Email from Charlie Poey 04-14-2014Aanenson, Kate From: Charlie Poey <poey1966@me.com> Sent: Monday, April 14, 2014 4:47 PM To: City Council; Aanenson, Kate Subject: Boulder Cove Hello: I just want to let you know that as a newer resident of Shorewood, I am against the Boulder Cove development moving forward as it stands currently. Until recently, I had no idea that there was any development being considered for this space. Now it appears that Chanhassen is willing to make a fairly narrow-minded decision on what will be done with Boulder Cove. As this development directly affects another city, and another county, I think that all of the concerns being presented by Shorewood and/or Hennepin County should be heard and properly addressed, prior to moving forward. As it stands currently, it seems like the primary motivation is financial. More homes equals more money for Lennar. While more homes equals more money for Chanhassen, through property taxes. Meanwhile, Shorewood is left with increased expenses due to road improvements on W 62nd Street and Strawberry Lane. I agree that developing that land makes sense, but this should be done in a way that complements the surrounding area, and is acceptable to all parties who are affected by this new neighborhood. Cramming in 31 homes in that area seems preposterous. That's probably 1.5 times the density of the surrounding neighborhoods. 1 feel that some of Chanhassen's original zoning parameters should be maintained, which have fewer single-family homes with larger lots. And, the fact that your council is entertaining 'Next Gen' housing is so ridiculous, that it does not even warrant discussion. As residents of other parts of Chanhassen, I would ask that you think about how you would like what is being proposed by Lennar, if it was a few hundred feet from your house. Not to mention 500 yards away from your child's elementary school. Your decision will affect people's lives long after Lennar is done putting the last coat of paint on a house. Sincerely, Charlie Poey Shorewood Resident