CC Minutes 6-13-05 0'-\ -L\- '3 City Council Meeting - June 13, 2005 Resolution#2005-56: Councilman Labatt moved, Councilman Peterson seconded that the City Council approve the resolution combining improvement projects associated with the construction of TH 212, Project numbers 04-05, 03-09-3, and 04-06. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. L. A WARD OF BID. FINANCIAL SOFTWARE. Councilman Lundquist: Thank you Mr. Mayor. Just wanted to have a brief discussion on this, more around the size of the project. Sizable investment of, somewhere in the neighborhood of over $200,000 on this and so rather than putting it in the consent agenda to bring that up and talk about what it is. I think it's a good investment. It invests in technology to help us be more producti ve and be more efficient in one of our key areas, service to the residents and revenue collection and that stuff so again something that we've been working on for a long time. A lot of time and energy has gone into it so glad to see it come to fruition and we'll look forward to seeing it's successful implementation and gaining the benefits that we get from having it. Mayor Furlong: Okay, very good. Any other items of discussion or comments? If not, is there a motion? Councilman Lundquist: Motion to approve. Mayor Furlong: Is there a second? Councilman Labatt: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion? Resolution#2005-57: Councilman Lundquist moved, Councilman Labatt seconded that the City Council award the bid of a software package from ACS/Springbrook in the amount of $201,428.50. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to o. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. HIGH CREST MEADOWSIHIGHCREST MEADOWS 2ND & 3RD ADDITIONS: A. PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATION OF EXISTING UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. B. APPROVE CONSTRUCTION PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS. C. APPROVAL OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS. Public Present: Name Address Stephanie Seward 7205 Hazeltine Boulevard 7 City Council Meeting - June 13, 2005 Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor, City Council members. As you may recall on April 25th of this year the City Council approved the final plat for the Yoberry Farms development, now Highcrest Meadows development, Additions 1,2 and 3. One of the conditions of that final plat approval was to vacate existing utility and drainage easements within the project limits. Staff has reviewed the developer's request to vacate these drainage and utility easements within the Highcrest Meadow area. These easements are originally, were originally dedicated as part of a previous development and are no longer necessary for this development. Currently no utilities exist in this area. The easements that we were discussing are before you tonight are shown in this drawing here. The second addition to the Highcrest Meadow development and they're 10 foot drainage utility easements around the perimeter of the development. This is consistent with other developments that the city has and vacating easements before final plat is approved. The easements are pretty straight forward for vacation. New easements will be dedicated in conjunction with the new development. Staff recommends that a public hearing be open at this time and I do stand for questions. Mayor Furlong: Thank you, any questions for staff. Hearing none, we'll proceed to open the public hearing at this time with regard to item 2(a), which is vacation of existing utility and drainage easements. Any interested parties can come forward to the podium. Please state your name and address to comment on this item. If there is nobody, then without objection we'll close the public hearing and proceed. Paul Oehme: Thank you Mayor. The next two items on the agenda for tonight are typically handled under consent agenda items. They are approving of the development contract and approval of plans and specifications. The plans and specification items that were included in your background are consistent with other developments and staff recommends approval of those plans and specs at this time. The development contract, one modification that the developer has requested we change in one of the contracts of 3rd Addition. The property owner is Karen Weathers. The developer and the property owner currently are requesting that the developer and the current property owner be included on the final agreement form so I'm sorry. Kate Aanenson: It's an and/or. Paul Oehme: Or it's an and/or, okay. Roger Knutson: At this point they haven't closed. They'd like the flexibility to have either name on the development contract and the mylars. We've reviewed that and we see no issue there. We'll get the letter of credit of everything will be done right, but rather than bring it back after it closes, which we have unfortunately had to do in the past, they'd like it approved so that either name could be on the development contract and the mylars. Councilman Lundquist: Specifically where is that referenced? Paul Oehme: Just be wherever, I think there's 3 or 4 locations in the development contract. Mayor Furlong: Is that item 2(c)? 8 City Council Meeting - June 13,2005 Paul Oehme: 2( c), right. And under the 3rd Addition which is I believe the last development contract in the back. It refers to the current property owner, in the first paragraph. Special provisions. Councilman Lundquist: So P-I ? Paul Oehme: Yep, that's P-I, correct. Current property owner or. Kate Aanenson: That's Yoberry Farms LLC. Paul Oehme: LLC, correct. Page SP3. . . and the current property owner. Councilman Lundquist: So where it says Karen Weathers it would be Karen Weathers and/or. Roger Knutson: It could be either one. It won't be both. Paul Oehme: It won't be both, there you go. Roger Knutson: Karen Weathers or Yoberry. Paul Oehme: Yoberry Farms LLC. Mayor Furlong: The third addition. Where that's referenced. Paul Oehme: Yeah, SP-II. Page SP-ll as well. After the signatures of the city, current property owner or Yoberry Farms LLC. Mayor Furlong: Okay. Anything else? Todd Gerhardt: Mayor, is the developer here? Is that what it is, Yoberry LLC? Not Highcrest Meadows LLC? Developer: Yoberry Farms LLC. Todd Gerhardt: Okay, just wanted to clarify because we changed the name from Yoberry to Highcrest Meadows. Developer: The development entity is Yoberry Farms LLC. Todd Gerhardt: Okay, great. Thanks. Mayor Furlong: Okay, anything else Mr. Oehme? Paul Oehme: That's it. 9 City Council Meeting - June 13, 2005 Mayor Furlong: On B or C? Okay. Any questions for staff? Okay. I guess at this point we'd consider a motion. Councilman Lundquist: You want them separate or does it matter? Mayor Furlong: We had the public hearing on item A. Well, just in case there's confusion. Item A was the only item that we were required to have a public hearing on. Since they're published as Band C, I would certainly open the podium at this time if anybody wants to comment in the form of a public hearing or public comments on item B or C to the council. You can bring them forward at this time as well. Just to be sure everybody has a chance to be heard. Okay, if not then we'll proceed with the council. If there's a motion we can either combine or separate. Is there any objection to combining? If not, is there a motion? Councilman Lund~uist: Would move approval of item 2 A and B as published and C as amended for the 3r Addition to reflect current owner Karen Weathers and, I'm sorry, or Yoberry Farms LLC. Mayor Furlong: Thank you. Is there a second? Councilman Labatt: Second. Mayor Furlong: Made and seconded. Any discussion on the motion? Hearing none we'll proceed with the vote. Councilman Lundquist moved, Councilman Labatt seconded to approve Highcrest MeadowslHighcrest Meadows 2nd & 3rd Additions: a. Resolution#2005-58: Vacation of Existing Utility and Drainage Easements. b. Construction Plans & Specifications. c. Development Contract as amended for the 3rd Addition to reflect the current owner Karen Weathers or Yoberry Farms LLC. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to O. APPROVAL OF QUIT CLAIM DEED & AGREEMENT FOR THE FORMER WILLIS KLEIN PROPERTY. 8405 GREAT PLAINS BOULEVARD. TH 101 GAP PROJECT 04- 06. Justin Miller: Good evening Mayor and council. In 1996 the City of Chanhassen purchased the single family home at 8405 Great Plains Boulevard. It is the highlighted parcel here on the map. Sorry it's not a better map but this would be Highway 101 and this is the house right there. The City did purchase that for $107,000 from Willis and Anita Klein and the purpose ofthat purchase was the future alignment of the highway 101 GAP project. As you know that project is now right around the comer and so MnDot is in the process of acquiring the necessary property. We've put together a list of our expenses that the city has had since we purchased this property and it comes out to an estimated $130,944.00. Approximately. We have exchanged this number 10