Letter from City of Shorewood 03-11-2014CITY OF ' SHOREWOOD 5755 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD • SHOREWOOD, MINNESOTA 55331=8927 • (952) 960.7900 FAX (952).474-0128 • www.d.shorewood.mn.us • cityhaII@ci.shorewood.mn.us March 11, 2014: Kate RECEIVED Community Development Director City of.Chanhassen MAR i 20I4, 7700 Market Boulevard P:0 Box 147 CITY Of CHANHASSEN Chanhassen', MN . 55317 Re Proposed Boulder Cove Development Dear Ms. Aanenson:.. ' Shorewood has received notice regarding a.development application for the. proposed Boulder Cove. This project is locatedimmediately south of our common city. boundary,'and roughly centered on the intersection of West 62nd Street and Strawberry Lane. This matter was presented at the February 24, 2014 meeting of the Shorewood City Council' and we, heard comments from City staff and area residents who addressed the Council. The Council forwards this letter as its comments for Chanhassen's public. hearing,, pow scheduled for April 1; 2014. As with our review of the 2006 proposal for this same property, the two most significant concerns Shorewood has at this time are drainage-and traff c/cireulation in the area. As we mentioned, in 2006" the area in question is poorly drained and characterized by heavy clay soils and a high water table. The Shorewood Oaks development to the north of the subject property- has a verysensitive drainage system that will not.support additional, storm water runoff. While, it appears that the developer has,recognized this issue and:has designed his project to drain to the south, drainage remains a concern. Traffic and circulation are undoubtedly our greatest concerns. Boulder Cove will be served by West 62nd Street; which lies mi half in Shorewood and half Chanhassen, and by Strawberry Lane. Both of these are relatively,narrow local streets. Strawberry Lane, which leads directly north to the Minnewashta Elementary School, is narrow_ at 22 feet,. with no sidewalk. This route has considerable pedestrian traffic to and from the school. The Fake Minnetonka LRT Regional Trail also crosses Strawberry Lane and area residents walk to Cathcart Park along West 62nd Street.' ,41 .4110 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER- Re: Boulder Cove Development 1.1 March 2014 Page two The traffic_ concern is compounded -by the developer's proposal to build its "NextGen" housing product which, on its face appears to simply be two-family residential homes, in whieh.case the potential exists for 62 units, rather than 31 In addition to these significant concerns, our staff has identified several other issues. . 1: The proposed intersection with Strawberry Lane and West 62nd Street should be a "T". 2. .The name "Strawberry Court" has already been used on a Shorewood street about two blocks to the north: 3. Shorewood should• request that the water main serving the project include an interconnection to the Shorewood system on Strawberry Lane. 4. It appears that the developer has paid particular attention to drainage on the site. Shorewood asks that there be no increase in' runoff volume to the north: 5. hi light of the density question raised above (31 units vs. 62), Shorewood requests that a traffic study be prepared, evaluating the effect of as: many as 62 units on the local streets (Strawberry Lane and West 62nd Street). . 6. 'West 62"a Street should be upgraded to City standards. This street lie's in both Shorewood and Chanhassen. . Thirty onehomes (potentially 52 units) are a:lot of homes to be served by one very long - (1200 feet) cul-de-sac. 'Staff has examined this, but does not expect that MNDOT would allow an access directly to Highway 7, especially consideringthe short distance to Church Road. 8. Chanhassen is its own LGU (Local Government Unit) for purposes of storm water management. We expect that the City will require a long-term. maintenance agreement for the proposed drainage facilities. We are concerned that the development as proposed will have. an undue impact on local streets in the area. Your residents on Church,Road may share this concern. `We also trust that Chanhassen will work toensure a project that complements existing development in the immediate area. Thank you for your attention to our concerns. Sincerely, CITY OF SHOREWOOD Scott Zerby . Mayor On behalf of the Shorewood City Council Richard Woodruff Laura Hotvet Debbie Siakel . Kris Sandberg