Escrow Reduction Letter 04-30-2015CITY OF CHANHASSEN nc 18.1, tr„ 8a fsev-aid H Eox 147 Chard:assei- 0.M 5531• Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Far: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Flame: 92 .227,1180 Far: 95?227,1190 Engineering Phune:952.227.1160 Fax: 952227,1170 Finance 952.221.1140 Pax, 952 Mll10 Park & Recreation Phone: 952,227,1120 Fax: 952.2271110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Pnane:952.2271400 Fe.x,:95?.2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Pnone:952.227,1130 Fax. 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Pdtk Placa Phow:952227.1300 Fac 952.2271310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax. 952.2271110 Website w mmcLchanhass�mnn.c; errs PC rr� 13 - CLS5 April 30, 2015 Dave Pokorney Community Asset Development Group 1 110 Yellow Brick Road Chaska, MN 55318 Re: Escrow Reduction Dear Mr. Pokorney: In response to recent verbal request for a escrow reduction for the Bluff Creek Cottages development, the Chanhassen Engineering Department reviewed the project in relation to the Site Plan Agreement and recent inspection reports. Below is a list of items that need to be resolved before the escrow can be reduced. These items were conditions set forth in the site plan agreement dated August 12, 2013 that must be addressed: 1. Designs/plans for retaining wall(s) exceeding four feet in height must be prepared and signed by a structural engineer. 2. Sediment control Best Management Practices shall remain in place around the bioretention basin until the area tributary to the basin is stabilized. 3. All outfalls, including the curb cut, shall be stabilized within 24 hours of connection. 4. An operations and maintenance manual shall be provided to the city for review and approval and shall cover the bioretention feature and the swale inlet into the pond. 5, The bioretention feature shall be designed in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Stormwater Manual "design criteria for bioretention". 6. A detailed plan for the bioretention feature, including phasing, soil amendments, mtderdrain (if necessary) and planting schedule shall be provided to the city for review and approval, 7. Percolation tests shall be performed in the bioretention area to determine infiltration rates. The model shall be amended based upon these findings and provided to the City. 8. The bioretention feature shall be designed such that it drains within 48 hours. 9. Pretreatment shall be provided prior to discharge to the bioretention feature. This shall be a grass swale consistent with the MN Stormwater Manual "Guidelines for filter strip pre-treatment sizing", a forebay or a sump manhole at least three feet in depth. g:AengAprojeots\a-eAbluff creek eottageAcorrespondence\1 50504dave pokorney loc status lu (2).docx Chanhassen is a Community for Lite T 'i in In summation, no design has been provided for the bioretention area. This must be provided to assure that the bioretention area will function as indicated in the hydrologic model provided to the city during review. Additional items have come to our attention during the construction process that must be addressed: 10. The infiltration basin was not protected from construction traffic during the project. 11. The trail at Pioneer Trail needs to be paved. 12. Pedestrian ramps must be installed. 13. The pedestrian trail along Pioneer Trail must be restored to the original condition. 14. This site is not in compliance with your NPDES permit and the City's erosion control ordinance, § 19-157. (See attached letter from Krista Spreiter dated 04/28/2015) 15. The latest plans received by the City show the retaining wall southeast of the building as over 4 - feet tall. Plans for the wall, signed by a structural engineer licensed in Minnesota, must be submitted to the City. 16. Rate calculations for the new pipe near the retaining wall must be submitted to the City. 17. The grass swale at the discharge point for the new pipe must be designed per the Minnesota Stormwater Manual to provide pretreatment. 18. Maintenance bonds from your subcontractors. 19. Asbuilts for the site grading must be submitted. 20. Asbuilts for stormwater features including all structures and sufficient spot elevations to verify the volumes of the pond and infiltration feature as well as other design standards enumerated in Chapter 19 of City Code must be submitted. 21. To ensure inspection is adequately coordinated, the contractor shall contact inspector, Ted Anderson, 48 hours prior to any construction in the right-of-way. 22. The contractor shall contact inspector, Krista Spreiter, 48 hours prior to construction work on the infiltration basin and before perimeter silt fence is removed. These items must be addressed before the cash escrow can be reduced. Sincerely, CIT}}Y OF CHANHASSEN CITY OF CHANHASSEN Stephanie Smith, P.E. Te Project Engineer Water Resource Coordinator Attachment: Erosion Control Inspection Letter c: John Kliugelhutr, DDK Tim Heiland, DDK Steve Broyer, P.E. Sharmeen Al-Jaff, Senior Planner Krista Spreiter, Erosion Control Inspector gAeng\projects\a-e\bluff creek cottages\correspondence\150504_dave pokorney Ioc status