Pay Request #3MY OF September 17, 2015 7700 Market Boulevard Sincerely, PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Mr. Jan Saxhaug Fax: 952.227.1110 1st National Bank Building Recreation Center 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 Administration St. Paul, MN 55101-1351 Phone: 952.227.1100 Todd Gerhazdt Fax: 952.227.1110 City Manager Planning & Re: Chanhassen Dakota Retail — Payment Request #3 Building Inspections Enclosures Phone: 952.2271180 Dear Jan: Fax: 952.227.1190 Enclosed for your records is Reimbursement Payment Request #3 for the Dakota Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Retail Project in Chanhassen, Minnesota. This also includes an invoice Fax: 952.227.1170 breakdown and copies of all the invoices to date for this second reimbursement request. Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 If you have any questions or need further information, please call me. Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 9522271310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www. ci.chan hasse n. mn.us g:\admin\tg\saxhaug letter 091715.dmx Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and PlanninglorTomorrow Sincerely, Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 CIT OF CHANHAS N Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard t Phone: 952.227.1400 Todd Gerhazdt Fax: 952.227.1404 City Manager Planning & Natural Resources Enclosures Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 9522271310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www. ci.chan hasse n. mn.us g:\admin\tg\saxhaug letter 091715.dmx Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and PlanninglorTomorrow u 3 d E n ? O dro y m O, OO- m o H Dim m T M C? M m N Q D T mo Jz ^ l W D w m z /m'� C m cn l D m u o m o m m�yp e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 III bZ �Omy n w �m G)0 T W m> Z z o O O o OI O N O O O �O §,M N C O O O O O O O IJ O O O J J C O O O O ao y D m r imD m i O V02p ° m 3m �Ommm OC N m qHy y u r Z OD O C1 M w p c N V �yF N W z D u ti N O N_ 62 21III z yO�Om ° O f9 0 di M f9 {OD N izA O 0 O 0 O o O w W m J o (J o O J IJ y y m N �N (y i�l� J w N ➢5 p C O W W O J �yO O 3. O O O A Ox � (wJ N O NN N ONi -1�b O o p C f9 0 fF 0 fA 0 fA o A N m W N u, OI fO w O O o O N Io A a O -"I O D OCr D� Ap O N N w m Ic 0 0 pOCm ° y G O O N O N m m0mm ayyC O 3 T 9 O O W fwO 0 ti O N m 0 0 0 o m (JiI 0 (Jii m p m r G O o iv J w m $ nm$ <C$ y O D LT eI Fn <n w m V o a o o u D O O m p w w i w Nd Fn F» n ti CyyT11�y b z A j N N W woo,D y C o Mi O MI O W O W O (T a N N 0 W O O N (O A (b m b r r 3 C O� � Tcm m ; w w w b a N N J w Op�y� ybmz OGm j e z 3 0 0 0 0 m o y0O m r 0 0 0 o m o tNii o o rn p m T M C? M m N Q D T mo Jz ^ l W D w m z /m'� C m cn l BRAUN INTERTEC The Science You Build On. Vince Driessen Date 7/20/2015 Chanhassen Dakota Retail One, LLC Invoice number 8032923 4999 France Ave S, Ste 216 Project ID 814-05623.00 Edina, MN 55410 Customer account 12150 Customer PO Dakota Retail Environmental Consulting Services 7910 Dakota Avenue South Chanhassen, MN For Professional Services rendered from 5/4/2015 through 7/10/2015 ANALYSIS OF FEES Consulting Services Detail Non -Salary Detail Amount Previously Invoiced: $33,869.39 Amount Invoiced to Date: $39,603.48 /--1 30 5,54 � 4 760 $5,449.25 $284.84 Total Fees $5,734.09 S 734 ba 76016(3 Page 1 of 