Environmental Site AssessmentTHE "AVELIN GROUP Em IRONWNTAL ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS October 15, 2015 Mr. Randy Schold 8925 Twin Lakes Crossing Eden Prairie, MN 55347 RE: Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment 195 79 s Street W Chanhassen, MN 55317 Project #2015-P0135-0025 Dear Mr. Schold: CITY OFCHANHASSr:p RECEIVED OCT 16 2015 t%HANHASSEN PONNINp oFpl The Javelin Group, Inc. Qavelin) has conducted a Limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (Phase II ESA) for the vacant parcel located at 195 79' Street W in the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota. The attached Figure 1 contains a site location map. The completed scope of work was based on Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) guidance documents. INTRODUCTION The Phase II ESA was proposed to further assess the extent and magnitude of a release from former petroleum underground storage tanks (USTs) on the site and to assess the quality of surface fill. A geotechnical boring (SB -3) near the former site UST basin encountered a sandy fill with concrete pieces to a depth of 24 feet, groundwater at 20' and a petroleum odor from 20-26 feet. A soil sample from a depth of 20 feet was submitted for laboratory analysis of diesel range organic compounds (DRO) that was detected at a concentration of 49.2 mg/kg. This is less than the 100 mg/kg MPCA action limit for UST excavations. A copy of the analytical report is attached. The attached Figure 2 shows the location of the geotechnical boring (SB-#) and the estimated locations of a former site Tedi -mix concrete plant and tanks. SCOPE OF WORK Javelin proposed the following scope of work to assess the potential for a release: ❑ Cleat public utilities using the Gopher One -Call system and evaluate proposed probe locations for private utilities using a private utility locator. ❑ Advance two (2) soil probes (GP -1 and GP -2) to a depth of 25 feet at locations neat the former USTs (GP -1) and at the location of a proposed building on the site (GP -2). The boxing locations are shown on the attached Figure 2. ❑ Field screen soil samples from the soil borings at 2 -foot intervals for total organic vapors using a photoionization detector (PID), and document any unusual soil discoloration, staining, or odors. ❑ Visually and manually field classify the soil types encountered in the soil borings. ❑ Collect one (1) soil sample at a depth of 1.5 feet from each soil boring for laboratory analysis of diesel range organic compounds (DRO), gasoline range organic compounds, benzene, toluene, ' ni JAvEuN GRouP, INC. 10125 Cm&STowN CIRCLE -Surra 107 -EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 TEL: 952380-3668 FAX: 952380-3669 10/15/2015 Page 2 of 7 Limited Phase II ESA Javelin Project Number: 2015-PO122-0024 Chanhassen, MN ethylbenzene, and xylenes (GRO/BTEX�, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and RCRA metals. ❑ Collect one groundwater sample from each probe location for laboratory analysis of GRO/BTEX and DRO. If groundwater is not encountered, collect a soil sample at the termination depth for analysis of the same parameters. ❑ Advance two (2) soil vapor probes (SV -1 and SV -2) to a depth of 4 feet at locations adjacent to the soil probes for collection of soil vapor samples for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using EPA Method TO -15. SCOPE OF WORK DEVIATIONS Groundwater was not encountered at either of the GP -1 or GP -2 probe locations so soil samples were collected for analysis of DRO and GRO/BTEX at depths of 21' and 23', respectively. Soil boring GP -1 encountered refusal at 22 feet so it was not advanced to the proposed 25 foot depth. FIELD ACTIVITIES On August 3, 2015, JAVELIN environmental scientist Brad Cordova oversaw the advancement of the soil boxings by Range Environmental Drilling. Soil boxings were advanced at the location shown on the attached Figure 2 and as described in Table 1. TABLE 1: SUMMARY OF SOIL PROBE LOCATIONS SOIL PROBE DEPTH SAMPLE DEPTH PURPOSE MEDIA GP -1 21' 1.5'& 21' Former UST area Soil GP -2 23' 1.5'& 23' Proposed building SW comer Soil SV -1 4' 4' Former UST area Soil Vapor SV -2 4' 4' Proposed building SW comer Soil Vapor The soil encountered in the probes advanced at the subject property was typically comprised of 2 feet of topsoil underlain by black sandy lean clay to the termination depth. Sod samples were classified and examined for staining and odors by the Javelin environmental technician. Boring GP -2 encountered a swampy odor from 10'-14'. Elevated organic vapors were not detected at concentrations exceeding 1 ppm in the soil samples collected at either soil probe location, with the exception of minor detections of up to 1.2 ppm at the 14'-16' depth of GP -2. Organic vapor concentrations of less than 10 ppm are not generally considered a concern for petroleum releases. Groundwater was not encountered at either soil probe location. METHODS OF INVESTIGATION SOIL PROBE SOIL SAMPLING The soil probes were advanced utilizing a truck -mounted hydraulic push probe unit. Continuous soil samples were collected from the ground surface to the termination depths of 22 feet in GP -1 and 24 feet in GP -2. Soil samples were collected by advancing a 2 -inch diameter by 4 -foot long hollow steel sampling tube into the subsurface with a hydraulic hammer. The open-ended sampling tube was equipped with a disposable acetate liner, which was removed from the sampler after each soil core was retrieved. Probe rods and sampling equipment were decontaminated prior to arrival on-site. THE �AVELIN GROUP REAL. ESTATE DUE DILIGENCE 10/15/2015 Limited Phase IT ESA Page 3 of 7 Javelin Project Number: 2015-PO122-0024 Chanhassen, MN Soil samples were visually and manually classified in the field in accordance with ASTM D2488. If detected, soil discoloration and odors were noted. Soil samples were also screened for the presence of total organic vapors utilizing the polyethylene bag headspace procedure and a PID calibrated to an isobutylene reference gas standard. The soil samples collected from the soil probes were placed in laboratory supplied glass containers, stored in a cooler on ice and submitted to Pace Analytical for laboratory analyses using proper chain -of -custody procedures. SOIL VAPOR SAMPLING Two (2) soil vapor probes were advanced at locations SV -1 and SV 2. A soil vapor sample was collected by advancing a soil gas sampling probe tip to a depth of 4 -feet and retracting it to deploy the soil gas sampling screen. Dedicated polyethylene tubing was then extended down inside the probe rod and connected to a fitting on the soil gas sampling probe tip. The annular space around the probe was sealed with bentonite at the surface to prevent ambient air from diluting the sample. Prior to collecting a sample, a minimum of two (2) tubing volumes were purged using a syringe. An in- line moisture/sediment trap was attached and a second length of dedicated tubing was used to connect the moisture trap to a Summa canister in which the air was evacuated to generate a vacuum within the canister. The canister identification tag was labeled with the sample identification number, the vacuum gage reading, the date, and the sample collection time. Sample collection was initiated by opening the valve on the vacuum canister to allow the air sample to be drawn into the canister. After filling, the canister valve was dosed, the airtight cap replaced, and the identification tag attached to the canister was labeled with the ending time and vacuum gage reading. The filled canister was transported using proper chain -of -custody procedures to the laboratory for analysis of VOCs using EPA Method TO 15. LABORATORY RESULTS/DISCUSSION SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Soil analytical results were compared to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA) Residential Soil Reference Values (SRVs) and Soil Leaching Values (SLVs). The soil analytical results are summarized in Table 2 below and the complete laboratory analytical report is attached. ❑ DIESEL RANGE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (DRO): DRO was detected at concentrations ranging from 11.6 mg/kg to 29.9 mg/kg in soil samples collected from the 1.5' and 21'-23' depth in GP -1 and GP -2. The MPCA does not have SRVs or SLVs for DRO, but a concentration of 100 mg/kg is used as the action limit for UST excavations and soil with a concentration of less than 100 ppm meets the DRO criterion for reuse as unregulated fill. ❑ GASOLINE RANGE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (GRO): GRO was not detected at concentrations exceeding the laboratory reporting limits in the soil samples collected with the exception of the 23 -foot sample collected from boring GP -2 that had a GRO concentration of 30.2 mg/kg. The MPCA does not have SRVs or SLVs for GRO, but a concentration of 100 mg/kg is used as the action limit for UST excavations and soil with a concentration of less than 100 ppm meets the GRO criterion for reuse as unregulated fill. ❑ BENZENE, TOLUENE, ETHYLBENZENE, AND XYLENES (BTEX): No petroleum BTEX compounds were detected at concentrations exceeding the laboratory reporting limits in the four (4) soil samples analyzed. ❑ POLYNUCLEAR AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS (PAHS): No PAH compounds were detected at concentrations exceeding the laboratory reporting limits in the soil sample collected from the 1.5 THE PAVELIN GROUP REAL ESTATE DUE DILIGENCE 10/15/2015 Page 4 of 7 Limited Phase H ESA Javelin Project Number. 2015-PO122-0024 Chanhassen, MN foot depth in GP -2. Naturally occurring PAHs were detected at concentrations ranging from 0.01-0.13 mg/kg that were significantly less than their associated residential SRV and SLV criteria. The PAH concentrations detected appear to represent background concentrations. ❑ RCRA METALS: Low concentrations of naturally occurring metals were detected in both soil samples analyzed from GP -1 and GP -2 at the 1.5 -foot depth. The metals concentrations detected did not exceed the residential SLVs or SRVs. The metals concentrations detected appear to represent background concentrations. A summary of the metals detections is provided in the following Table 2. SOIL VAPOR ANALYTICAL RESULTS Soil vapor analytical results were compared to the MPCA residential intrusion screening values (ISVs), which are compound specific inhalation risk screening values for volatile compounds. The ISVs are designed to be used for screening inhalation risks to indoor air via the vapor intrusion pathway. Multiples of the ISVs, specifically ten times the ISV (10x-ISV), are used as screening values for subsurface soil vapors. Soil vapor concentrations less than lOx their respective ISV concentration represent a relatively low risk and typically, no further evaluation for vapor intrusion is necessary. The soil vapor probe analytical detections are summarized in Table 3 below, and the laboratory analytical report is attached. A total of 23 VOC compounds were reported in the soil vapor samples at concentrations exceeding the laboratory detection limits (reporting limits). No VOCs were detected in the soil vapor samples at concentrations exceeding the residential lOx-ISVs. The compounds detected are indicative of a minor release of petroleum and chlorinated solvents. Ethanol was also detected in the soil vapor samples. THE 0AVELIN GROUP REAL ESTATE DUE DILIGENCE TABLE 2: SOIL METALS ANALYTICAL RESULTS SUMMARY PARAMETER DFPTH UNrrs GP -1 L5' 21" GP -2 1.5" RESmENT1AL 23' SLVS RESmENTiAL SRVS Arsenic mg/kg 5.7 4.9 5.8 9 Barium nig/kg 100 70.9 1700 1100 Chromium m / 12.5 11.2 Lead mg/kg 9.4 8 2700 300 Mercury Mg/4Mg/4 0.031 0.026 3.3 0.5 DRO mg/kg 26 19.4 29.9 11.6 GRO -g/kg -g/kg <10.7 <13.9 <11.8 30.2 Acenaphthylene mg/kg 0.0158 <0.0111 Anduacene rng/kg 0.0117 <0.0111 1300 7880 Benzo a anthracene /k 0.0644 <0.0111 Benzo(a)pyrene / 0.0721 <0.0111 1.4 2 Benzo(g,hi) a leve niR/kg 0.0447 <0.0111 Benzo fluormthene mg/kg 0.129 <0.0111 Chrysene mg/kg 0.0631 <0.0111 Dibenz a,h anthracene mg/kg 0.0119 <0.0111 Fluoranthene mg/kg 0.108 <0.0111 670 1080 lndeno 1,2,3 -cd ene -g/kg -g/kg 0.0391 <0.0111 Phenanthrene -g/kg -g/kg 0.0294 1 <0.0111 Pyrene m / 0.0928 <0.0111 440 890 BaP Eq4 0.103 1 <0.0111 1.4 2 SOIL VAPOR ANALYTICAL RESULTS Soil vapor analytical results were compared to the MPCA residential intrusion screening values (ISVs), which are compound specific inhalation risk screening values for volatile compounds. The ISVs are designed to be used for screening inhalation risks to indoor air via the vapor intrusion pathway. Multiples of the ISVs, specifically ten times the ISV (10x-ISV), are used as screening values for subsurface soil vapors. Soil vapor concentrations less than lOx their respective ISV concentration represent a relatively low risk and typically, no further evaluation for vapor intrusion is necessary. The soil vapor probe analytical detections are summarized in Table 3 below, and the laboratory analytical report is attached. A total of 23 VOC compounds were reported in the soil vapor samples at concentrations exceeding the laboratory detection limits (reporting limits). No VOCs were detected in the soil vapor samples at concentrations exceeding the residential lOx-ISVs. The compounds detected are indicative of a minor release of petroleum and chlorinated solvents. Ethanol was also detected in the soil vapor samples. THE 0AVELIN GROUP REAL ESTATE DUE DILIGENCE 10/15/2015 Page 5 of 7 Limited Phase n ESA Javelin Project Number: 2015-P0122-0024 Chanhassen, MN TABLE 3: SOIL VAPOR ANALYTICAL DETECTIONS SUMMARY PARAMETER UNrrs SV -1(41 SV -2(4) MPCA RESIDEI TuL lox-ISV Acetone Rg/m3 99.2 100 310,000 Benzene pg/m3 10.3 9.0 45 2-Butanone (MEIN pg/m3 36.8 36.1 50,000 Carbon disulfide JAgIfle 11.6 48.4 7,000 Chloroform /m3 24.6 11.4 1,000 Cyclohexane 1g/m3 <12.2 4.2 60,000 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 119 /m3 2.5 <1.5 600 Ethanol Rg/m3 253 408 150,000 Ethylbenzene R9/m3 3.7 4.6 10,000 n-Heptane 119/m3 42.7 6.3 NE n -Hexane Rg/m3 15.5 9.6 20,000 2-Hexanone 1A9/m3 <1.4 3.0 NE Methylene Chloride Rg/m3 <6.1 13.9 200 4Methyl-2-pentanone (MMKI 19/m3 1.7 2.2 3,0000 Naphthalene R9/m3 5.1 5.0 90 2 -Propanol R9/m3 <2.2 15.1 70,000 Propylene pg/M3 71.1 51.4 30,000 Teuachloroethme Rg/m3 10.1 7.2 20 Tetrahydrofivan 11g/m3 <1.0 2.3 NE Toluene 11g/m3 37.7 35.4 5,0000 Trichloroethene Ag/M3 3.1 <0.99 20 1,2,4Tnmethylbemene pg/m3 4.1 4.2 70 Xylenes Rg/m3 12.9 13.4 1,000 Notes: NE = Not Estabhshed CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions were determined, based on the results of this limited Phase II ESA. RELEASES ASSOCIATED wrrH FORMER UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ❑ Geotechnical boring SB -3 was the only boring to encounter a sandy fill. The sandy fill was encountered from the surface to a depth of 24 feet, and was underlain by sandy clay that was predominately encountered in the remaining geotechnical boxings and in GP -1 and GP -2 advanced for the Phase II ESA. It appears SB -3 was advanced in the former tank basin that was backfilled with sand to create a bathtub effect in the surrounding clay soil. Precipitation would percolate into the sand fill and be held in by the surrounding clay soil creating a limited accumulation of perched groundwater in the backfilled tank basin at a depth of 20 feet The residual soil DRO concentration in the tank basin where the soil with an odor was detected (19'- 24� was only 49.2 mg/kg, which does not exceed the 100 mg/kg action limit for UST excavations. ❑ Phase II ESA boring GP -1 was apparently advanced just outside the former UST basin. The soil sample from the 21 -foot depth had a DRO concentration of 19.4 mg/kg that is also less than the 100 mg/kg excavation action limit. THE 0AVELIN GROUP REAL ESTATE DUE DILIGENCE 10/15/2015 Page 6 of 7 Limited Phase II FSA Javelin Project Number. 