CC Minutes 6-13-05 05-0\ CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 13, 2005 Mayor Furlong called the work session to order at 5:35 p.m. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Furlong, Councilman Peterson, Councilman Labatt, and Councilman Lundquist COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilwoman Tjornhom ST AFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Justin Miller, Kate Aanenson, Paul Oehme, Todd Hoffman, and Greg Sticha SAND COMPANY HOUSING DISCUSSION. Justin Miller reviewed the staff report and gave a power point presentation showing the location and layout of the project. Sand Companies Inc. is asking the city for their support in providing TIF for this project. Jamie Thielen, President and Jim Sand with the Sand Companies Inc. explained why they liked this site for tax credit possibility from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) 2005 Housing Tax Credit Program. Sand Companies Inc. is looking for the level of interest from the City Council on providing TIF for this site and submitting a letter of intent. Todd Gerhardt asked for clarification on what SCI meant by letter of intent. Jamie Thielen provided examples from other cities of what's included in similar letters of intent. Justin Miller asked Mr. Thielen to explain how the tax credits work. Todd Gerhardt asked if the applicant has explored reducing the size of units to lower the rental cost, and if they will meet the State's "but for" clause. Mr. Thielen stated he was comfortable that they could meet the "but for" analysis. Councilman Peterson asked the applicant to explain the rationale in choosing to build apartments versus townhomes and ownership versus rental, stating his preference for ownership versus rents. Mr. Thielen explained that Sand Companies Inc. doesrental housing and own and manage their properties long term. Councilman Peterson asked Mr. Thielen to explain what feedback they got at the neighborhood meeting. Mayor Furlong asked about their experience with turnover in similar projects in other cities. Councilman Lundquist asked what would happen if Sand Companies Inc. did not receive the tax credit. Mr. Thielen explained the units would be market rate and not affordable at that point. Councilman Labatt asked for clarification of the point system on the MHFA application and how the City providing TIF will affect the total points. Todd Gerhardt asked about income restrictions and amenities involved with the project. Mayor Furlong asked for feedback from council members. Councilman Lundquist stated he would support the request if the affordable piece was included. Councilman Labatt stated he would support the request but would like to see more information on the point system. Councilman Peterson stated concern with being pushed to make a decision without enough information so could not support the request at this time. Mayor Furlong stated he could support the request but would like additional information over the next 2 weeks. Councilman Peterson challenged staff to get architectural interest with the building design. Mayor Furlong invited council members to direct any questions to Justin Miller. Mr. Thielen stated again he was looking for the general consensus from the council. Mayor Furlong asked that they continue City Council Work Session - June 13,2005 to work with Justin Miller and staff over the next 2 weeks and would see the item at their next meeting. SOUTHWEST METRO TRANSIT .JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT. Bonnie Carlson, Administrative Services Director reviewed the proposed changes to the joint powers agreement. Mayor Furlong felt it was a fair and reasonable formula. Councilman Peterson explained that Eden Prairie and Chaska have already approved the agreement. The City Council had consensus for approval of the agreement. CONSIDER PROPOSALS FROM THE CHANHASSEN ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION FOR: A. DONA TE AND INSTALL SCOREBOARDS. B. AMENDED PROPOSAL FOR ADVERTISING SIGNS ON BALL PARK FENCES. Todd Neils, Vice President of the Chanhassen Athletic Association Little League provided background information on the program and it's projected growth. Todd Hoffman presented information from staff's perspective. Mayor Furlong asked if Mr. Neils had provided the additional information requested by staff. Mr. Neils stated the manufacturer did not provide information on the manual scoreboards being requested. Todd Hoffman stated his concern was with long term maintenance of the scoreboards but at a cost of $900, the scoreboards can be tom down if they become unsightly or not functional. Councilman Lundquist expressed concern with gawdy sign age and what happens if the program fails. Councilman Peterson stated he would support the scoreboards, but was not in favor of the signage request stating he would prefer to see the city fund the needed improvements. Mr. Neils stated the revenue generated from the signs is for capital improvements, i.e. dugouts, scoreboards, lighting, etc. rather than asking the city for money. Todd Gerhardt asked if the Chanhassen Athletic Association has looked at charging a fee to participants for maintenance and improvements. Mayor Furlong expressed concern with the expectations this was setting up for future city councils and the affect on contributions to the city from the business community. Councilman Labatt explained how the arena fund program works with the Chaska Hockey Association and how that could work with the Chanhassen Athletic Association. Mayor Furlong asked that there be more discussion on this item. Todd Gerhardt stated staff would bring back additional information at a future work seSSIon. The work session was recessed at 7:00 p.rn.. It was reconvened at 8:25 p.rn.. PRELIMINARY BUDGET DISCUSSION. INCLUDING 2006 CALENDAR AND BUDGET FORECASTS. Greg Sticha reviewed the staff report which outlined the time line for approvals, a snapshot of the 2005 budget versus actual revenues and expenditures in the city's general fund, debt service needs and Key Financial Strategies general fund revenue and expense projection worksheet for 2004 through 2010. Staff stated they were looking for feedback from the council regarding the 2