City Code Section 20-298.5 Gun range, indoorSec. 20-298.5. - Gun range, indoor. (1) The gun range shall not be located on any lot adjacent to an existing residential district. (2) The gun range when established shall not be located within 1,000 lineal feet, measured from building to building, of an establishment licensed to dispense intoxicating or nonintoxicating liquor. Indoor gun ranges shall not sell or dispense intoxicating liquors, nor shall they be in a building which contains a business that sells or dispenses nonintoxicating or intoxicating liquors. (3) The use, occupancy and construction of the building shall conform to the Minnesota State Building Code. (4) The building and method of operation shall comply with M.S. ch. 87A. (5) The building and method of operation shall conform to the applicable Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Environmental Protection Agency, and OSHA standards for indoor ventilation, emission into the atmosphere, indoor sound levels, lead containment and outside noise standards. (6) The design and construction of the gun range shall completely confine all ammunition rounds within the building and in a controlled manner. The design and construction of the gun range shall be certified by a registered engineer in the State of Minnesota. The certified plans shall include the specifications and construction of the bullet trap(s), ceilings, exterior and interior walls and floors. The certified plans shall state what type and caliber of ammunition the range is designed to totally confine. (7) No ammunition shall be used in the range that exceeds the certified design and construction specifications of the gun range. (8) Firearms shall not be stored on the premises when the range is closed for business, unless they are stored in an acceptable gun safe or other secure locking device. (9) On-site supervision shall be supplied at all times by an adult who is an experienced range operator. The range operator shall be responsible for the conduct of their place of business and the conditions of safety and order in the place of business and on the premises. (10) Each range shall have a clear and concise safety plan. The plan must be signed, published, and reviewed at specific intervals and distributed to all range users to study and use. (11) The range operator shall provide and maintain proof of liability insurance which shall require the insurer notify the city manager in writing of cancellation of the policy, a change in the limit of the policy, and/or a change in policy ownership. Said policy shall be available for inspection by the city manager and/or his/her assigns at all times. (12) On-site instruction shall be given only by firearms instructors certified within the prior five years by an organization or government entity that has been approved by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. Current certificates for firearms instructors shall be on display in a conspicuous location in the premises and available for public inspection. (13) An outside security plan for the gene, al grounds shall be submitted to the city for review and approval. (14) The transport of firearms on the premises, to the premises, and from the premises shall conform to state law. (15) Minors shall not be allowed in the range unless accompanied by an adult at all times. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit minors from participating in a firearm safety class which is supervised by an adult instructor. (16) In the industrial office park district, retail sales and rental shall be limited to gun -related material and equipment with a maximum display area of 20 percent of the floor area. (17) In multi -tenant buildings, the gun range shall be soundproofed to prevent the sound from being heard by persons in adjoining units. (Ord. No. 527, § 2, 8-22-11)