Summer Concert Series SurveyCITY OF CUMNSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax. 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent FROM: Landen Rimestad, Parks & Recreation Intern DATE: August 18, 2015 SUBJ: K1einBank Summer Concert Series Survey Results The 2015 K1einBank summer concert series has been successful in providing fun entertainment to the community. In order to guide the concert series in the future, a survey was developed to gather information from the community. The survey was distributed at eight of the nine concerts. In order to receive more feedback, we added an online version on the city's webpage. To date, 73 surveys have been received. Although there is one more concert where the survey will be distributed, the data will most likely reinforce the conclusions from the data already collected. SURVEY QUESTIONS AND RESULTS 01 - How manv con certq do you a tton tl Pa eh c» m mpr9 1-3 61.64% 45 4-6 23.29% 17 7-9 12.33% 9 Total 68.49% 73 02 - What do you like ahont the roneprt cpriprO Location 82.19% 60 Time 76.71% 56 Length of Concert 46 --63.01% Music Variety 68.49% 50 Total 73 )3 - What additions or improvements could be made? Comments: Offer alcohol, more children's concerts, provide cover from weather, sell hotdogs and BBQ's g:\park\con cCeV eeisar�e mrriemornf�um�25 P�°o� for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Q4 -What type of music do _you eniov? Rock & Roll 63.01% 46 Country 67.12% 49 Big Band 50.68% 37 Jazz 50.68% 37 Folk 54.79% 40 R & B 32.88% 24 Children's 30.14% 22 Motown 27.40% 20 Other: Oldies, Christian, Blue Grass Total 73 QS -How did you learn about the concert series (check all that apply)? City's Webpage 20.55% 15 City's Facebook page 16.44% 12 Twitter 2.74% 2 Chanhassen Connection 36.99% 27 Signage in Park 35.62% 26 Chanhassen Villager 32.88% 24 Other: Friend, Band webpage Total 73 Q6 - Is 7-8 pm a good time of day for the concert? Yes 94.52% 69 No 4.11% 3 Total 1 73 Q7 - Is one hour the right length for the concert? Yes 76.71% 56 No 15.07% 11 Suggestions: 1.5, 2 hours 73 Total 73 Q8 - Is it important to have concessions available? Yes 56.16% 41 No 34.25% 25 Total 73 Q9 - Is a lamer amphitheater with improved amenities desired? Yes 30.14% 22 No 58.90% 43 Total 1 73 g:\park\concert series\2015\survey memorandum 8 25 1.5.docx Q10 - If a full service amphitheater was constructed, would it be most attractive located: Downtown 46.58% 34 Lake Ann 49.32% 36 Minnewashta Regional Park 6.85% 5 N N Landscape Arboretum 10.96% 8 Other: Like it here, not needed Total 73 Overall, the suggestions from the surveys support our current format. The following summarizes the results: • Q 1 - The majority of concert goers attend 1-3 concerts per year. • Q2 - Of the four highlighted aspects of the concerts, Location scored highest with 82.19%; followed by Time, Music Variety, and Length of Concert. • Q3 - For the most part, this question was left blank and no resounding suggestion was listed. • Q4 - Of the musical varieties listed in the survey, Country ranked the highest with Rock & Roll just 4% lower in popularity. Other popular types of music include Folk, Big Band, and Jazz. • Q5 - The media outlet providing the majority of the community with information on the series is the Chanhassen Connection, followed by signs in the park, and the Chanhassen Villager. • Q6 - In regards to the concert time, 7-8 pm is the preferred time with 94.52% in agreement. • Q7 - The responses favor the one-hour concert length. • Q8 — 56.16% favored having concessions available, while 34.25% stated it was not important to their concert experience. • Q9 - 58.9% of those surveyed believe a larger amphitheater is not needed. • Q 10 - If, however, an amphitheater were constructed, Lake Ann and Downtown are the preferred sites. Although an amphitheater is preferred at Lake Ann, and a possible second location Downtown, the majority of the survey population would keep the concert where it is with no change to the layout of the City Center Plaza. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the current format for the KleinBank Concert Series continue without modification, e.g. same time, location, and local talent. g:\park\concert series\2015\survey memorandum 8 25 15.docx 1. 2. 3. 2015 KleinBannk Summer Concert Series Survey How many concerts do you attend each summer? ❑ 1-3 What do you like about the concert series? ❑ 4-6 ❑ 5-9 ❑ Location ❑ Time ❑ Length of Concert ❑ Music Variety ❑ Other (please explain): What additions or improvements could be made? 4. What type of music do you enjoy? ❑ Rock & Roll ❑ Country ❑ Big Band ❑ Jazz ❑ Folk ❑ R & B ❑ Children's ❑ Motown ❑ Other: 5. How did you learn about the concert series (check all that apply)? ❑ City's website ❑ City's Facebook page ❑ Twitter ❑ Chanhassen Connection ❑ Signage in Park ❑ Chanhassen Villager ❑ Other.- 6. ther:6. Is 7-8 pm a good time of day for the concert? ❑ Yes ❑ No (please explain): 7. Is one hour the right length for the concert? LJ Yes ❑ No (list suggested length): 8. Is it important to have concessions available? LJ Yes ❑ No 9. Would a larger amphitheater with improved amenities be desired? ❑ Yes ❑ No 10. If a full service amphitheater was constructed, would it be most attractive located: ❑ Downtown ❑ Lake Ann Park ❑ Minnewashta Regional Park ❑ MN Landscape Arboretum Other: Thank you for your feedback! 2 Equals -4-6 concerts attended each summer 0 Unchecked options equal blank cells 3 1 Equals '7-9 concerts attended each summer Calhoun Brass Calhoun Brass Calhoun Brass Calhoun Brass Calhoun Brass Calhoun Brass Calhoun Brass Calhoun Brass Calhoun Brass The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Bazillions The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways The Castaways Geoff Scott Geoff Scott Geoff Scott Geoff Scott Teddy Bear band Teddy Bear band Teddy Bear band Teddy Bear band Teddy Bear band MNVC Band MNVC Band MNVC Band MNVC Band MNVC Band MNVC Band MNVC Band Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Online Sound of Simon Sound of Simon Sound of Simon Sound of Simon Sound of Simon Sound of Simon Sound of Simon Sound of Simon Sound of Simon