Letter from Naomi Carlson 6-21-05 To: Chanhassen Planning Commission Re: Planning Case No. 05-19, a variance request by Jerry Storey for property located at 6281 Teton Lane Dear Commissioners, Although I will be represented by counsel at the public hearing Tuesday, June 21, 2005, I would like to submit my letter requesting denial and ask that it be part of the file. I am the fee owner of the 14' easement in question. Use of this easement as a substandard street accessing Mr. Storey's proposed development would have a detrimental effect, not only on my property, but the surrounding ones as well: 1. It appears that the property owners on the east side of Teton Lane prefer to have their properties remain undeveloped, and their quality of life should be considered, particularly if it means using a 14' easement to access 4 lots. The property owners on the west side of Teton Lane would be subject to much more traffic than they ever anticipated when they moved into Curry Farms. 2. Rob Rabe, adjacent property owner, would have 8 or more cars per day using his own 14' easement, more if teenagers lived there with their families. 3. Regarding my own property, more cars than for 1 home on Mr. Storey's property would destroy any sleep or other means of peace and quiet for occupants in the home at 6397 Bretton Way. The home is very close to the edge of the 14' easement. 4. Allowing the 14' easement to be used as access for a development would hinder future improvement of my property. 5. Mr. Storey bought his property knowing that the access to it was only 14' wide, and current property owners should not have to sacrifice their quality of life for his financial gain. In my opinion, Mr. Storey's land should remain 1 homestead, accessed by the same 14' easement it has used since 1969. Yours very truly, Naomi Carlson Owner: 6397 Bretton Way and 6411 Bretton Way, both across which the easement runs. 952-474-1376