11x17 Survey 7-7-05 ~ CITY OF CHANHASSliN RECEIVED JUL 0 8 2005 TREE PRESERVATION CALCULATIONS PARCEl A AREA = 37,068 SQ. FT. BASElINE CANOPY COVER AREA = 35,318 SQ. FT. NON-CANOPY COVER AREA = 1,750 SQ. FT. CANOPY AREA TO BE REMOVED = 3,600 SQ. FT. CANOP)' AREA TO REMAIN - Jl,71EJ SO. FT. (90% OF SITE) CHANHASSEN PLANNING OEPT Garage I f\' L.lj I ',,--- '" "- \. \. \ \ \ \ I I PARCEl B AREA = 46,617 SQ. FT. BASELINE CANOPY COVER AREA = 30,215 SQ. FT. NUN-CANUPY CUVtH AHtA = I b, 402 SQ. f I. CANOPY AREA TO BE REMOVED = 0 SQ. FT. CANOPY AREA TO REMAIN = 30,215 SQ. FT. (100% OF SITE) --- ~ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ ./' / ..... / >/ / \ / / \ I / /\ / / \ Ifl! Adjoqmt Jk>u:JfJ I J / / I / / i I I I I { 1 \ I { I n. 7, \ r ( L. \..I I ,... ) I ) I I I GARAGE / / I I / ./ I I I ./ ------ I I HOUSE --- ,/ /' / / / // ./ AREAS Site - 83,685 Square Feetj1.92 Acres Parcel A - 37,068 Square Feet Parcel B - 16,617 Square Feet I I PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Lot 2, Block 1, SATHRE ADOr/ON PROPOSED PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS ~ Thot port of Lot 2. Block I. SATHRE ADDITION, lying northerly of the (0110 wing described fine: ~~~ rt"'\J '3 B96.:l \>0 }. 0"'11- PARC[l A Beginning ot a point on the easterly line of ~aid Lot 2, 97.82 feet ~outh of the northeast corner thereof; thence Norlh 89 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds West 137.56 feet; thence North 79 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds West 137.56 feet to the southwesferly line of said Lo! 2 and said line there terminating. PARCEL 8 That port of lot 2. Olock I, SAT/IRE ADDITION, lying southerly of the following described /ine: Beginning ot 0 point on the easterly line of said lot 2, 97.82 feet south of the northeast corner thereof; thence North 89 degrees J9 minutes 00 seconds West rJ7.56 feet; thence North 79 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds West rJ7.56 feet to the southwesterly line of soid lot 2 and said line there terminating. 30 0 ~ 30 -- 60 r 30' 90 I Scale 1" LOTUS.DWG }EMARS-GABRIEL D SURVEYORS, ING'. '30 Horbor Lone No. ;mouth, MN 55447 'one.(763) 559.-0908 x: (763) .559-0479 I hereby certify thai this survey. plan or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly R~gist~red Land Surveyor under the Lows of the ~;/(Jt(J of Minnesota. File No. 12454 PREPARED FUR: BOf.}k-P;jqe~ PROPOSED PROPERTY DIVISION RON HARVIEUX 6605 Horseshoe Curve Chanllassen, Minnesota David [. Crook Dote: July 7. 2005 Minn. Reg. No. 22414 ---Sca{~ ,.._,--- 1"=30'