2015-PO122-0024 Chanhassen, MN ❑ The remaining DRO and GRO detections were at concentrations less than those detected in and near the tank basin, and no BTEX compounds were detected in any of the soil samples so it does not appear that any further investigation is needed pertaining to the former UST release at the subject property. The petroleum concentrations detected would not require special handling and the soil meets the DRO and GRO criterion for reuse as unregulated fill. SURFACE FILL QUALITY ❑ Since soil samples were being collected on the subject property to investigate the former petroleum release, it was decided to collect two samples of the surface fill soil to verify that it meets the criterion for reuse as unregulated fill. Soil samples from the 1.5 foot in GP -1 and GP -2 were collected for laboratory analysis of DRO, GRO/BTEX, PAHs, and RCRA metals. The DRO concentrations detected were 26 mg/kg and 29.9 mg/kg, compared to the unregulated fill criterion of 100 mg/kg. GRO/BTEX compounds were not detected and the PAH and metals concentrations appeared to be representative of background concentrations that also did not exceed the criteria for reuse as unregulated fill. VAPOR INTRUSION EVALUATION ❑ Soil vapor samples were collected at two locations to test for the presence of volatile organic compounds in the soil vapor that could pose a potential vapor intrusion concern. Laboratory analysis of the soil vapor samples detected low concentrations of several VOC compounds. However, none of the VOC compounds were detected at concentrations exceeding the residential IN ISVs. Based on this information, there appears to be a low tisk of vapor intrusion risks in JAVELIN's opinion. RECOMMENDATIONS ❑ Based on the results of this limited phase II environmental investigation, no further investigation regarding the former onsite USTs appears warranted, since the leaking underground storage tank (LUST) site has already been closed by the MPGA. ❑ The MPCA closure letter for the LUST site indicates that residual petroleum contamination remains. Based upon this information, the use of stormwater infiltration structures is not recommended. ❑ In the event that potential unforeseen impacts are encountered during future site redevelopment, samples should be collected to assess proper soil handling and management options. STANDARD OF CARE The opinions and conclusions submitted in this report are based on our field observations and the review of laboratory analytical results of soil and soil vapor samples collected from the soil probes completed for this investigation. The services performed by Javelin on this project have been conducted with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by reputable members of the profession, practicing in the same locality, under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty is expressed or intended. This investigation report was prepared exclusively for the use or benefit of those listed on the cover page of this report Reliance or use by any other third party without explicit written authorization from javelin will be at the third party's own risk. No warranties or representations, expressed or implied, are made to any such third party. THE EAVELIN GROUP REAL ESTATE DUE DILIGENCE 10/15/2015 Page 7 of 7 Limited Phase II ESA Javelin Project Number: 2015-PO122-0024 Chanhassen, MN We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact us at 952-380-3668. Sincerely, THE JAVELIN GROUP, INC. Kevin Pierson, M.S. Senior Environmental Professional John E. Findley, M.S. Principal Environmental Professional THE EAVELIN GROUP REAL ESTATE DUE D111GFNCE � T t yyJJ `y 11 11 • �q \ 1 { •��, • ,, ., ,�' � ',�• '`its ,! i I. i - SUBJECT_ .i^ " PROPERTY 0o _�� /,+�•� :. flT ■� treetO 400 .0. } pn. It 4 • _ • - —'_ . •high � -� R ��•� ■-�i•��r. AL1.: J � �OyI .. . r. a /�4`•'`, � ' ��� �I s ■ V1.f i . . a- f � N PROJECT NAME: FIGURE 1: SITE LOCATION VACANT PARCEL MAP 195 79TH STREET W PROJECT # THE CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 2015-P0122-0024 VAAVELIN GROUP REw ERreEE DE n Gas CMiWIL LAMS suE•TacT PROPERTY WWI ?,,..W�Wf' lip' was_;+ •t.. �,. M Former ; q�•* '' . Former USTs —~ _ .4, AST - Former ' Redi-Mix ^Y Plartt 5 It,4 r' N PROJECT NAME: FIGURE 2: SITE PLAN VACANT PARCEL 195 79TH STREET W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 PROJECT # THE PMAVELIN 2015-PO122-0024 GROUP R. . o. uu —c w WLIAx SOIL BORING LOG VACANT PARCEL 195 79r" STREET W CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Javelin Project No. 2015-POI22-0024 Boring No./ Date Sample Depth ft Recovery (inches) Soil Description PID Result my 0-2 Gray/black topsoil sandy lean CLAY, dry stiff, no odors or staining <1 30 2 - 4 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 4-6 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 20 6- 8 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 8-10 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 40 GP -1 10-12 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, swamp odor, no staining 1.2 8/3/15 12-14 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, swamp odor, no staining 1.1 32 14-16 Gray sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 16-18 Gray sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 46 18-20 Gray sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 20-22 24 Gray sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 Refusal at 22' End of Boring PID = Photoionization detector; ppmv = parts per million by volume Note: Calibrated Mini Rae PID with isobutylene gas (100 ppmv) prior to field screening Driller — Range Environmental Drilling, Geoprobe Groundwater — Not Encountered Completion Time: 1250 THE AVELIN GROUP 68N.D MDMDDSG8 M WNSOLiA2d]9 SOIL BORING LOG VACANT PARCEL 195 79TH STREET W CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA Javelin Project No. 2015-PO122-0024 Boring No./ Date Sample Depth ft Recovery (inches) Soil Description PID Result my 0-2 Gray/tan topsoil sandy lean CLAY, dry stiff, no odors or staining <1 40 2 - 4 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, dry, stiff, no odors or staining <1 4-6 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 36 6 - 8 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 8-10 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 28 10-12 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 GP -2 8/3/15 12-14 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 30 14-16 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 16-18 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 40 18-20 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 20-22 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 20 22-24 Black sandy lean CLAY with a few rocks, moist, stiff, no odors or staining <1 PID = Photoionization detector; ppmv = parts per million by volume Note: Calibrated Mini Rae PID with isobutylene gas (100 ppmv) prior to field screening Driller — Range Environmental Drilling, Geoprobe Groundwater — Not Encountered Completion Time: 1415 THE �AX7ELIN GROUP A8N.8 TEDll DWG"V WNSLR.TgNTS PiceAnalytical wwwpacelabs.cnm May 18, 2015 Kevin Pierson The Javelin Group 10125 Crosstown Circle Suite 107 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 RE: Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 Dear Kevin Pierson: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on May 11, 2015. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current TNI standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kabor Xiong kabor.xiong@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures AT REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 1 of 13 t Pace Analytical Services, Inc. r/iaceAnalytical a 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 mm..pacelabs= Minneapolis, MN 55414 I612>607-1700 CERTIFICATIONS Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 Minnesota Certification IDs 1700 Elm Street SE Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55414 Minnesota Certification #: 027-053-137 A21 -A Certification #: 2926.01 Mississippi Certification #: Pace Alaska Certification M UST -078 Montana Certification #: MT0092 Alaska Certification #MN00064 Nevada Certification #: MN 00064 Alabama Certification #40770 Nebraska Certification #: Pace Arizona Certification #: AZ -0014 New Jersey Certification #: MN -002 Arkansas Certification #: 88-0680 New York Certification #: 11647 California Certification #: 011 55C North Carolina Certification #: 530 Colorado Certification #Pace North Carolina State Public Health #: 27700 Connecticut Certification #: PH -0256 North Dakota Certification M R-036 EPA Region 8 Certification #: 8TMS-L Ohio EPA #: 4150 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87606 Ohio VAP Certification #: CL101 Guam Certification #:14-008r Oklahoma Certification M 9507 Georgia Certification #: 959 Oregon Certification #: MN200001 Georgia EPD #: Pace Oregon Certification #: MN300001 Idaho Certification M MN00064 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-00563 Hawaii Certification #MN00064 Puerto Rico Certification Illinois Certification M 200011 Saipan (CNMI) #:MP0003 Indiana Certification#C-MN-01 South Carolina #:74003001 Iowa Certification #: 368 Texas Certification #: T104704192 Kansas Certification M E-10167 Tennessee Certification #: 02818 Kentucky Dept of Envi. Protection - DW #90062 Utah Certification #: MN000642013-4 Kentucky Dept of Envi. Protection - W W #:90062 Virginia DGS Certification #: 251 Louisiana DEQ Certification #: 3086 VirginiaNELAP Certification #: Pace Louisiana DHH M LA140001 Washington Certification #: C486 Maine Certification #: 2013011 West Virginia Certification #: 382 Maryland Certification #: 322 West Virginia DHHR#:9952C Michigan DEPH Certification #: 9909 Wisconsin Certification M 999407970 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in fuli, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 2 of 13 1171aceAnalytical i' wwwpacalabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 SAMPLE SUMMARY Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 10305821001 ST -3 (20 Feet) Solid 05/07/15 15:00 05/11/15 16:45 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 3 of 13 raceAnalytical aMw.pacela6scam SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported 10305821001 ST -3 (20 Feet) WI MOD DRO JRH 2 ASTM D2974 JDL 1 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 4 of 13 laceAnalytical e ewwPecelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-POI22-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 Method: WI MOD DRO Description: WIDRO GCS Client: The Javelin Group Date: May 18, 2015 General Information: 1 sample was analyzed for WI MOD DRO. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with WI MOD DRO with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Surrogates: All surrogates were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: OEXT/29152 A matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) were performed on the following sample(s): 10305372009 M1: Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. • MS (Lab ID: 1964184) • WDRO C10 -C28 • MSD (Lab ID: 1964185) • WDRO C10 -C28 Additional Comments: Analyte Comments: QC Batch: OEXT/29152 1M: The sample was re -weighed into a new container because the original container did not have a tare weight. • MS (Lab ID: 1964184) • n-Triacontane (S) " REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full. without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 5 of 13 FaceAnalytical www.pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 Method: WI MOD DRO Description: WIDRO GCS Client: The Javelin Group Date: May 18, 2015 Analyte Comments OC Batch: OEXT/29152 1M: The sample was re -weighed into a new container because the original container did not have a tare weight. • MSD (Lab ID: 1964185) • n-Triacontane (S) E: Analyte concentration exceeded the calibration range. The reported result is estimated. • MS (Lab ID: 1964184) • WDRO C10 -C28 • MSD (Lab ID: 1964185) • WDRO C10 -C28 T6: High boiling point hydrocarbons are present in the sample. • ST -3 (20 Feet) (Lab ID: 10305821001) • WDRO C10 -C28 T7: Low boiling point hydrocarbons are present in the sample. • MS (Lab ID: 1964184) • WDRO C10 -C28 • MSD (Lab ID: 1964185) • WDRO C10 -C28 • ST -3 (20 Feet) (Lab ID: 10305821001) • WDRO C1 O -C28 This data package has been reviewed for quality and completeness and is approved for release. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 6 of 13 /71aceAnalytical e w pscela6xmm ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)807-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 Sample: ST -3 (20 Feet) Lab ID: 10305821001 Collected: 05/07/15 15:00 Received: 05/11/15 16:45 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight' basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual WIDRO GCS Analytical Method: WI MOD DRO Preparation Method: WI MOD DRO WORD C10 -C28 49.2 mg/kg 10.6 1.2 1 05/13/15 13:04 05/15/15 10:57 T6,T7 Surrogates n-Triacontane (S) 86 %. 