there is no need for a roadway connection to the north there. Right now that’s Power trail. Power Hill Park out there and there’s no need for a roadway right- of-way to that park. Right now there’s access provided on the north side of the park so there is no need for this right-of-way to exist. We would recommend if the right-of-way is vacated that a trail easement be dedicated at the same time. The roadway again, the easement is shown here. 25 foot, I blew it up a little bit to show you some of the detail associated with the vacation. There is the existing driveway at 2750 does cross the existing right-of-way that’s dedicated on both of these properties so if the right-of-way is vacated at 8805 we would request that the right- of-way be maintained for that driveway. There is a power pole here so the driveway can, it would be very difficult to relocate. Right now the vacation easement shows that there’s a one foot separation between the driveway and where the right-of-way vacation would take place. And I can show you on the next slide here that the, what staff is recommending that the one foot offset from the driveway be increased to 5 feet just for normal use of the driveway. Like I said again the driveway would be very difficult to relocate outside of the right-of-way that is proposed to be vacated and our code states, city code states that in 20-1122, paragraph 1 that a reasonable 10 foot offset from the side property lines is recommended. However in this case it’s somewhat of a unique situation with the vacation and how the area was dedicated in terms of right-of-way that we think a 5 foot offset from the driveway at the current location would be appropriate. So this drawing again shows what the trail easement would be, where it would be dedicated right on a 5 foot, or 10 foot trail easement on the project property with a 10 foot, or 25 foot vacation so this would be the vacated area here. The area in yellow, the trail easement has, was dedicated at a previous council meeting on June 8 so that one’s all dedicated. The area in green here, that’s the proposed trail easement before you tonight for consideration. With that staff is recommending that a public hearing be held for this matter at this time and if council 2