4 'lease pay from this invoice. t m v ISA rerms: Due on receipt, 1 1/2% per month after 30 days, 18% annual percentage rate. We accept JJ1 >rojects: B14-05623.00 - Dakota Retail Invoice number: 8032923 Employee Description Date Qty/Hours Rate Amount I - Vapor Mitigation System Design and Implementation 3.1 - Vapor Mitigation System Design Consulting Services Detail CADD/Graphics Operator Brett Bertram 6/29/2015 Sr. Engineer Christopher McElligott 6/29/2015 6/30/2015 7/6/2015 Total Christopher McElligott Total Sr. Engineer Total 3.1 - Vapor Mitigation System Design: Consulting Services Detail Total 3.1 - Vapor Mitigation System Design Total 3 - Vapor Mitigation System Design and Implementation: Consulting Services Detail notal 3 - Vapor Mitigation System Design and Implementation t - Environmental Monitoring and Testing 4.1 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing Consulting Services Detail Environmental Technician III Richard Fons 6/15/2015 7/8/2015 7/9/2015 Total Richard Fons Total Environmental Technician III Non -Salary Detail PID w/10.6 eV lamp, per hour Richard Fons 7/7/2015 Vehicle, per day Richard Fons 6/1/2015 6/2/2015 6/8/2015 6/9/2015 Total Richard Fons Total Vehicle, per day Vehicle, per mile Richard Fons 6/1/2015 6/2/2015 6/8/2015 6/9/2015 Total Richard Fans Total Vehicle, per mile Total 4.1 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing: Consulting Services Detail Total 4.1 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing: Non -Salary Detail Total 4.1 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing 0.40 115.00 46.00 0.25 190.00 47.50 0.75 190.00 142.50 0.75 190.00 142.50 $332.50 $332.50 $378.50 $378.50 $378.50 $378.50 0.20 110.00 22.00 2.00 110.00 220.00 1.00 110.00 110.00 $352.00 $352.00 1.00 37.00 37.00 1.00 46.00 46.00 1.00 46.00 46.00 1.00 46.00 46.00 1.00 46.00 46.00 $184.00 $184.00 28.00 0:76 X0.76 21.28 22.00 16.72 17.00 0.76 12.92 17.00 0.76 12.92 $63.84 $63.84 $352.00 $284.84 $636.84 Page 2 of 4 Irojects: B14-05623.00 - Dakota Retail Invoice number: 8032923 Employee Description Date Qty/Hours Rate Amount Total 4 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing: Consulting Services Detail $352.00 Total 4 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing: Non -Salary Detail $284,84 Total 4 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing $636.84 i - Project Management and Correspondence 6.1 - Project Management and Correspondence Consulting Services Detail Project Assistant Erin Campbell Total 6 - Project Management and Correspondence: Consulting Services Detail $878,75 Total 6 - Project Management and Correspondence $878,75 I - RAP Implementation Report 7.1 - RAP Imlpementation Report Consulting Services Detail CADD/Graphics Operator Brett Bertram 7/1/2015 2.00 115.00 230.00 Senior Scientist 5/4/2015 0.50 95.00 47.50 5/7/2015 0.25 95.00 23.75 1.00 5/8/2015 0.75 95.00 71.25 6/19/2015 0.50 95.00 47.50 Total Erin Campbell 6/18/2015 3.00 140.00 $190.00 Project Assistant 6/19/2015 3.50 140.00 490.00 6/22/2015 6/19/2015 0.25 95.00 23.75 1.50 6/26/2015 0.50 95.00 6/24/2015 47.50 140.00 7/3/2015 0.25 95.00 2.00 23.75 280.00 7/10/2015 0.25 95.00 140.00 23.75 Total Project Assistant 7/1/2015 0.50 140.00 70.00 $118.75 Total Project Assistant $2,660.00 Total Staff Scientist $308.75 Senior Scientist $2,660.00 Tim Lenway 6/22/2015 1.00 190.00 