50-150 1 05/13/15 13:04 05/15/15 10:57 638-68-6 Dry Weight Analytical Method: ASTM D2974 Percent Moisture 14.0 % 0.10 0.10 1 05/13/1510:46 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 05/18/2015 03:10 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 7 of 13 J 116Analytical wwwpacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 QC Batch: MPRP/54355 Analysis Method: ASTM D2974 QC Batch Method: ASTM D2974 Analysis Description: Dry Weight/Percent Moisture Associated Lab Samples: 10305821001 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1963872 10305441018 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Percent Moisture % 9.9 10.4 6 30 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1963873 10305839004 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Percent Moisture % 14.3 14.2 0 30 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 05/18/2015 03:10 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 8 of 13 �aceAnalytical w pacalebscom QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-POI22-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 QC Batch: 0EXT/29152 Analysis Method: WI MOD DRO QC Batch Method: WI MOD DRO Analysis Description: WIDRO GCS Associated Lab Samples: 10305821001 METHOD BLANK: 1964181 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 10305821001 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers WDRO C10 -C28 mg/kg ND 10.0 05/15/15 10:09 n-Triacontane (S) %. 82 50-150 05/15/15 10:09 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 1964182 1964183 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rae Max Parameter Units Cone. Result Result % Rae % Rae Limits RPD RPD Qualifiers WDRO C10 -C28 mg/kg 80 58.5 67.2 73 84 70-120 14 20 n-Triacontane (S) %. 82 94 50-150 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1964184 1964185 MS MSD 10305372009 Spike Spike Ms MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Cone. Cone. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual WDRO C10 -C28 mg/kg 1130 89.8 89.8 1390 1440 287 339 70-120 3 20 E,M1, T7 n-Triacontane (S) %. 86 84 50-150 1M Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right or the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 05/18/2015 03:10 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 9 of 13 �aceAnalytical e tr www.parzla6s.com I QUALIFIERS Project: 2015-POI22-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 DEFINITIONS OF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. NO - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 6270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI - The NELAC Institute. WORKORDER QUALIFIERS WO: 10305821 11] Samples requiring thermal preservation were received outside of recommended temperature limits of 0-6 degrees Celsius. ANALYTE QUALIFIERS 1 M The sample was re -weighed into a new container because the original container did not have a tare weight. E Analyte concentration exceeded the calibration range. The reported result is estimated. M1 Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. T6 High boiling point hydrocarbons are present in the sample. T7 Low boiling point hydrocarbons are present in the sample. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 05/18/2015 03:10 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 10 of 13 /7f lace w ..pacelabs.wm i QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: 2015 -PO 122-0024 Pace Project No.: 10305821 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Date: 05/18/2015 03:10 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 11 of 13 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 10305821001 ST -3 (20 Feet) WI MOD DRO OEXT/29152 WI MOD DRO GCSV/15696 10305821001 ST -3 (20 Feet) ASTM D2974 MPRP/54355 Date: 05/18/2015 03:10 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 11 of 13 ci lNud V3 j N C�\yi Z. 0 _ 6 O 44 s ialooj polBes $ 'w a APo1sn0 a y J - INhJ aol uo Penleoea w ¢- 3 NUJ auPoM0lenplsaa A e 0e'ul dwel yN� a c a rc � 5' c— i N U 11881 516Aleubt -. J0410 loue4law sOVIN a H09N t y 10H g'... 4. ......-sONH _. os o °OSZH p Penaese,dun ff a$a �.e_# SWNIV1N00 d0# 14011031100 IV dW313ldWtlS W a f m S N � Z I W w W G Z F i W 6 N J O W a V w m �V gg Z (dW00-0 GV60=0) 3dA13ldNVS' ZS 2 E -£ 3 \ , (4-1 of sepoo ppan eas) 3000 XRf1W V,,. ma. r00 m (� Z N mo`H5v �`y85 O O € Lu J a o� 0 a G V fv 4 Q O i aap E S S N LL' Q W IL K #W31I N N.. V N! b' P b: T. 0' Page 12 of 1 • Client Name: Project#: WU# . 1-®3®584:4 A ��VE�Y/`7 tt p6 Courier: ❑FedEx []UPS ❑USPS -lent �I��I1I1IIlI��III�I� ❑Commercial ❑Pate ❑SpeeDee ❑Other: 103058211 Tracking Number: / �/ Optional: Proj. Due Dater Pro). Name: Custody Seal on Cooler/Box Present? ❑Yes [2lo Seals Intact? []Yes Eq o Packing Material: ❑Bubble Wrap []Bubble Bags ❑None ❑Other: Temp Blank? ❑Yes ❑No Thermometer ❑ B88A9130516413 ❑B A912167504 Used: Qfi88AO143310098 Type of Ice: et ❑Blue ❑None Samples on ice, tooting process has begun Cooler Temp Read (°C): -7.5 Cooler Temp Corrected (°C): 0 Biological Tissue Frozen? ❑Yes No N/ Temp should be above freezing to 6°C Correction Factor: "iz�..,$ Date and Initials of Person Examining Contents: USDA Regulated Soil ( ❑ N/A, water sample) Did samples originate in a quarantine zone within the United States: AL, AR, A2, CA, FL, GA, ID, LA. Id samples originate from a foreign source (internationally, r' MS, NC, NM, NY, OK, OR, SC, TN, TX or WA (check maps)? ❑- o Yes including Hawaii and Puerto Rico)? ❑Yes Ko If Yes to either question, fill out a Regulated Soil Checklist (F -MN -Q-338) and include with SOUR/COC paperwork. _ Document Name: Sample Condition Upon Receipt Form Document Revised: 23Feb2015 Pae 1 of 1 -�8CEAl)c7/�rtFC2I - J" Document No.: Issuing Authority: Chain of Custody Present? F-MN-L-213-rev.13 Pace Minnesota Quality Office • Client Name: Project#: WU# . 1-®3®584:4 A ��VE�Y/`7 tt p6 Courier: ❑FedEx []UPS ❑USPS -lent �I��I1I1IIlI��III�I� ❑Commercial ❑Pate ❑SpeeDee ❑Other: 103058211 Tracking Number: / �/ Optional: Proj. Due Dater Pro). Name: Custody Seal on Cooler/Box Present? ❑Yes [2lo Seals Intact? []Yes Eq o Packing Material: ❑Bubble Wrap []Bubble Bags ❑None ❑Other: Temp Blank? ❑Yes ❑No Thermometer ❑ B88A9130516413 ❑B A912167504 Used: Qfi88AO143310098 Type of Ice: et ❑Blue ❑None Samples on ice, tooting process has begun Cooler Temp Read (°C): -7.5 Cooler Temp Corrected (°C): 0 Biological Tissue Frozen? ❑Yes No N/ Temp should be above freezing to 6°C Correction Factor: "iz�..,$ Date and Initials of Person Examining Contents: USDA Regulated Soil ( ❑ N/A, water sample) Did samples originate in a quarantine zone within the United States: AL, AR, A2, CA, FL, GA, ID, LA. Id samples originate from a foreign source (internationally, r' MS, NC, NM, NY, OK, OR, SC, TN, TX or WA (check maps)? ❑- o Yes including Hawaii and Puerto Rico)? ❑Yes Ko If Yes to either question, fill out a Regulated Soil Checklist (F -MN -Q-338) and include with SOUR/COC paperwork. _ COMMENTS: Chain of Custody Present? es [IN. ❑N/A 1. Chain of Custody Filled Out? es ONO ❑N/A 2. Chain of Custody Relinquished? (s ONO ❑N/A 3. Sampler, Name and/or Signature on CDC? 1194r., ONO ❑N/A 4. Samples Arrived within Hold Time? MYes ONO ❑N/A S. Short Hold Time Analysis (<72 hr)? ❑Yes r o ❑N/A 6. Rush Turn Around Time Requested? ❑Yes ,I^ L7rvo ❑N/A 7. Sufficient Volume? es ON. ❑N/A 8. Correct Containers Used? es ONO ❑N/A 9. -Pace Containers Used? es ONO ❑N/A Containers Intact? . es LINO 10. Filtered Volume Received for Dissolved Tests? ONO ,❑,N//A�A (3rarA 11. Note if sediment is visible in the dissolved container Sample Labels Match COC? ,❑,Y/es Lyre s ON. ❑N/A 12. p i -includes Date/Time/ID/Analysis Matrix: ✓�'` All containers needing acid/base preservation have been 13. ❑HNO, ❑H2501 ❑NaOH ❑HCI checked? Oyes ONO EOt A All containers needing preservation are found to be in Sample # compliance with EPA recommendation? (HNO,, Hr$0.0 HCI<2; NaOH >9 Sulfide, NaOH>12 Cyanide) )]Yes ONO BN//A Exceptions: VOA, Coliform, TOC, Oil and Grease, Initial when Lot # of added DRO/8015 (water) DOC ❑ves Ejeo ❑N/A completed: preservative: Headspace in VOA Vials (>6mm)? ❑Yes [:IN. /A 14. Trip Blank Present? ❑ves ONO /A, 15. Trip Blank Custody Seals Present? ❑res ONO LYjN/A Pace Trip Blank Lot # if purchased): CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION Person Contacted: _ Com ments/Resolution: Project Manager Review: Note: Whenever there is a discrepancy affectingrth Ca hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers). Field Data Required? ❑Yes ❑No Date/Time: wal Date: jir(F2.rRr 1,a2r o'lO�, will be sent to the Nortl arolina DEHNR Certification Office ( Le out of Page 13 of 13 ,�1 P ceAnaljftal JJwwwpacelabs.com August 11, 2015 Kevin Pierson The Javelin Group 10125 Crosstown Circle Suite 107 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 RE: Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Dear Kevin Pierson: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on August 03, 2015. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current TNI standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, N�f, t }<� Kabor Xiong kabor.xiong@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 1 of 32 (717a"ce Analytical w..pacelsbs.=n Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Minnesota Certification IDs 1700 Elm Street SE Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55414 A21LA Certification #: 2926.01 Alaska Certification #: UST -078 Alaska Certification #MN00064 Alabama Certification #40770 Arizona Certification #: AZ -0014 Arkansas Certification #: 88-0680 California Certification M 01155CA Colorado Certification #Pace Connecticut Certification #: PH -0256 EPA Region 8 Certification #: 8TMS-L Florida/NELAP Certification M E87606 Guam Certification #:14-008r Georgia Certification #: 959 Georgia EPD #: Pace Idaho Certification #: MN00064 Hawaii Certification #MN00064 Illinois Certification M 200011 Indiana Certification#C-MN-01 Iowa Certification #: 368 Kansas Certcation M E-10167 Kentucky Dept of Envi. Protection - DW #90062 Kentucky Dept of Envi. Protection - WW #:90062 Louisiana DEQ Certification #: 3086 Louisiana DHH #: LA140001 Maine Certification #: 2013011 Maryland Certification #: 322 Michigan DEPH Certification M 9909 CERTIFICATIONS Minnesota Certification #: 027-053-137 Mississippi Certification #: Pace Montana Certification #: MT0092 Nevada Certification #: MN 00064 Nebraska Certification #: Pace New Jersey Certification #: MN -002 New York Certification #: 11647 North Carolina Certification #: 530 North Carolina State Public Health #: 27700 North Dakota Certification #: R-036 Ohio EPA #: 4150 Ohio VAP Certification #: CL101 Oklahoma Certification #: 9507 Oregon Certification #: MN200001 Oregon Certification #: MN300001 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-00563 Puerto Rico Certification Saipan (CNMI) #:MP0003 South Carolina #:74003001 Texas Certification #: T104704192 Tennessee Certification #: 02818 Utah Certification #: MN000642013-4 Virginia DGS Certification #: 251 Virginia/VELAP Certification M Pace Washington Certification #: C486 West Virginia Certification #: 382 West Virginia DHHR #:9952C Wisconsin Certification #: 999407970 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 2 of 32 11'wPaceAnalytical www.pacela6s.com Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Lab ID Sample ID 10316691001 GP -11.5' 10316691002 GP -121' 10316691003 GP -21.5' 10316691004 GP -2 23' 10316691005 Trip Blanks SAMPLE SUMMARY Matrix Date Collected Date Received Solid 08/03/1512:30 08/03/1516:01 Solid 08/03/1512:50 08/03/1516:01 Solid 08/03/1513:30 08/03/1516:01 Solid 08/03/1514:15 08/03/1516:01 Solid 08/03/15 00:00 08/03/15 16:01 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Page 3 of 32 117 ceAnalytical wwvpacela65.cpm Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Lab ID Sample ID 10316691001 GP -11.5' 10316691002 GP -121' 10316691003 GP -21.5' 10316691004 GP -2 23' 10316691005 Trip Blanks SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)007-1700 Analytes Method Analysts Reported WI MOD DRO JRH 2 WI MOD GRO CMB 2 EPA 6010C DM 7 EPA7471B JDD 1 ASTM D2974 JDL 1 EPA 8270D by SIM AS1 19 EPA 82606 SH2 7 WI MOD DRO JRH 2 WI MOD GRO CMB 2 EPA 82606 SH2 7 WI MOD DRO JRH 2 WI MOD GRO CMB 2 EPA6010C DM 7 EPA7471B JDD 1 ASTM D2974 JDL 1 EPA 8270D by SIM AS1 19 EPA 82606 SH2 7 WI MOD DRO JRH 2 WI MOD GRO CMB 2 ASTM D2974 JDL 1 EPA8260B SH2 7 WI MOD GRO CMB 2 EPA 8260B SH2 7 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 4 of 32 1�e Analytical e w,vwpacelabs cram PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Method: WI MOD DRO Description: WIDRO GCS Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 11, 2015 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 General Information: 4 samples were analyzed for WI MOD DRO. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain -of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: « The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with WI MOD DRO with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Surrogates: All surrogates were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: Analyte Comments: QC Batch: OEXT/30256 T6: High boiling point hydrocarbons are present in the sample. • GP -1 1.5' (Lab ID: 10316691001) • WDRO C10 -C28 • GP -1 21' (Lab ID: 10316691002) • WDRO C10 -C28 • GP -2 1.5' (Lab ID: 10316691003) • WDRO C10 -C28 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 5 of 32 ,�=Analyfidale wawpacelabs.wm PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Method: WI MOD GRO Description: WIGRO GCV Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 11, 2015 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 General Information: 5 samples were analyzed for Will MOD GRO. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain -of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 5030 Medium Soil with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Internal Standards: All internal standards were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Surrogates: All surrogates were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: GCV/14185 S2: Surrogate recovery outside laboratory control limits due to matrix interferences (confirmed by similar results from sample re- analysis). • GP -2 23' (Lab ID: 10316691004) • a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (S) Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 6 of 32 i PaceAnalytical w pacelabsxom PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Method: EPA 6010C Description: 6010C MET ICP Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 11, 2015 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)007-1700 General Information: 2 samples were analyzed for EPA 6010C. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain -of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 3050 with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: MPRP/56705 P8: Analyte was detected in the method blank. All associated samples had concentrations of at least ten times greater than the blank or were below the reporting limit. •BLANK (Lab ID: 2041229) • Barium • Chromium Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: Analyte Comments: QC Batch: MPRP/56705 P8: Analyte was detected in the method blank. All associated samples had concentrations of at least ten times greater than the blank or were below the reporting limit. • BLANK (Lab ID: 2041229) • Barium • Chromium REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 7 of 32 eAnalytical wwvpawlabs.own PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Method: EPA 74716 Description: 7471 B Mercury Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 11, 2015 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 General Information: 2 samples were analyzed for EPA 7471 B. