Email from Ryan Johannsen 03-31-2014AI -Jeff, Sharmeen From: Ryan A. Johannsen [rohannsen@tapg-law.com] Sent: Monday, March 31, 2014 4:02 PM To: Aanenson, Kate; AI-Jaff, Sharmeen; Furlong, Tom; Tjornhom, Bethany; Ernst, Vicki; McDonald, Jerry; Laufenburger, Denny; szerby@ci.shorewood.mn.us; Ihotvet@ci.shorewood.mn.us; dsiakel@ci.shorewood.mn.us; ksundberg@ci.shorewood.mn.us; dwoodruff@ci.shorewood.mn.us Subject: Proposed Boulder Cove development; planning commission meeting of April 1 st Dear Chanhassen Planning Commission, I am writing to request a postponement of the April 1st planning commission meeting and public hearing (at least in as far as it relates to discussions of the proposed Boulder Cove development and requested variances (Case 2014-09). I am the home owner of 6070 Strawberry Lane, Shorewood, and just recently became aware of the proposed Boulder Cove development, and of the April In planning commission meeting and public hearing. As a resident on Strawberry Lane, I find it quite upsetting that I was not made aware of the planned development and have not been given a chance to speak my concerns relating to the proposed development and the proposed variance for the cul de sac at the intersection of Strawberry Lane and 62°d I have had a chance to review the developer's proposal for the 31 planned units (some of which are NextGen duplex style homes), as well as their request for the variance for the cul de sac. I am completely against allowing the developer a variance for the cul de sac, and completely against allowing multiunit dwellings to be built as part of the Boulder Cove development. The cul de sac as proposed would greatly impact Church Road, Shorewood Oaks Drive and Strawberry Lane. Strawberry Lane is already in a state of disrepair. Increased traffic from 31-62 more family units would have dire consequences for the roads, not to mention the safety of kids at play along those roads, etc. Currently there are no stop signs on Strawberry Lane from the proposed cul de sac to Minnewashta School. Likewise there are no sidewalks, storm drains or street lights. Allowing more development without addressing road concerns/issues is not a wise decision. Traffic between Boulder Cove and Minnewashta School will no doubt increase substantially once the development is built. The variance should not be granted without requirements for road improvement on Strawberry Lane and 62nd. Public safety and fairness warrant those improvements should the variance be awarded. As far as the NextGen homes are concerned, they are for all intense and purpose duplexes/multifamily units. Yet the developer proposed the site for single family home use. They should not be allowed to get around zoning laws by simply calling them NextGen homes. Allowing the NextGen homes would increase the development to that of high density housing, something it is not zone for at this time. This should not be allowed. Again, I ask that the April 1' planning commission meeting, as it relates to Boulder Cove, should be postponed so that the numerous residents that will be impacted by the proposed development have a chance to be heard. Very truly yours, Ryan A. Johannsen I Attorney TERHAAR, ARCHIBALD, PFEFFERLE & GRIEBEL, LLP 600A Butler Square Building 1 100 North Sixth Street I Minneapolis, MN 55403 Main 612 573-3000 1 Direct 612 573-3024 I Fax 612 573-3030 1 riohannsen 7a tape-law.com This message contains confidential information intended for use by the named addressee(s) and may contain proprietary and/or legally privileged information, and be subject to federal and/or state privacy laws. If you are not the designated recipient, you may not read, copy, distribute or retain this message. if you received this message in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail, and destroy and delete it from your system. Thank you.