190.00 6/23/2015 1.00 190.00 190.00 6/24/2015 1.00 190.00 190.00 Total Tim Lenway $570.00 Total Senior Scientist $570.00 Total 6.1 - Project Management and Correspondence: Consulting Services Detail $878,75 Total 6.1 - Project Management and Correspondence 5878,75 Total 6 - Project Management and Correspondence: Consulting Services Detail $878,75 Total 6 - Project Management and Correspondence $878,75 I - RAP Implementation Report 7.1 - RAP Imlpementation Report Consulting Services Detail CADD/Graphics Operator Brett Bertram 7/1/2015 2.00 115.00 230.00 Senior Scientist Jeremiah Hansen 6/26/2015 1.00 190.00 190.00 Staff Scientist Jacob Friederichs 6/18/2015 3.00 140.00 420.00 6/19/2015 3.50 140.00 490.00 6/22/2015 4.00 140.00 560.00 6/23/2015 1.50 140.00 210.00 6/24/2015 1.50 140.00 210.00 6/25/2015 2.00 140.00 280.00 6/29/2015 3.00 140.00 420.00 7/1/2015 0.50 140.00 70.00 Total Jacob Friederichs $2,660.00 Total Staff Scientist $2,660.00 Page 3 of 4 rrojects: B14-05623.00 - Dakota Retail Invoice number: B032923 Employee Description Date Qty/Hours Rate Amount Total 7.1 - RAP Imlpementation Report: Consulting Services Detail Total 7.1 - RAP Imlpementation Report Total 7 - RAP Implementation Report: Consulting Services Detail rotal 7 - RAP Implementation Report 3 -Grant Management 8.1 - Grant Management Consulting Services Detail Senior Scientist Tim Lenway Total Tim Lenway Total Senior Scientist Total 8.1 - Grant Management: Consulting Services Detail Total 8.1 - Grant Management Total 8 - Grant Management: Consulting Services Detail rotal 8 - Grant Management rotal Project $3,080.00 $3,080.00 $3,080.00 $3,080.00 6/24/2015 2.00 190.00 380.00 6/26/2015 2.00 190.00 380.00 $760.00 $760.00 $760.00 $760.00 $760.00 $760.00 $5.734.09 Page 4 of 4 BRAUN INTERTEC The Science You Build On. Vince Driessen Chanhassen Dakota Retail One, LLC 4999 France Ave S, Ste 216 Edina, MN 55410 Dakota Retail Environmental Consulting Services 7910 Dakota Avenue South Chanhassen, MN For Professional Services rendered from 7/8/2015 through 8/21/2015 ANALYSIS OF FEES Consulting Services Detail Non -Salary Detail Amount Previously Invoiced: $39,603.48 Amount Invoiced to Date: $44,358.15 `'7 Z /rt' `5 , 7 1 Z s'7 _ 9D /7.oz PLEASE REMIT TO Braun Intertec Corporation NW 7644 PO Box 1450 Minneapolis, MN 55485 Telephone (952) 995-2000 Fax (952) 995-2020 Tax I.D. 41-1684205 Date 9/2/2015 Invoice number 8037426 Project ID B14-05623.00 Customer account 12150 Customer PO $4,604.25 $150.42 Total Fees $4.754.67 Page�1 of 4 'lease pay from this invoice. ISA Vlll Perms: Due on receipt, 11/2% per month after 30 days, 18% annual percentage rate. We accept Irojects: B14-05623.00 - Dakota Retail Invoice number: 8037426 Employee Description Date Qty/Hours Rate Amount I - Vapor Mitigation System Design and Implementation 3.1 - Vapor Mitigation System Design Consulting Services Detail Sr. Engineer Christopher McElligott 7/16/2015 1.00 190.00 190.00 7/17/2015 0.50 190.00 95.00 Total Christopher McElligott $285.00 Total Sr. Engineer $285.00 Total 3.1 - Vapor Mitigation System Design: Consulting Services Detail $285.00 Total 3.1 - Vapor Mitigation System Design $285.00 3.2 - Installation Oversight Consulting Services Detail Sr. Engineer Christopher McElligott Page 2 of 4 7/22/2015 2.00 190.00 380.00 7/23/2015 2.00 190.00 380.00 7/24/2015 2.00 190.00 380.00 7/31/2015 