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain -of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 7471 B with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 8 of 32 eAnalytical (( __ waw pacelabs corn I PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Method: EPA 8270D by SIM Description: 8270D MSSV PAH by SIM Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 11, 2015 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 General Information: 2 samples were analyzed for EPA 8270D by SIM. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain -of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 3550 with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Internal Standards: All internal standards were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Surrogates: All surrogates were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: OEXT/30270 S0: Surrogate recovery outside laboratory control limits. • MS (Lab ID: 2041862) •2-Fluorobiphenyl(S) • p-Terphenyl-d14 (S) Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: OEXT/30270 A matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) were performed on the following sample(s): 10316443001 M1: Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. • MS (Lab ID: 2041862)- • Acenaphthene • Acenaphthylene • Anthracene REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 9 of 32 PaceAnalytical w ..pa iabs.wm Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Method: EPA 8270D by SIM Description: 8270D MSSV PAH by SIM Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 11, 2015 QC Batch: OEXT/30270 PROJECT NARRATIVE A matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSO) were performed on the following sample(s): 10316443001 M1: Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. • Benzo(a)anthracene • Benzo(a)pyrene • Benzo(b)fluoranthene • Benzo(g,h,i)perylene • Benzo(k)fluoranthene • Chrysene • Dibenz(a,h)anthracene • Fluoranthene • Fluorene •lndeno(1,2,3-od)pyrene • Phenanthrene • Pyrene • MSD (Lab ID: 2041863) • Acenaphthene • Acenaphthylene • Anthracene • Benzo(a)anthracene • Benzo(a)pyrene • Benzo(b)fluoranthene • Benzo(g,h,i)perylene • Benzo(k)fluoranthene • Chrysene • Dibenz(a,h)anthracene • Fluorene •lndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene • Naphthalene • Phenanthrene • Pyrene R1: RPD value was outside control limits. • MSD (Lab ID: 2041863) • Naphthalene Additional Comments: Analyte Comments: QC Batch: OEXT/30270 D4: Sample was diluted due to the presence of high levels of target analytes. • MS (Lab ID: 2041862) • 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) • MSD (Lab ID: 2041863) • 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 10 of 32 Ing i ..PaceAnalytical www.pacefabs.com Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Method: EPA 82608 Description: 82608 MSV UST Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 11, 2015 PROJECT NARRATIVE Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 General Information: 5 samples were analyzed for EPA 82608. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain -of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Sample Preparation: The samples were prepared in accordance with EPA 5035/50308 with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. Internal Standards: All internal standards were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Surrogates: All surrogates were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Matrix Spikes: All percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) were within acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: MSV/32640 A matrix spike and/or matrix spike duplicate (MS/MSD) were performed on the following sample(s): 10316681002 Mt: Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. • MS (Lab ID: 2043304) • Toluene Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. Additional Comments: REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 11 of 32 150 PaceAnalytical w rpacelabs cam i Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Method: EPA 82608 Description: 8260B MSV UST Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 11, 2015 Analyte Comments: QC Batch: MSV/32640 PROJECT NARRATIVE 1 M: The sample could not achieve the 1:1 ratio of soil to methanol due to excessive sample weight. • DUP (Lab ID: 2043303) • 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) This data package has been reviewed for quality and completeness and is approved for release. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 12 of 32 ,46ceAnalytical v ..pacelabs.wm ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-P0l 22-0024 Randy Schold NO ug/kg 11.1 Pace Project No.: 10316691 1 08/05/1517:51 08/07/1523:37 83-32-9 Sample: GP -1 1.5' Lab ID: 10316691001 Collected: 06/03/15 12:30 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. 0.38 1 Report 08/07/15 23:37 208-96-8 Anthracene Parameters Results Units Limit MDL OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual WIDRO GCS Analytical Method: WI MOD DRO Preparation Method: WI MOD DRO Benzo(a)anthracene 64.4 WDRO C10 -C28 26.0 mg/kg 8.7 1.0 1 08/04/15 13:42 08/06/15 17:11 T6 Surrogates 56-55-3 - Benzo(a)pyrene 72.1 ug/kg n-Triacontane (S) 85 %. 50-150 1 08/04/15 13:42 08/06/15 17:11 638-68-6 WIGRO GCV Analytical Method: WI MOD GRO Preparation Method: EPA 5030 Medium Soil 11.1 Gasoline Range Organics NO mg/kg 10.7 2.2 1 08/05/15 09:12 08/06/15 14:39 205-99-2 Surrogates 44.7 ug/kg 11.1 0.39 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (S) 88 %. 80-150 1 08/05/15 09:12 08/06/15 14:39 98-08-8 6010C MET ICP Analytical Method: EPA6010C Preparation Method: EPA3050 11.1 0.44 Arsenic 6.7 mg/kg 0.81 0.20 1 08/05/1507:30 08/06/1515:12 7440-38-2 Barium 100 mg/kg 0.41 0.041 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:12 7440-39-3 Cadmium ND mg/kg 0.12 0.031 1 08/05/1507:30 08/06/1515:12 7440-43-9 Chromium 12.5 mg/kg 0.41 0.061 1 08/05/1507:30 08/06/1515:12 7440-47-3 Lead 9.4 mg/kg 0.41 0.098 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:12 7439-92-1 Selenium NO mg/kg 0.81 0.33 1 08/05/1507:30 08/06/1515:12 7782-49-2 Silver NO mg/kg 0.41 0.094 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:12 7440-22-4 7471 B Mercury Analytical Method: EPA 7471 B Preparation Method: EPA 74718 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 Mercury 0.031 mg/kg 0.020 0.0068 1 08/06/1508:02 08/06/1517:55 7439-97-6 Dry Weight Analytical Method: ASTM D2974 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 193-39-5 Percent Moisture 9.7 % 0.10 0.10 1 ug/kg 08/04/15 13:58 0.41 8270D MSSV PAH by SIM Analytical Method: EPA 82700 by SIM Preparation Method: EPA 3550 Acenaphthene NO ug/kg 11.1 0.40 1 08/05/1517:51 08/07/1523:37 83-32-9 Acenaphthylene 16.8 ug/kg 11.1 0.38 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 208-96-8 Anthracene 11.7 ug/kg 11.1 0.34 1 08/05/1517:51 08/07/1523:37 120.12-7 Benzo(a)anthracene 64.4 ug/kg 11.1 0.20 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 56-55-3 - Benzo(a)pyrene 72.1 ug/kg 11.1 0.22 1 08/05/1.5 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 50-32-8 Benzo(b)fluoranthene NO ug/kg 11.1 0.39 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 205-99-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 44.7 ug/kg 11.1 0.39 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 191-24-2 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 129 ug/kg 11.1 0.44 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 207-08-9 Chrysene 63.1 ug/kg 11.1 0.27 1 08/05/1517:51 08/07/1523:37 218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 11.9 ug/kg 11.1 0.48 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 53-70-3 Fluoranthene 108 ug/kg 11.1 0.24 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 206-44-0 Fluorene NO ug/kg 11.1 0.34 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 86-73-7 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 39.1 ug/kg 11.1 0.43 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 193-39-5 Naphthalene ND ug/kg 11.1 0.41 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 91-20-3 Phenanthrene 29.4 ug/kg 11.1 0.27 1 08/05/1517:51 08/07/1523:37 85-01-8 Pyrene 92.8 ug/kg 11.1 0.27 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 129-00-0 Total BaP Eq. MN 2006sh. ND=O 103 ug/kg 11.1 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 Surrogates 2-Fluorobiphenyl(S) 80 %. 55-125 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 321-60-8 p-Terphenyl-d 14 (S) 93 %. 30-150 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:37 1718-51-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 13 of 32 PaceAnalytical wwvpacelabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Sample: GP -1 1.5' Lab ID: 10316691001 Collected: 08/03/15 12:30 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted forpercent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 82608 MSV UST Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylene (Total) Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) Toluene -d8 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM Analytical Method: EPA 8260B Preparation Method: EPA 5035/5030B ND ug/kg 23.1 8.1 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1510:54 71-43-2 ND ug/kg 57.9 8.7 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1510:54 100-41-4 ND ug/kg 57.9 11.1 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 10:54 108-88-3 ND ug/kg 174 34.6 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 10:54 1330-20-7 92 %. 55-150 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1510:54 17060-07-0 101 %. 61-125 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1510:54 2037-26-5 97 %. 54-131 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1510:54 460-00-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 14 of 32 17 aceAnalytical' w .pacelabs= ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Sample: GP -1 21' Lab ID: 1 031 66 91 00 2 Collected: 08/03/15 12:50 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 'u1/t93iZKS? WDRO C10 -C28 Surrogates n-Triacontane (S) WIGRO GCV Gasoline Range Organics Surrogates a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (S) Percent Moisture 82608 MSV UST Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylene (Total) Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) Toluene -d8 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM Analytical Method: WI MOD DRO Preparation Method: WI MOD DRO 19.4 mg/kg 9.4 1.1 1 08/04/1513:42 08/06/1516:50 T6 76 %. 50-150 1 08/04/1513:42 08/06/1516:50 638-68-6 Analytical Method: WI MOD GRO Preparation Method: EPA 5030 Medium Soil NO mg/kg 13.9 2.8 1 08/05/15 09:12 .08/06/15 15:02 87 %. 80-150 1 08/05/15 09:12 08/06/15 15:02 98-08-8 Analytical Method: ASTM D2974 23.4 % 0.10 0.10 1 08/04/1513:58 Analytical Method: EPA 8260B Preparation Method: EPA 5035/50308 NO ug/kg 26.8 9.4 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:14 71-43-2 NO ug/kg 67.0 10.0 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:14 100-414 NO ug/kg 67.0 12.9 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:14 108-88-3 NO ug/kg 201 40.1 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:14 1330-20-7 92 %. 55-150 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:14 17060-07-0 101 °/a. 61-125 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:14 2037-26-5 96 %. 54-131 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:14 460-004 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 15 of 32 �-,Pacellnalytical www.paceiebs.crom ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Sample: GP -2 1.5' Lab ID: 10316691003 Collected: 08/03/15 13:30 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual WIDRO GCS WDRO C10 -C28 Surrogates n-Triacontane (S) WIGRO GCV Gasoline Range Organics Surrogates a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (S) 6010C MET ICP Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Selenium Silver 74718 Mercury Mercury Dry Weight Percent Moisture 8270D MSSV PAH by SIM Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Anthracene Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Chrysene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Fluoranthene Fluorene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Naphthalene Phenanthrene Pyrene Total BaP Eq. MN 2006sh. ND=O Surrogates 2-Fluorobiphenyl(S) p-Terphenyl-dl4 (S) Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM Analytical Method: WI MOD DRO Preparation Method: WI MOD DRO 29.9 mg/kg 8.6 0.99 1 08/04/15 13:42 08/06/15 16:37 T6 95 %. 50-150 1 08/04/15 13:42 08/06/15 16:37 638-68-6 Analytical Method: WI MOD GRO Preparation Method: EPA 5030 Medium Soil ND mg/kg 11.8 2.4 1 08/05/15 09:12 08/06/15 15:24 83 %. 80-150 1 08/05/15 09:12 08/06/15 15:24 98-08-8 Analytical Method: EPA 6010C Preparation Method: EPA 3050 4.9 mg/kg 0.88 0.21 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:43 7440-38-2 70.9 mg/kg 0.44 0.044 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:43 7440-39-3 ND mg/kg 0.13 0.033 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:43 7440-43-9 11.2 mg/kg 0.44 0.066 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:43 7440-47-3 8.0 mg/kg 0.44 0.11 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:43 7439-92-1 ND mg/kg 0.88 0.36 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:43 7782-49-2 ND mg/kg 0.44 0.10 1 08/05/15 07:30 08/06/15 15:43 7440-224 Analytical Method: EPA 74716 Preparation Method: EPA 74716 0.026 mg/kg 0.021 0.0073 1 08/06/15 08:02 08/06/15 17:57 7439-97-6 Analytical Method: ASTM D2974 10.2 % 0.10 0.10 1 08/04/1513:59 Analytical Method: EPA 8270D by SIM Preparation Method: EPA 3550 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.40 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 83-32-9 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.38 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 208-96-8 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.34 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 120-12-7 NO ug/kg 11.1 0.20 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 56-55-3 NO ug/kg 11.1 0.22 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 50-32-8 NO ug/kg 11.1 0.39 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 205-99-2 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.39 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 191-24-2 NO ug/kg 11.1 0.45 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 207-08-9 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.27 1 08/05/1517:51 08/07/1523:16 218-01-9 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.48 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 53-70-3 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.24 1 08/05/15 17:51. 