Itr.docx cc: Chip Hentges, Carver S WCD Chanhassen is a C1datMh%KWle - Providingfor Todayand Planning forTomonow April 28, 2015 SECOND NOTICE ('iTV Bluff Creek Senior Housing, LLC Uf Attn: Tim Heiiand rryr��i��tll��ll�try(lltt(+p�U CliH1l INSSGN 2970 Chaska Chaska, MN 55318 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Bluff Creek Cottages Project Site Administration Dear Mr. Heiland: Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 City of Chanhassen Staff inspected the above site on April 2P, 2015. City Staff found that sediment and erosion control measures on-site were non-compliant. Building Inspections Sufficient sediment and erosion control measures must be installed on site by Phone: 952.2271180 May 411, 2015. The items that need to be addressed are listed below: Fax: 952.227.1190 Areas needing attention: Engineering • All un -worked, exposed soils, including all slopes, must be temporarily or Phone: 952.227.1160 permanently stabilized using erosion control blanket, seed and mulch, hydro - Fax: 952.227.1170 mulch, or alternative Best Management Practices (BMPs). Currently slopes 3:1 and greater are exposed and should be stabilized using erosion control Finance blanket or acceptable alternative. Exposed soils also must be stabilized using Phone: 952.2271140 seed & mulch, straw mulch, hydromulch, or acceptable alternative within 14 Fax: 952.227.1110 days of last activity. • Stormwater pond side slopes have not been stabilized. Pond side slopes must Park & Recreation be stabilized using erosion control blanket. If the stormwater pond on the Phone: 952.227.1120 north side of the site is to be used for a sediment basin until the project is Fax: 952.227.1110 completed, then the stormwater pond outlet must be sealed. If it continues to outlet to the wetland to the west, it must be stabilized using erosion control Recreation Center blanket, protected by perimeter control. and all exposed soils on site must be 2310 Coufter Boulevard stabilized, Phone: 9522271400 • Perimeter control such as silt fence, sediment logs, etc. must be installed and Fax: 952.2271404 maintained on all down -gradient perimeters, as well as along any curb. Currently perimeter control is missing or in need of maintenance In these Planning & areas.. Natural Resources . Inlet control, such as WIMCOs, must be used on all stormwater inlets that Phone: 952227.1130 Fax: 952.2221710 the site drains to. Currently stormwater inlets lack sediment control. . It was observed that the infiltration area on the south side of the site was in the process of being installed. Once installed, Infiltration areas must be Public Works protected from compaction and sedimentation. 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.2271300 If you have questions or concerns regarding the above list, feel free to contact me at Fax: 9522271310 952-227.1173 orb E -Mail: ks rerte y p _(r,�ci.chanhassen.mn.us, fnr feather information or explanation of the Items listed above. Thank you for promptly addressing the Senior Center stormwater concerns at the Bluff Creek Cottages Project Site. Phone: 952227.1125 Fax:952.227.1110 Sincerely, Website CITY OF CHAASSE www.cichaohassen.mn.us ]Crista Spreiter Natural Resources Technician cc: Chip Hentges, Carver S WCD Chanhassen is a C1datMh%KWle - Providingfor Todayand Planning forTomonow ew federal package Media Contact 4044 Peavey Road, Chaska, MN 55318-2344 Suzy Feine, Feineprint Creative Group www.FederalPackage.com 612.723.7181, sfeine@feineprintcreative.com Federal Package Network Inc. Moves to Accommodate Growth New Building and Expanded Workforce will Help Company Keep Up with Demand CHASKA, MN, December 22, 2014 — Federal Package Network Inc. (www.FederalPackage.com), a contract manufacturer that produces and fills a broad line of containers that hold some of the world's top beauty products, announced today the company will be moving to a larger facility to accommodate continued growth and allow for expanded capabilities. In March 2015, Federal Package will occupy 96,000 square feet of the industrial building located at 8100 Powers Boulevard in Chanhassen, Minnesota, and will begin expanding its workforce to meet growth expectations. "The cosmetic industry continues to expand globally and is predicted to reach more than $62 billion by 2016," says Steve Dakolios, president of Federal Package. "Moving to a larger facility will allow us to offer additional capabilities to our customers and satisfy market demand." The new building will house Federal Package's FDA -registered laboratory, production facility and corporate offices, and the company will continue to offer injection molding, custom container design and labeling, compounding, filling and retail -ready packaging services. About Federal Package Network Inc: Federal Package is a premier provider of injection molded propel repel containers that are used by the health and beauty industry for lip balms, sun sticks, cosmetics and other health and beauty aids. We are FDA -registered and offer a full range of services including injection molding, custom container design, compounding, filling, decorating, labeling, blister carding and pack out. Learn more at www.Federa]Package.com.