0.50 190.00 95.00 Total Christopher McElligott $1,235.00 Total Sr. Engineer $1,235.00 Non -Salary Detail Vehicle, per day Christopher McElligott 7/22/2015 0.25 46.00 11.50 7/23/2015 0.25 46.00 11.50 7/24/2015 0.25 46.00 11.50 Total Christopher McElligott $34.50 Total Vehicle, per day $34.50 Vehicle, per mile Christopher McElligott 7 7/22/2015 26.00 0.7 19.76 7/23/2015 26.00 0 6 19.76 7/24/2015 26.00 76 19.76 Total Christopher McElligott $59.28 Total Vehicle, per mile $59.28 Total 3.2 - Installation Oversight: Consulting Services Detail $1,235.00 Total 3.2 - Installation Oversight: Non -Salary Detail $93,78 Total 3.2 - Installation Oversight $1,328.78 Total 3 - Vapor Mitigation System Design and Implementation: Consulting Services Detail $1,520.00 Total 3 - Vapor Mitigation System Design and Implementation: Non -Salary Detail $93.78 notal 3 - Vapor Mitigation System Design and Implementation $1.613.78 I. - Environmental Monitoring and Testing 4.1 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing Non -Salary Detail Vehicle, per day Richard Fons 7/8/2015 1.00 46.00 46.00 Vehicle, per mile Richard Fons J 7/8/2015 14.00 h�7 0.. 10.64 Page 2 of 4 Irojects: B14-05623.00 - Dakota Retail Invoice number: 6037426 Employee Description Date Qty/Hours Rate Amount Total 4.1 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing: Non -Salary Detail $56.64 Total 4.1 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing $56.64 Total - Environmental Monitoring and Testing: Non -Salary Detail $56.64 Total4 - Environmental Monitoring and Testing $56.64 i - Project Management and Correspondence 6.1 - Project Management and Correspondence Consulting Services Detail Project Assistant Erin Campbell 8/13/2015 Pamela Taheri 8/13/2015 Project Assistant 7/24/2015 8/7/2015 Total Project Assistant Total Project Assistant Total 6.1 - Project Management and Correspondence: Consulting Services Detail Total 6.1 - Project Management and Correspondence Total 6 - Project Management and Correspondence: Consulting Services Detail Total 6 - Project Management and Correspondence I - RAP Implementation Report 7.1 - RAP Imlpementation Report Consulting Services Detail CADD/Graphics Operator Ryan Jaeger Total Ryan Jaeger Total CADD/Graphics Operator Project Assistant Erin Campbell Faye Ross Total Project Assistant Senior Scientist Jeremiah Hansen Tim Lenway Total Tim Lenway Total Senior Scientist Staff Scientist 7/20/2015 7/22/2015 8/13/2015 8/6/2015 7/24/2015 8/4/2015 8/5/2015 8/10/2015 8/11/2015 8/12/2015 8/13/2015 8/14/2015 0.25 95.00 23.75 0.25 95.00 23.75 0.25 95.00 23.75 0.25 95.00 23.75 $47.50 $95.00 $95.00 $95.00 $95.00 $95.00 0.60 115.00 69.00 0.60 115.00 69.00 $138.00 $138.00 0.25 95.00 23.75 0.50 95.00 47.50 $71.25 0.50 190.00 95.00 2.00 190.00 380.00 2.00 190.00 380.00 2.00 190.00 380.00 1.00 190.00 190.00 1.00 190.00 190.00 2.00 190.00 380.00 1.00 190.00 190.00 $2,090.00 $2,185.00 Page 3 of 4 Irojects: B14-05623.00 - Dakota Retail Invoice number: 8037426 Employee Description Date Qty/Hours Rate Amount Jacob Friederichs 7/20/2015 1.00 140.00 140.00 7/21/2015 0.50 140.00 70.00 8/4/2015 1.00 140.00 140.00 8/5/2015 1.00 140.00 140.00 8/6/2015 0.75 140.00 105.00 Total Jacob Friederichs Total Staff Scientist Total 7.1 - RAP Imlpementation Report: Consulting Services Detail Total 7.1 - RAP Imlpementation Report Total 7 - RAP Implementation