08/07/15 23:16 206-44-0 - ND ug/kg 11.1 0.34 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 86-73-7 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.43 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 193-39-5 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.41 1 08/05/1517:51 08/07/1523:16 91-20-3 NO ug/kg 11.1 0.28 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 85-01-8 ND ug/kg 11.1 0.27 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 129-00-0 ND ug/kg 11.1 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 84 %. 55-125 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 321-60-8 96 %. 30-150 1 08/05/15 17:51 08/07/15 23:16 1718-51-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 16 of 32 f' ..aceilnalytical w ..pacelaas.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Sample: GP -2 1.6' Lab ID: 10316691003 Collected: 08/03/15 13:30 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 82608 MSV UST Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylene (Total) Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) Toluene -d8 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM Analytical Method: EPA 8260B Preparation Method: EPA 5035/50308 ND ug/kg 22.7 7.9 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:33 71-43-2 ND ug/kg 56.7 8.5 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:33 100-41-4 ND ug/kg 56.7 10.9 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:33 108-88-3 ND ug/kg 170 33.9 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:33 1330-20-7 89 %. 55-150 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:33 17060-07-0 101 %. 61-125 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:33 2037-26-5 98 %. 54-131 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1511:33 460-00-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 17 of 32 1jeAnaiytical wxaxlracelebaam ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Sample: GP -2 23' Lab ID: 10316691004 Collected: 08/03/15 14:15 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual WIDRO GCS WDRO C10 -C28 Surrogates - n-Triacontane (S) WIGRO GCV Gasoline Range Organics Surrogates a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (S) Dry Weight Percent Moisture 8260B MSV UST Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylene (Total) Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) Toluene -d8 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM Analytical Method: WI MOD DRO Preparation Method: WI MOD DRO 11.6 mg/kg 10 1.2 1 08/04/1513:42 08/06/1518:19 80 %. 50-150 1 08/04/1513:42 06/06/1518:19 638-68-6 Analytical Method: WI MOD GRO Preparation Method: EPA 5030 Medium Soil- . 30.2 mg/kg 13.3 2.7 1 08/05/15 09:12 08/09/15 13:12 77 %. 80-150 1 08/05/15 09:12 08/09/15 13:12 98-08-8 S2 Analytical Method: ASTM D2974 17.3 % 0.10 0.10 1 08/04/1513:59 Analytical Method: EPA 8260B Preparation Method: EPA 5035/50306 NO ug/kg 24.6 8.6 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 11:54 71-43-2 NO ug/kg 61.6 9.2 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 11:54 100-41-4 NO ug/kg 61.6 11.8 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 11:54 108-88-3 NO ug/kg 185 36.8 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 11:54 1330-20-7 92 %. 55-150 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 11:54 17060-07-0 101 %. 61-125 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 11:54 2037-26-5 95 %. 54-131 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 11:54 460-00-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of PaceAnalytical Services, Inc.. Page 18 of 32 �aceAnalytical' w ..pacelabs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Sample: Trip Blanks Lab ID: 10316691005 Results reported on a "wet -weight" basis Parameters WIGRO GCV Gasoline Range Organics Surrogates a,a,a-Trifluorotcluene (S) 82608 MSV UST Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylene (Total) Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) Toluene -d8 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 08/03/1500:00 Received: 08/03/1516:01 Matrix: Solid REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 19 of 32 Report Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Analytical Method: WI MOD GRO Preparation Method: EPA 5030 Medium Soil ND mg/kg 625 126 1 08/05/1509:12 08/06/1513:32 85 %. 80-150 1 08/05/15 09:12 08/06/15 13:32 98-08-8 Analytical Method: EPA 8260B Preparation Method: EPA 5035/50308 ND ug/kg 20.0 7.0 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1512:15 71-43-2 ND ug/kg 50.0 7.5 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1512:15 100-41-4 ND ug/kg 50.0 9.6 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 12:15 108-88-3 NO ug/kg 150 29.9 1 08/06/15 12:16 08/07/15 12:15 1330-20-7 13600 %. 55-150 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1512:15 17060-07-0 14800 %. 61-125 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1512:15 2037-26-5 15400 %. 54-131 1 08/06/1512:16 08/07/1512:15 460-00-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 19 of 32 laceAnalytical wawpacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 QC Batch: GCV/14185 Analysis Method: WI MOD GRO QC Batch Method: EPA 5030 Medium Soil Analysis Description: WIGRO Solid GCV Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691002, 10316691003, 10316691004, 10316691005 METHOD BLANK: 2041704 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691002, 10316691003, 10316691004, 10316691005 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Gasoline Range Organics mg/kg NO 10.0 08/06/15 13:08 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (S) %. 85 80-150 08/06/15 13:08 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 2041705 2041706 Spike LCS LCSD LIDS LCSD %Rea Max Parameter Units Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qualifiers Gasoline Range Organics mg/kg 50 47.0 46.0 94 92 80-120 2 20 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (S) %. %. 90 91 80-150 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 2041707 10316692001 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Gasoline Range Organics mg/kg NO 57.1 63.0 110 80-120 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (S) %. 91 80-150 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2041708 10316692005 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Gasoline Range Organics mg/kg NO 2.5J 20 a,a,a-Trifluorotoluene (S) %. 83 83 1 Results presented on this page are in Me units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 20 of 32 �-aceAnalyfical t. w pacelab&mm QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Scheid Pace Project No.: 10316691 QC Batch: MERP/14420 Analysis Method: EPA 74716 QC Batch Method: EPA 7471 B Analysis Description: 7471 B Mercury Solids Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691003 METHOD BLANK: 2042080 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691003 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Mercury mg/kg NO 0.018 08/06/1517:23 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2042081 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers Mercury mg/kg .48 0.50 104 80-120 - MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2042082 2042083 MS MSD 10316844001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD %Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Mercury mg/kg NO .45 .45 0.48 0.48 107 106 75-125 1 20 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 21 of 32 1117PaceAnalytical wav✓.pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 QC Batch: MPRP/56705 Analysis Method: EPA 6010C QC Batch Method: EPA 3050 Analysis Description: 6010C Solids Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691003 METHOD BLANK: 2041229 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691003 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Arsenic mg/kg NO 0.97 08/06/1515:06 Barium mg/kg 0.69 0.49 08/06/1515:06 P8 Cadmium mg/kg ND 0.15 08/06/1515:06 Chromium mg/kg 0.72 0.49 08/06/1515:06 P8 Lead mg/kg ND 0.49 08/06/1515:06 Selenium mg/kg ND 0.97 08/06/1515:06 Silver mg/kg ND 0.49 08/06/1515:06 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2041230 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Arsenic mg/kg 48.1 46.1 96 80-120 Barium mg/kg 48.1 49.6 103 80-120 Cadmium mg/kg 48.1 46.6 97 80-120 Chromium mg/kg 48.1 48.8 102 80-120 Lead mg/kg 48.1 47.2 98 80-120 Selenium mg/kg 48.1 45.7 95 80-120 Silver mg/kg 24 23.0 96 80-120 MATRIX SPIKE 8 MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2041231 2041232 MS MSD 10316691001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Arsenic mg/kg 5.7 41 41.3 38.2 40.2 79 84 75-125 5 20 Barium mg/kg 100 41 41.3 140 147 98 115 75-125 5 20 Cadmium mg/kg NO 41 41.3 34.0 35.5 83 86 75-125 4 20 Chromium mg/kg 12.5 41 41.3 47.6 49.6 86 90 75-125 4 20 Lead mg/kg 9.4 41 41.3 41.4 42.4 78 80 75-125 2 20 Selenium mg/kg NO 41 41.3 32.8- 34.6 8o 83 75-125 5 20 Silver mg/kg ND 20.5 20.7 17.0 17.8 83 86 75-125 5 20 Results presented on this page are in the units Indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right 0 the result REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 22 of 32 aceAnalytical www.pscalabs.cam t QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 QC Batch: MPRP/56697 Analysis Method: ASTM D2974 QC Batch Method: ASTM D2974 Analysis Description: Dry Weight/Percent Moisture Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691002, 10316691003, 10316691004 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2040807 10316644019 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Percent Moisture % 5.9 5.6 5 30 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2040993 10316273033 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Percent Moisture % 23.2 24.4 5 30 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 23 of 32 i / FaceAnalytical / w ,pace Yabs.wry QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold 10316681001 Dup Max Pace Project No.: 10316691 Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Benzene QC Batch: MSV/32640 NO Analysis Method: EPA 8260B 30 Ethylbenzene QC Batch Method: EPA 5035/5030B NO Analysis Description: 82608 MSV UST 30 Toluene Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691002, 10316691003, 10316691004, 10316691005 NO ND METHOD BLANK: 2042222 Xylene (Total) Matrix: Solid NO ND 30 Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691002, 10316691003, 10316691004, 10316691005 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers Benzene ug/kg NO 20.0 08/06/1513:18 Ethylbenzene ug/kg NO 50.0 08/06/1513:18 Toluene ug/kg NO 50.0 08/06/1513:18 Xylene (Total) ug/kg NO 150 08/06/15 13:18 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) %. 91 55-150 08/06/15 13:18 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) %. 98 54-131 08/06/15 13:18 Toluene -d8 (S) %. 102 61-125 08/06/15 13:18 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2042223 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Benzene ug/kg 1000 1090 109 69-125 Ethylbenzene ug/kg 1000 1050 105 72-125 Toluene ug/kg 1000 1100 110 72-125 Xylene (Total) ug/kg 3000 3280 109 74-125 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) %. 89 55-150 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) %. 103 54-131 Toluene -d8 (S) %. 100 61-125 - MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 2043304 10316681002 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conic. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Benzene ug/kg - ND 878 1090 124 63-126 Ethylbenzene ug/kg ND 878 1060 121 69-126 Toluene ug/kg ND 878 1130 129 66-128 M1 Xylene (Total) ug/kg ND 2630 3250 123 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) %. 90 55-150 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) %. 96 54-131 Toluene -d8 (S) %. 102 61-125 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2043303 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 24 of 32 10316681001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Benzene ug/kg NO ND 30 Ethylbenzene ug/kg NO ND 30 Toluene ug/kg NO ND 30 Xylene (Total) ug/kg NO ND 30 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 24 of 32 1 I aceAnalytical www.pacela6s.cpm QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2043303 10316681001 Cup Parameter Units Result Result RPD 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) %. 92 91 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) %. 99 97 Toluene -d8 (S) %. 102 101 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Max RPD Qualifiers 2 1M 2 1 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the" Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 25 of 32 PaceAnalytical w,vw.pacelabs.com Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 QC Batch: OEXT/30270 QC Batch Method: EPA 3550 Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001,10316691003 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Analysis Method: EPA 8270D by SIM Analysis Description: 8270D Solid PAH by SIM MSSV METHOD BLANK: 2041843 Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691003 Parameter Units Matrix: Blank Result Solid Reporting Limit Analyzed Acenaphthene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Acenaphthylene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Anthracene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/15 12:37 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/kg ND .10.0 08/06/15 12:37 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/kg ND 10.0 08/06/15 12:37 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/kg ND 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/kg ND 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/kg ND 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Chrysene ug/kg ND 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/15 12:37 Fluoranthene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Fluorene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Indeno(1,2,3-od)pyrene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/15 12:37 Naphthalene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Phenanthrene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/1512:37 Pyrene ug/kg NO 10.0 08/06/1512:37 2-Fluorobiphenyl(S) A. 68 55-125 08/06/15 12:37 p-Terphenyl-d14 (S) %. 