CC Minutes 5-23-05 o 5 -00 City Council Meeting - May 23, 2005 Scott Rosenlund: Yes, my name is Scott Rosenlund. I live at 622 West 82nd Street in Chaska and I'm not sure if there was a misunderstanding. I had been working with the city with Sharmeen and Bill Bement about being on the consent agenda for a name change on Fox Den development that we had done, and we actually, it's the same participants or the same ownership but we opened up a new LLC to own that property and I thought we were going to be on the consent agenda for tonight. Mayor Furlong: Mr. Gerhardt, I think that came in after this was actually distributed but I know it came out electronically. Is that correct? Todd Gerhardt: Yeah, that came out Friday afternoon. Should have been included on the consent agenda. I don't know. Mayor Furlong: Was it on there electronic? Todd Gerhardt: It was an e-mail that was sent out. Basically what we're doing is naming, re- naming Fox Den to, I forget the name. Scott Rosenlund: Well the name of the development doesn't change but the ownership, we had, it was a S&J Land Company and now it will be Fox Den Development, LLC. It's the same ownership. Same everything. It's just we have a new LLC. It's a tax and liability reason. Mayor Furlong: I guess my question, I'll ask our city attorney. First of all did everybody on the council receive that e-mail? Councilman Lundquist: Yep. Mayor Furlong: Is there any reason we cannot bring that up under new business this evening? Roger Knutson: There's no problem bringing it up, and I am familiar with the issue. I discussed it with the planning staff last week. You can bring it up. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Councilman Peterson: We'll take it up under new business? Mayor Furlong: Take it under new business if that's okay. That will give us time to get copies distributed here. Down here as well for any interested party. Thank you sir. Anybody else who would like to present any issues to the council this evening under visitor presentations. If not, we welcome people to come forward every meeting. This is a standard part of our agenda so people are welcome to come forward each meeting to address issues to the council. Tonight we receive our monthly update from our Carver County Sheriff's Department and our Fire Department. For Public Safety. LA W ENFORCEMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT UPDATE. 4 os-o~ City Council Meeting - May 23, 2005 issues with several property owners. Landscaping, driveways, lighting, you name it and has done just a great job, him and his staff so I compliment them on their efforts. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any other discussion? On this. If not, is there a motion regarding item 4(a) and (b)? Councilman Peterson: Mr. Mayor, I'd move that the council approve the assessment roll for 2005 street improvement and adoption of the resolution for assessments along with awarding of the construction contract for the same to GMH Asphalt in the amount of $1.4 million and some change. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilman Lundquist: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Hearing none we'll proceed with the vote. Resolution#200S-S1: Councilman Peterson moved, Councilman Lundquist seconded that the City Council approve the assessment roll for the 2005 street improvement project and adopt the resolution for assessments. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. Resolution#200S-S2: Councilman Peterson moved, Councilman Lundquist seconded that the City Council award the construction contract for the 2005 street improvement project to GMH Asphalt Corp. in the amount of $1,436,894.90. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. APPROVE AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT FOR FOX DEN PROJECT NO. 05-10. Mayor Furlong: As I understand it Mr. Gerhardt, this is strictly a name change on the development contract that's being requested? Todd Gerhardt: Correct. It's an amendment to the development contract. A name change from S & J Land Company, LLC to Fox Den Dev LLC. That's all we're doing is a name change. Staff is recommending approval of that. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Any questions for staff? Councilman Peterson: Motion to approve. Councilman Lundquist: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on that? 18 City Council Meeting - May 23, 2005 Councilman Peterson moved, Councilman Lundquist seconded to approve the revised development contract dated May 23, 2005 changing the name of the developer from S & J Land Co., LLC to Fox Den Dev, LLC.. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to o. COUNCIL PRESENTATIONS: Councilman Lundquist: Tomorrow night is our, to remind everyone that tomorrow night is our Park and Rec Commission meeting. It will be taking up the skate park issue. So for those residents who have comments and concerns or proposed solutions on either side of that, I've got a couple messages in support of action to date. I know that the staff has received at least one in non-support of the action so encourage everyone to get out tomorrow night in this room at 7:00 to participate in that discussion and anxious to hear everyone's solutions as well. And as we've seen through some of our background in the staff report, that back in November of 2001 when we had a similar issue that required neighborhood meetings and stuff too, so hopefully we can make this one the lasting impact and not have to come back here every few years and continue to address this problem so hopefully we'll have a good turn out and get a good generation of ideas tomorrow night. Mayor Furlong: Okay, thank you. Other items? Just to share, I had an enjoyable morning this morning meeting in our senior center for the annual opportunity to talk to them about items going on in the city. Breakfast with the Mayor, and it was a lot of fun. There was a good turn out. Some good discussions and I think everybody had a good time and learned something new about all the things that we're doing so it was a lot of fun. ADMINISTRA TIVE PRESENTATIONS: Todd Gerhardt: Just to add to that, we had Attorney General Mike Hatch out here who followed the Mayor. Mayor Furlong: It went downhill. Todd Gerhardt: We know how to prioritize things here. Mayor Furlong: I got breakfast. Todd Gerhardt: And he gave a speech on identity theft and also talked about health care concerns for seniors and all ages to be specific, and did hand out a booklet on his study on that and I'll try to get a copy of that to the City Council. But that's all I have this evening. Any questions for me? Mayor Furlong: Questions for Mr. Gerhardt or staff? Councilman Peterson: Just in the correspondence package, if you're going to transition to that, now that I've got his attention. Mayor Furlong: Certainly. 19