Report: Consulting Services Detail Total 7 - RAP Implementation Report Total Project $595.00 $595.00 aZ,UOU.L> $2,959.25 $4.754.67 Page 4 of 4 I; RACHEL Date: July 20, 2015 Fendler Patterson Construction Lee Monson 4839 West 124w Street Savage, MN 55378 Regarding: Pay Application Project Name: 14-165 Chanhassen Dakota Ret. Rachel 014071 Dear Lee, Enclosed please find: (1) Pay Application Sincerely, Shelly juul Project Coordinator Rachel Contracting, Inc. 763.424-1513 (phone) 763-424-1501(fax) sjuul@racholcontracting.com 4125 Napier Court HE St. Michael, MN 55376 Od 763A24.1500 Fee763.424.1501 www.rachelcontracting.com TRANSMITTAL COMMMED TO PROFESSIONAL CONSTRUCTION EXCELLENCE AND SAFM Fendler CONSTRUCTION Number Code Application for Payment The below application for payment must be completed and sent to Fendler Patterson Construction, Inc. prior to the 2e day of each month. If an Application for Payment Is received after the 200 day of the month, that Invoice will not be included in the current months billing to the Owner. It will be included in the following months Application for Payment to the Owner. Please attach sunnorting defalled Invoices or schedule of values to this document Company Name: Rachel Contracting Inc Company Address: 4125 Napier Court NE, St Michael, MN 55376 Project Name: Ivans Gas Station Invoice Number: 14071.5 invoice Data -.07/20/15 Invoice Period: 7/1/15 To7 31 1 Contract Billing Statement A. Original Contract Sum: B. Net Change by Change Orders: (Ust all approved change orders below) C. Contract Sum to Date: D. Total Completed and Stared to Date: E. Less AniountCompleted Previous Billings: F. Amount of this Application for Payment: G. Less Retainage: MUST BE BILLED FOR SEPERATELY H. Current Payment Due: 198,838.00 132,081.55 330,919.55 292,192.61 219,897.43 60,721.63 (Approved Change Orders) 14,609.63 (5%) 57,685.55 Ust of Approved Change Orders C O # 1 Date Approved 5,904.00 Amount of Change Order C.O. # 2 54,666.04 C.O. #3 7480.00 C.O. #4 2395.00 C.O. #5 16050.96 C.O. #6 21000.00 C.O. #7 16000.00 Subcontm oor/Vendor Statement 8585.55 The undersigned Subcontractor cerdfles that to the best of the Subcontractor's knowledge, Information and belief, the Work covered by this Application for Payment has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, which all amounts have been paid by the Subcontractor for work for which previous Certificates for were Issued. Rachel Contracting, Inc Sub Contractor �thorized�Ignsture Drew TuomistoDrew Tuomisto 4839 West 12e Street Savage, MN 55378 • "i . #20011239 • Tel. 952-890-4364 Fax 952-890-2916 www.fendlerpatterson.com Z 0 Q Z H Z 0 0 y?y4 yq�z IIX�p I app Yl ��yypph (Anhj^iM96b9��� v3 vi ".. NhCOO�Mh� �n h WriMaa�foeo; EH VNIS oho 2 ON I y'� f9 yN �D of O SOS(�O�Ai•OOOOffOAASOSSSS WV 5 OV10 f9 .+000ppOppOOOO �69M EY f9 f9 VJ F9 Vi G9 O•QQ d36J bh A e v 1-4z e� SoS88888858$8$$ M Xo� $a4u ega000000ggo MyMpp a°po OOSOSSOS0000�0 ��pp ppN Ove �O ,a < A �!e +�q21O oC [V.1C BGG of vof GOe��Vp .NiO ooj SDR aOO of 00 VOI SY1 tV QNN, Coo NOOv�i �. �'Q11. F Cf(A�KK��f�A��696969 K 000 OO CLI GO OO OOOO O O Ooo O Oh h M b O �60969N pOo oo Vi pOp O ppo (A p0o00o dl�6o9�609004i� h y K X $SO 000 NOCSC 00 q 0 � OO CO h W Q� 3 � ON N_ �SNSO pOpO b0�0 b O� VO1698� C0o p0o h Q < U t N vi� ���++ N �6 �Dt d� R! 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