86 30-150 08/06/15 12:37 Qualifiers LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 2041844 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits Acenaphthene ug/kg 33.3 30.1 90 53-125 Acenaphthylene ug/kg 33.3 29.4 88 53-125 Anthracene ug/kg 33.3 36.1 108 61-125 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/kg 33.3 29.5 88 62-125 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/kg 33.3 31.8 95 64-125 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/kg 33.3 31.2 93 66-125 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/kg 33.3 30.8 92 59-125 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/kg 33.3 34.4 103 61-125 Chrysene ug/kg 33.3 30.7 92 63-125 Dibenz(a, h)anthracene ug/kg 33.3 31.0 93 59-125 Fluoranthene ug/kg 33.3 31.7 95 64-125 Fluorene ug/kg 33.3 29.1 87 57-125 Indeno(1,2,3-od)pyrene ug/kg 33.3 31.0 93 58-125 Naphthalene ug/kg 33.3 28.5 85 52-125 Phenanthrene ug/kg 33.3 29.5 89 60-125 Pyrene - ug/kg 33.3 33.7 101 63-125 2-Fluorobiphenyl(S) %. 77 55-125 p-Terphenyl-d14 (S) %. 85 30-150 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 26 of 32 j r-PaceAnalytical x / www.pacela6s.crom { QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2041862 MS 10316443001 Spike Parameter Units Result Cone. MSD Spike Cone. 2041863 MS Result MSD Result MS %Rec MSD %Rec % Rae Limits Max RPD RPD Qual Acenaphthene ug/kg 385 34.4 34.4 397 452 33 194 39-125 13 30 Mt Acenaphthylene ug/kg NO 34.4 34.4 144J 186J 419 539 30-150 30 M1 Anthracene ug/kg 950 34.4 34.4 832 780 -342 -495 30-150 7 30 M1 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/kg NO 34.4 34.4 ND 244J -422 287 30-150 30 M1 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/kg NO 34.4 34.4 ND NO 0 0 30-150 30 M7 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/kg NO 34.4 34.4 ND ND 0 0 30-150 30 M1 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene ug/kg NO 34.4 34.4 NO ND 0 0 30-150 30 M1 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/kg NO 34.4 34.4 NO ND 0 0 30-150 30 M1 Chrysene ug/kg 270 34.4 34.4 231J 330 -113 173 30-150 30 M1 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/kg ND 34.4 34.4 ND NO 0 0 30-150 30 M1 Fluoranthene ` ug/kg NO 34.4 34.4 1951 212J 16 67 30-150 30 M1 Fluorene ug/kg 828 34.4 34.4 821 900 -18 211 30-146 9 30 M1 Indeno(1,2,3-od)pyrene ug/kg NO 34.4 34.4 NO ND 0 0 30-150 30 M1 Naphthalene ug/kg 359 34.4 34.4 371 520 36 467 30-131 33 30 M1,R1 Phenanthrene ug/kg 2570 34.4 34.4 2430 2680 -412 327 30-150 10 30 M1 Pyrene ug/kg 484 34.4 34.4 406 1801 -228 -885 30-150 30 M1 2-Fluorobiphenyl(S) %. 0 116 55-125 D4, P3, SO p-Terphenyl-d14 (S) %. 0 116 30-150 SO Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the"Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 27 of 32 O hceAnalytical e w pacalabs.cou, QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 QC Batch: OEXT/30256 Analysis Method: WI MOD DRO QC Batch Method: WI MOD DRO Analysis Description: WIDRO GCS ' Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691002, 10316691003, 10316691004 METHOD BLANK: 2041056 Matrix: Solid 2041058 Associated Lab Samples: 10316691001, 10316691002, 10316691003, 10316691004 .Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD Blank Reporting Parameter Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Qualifiers WDRO C10 -C28 mg/kg ND 10.0 08/06/15 16:23 n-Triacomane (S) %. 82 50-150 08/06/15 16:23 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 2041057 2041058 .Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Conc. Result Result %Rec %Rec Limits RPD RPD Qualifiers WDRO C10 -C28 mg/kg 80 92.8 76.9 116 96 70-120 19 20 n-Triacontane (S) %. 119 93 50-150 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Dale: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 28 of 32 ® Pace Analytical Services, Inc. aceAnalytical 700 Elm t - Suite 200 Minneapolis, olis, MN 55414 w ..pwelabs.com (612)607-1700 QUALIFIERS Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316691 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. NO - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL- Reporting Limit. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI -The NELAC Institute. WORKORDER QUALIFIERS WO: 10316691 Ill Samples were received outside of the recommended temperature range of 0-6 degrees Celsius. The samples were received from the field on ice, indicating the cool down process had begun. ANALYTE QUALIFIERS 1 M The sample could not achieve the 1:1 ratio of soil to methanol due to excessive sample weight. D4 Sample was diluted due to the presence of high levels of target analytes. Mt Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery. P3 Sample extract could not be concentrated to the routine final volume, resulting in elevated reporting limits. P8 Analyte was detected in the method blank. All associated samples had concentrations of at least ten times greater than the blank or were below the reporting limit. R1 RPD value was outside control limits. SO Surrogate recovery outside laboratory control limits. S2 Surrogate recovery outside laboratory control limits due to matrix interferences (confirmed by similar results from sample re -analysis). T6 High boiling point hydrocarbons are present in the sample. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 29 of 32 1 P ceAnalytical J w ..pacelabi I QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: Pace Project No.: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold 10316691 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 10316691001 GP -1 1.5' WI MOD DRO OEXT/30256 WI MOD DRO GCSV/16401 10316691002 1 21' WI MOD DRO OEXT/30256 WI MOD DRO GCSV/16401 10316691003 G13-2 1.5' WI MOD DRO OEXT/30256 WI MOD DRO GCSV/16401 10316691004 GP -2 23' WI MOD DRO OEXT/30256 WI MOD DRO GCSV/16401 10316691001 GP -1 1.5' EPA 5030 Medium Soil GCV/14185 WI MOD GRO GCV114196 10316691002 GP -1 21' EPA 5030 Medium Soil GCV/14185 WI MOD GRO GCV/14196 10316691003 GP -2 1.5' EPA 5030 Medium Soil GCV/14185 WI MOD GRO GCV/14196 10316691004 GP -2 23' EPA 5030 Medium Soil GCV114185 WI MOD GRO GCV/14196 10316691005 Trip Blanks EPA 5030 Medium Soil GCV/14185 WI MOD GRO GCV/14196 10316691001 GP -11.5' EPA 3050 MPRP/56705 EPA 6010C ICP/24831 10316691003 GP -21.5' EPA 3050 MPRP/56705 EPA 6010C ICP/24831 10316691001 GP -11.5' EPA 7471B MERP/14420 EPA 74716 MERC/16819 10316691003 GP -21.5' EPA 74716 MERP/14420 EPA 7471B MERC116819 10316691001 GP -1 1.5' ASTM D2974 MPRP/56697 10316691003 GP -21.5' ASTM D2974 MPRP/56697 10316691004 GP -2 23' ASTM D2974 MPRP/56697 10316691001 GP -1 1.5' EPA 3550 OEXT/30270 EPA 8270D by SIM MSSV/12859 10316691003 GP -2 1.5' EPA 3550 OEXT/30270 EPA 8270D by SIM MSSV/12859 10316691001 GP -11.5' EPA 5035/50308 MSV/32640 EPA 82606 MSV132656 10316691002 GP -121' EPA 5035/5030B MSV132640 EPA 82606 MSV/32656 10316691003 GP -21.5' EPA 5035/5030B MSV/32640 EPA 82606 MSV/32656 10316691004 GP -2 23' EPA 5035/5030B MSV132640 EPA 82608 MSV/32656 10316691005 Trip Blanks EPA 5035/50308 MSV/32640 EPA 82606 MSV/32656 Date: 08/11/2015 08:37 AM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 30 of 32 O (NIA) - aoelul seldweS 3 O 6 z 2 Z Q (NIA) Z = _.. n[ h O. 0 u 101000 paleeS APeIsn0 w (NIA) 801 Wuo Penlaaey u. Q (N/A) aupol401enplsab., a - 0. ul dwel } Z "\ Q ~ j� M G w 9 ;lvtOW 4N74�fd dog tN IA. t SSBI SISh1e0\/t m �a41O Ioua440W ': o. l i eOZS�eN a 2 HOeN h IOH- R EONM E z, _ d 'WH" w 0 PaNaseidun S} `~ , SHEINIV1N000#8 a E &. IL N01103TI001V 8W313ldWVS rc rc a a "g E W z J F 0 a 3 w O 2 F I iz 6 uk ATT3Tiii 4 � m u1 Z (dW00=0 eV210=9) 3dA13ldWVS (llel o�wpoa wren eas) 3000 X@AVW p E E c hh "� m y 3t�3arcmh Z 6 C A drs c ti O C xLL, �q N F C O a• � L N n c�%gg p d o33a$8 i w ? € Wmii J A. d ArE3 S Qa� O O o (n E r MNaoE E¢ w #W311 �». w ie N:, m A.. m: m.. P F r age 31 OF; Sell v Yn, 7 _jy,s L c i_ptional Pio?-Run rlaic. - r>IOf Name: Custody Sea. on Cooler/Coll Present. �� . >< Na Seals intact" Packing Material: [ t ubhie Wrap [_�Bunble Lags []Non c Doilly _ �. Iemp Blank? (�Ye, Thermometer DkF8A9J.i0S16 1 f] Bo8Au+$ 1(750A "� Wed: ( Type of ice Ir,a [�8lue QNc:fet rnp'es'. iu,t., cooling ,nor css La °. pegun tt O1R'.31UU.ol- 5 Cooler Temp Read { C) 7�. L _ Cooler Temp Corrected ('Q: (S. S Biological Tissue Frozen? []Yc:s �No Quip should be ahovc free rg to b C Correction Factor �T _ Date and initials of Person Examining Contents: ll?"t g� jls USDA Regulated Sod - g- ( (A, water ,ainpie) _ ._...._ Did samples originate in a quarantine zone within'the Ltnited Slal'es; Ai, AR, A2, G1, FI, Gr:,.i D, LA, Did .ample> srip,inate Pram a teeef8n source IIi,Mnr,+tionaiN, MS, NC, NM, NY, 0K, OR, SC, IN, fX or W.A lcheck maps)v oYe, DNo including Ngwaii and 4+uerin Ricd-> 1.�IYes []No If Yes to either question, fill out. a Regulated Soil Checklist (F -MN -Q338) and include with SCUR/COC paperwork. IL 1 Chain of Custody Present? LJ'€«- Document Name: Document Revised 23Feb2015 1 1 - ' I ! accnai tical Sample Condition Upon Receipt Form _ _ _ _ Page 1 of t _ ON/h uI u,nt No„ f I nnl Aid hoi ity I - FMN -L 213 rev.13 Pace PArmiciseta Quality Client Name! NMIrl� Project M Wit 1e3- 1— — J- � , • 1 -- - - Courier: [� F 1�x UPS � - _ --- ( usF.S rf`IltnY _j ILIA 4 I X1111 [jCUrlmereiar (]i ace t]5ri<cDee I [jathe�r. j�h(A 6 .r Tracking Number: �.___ - Rush Turn Around Time Requestedv Dye. Sell v Yn, 7 _jy,s L c i_ptional Pio?-Run rlaic. - r>IOf Name: Custody Sea. on Cooler/Coll Present. �� . >< Na Seals intact" Packing Material: [ t ubhie Wrap [_�Bunble Lags []Non c Doilly _ �. Iemp Blank? (�Ye, Thermometer DkF8A9J.i0S16 1 f] Bo8Au+$ 1(750A "� Wed: ( Type of ice Ir,a [�8lue QNc:fet rnp'es'. iu,t., cooling ,nor css La °. pegun tt O1R'.31UU.ol- 5 Cooler Temp Read { C) 7�. L _ Cooler Temp Corrected ('Q: (S. S Biological Tissue Frozen? []Yc:s �No Quip should be ahovc free rg to b C Correction Factor �T _ Date and initials of Person Examining Contents: ll?"t g� jls USDA Regulated Sod - g- ( (A, water ,ainpie) _ ._...._ Did samples originate in a quarantine zone within'the Ltnited Slal'es; Ai, AR, A2, G1, FI, Gr:,.i D, LA, Did .ample> srip,inate Pram a teeef8n source IIi,Mnr,+tionaiN, MS, NC, NM, NY, 0K, OR, SC, IN, fX or W.A lcheck maps)v oYe, DNo including Ngwaii and 4+uerin Ricd-> 1.�IYes []No If Yes to either question, fill out. a Regulated Soil Checklist (F -MN -Q338) and include with SCUR/COC paperwork. IL 1 Chain of Custody Present? LJ'€«- n, 1 Chain of Custody Plied Out? —6Z.❑P ❑rdu ON/h jctnin of Custody Relinguihed, , 19Ya _❑No ON/A 5 rm1)1(r Name andJor Srgm woe on Cp%? sr- EJNo ❑,d/n 4 Sa_mpieslam d _ within Hold Tnnc __ _ ❑roc j�h(A 6 Short Hold Time Analysis (<72 hr)v Ov F(Ncl Orin - Rush Turn Around Time Requestedv Dye. [� ORIA 7 SI ufficient Volume? _v _ _ ON, DWI g. _. Correct Containers Used? [ ie. ONo DN/A §. -Van ioi UsedS' qN tact' Containe is iota t [-e< � ONO ❑I.S ON -� 10 Fflter_d Volume Received for Dissolved 4.t? ❑Yns 0�/No [jX1A Nctc if.dimcm is visible in thrdisolreo containc-_ Samples Libels Match COC? ❑vis CSN [JNrn X11 112. DUJ U Q' Scv NPJ .. -Includes DateJTum.Jil jAnaly9s Matrix: p�hipjAS'`� Ail container needntg acrd/base preservation have been _k� _ E]H;SOa [_jNaOH nl-!CI checked? ❑,es ❑No NJA All containers needing preservation are found to be in Sample ll I compliance with EPA rec'umrnendation7 I I (I-INO;, HsSO.f, HGQ; NaOH >9 Sulfide, NaOH>12 Cyanide) [}yec ['jNo Lv/a. � I ExceptionsVOA,Colftoun TOC, Oil and Gre,se1, / orrtrtl When Lot o(added Dftp1801 (w z[cr)DOC ❑ : complrtcd-_ _. picservatme Heausp ice in VOA Vials t 6mm)? _ Oyes ONO - 14 I I r;P Blink Pre,ent: Trip blank Custody Seals Pf esent? ❑i, ❑ el, ONO QNo f- hl1„ _ Paca, "fop Blank Lot I,eaf purchased). CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION Person Contacted: Comments/Res_o I ution: Project Manager Review Ncfr: Whenevni thcors ad).So eliawltef(r, Wi' loin Camilo, holo, inure ect presen+atroe ow of teirpnilrred (ootaino'), Field Data Required? [,_]Yes [„�No Dete./Timc: -___Date YP t In , , _ py of th+s form willle cfnc.utn t, rh Criolrn+ DFN3Crrltfis__,Imn C'¢ Page 32 of 32 i PaceAnalytical w ..➢acelabs.wrn August 06, 2015 Kevin Pierson The Javelin Group 10125 Crosstown Circle Suite 107 Eden Prairie, MN 55344 RE: Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 Dear Kevin Pierson: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on August 03, 2015. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current TNI standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kabor Xiong kabor.xiong@pacelabs.com Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 1 of 20 �daceAnalytical / www.pacelabs.cnm i Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-POl22-0024 Randy Scheid Pace Project No.: 10316659 Minnesota Certification IDs 1700 Elm Street SE Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55414 A21 -A Certification #: 2926.01 Alaska Certification #: UST -078 Alaska Certification #MN00064 Alabama Certification #40770 Arizona Certification #: AZ -0014 Arkansas Certification #: 88-0680 California Certification #: 011 55C Colorado Certification #Pace Connecticut Certification #: PH -0256 EPA Region 8 Certification #: 8TMS-L Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87605 Guam Certification #:14-008r Georgia Certification #: 959 Georgia EPD #: Pace Idaho Certification #: MN00064 Hawaii Certification #MN00064 Illinois Certification #: 200011 Indiana Certification#C-MN-01 Iowa Certification #: 368 Kansas Certification #: E-10167 Kentucky Dept of Envi. Protection - DW #90062 Kentucky Dept of Envi. Protection - VAN #:90062 Louisiana DEQ Certification #: 3086 Louisiana DHH #: LA140001 Maine Certification #: 2013011 Maryland Certification #: 322 Michigan DEPH Certification #: 9909 CERTIFICATIONS Minnesota Certification M 027-053-137 Mississippi Certification M Pace Montana Certification M MT0092 Nevada Certification M MN 00064 Nebraska Certification #: Pace New Jersey Certification #: MN -002 New York Certification* 11647 North Carolina Certification #: 530 North Carolina State Public Health #: 27700 North Dakota Certification #: R-036 Ohio EPA #: 4150 Ohio VAP Certification #: CL101 Oklahoma Certification #: 9507 Oregon Certification #: MN200001 Oregon Certification #: MN300001 Pennsylvania Certification #: 68-00563 Puerto Rico Certification Saipan (CNMI) #:MP0003 South Carolina #:74003001 Texas Certification #: T104704192 Tennessee Certification M 02818 Utah Certification #: MN000642013-4 Virginia DGS Certification #: 251 VirginiaNELAP Certification #: Pace Washington Certification M C486 West Virginia Certification #: 382 West Virginia DHHR #:9952C Wisconsin Certification #: 999407970 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 2 of 20 aceAnalytical �� 11 wtwLpacelehs.wm Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 SAMPLE SUMMARY Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 10316659001 10316659002 SV -14' SV -2 4' Air Air 08/03/1512:40 08/03/15 13:40 08/03/1516:01 08/03/15 16:01 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in Full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 3 of 20 �IaceAnalyticalo r a pacelebs.cnm I Project: 2015-POl 22-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 Lab ID Sample ID 10316659001 SV -14' 10316659002 SV -2 4' SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Method TO -15 TO -15 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Analytes Analysts Reported MJL 61 MJL 61 Page 4 of 20 I� 4 � RaceAnalytical Tpacelabs cram PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-POI22-0024 Randy Scheid Pace Project No.: 10316659 Date: August 06, 2015 SV -1 4' (Lab ID: 10316659001) • Ki: The Total Hydrocarbon (THC) pattern occured in the first half of the chromatogram (before toluene). SV -2 4' (Lab ID: 10316659002) Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 K3: The Total Hydrocarbon (THC) pattern is evenly distributed throughout the chromatogram (before and after toluene). REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 5 of 20 �,-laceAnalydcal' Jwww.pacelabs.crom 7 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 Method: TO -15 Description: T015 MSV AIR Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 06, 2015 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 General Information: 2 samples were analyzed for TO -15. All samples were received in acceptable condition with any exceptions noted below or on the chain -of custody and/or the sample condition upon receipt form (SCUR) attached at the end of this report. Hold Time: The samples were analyzed within the method required hold times with any exceptions noted below. Initial Calibrations (including MS Tune as applicable): All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: AIR/23844 SS: This analyte did not meet the secondary source verification criteria for the initial calibration. The reported result should be considered an estimated value. • OUP (Lab ID: 2041811) • Naphthalene • LCS (Lab ID: 2041180) • 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene • Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene • Naphthalene • SV -2 4' (Lab ID: 10316659002) • Naphthalene Continuing Calibration: All criteria were within method requirements with any exceptions noted below. QC Batch: AIR/23844 CH: The continuing calibration for this compound is outside of Pace Analytical acceptance limits. The results may be biased high. • DUP (Lab ID: 2041811) • Ethanol LCS (Lab ID: 2041180) • Ethanol SV -24' (Lab ID: 10316659002) • Ethanol Internal Standards: All internal standards were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below Method Blank: All analytes were below the report limit in the method blank, where applicable, with any exceptions noted below. Laboratory Control Spike: All laboratory control spike compounds were within QC limits with any exceptions noted below. Duplicate Sample: All duplicate sample results were within method acceptance criteria with any exceptions noted below. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 6 of 20 ® Pace Analytical Services, Inc. aceAnalytical 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 w pacelaAccmn Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 PROJECT NARRATIVE Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 Method: TO -15 Description: T015 MSV AIR Client: The Javelin Group Date: August 06, 2015 QC Batch: AIR/23844 R1: RPD value was outside control limits. • DUP (Lab ID: 2041811) • Ethanol • n-Heptane Additional Comments: Analyte Comments: QC Batch: AIR/23844 E: Analyte concentration exceeded the calibration range. The reported result is estimated. • DUP (Lab ID: 2041811) • Acetone • SV -2 4' (Lab ID: 10316659002) • Acetone This data package has been reviewed for quality and completeness and is approved for release. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 7 of 20 /�aceAnalytical w pacslebs.com ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 - Sample: SV -1 4' Lab ID: 10316659001 Collected: 08/03/15 12:40 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO -15 Acetone 180 ug/m3 26.0 9.0 10.79 08/05/1514:10 67-64-1 Benzene 7.3 ug/m3 0.52 0.20 1.61 08/04/1520:50 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 1.7 0.27 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/m3 2.2 0.31 1.61 08/04/1520:50 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/m3 3.4 1.5 1.61 08/04/1520:50 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/m3 1.3 0.50 1.61 08/04/1520:50 74-83-9 1,3 -Butadiene ND ug/m3 0.72 0.28 1.61 08/04/1520:50 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) 16.1 ug/m3 0.97 0.37 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide 4.9 ug/m3 1.0 0.16 1.61 08/04/1520:50 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 1.0 0.31 1.61 08/04/1520:50 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 1.5 0.22 1.61 08/04/1520:50 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/m3 0.87 0.31 1.61 08/04/1520:50 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.80 0.31 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 67-66-3 Chloromethane 2.1 ug/m3 0.68 0.17 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 74-87-3 Cyclohexane 5.5 ug/m3 1.1 0.51 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 2.8 1.4 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 2.5 1.2 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 106-93-4 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 2.0 0.82 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 95-50-1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 2.0 0.85 1.61 08/04/1520:50 541-73-1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 2.0 0.80 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane 2.3 ug/m3 1.6 0.77 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.3 0.25 1.61 08/04/1520:50 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.66 0.33 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 1.3 0.38 1.61 _ 08/04/1520:50 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 1.3 0.40 1.61 08/04/1520:50 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/m3 1.3 0.62 1.61 08/04/1520:50 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/m3 1.5 0.43 1.61 08/04/1520:50 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 1.5 0.59 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 10061-01-5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/m3 1.5 0.42 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ND ug/m3 2.3 0.50 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 76-14-2 Ethanol 397 ug/m3 10.4 2.9 10.79 - 08/05/1514:10 64-17-5 Ethyl acetate 1.3 ug/m3 1.2 0.56 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene 2.0 ug/m3 1.4 0.68 1.61 08/04/1520:50 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 1.6 0.30 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 622-96-8 n-Heptane 6.2 ug/m3 1.3 0.45 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 3.5 1.0 1.61 08/04/1520:50 87-68-3 n -Hexane 32.2 ug/m3 7.8 3.9 10.79 08/05/1514:10 110-54-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/m3 1.3 0.66 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride 49.4 ug/m3 38.1 5.8 10.79 08/05/15 14:10 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone(MIBK) ND ug/m3 1.3 0.35 1.61 08/04/1520:50 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 1.2 0.49 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 1634-04-4 Naphthalene ND ug/m3 4.3 0.49 1.61 08/04/1520:50 91-20-3 2 -Propanol ND ug/m3 2.0 0.39 1.61 08/04/1520:50 67-63-0 Propylene 269 ug/m3 3.8 1.5 10.79 08/05/1514:10 115-07-1 Styrene ND ug/m3 1.4 0.31 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 100-42-5 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane ND ug/m3 1.1 0.53 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 79-34-5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 8 of 20 aceAnalytical w pacefabs.corn I ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 Sample: SV -7 4' Lab ID: 10316659001 Collected: 08/03/15 12:40 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO -15 Tetrachloroethene NO ug/m3 1.1 0.45 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 0.97 0.19 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 109-99-9 Toluene 15.7 ug/m3 1.2 0.25 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene NO ug/m3 6.1 1.5 1.61 08/04/1520:50 120-82-1 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.8 0.40 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 71-55-6 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.89 0.40 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.89 0.44 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane 2.1 ug/m3 1.8 0.21 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 75-69-4 1, 1,2-Trich lorotrifluoroetha ne NO ug/m3 2.6 0.48 1.61 08/04/1520:50 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.9 ug/m3 1.6 0.20 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene NO ug/m3 1.6 0.29 1.61 08/04/1520:50 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate 4.3 ug/m3 1.2 0.53 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.42 0.31 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene 5.1 ug/m3 2.8 1.3 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 179601-23-1 o -Xylene 1.8 ug/m3 1.4 0.57 1.61 08/04/15 20:50 95-47-6 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 9 of 20 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. PacelAnalXica'o eStreet -200 170Mn1 apols,, MN' 65414 li �oacxabss.com (612)607-1700 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 Sample: SV -2 4' Lab ID: 10316659002 Collected: 08/03/15 13:40 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL OF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO -15 Acetone 221 ug/m3 3.7 1.3 1.55 08/04/1519:42 67-64-1 E Benzene 3.7 ug/m3 0.50 0.19 1.55 08/04/1519:42 71-43-2 Benzyl chloride ND ug/m3 1.6 0.26 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 100-44-7 Bromodichloromethane NO ug/m3 2.1 0.30 1.55 08/04/1519:42 75-27-4 Bromoform NO ug/m3 3.3 1.4 1.55 08/04/1519:42 75-25-2 Bromomethane NO ug/m3 1.2 0.48 1.55 08/04/1519:42 74-83-9 1,3 -Butadiene NO ug/m3 0.70 0.27 1.55 08/04/1519:42 106-99-0 2-Butanone (MEK) 33.3 ug/m3 0.93 0.35 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 78-93-3 Carbon disulfide 1.7 ug/m3 0.98 0.16 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/m3 0.99 0.30 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/m3 1.5 0.21 1.55 08/04/1519:42 108-90-7 Chloroethane NO ug/m3 0.84 0.30 1.55 08/04/1519:42 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/m3 0.77 0.29 1.55 08/04/1519:42 67-66-3 Chloromethane 1.6 ug/m3 0.65. 0.17 1.55 08/04/1519:42 74-87-3 Cyclohexane 1.1 ug/m3 1.1 0.49 1.55 08/04/1519:42 110-82-7 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/m3 2.7 1.3 1.55 08/04/1519:42 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/m3 2.4 1.2 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 106-93-4 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene NO ug/m3 1.9 0.79 1.55 08/04/1519:42 95-50-1 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene 6.2 ug/m3 1.9 - 0.82 1.55 08/04/1519:42 541-73-1 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene NO ug/m3 1.9 0.77 1.55 08/04/1519:42 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane 1.7 ug/m3 1.6 0.74 1.55 08/04/1519:42 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane NO ug/m3 1.3 0.24 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane NO ug/m3 0.64 0.32 1.55 08/04/1519:42 107-06-2 1,1-Dichlorcethene NO ug/m3 1.3 0.37 1.55 08/04/1519:42 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ug/m3 1.3 0.38 1.55 08/04/1519:42 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene NO ug/m3 1.3 0.60 1.55 08/04/1519:42 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane NO ug/m3 1.5 0.42 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 78-87-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene NO ug/m3 1.4 0.57 1.55 08/04/1519:42 10061-01-5 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene NO ug/m3 1.4 0.40 1.55 08/04/1519:42 10061-02-6 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane NO ug/m3 2.2 0.48 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 76-14-2 Ethanol 81.5 ug/m3 1.5 0.41 1.55 08/04/1519:42 64-17-5 CH Ethyl acetate ND ug/m3 1.1 0.54 1.55 08/04/1519:42 141-78-6 Ethylbenzene 1.4 ug/m3 1.4 0.66 1.55 08/04/1519:42 100-41-4 4-Ethyltoluene ND ug/m3 1.6 0.29 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 622-96-8 n-Heptane 3.3 ug/m3 1.3 0.43 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 142-82-5 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/m3 3.4 1.0 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 87-68-3 n -Hexane 8.4 ug/m3 1.1 0.55 1.55 08/04/1519:42 110-54-3 2-Hexanone 4.0 ug/m3 1.3 0.64 1.55 08/04/1519:42 591-78-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/m3 5.5 0.84 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 75-09-2 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 1.6 ug/m3 1.3 0.34 1.55 08/04/1519:42 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/m3 1.1 0.47 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 1634-04-4 Naphthalene 8.3 ug/m3 4.1 0.47 1.55 08/04/1519:42 91-20-3 SS 2 -Propanol 7.3 ug/m3 1.9 0.37 1.55 08/04/1519:42 67-63-0 Propylene 61.6 ug/m3 0.54 0.21 1.55 08/04/1519:42 115-07-1 Styrene NO ug/m3 1.3 0.30 1.55 08/04/1519:42 100-42-5 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane NO ug/m3 1.1 0.51 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 79-34-5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 10 of 20 �aceAnalytical // JJ w .pacelabs.wrn 11 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 Sample: SV -2 4' Lab ID: 10316659002 Collected: 08/03/15 13:40 Received: 08/03/15 16:01 Matrix: Air Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual T015 MSV AIR Analytical Method: TO -15 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/m3 1.1 0.43 1.55 08/04/1519:42 127-18-4 Tetrahydrofuran ND ug/m3 0.93 0.18 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 109-99-9 Toluene 4.0 ug/m3 1.2 0.24 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 108-88-3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/m3 5.8 1.4 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 120-82-1 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 1.7 0.38 1.55 08/04/1519:42 71-55-6 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ND ug/m3 0.85 0.38 1.55 08/04/1519:42 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/m3 0.85 0.43 1.55 08/04/1519:42 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/m3 1.8 0.20 1.55 08/04/1519:42 75-69-4 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ND ug/m3 2.5 0.47 1.55 08/04/1519:42 76-13-1 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.7 ug/m3 1.5 0.19 1.55 08/04/1519:42 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/m3 1.5 0.28 1.55 08/04/1519:42 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate 4.6 ug/m3 1.1 0.51 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/m3 0.40 0.30 1.55 08/04/15 19:42 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene 3.3 ug/m3 2.7 1.2 1.55 08/04/1519:42 179601-23-1 o -Xylene ND ug/m3 1.4 0.54 1.55 08/04/1519:42 95-47-6 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 11 of 20 0 AaceAnalytical w ypacelabs.com Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 QC Batch: AIR/23844 QC Batch Method: TO -15 Associated Lab Samples: 10316659001, 10316659002 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Analysis Method: TO -15 Analysis Description: T015 MSVAIR Low Level METHOD BLANK: 2041179 Associated Lab Samples: 10316659001, 10316659002 Parameter Units Matrix: Blank Result Air Reporting Limit Analyzed 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ug/m3 NO 1.1 08/04/1512:49 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane ug/m3 NO 0.70 08/04/1512:49 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ug/m3 NO 0.55 08/04/1512:49 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ug/m3 NO 1.6 08/04/1512:49 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/m3 NO 0.82 08/04/1512:49 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/m3 NO 0.81 08/04/1512:49 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/m3 NO 3.8 08/04/1512:49 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 NO 1.0 08/04/1512:49 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/m3 NO 1.6 08/04/15 12:49 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 NO 1.2 08/04/1512:49 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/m3 NO 0.41 08/04/15 12:49 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/m3 NO 0.94 08/04/1512:49 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 NO 1.0 08/04/1512:49 1,3 -Butadiene ug/m3 NO 0.45 08/04/1512:49 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 NO 1.2 08/04/1512:49 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 NO 1.2 08/04/1512:49 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/m3 NO 0.60 08/04/15 12:49 2-Hexanone ug/m3 NO 0.83 08/04/1512:49 2 -Propanol ug/m3 NO 1.2 08/04/1512:49 4-Ethyltoluene ug/m3 NO 1.0 08/04/1512:49 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/m3 NO 0.83 08/04/15 12:49 Acetone ug/m3 NO 2.4 08/04/1512:49 Benzene ug/m3 NO 0.32 08/04/1512:49 Benzyl chloride ug/m3 NO 1.0 08/04/15 12:49 Bromodichloromethane ug/m3 NO 1.4 08/04/1512:49 Bromoform ug/m3 ND 2.1 08/04/1512:49 Bromomethane ug/m3 NO 0.79 08/04/1512:49 Carbon disulfide ug/m3 NO 0.63 08/04/15 12:49 Carbon tetrachloride ug/m3 ND 0.64 08/04/15 12:49 Chlorobenzene ug/m3 ND 0.94 08/04/1512:49 Chloroethane ug/m3 NO 0.54 08/04/1512:49 Chloroform ug/m3 ND 0.50 08/04/1512:49 Chloromethane ug/m3 NO 0.42 08/04/1512:49 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 NO 0.81 08/04/1512:49 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 NO 0.92 08/04/1512:49 Cyclohexane ug/m3 NO 0.70 08/04/1512:49 Dibromochloromethane ug/m3 NO 1.7 08/04/1512:49 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/m3 NO 1.0 - 08/04/15 12:49 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ug/m3 NO 1.4 08/04/1512:49 Ethanol ug/m3 NO 0.96 08/04/1512:49 Ethyl acetate ug/m3 ND 0.73 08/04/15 12:49 Qualifiers Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Unite' column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 12 of 20 p ;,PaceAnalytical www.pacelabs.crom QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 ug/m3 55.5 53.9 METHOD BLANK: 2041179 72-140 Matrix: Air 69.8 Associated Lab Samples: 10316659001, 10316659002 91 68-137 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ug/m3 55.5 Blank Reporting 66-138 Parameter Units Result Limit Analyzed Ethylbenzene ug/m3 NO 0.88 08/04/1512:49 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/m3 ND 2.2 08/04/1512:49 m&p-Xylene ug/m3 ND 1.8 08/04/1512:49 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/m3 ND 0.73 08/04/15 12:49 Methylene Chloride ug/m3 ND 3.5 08/04/15 12:49 n-Heptane ug/m3 ND 0.83 08/04/1512:49 n -Hexane ug/m3 ND 0.72 08/04/1512:49 Naphthalene ug/m3 ND 2.7 08/04/1512:49 o -Xylene ug/m3 NO 0.88 08/04/1512:49 Propylene ug/m3 ND 0.35 08/04/1512:49 Styrene ug/m3 NO 0.87 08/04/1512:49 Tetrachloroethene ug/m3 ND 0.69 08/04/1512:49 Tetrahydrofuran ug/m3 ND 0.60 08/04/1512:49 Toluene ug/m3 ND 0.77 08/04/1512:49 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 NO 0.81 08/04/15 12:49 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 ND 0.92 08/04/1512:49 Trichloroethene ug/m3 ND 0.55 08/04/1512:49 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/m3 ND 1.1 08/04/1512:49 Vinyl acetate ug/m3 ND 0.72 08/04/15 12:49 Vinyl chloride ug/m3 ND 0.26 08/04/15 12:49 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2041180 Qualifiers Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Spike LCS LCS % Rae Parameter Units Cone. Result %Rec Limits Qualifiers 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ug/m3 55.5 53.9 97 72-140 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane ug/m3 69.8 63.8 91 68-137 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ug/m3 55.5 55.7 100 66-138 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ug/m3 77.9 76.2 98 70-132 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/m3 41.2 39.4 96 68-137 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/m3 40.3 39.3 98 73-138 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/m3 75.5 66.3 88 48-150 SS 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 50 47.7 95 75-134 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/m3 78.1 80.0 102 75-132 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 61.2 56.6 93 71-129 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/m3 41.2 41.4 101 73-139 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/m3 47 44.7 95 70-130 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 50 46.3 93 75-133 1,3 -Butadiene ug/m3 22.5 23.4 104 66-135 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 61.2 59.5 97 75-131 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 61.2 57.2 94 69-135 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/m3 30 30.6 102 67-131 2-Hexanone ug/m3 41.7 43.5 104 72-130 2 -Propanol ug/m3 25 26.8 107 66-133 4-Ethyltoluene ug/m3 50 48.2 96 75-130 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services.. Inc.. Page 13 of 20 �PalceAnalyfical' w .pacelabs.cam Project: 2015-POI22-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2041180 Parameter Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Spike LCS LCS % Rec Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/m3 41.7 40.6 97 68-134 Acetone ug/m3 24.2 20.5 85 63-144 Benzene ug/m3 32.5 31.8 98 64-139 Benzyl chloride ug/m3 52.5 49.2 94 75-129 Bromodichloromethane ug/m3 68.2 67.7 99 75-134 Bromoform ug/m3 105 107 102 72-130 Bromomethane ug/m3 39.5 38.6 98 71-132 Carbon disulfide ug/m3 31.7 29.1 92 56-139 Carbon tetrachloride ug/m3 64 63.3 99 75-150 Chlorobenzene ug/m3 46.8 46.1 98 71-132 Chloroethane ug/m3 26.8 26.0 97 71-129 Chloroform ug/m3 49.7 48.6 98 73-136 Chloromethane ug/m3 21 20.7 99 52-143 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 40.3 40.2 100 64-137 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 46.2 48.2 104 75-128 Cyclohexane ug/m3 35 32.2 92 62-143 Dibromochloromethane ug/m3 86.6 88.6 102 75-136 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/m3 50.3 49.8 99 70-141 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ug/m3 71.1 70.1 99 71-139 Ethanol ug/m3 19.2 25.1 131 60-144 CH Ethyl acetate ug/m3 36.6 35.4 97 64-137 Ethylbenzene u9/m3 44.2 43.1 98 71-136 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/m3 108 90.1 83 51-150 SS m&p-Xylene ug/m3 88.3 85.9 97 71-134 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/m3 36.7 34.9 95 73-134 Methylene Chloride ug/m3 35.3 32.6 - 92 64-130 n-Heptane ug/m3 41.7 39.2 94 63-135 n -Hexane ug/m3 35.8 34.9 97 69-135 Naphthalene ug/m3 53.3 41.5 78 43-150 SS o -Xylene ug/m3 44.2 42.3 96 75-134 Propylene ug/m3 17.5 14.6 84 58-135 Styrene ug/m3 43.3 43.5 100 75-133 Tetrachloroethene ug/m3 69 67.3 98 66-137 Tetrahydrofuran ug/m3 30 29.0 97 58-135 Toluene ug/m3 38.3 32.9 86 70-129 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 40.3 41.0 102 61-140 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 46.2 50.0 108 75-134 Trichloroethene ug/m3 54.6 56.0 103 70-134 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/m3 57.1 56.3 98 67-140 Vinyl acetate ug/m3 35.8 34.9 98 60-139 Vinyl chloride ug/m3 26 25.9 100 72-129 Results presented on flus page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 14 of 20 iJ FaceAnalytical o "Wpacelahs.W. QUALITY CONTROL DATA Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-P0122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2041811 10316659002 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers 1,1,1 -Trichloroethane ug/m3 NO NO 25 1,1,2,2 -Tetrachloroethane ug/m3 NO NO 25 1,1,2 -Trichloroethane ug/m3 ND ND 25 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane ug/m3 NO NO 25 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/m3 NO NO 28 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/m3 NO NO 28 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/m3 NO NO 25 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 1.7 1.7 2 25 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/m3 NO NO 25 1,2 -Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 NO NO 25 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/m3 NO NO 26 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/m3 NO NO 25 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/m3 NO NO 29 1,3 -Butadiene ug/m3 NO NO 29 1,3 -Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 6.2 6.1 1 25 1,4 -Dichlorobenzene ug/m3 NO NO 25 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/m3 33.3 34.4 3 25 2-Hexanone ug/m3 4.0 4.0 0 25 2 -Propanol ug/m3 7.3 6.7 9 25 4-Ethyholuene ug/m3 NO 1.5J 25 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/m3 1.6 1.6 0 25 Acetone ug/m3 221 225 2 25 E Benzene ug/m3 3.7 3.8 3 25 Benzyl chloride ug/m3 NO NO 25 Bromodichloromethane ug/m3 NO NO 25 Bromoform ug/m3 NO NO 25 Bromomethane ug/m3 NO NO 29 Carbon disulfide ug/m3 1.7 1.8 7 25 Carbon tetrachloride ug/m3 NO NO 25 Chlorobenzene ug/m3 NO NO 25 Chloroethane ug/m3 NO NO 25 Chloroform ug/m3 NO NO 25 Chloromethane ug/m3 1.6 1.6 2 25 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 NO NO Y5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 NO NO 25 Cyclohexane ug/m3 1.1 1.2 9 25 Dibromochloromethane ug/m3 NO NO 25 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/m3 1.7 1.7 0 25 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane ug/m3 NO NO 25 Ethanol ug/m3 81.5 62.2 27 25 CH,R1 Ethyl acetate ug/m3 NO NO - 25 Ethylbenzene ug/m3 1.4 1.4 1 26 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/m3 NO NO 25 m&p-Xylene ug/m3 3.3 3.3 0 25 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/m3 NO NO 25 Methylene Chloride ug/m3 NO 1.91 25 n-Heptane ug/m3 3.3 2.5 27 25 R1 Results presented on this page are In the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 15 of 20 aceAnalytical o 111/// ��JJJJ wwwpacelabscom i QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: 2015-POI22-0024 Randy Scheid Pace Project No.: 10316659 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2041811 Parameter Units 10316659002 Result Dup Result RPD Max RPD Qualifiers n -Hexane ug/m3 8.4 8.5 2 25 Naphthalene ug/m3 8.3 8.6 3 25 SS o -Xylene ug/m3 ND 1.2J 25 Propylene ug/m3 61.6 63.0 2 25 Styrene ug/m3 ND 1.11 25 Tetrachloroethene ug/m3 ND ND 25 Tetrahydrofuran ug/m3 ND ND 25 Toluene ug/m3 4.0 3.9 1 25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/m3 ND ND 25 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/m3 ND ND 25 Trichloroethene ug/m3 ND ND 25 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/m3 ND 1.4J 25 Vinyl acetate ug/m3 4.6 4.5 2 25 Vinyl chloride ug/m3 ND ND 25 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 16 of 20 120 PaceAna1j6cal w w.pamiabs.com QUALIFIERS Project: 2015-POl 22-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. NO - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit. S - Surrogate Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street - Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI -The NELAC Institute. SAMPLE QUALIFIERS Sample: 10316659001 [1] The Total Hydrocarbon (THC) pattern occured in the first half of the chromatogram (before toluene). Sample: 10316659002 [1] The Total Hydrocarbon (THC) pattern is evenly distributed throughout the chromatogram (before and after toluene). ANALYTE QUALIFIERS CH The continuing calibration for this compound is outside of PaceAnalytical acceptance limits. The results may be biased high. E Analyte concentration exceeded the calibration range. The reported result is estimated. R1 RPD value was outside control limits. SS This analyte did not meet the secondary source verification criteria for the initial calibration. The reported result should be considered an estimated value. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 17 of 20 1117 ceAnalytical / aww.pacelabs.com QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 1700 Elm Street- Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)607-1700 Project: 2015-PO122-0024 Randy Schold Pace Project No.: 10316659 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 10316659001 SV -14' TO -15 AIR/23844 10316659002 SV -2 4' TO -15 AIR123844 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 08/06/2015 09:50 AM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc.. Page 18 of 20 Ecm l\ E Um G (filed - plaid leuld) In ojne¢Wd IR-lu-3 ! (alsd-pleld l¢p1u0 T„ emsse.d J%Slu¢p WLU ) ! I 1 z i I & (Fryo N¢I1D)9u!P¢¢N old j) C u 30W V103Wr o I m I g .16 a J W Si. .'fie u 4 m I Sul- LLT N- Q 'i °a� I I w # Watt c U Page 19 of 20 Lo a gp ri a 8 a� U E m J N K d 46 I I { G U v o LL I I Q m I I V i s • 41 QIp 1� IE U w (W o I?, U I -q- Ecm l\ E Um G (filed - plaid leuld) In ojne¢Wd IR-lu-3 ! (alsd-pleld l¢p1u0 T„ emsse.d J%Slu¢p WLU ) ! I 1 z i I & (Fryo N¢I1D)9u!P¢¢N old j) C u 30W V103Wr o I m I g .16 a J W Si. .'fie u 4 m I Sul- LLT N- Q 'i °a� I I w # Watt c U Page 19 of 20 Document No.: Client Name: y d Project #: Courier: ❑FedEx ❑UPS ❑Speedee Tient []Commercial ❑Pace ❑Other. Tracking Number: Document WO#:10316659 1111111111111111111111 10316659 Custody Seal on Cooler/Box Present? ❑Yes ONo Seals Intact? []Yes �' I <O Optional: Prof. Due Date: - Prof. Name: Packing Material: []Bubble Wrap ❑Bubble Bags Foam ❑None ❑Tin Can SY❑Other: Temp Blank rec: ❑Yes OKO Temp. (7017 and T013 samples only) (°C): Corrected Temp (°C): ,�_ Thermom. Used: ❑B88A912167504 - 072337080 ❑B88A9132521491 ❑80512447 Temp should be above freezing to 6°C Correction Factor: ! Date & initials of Person Examining Contents: Type of ice Received []Blue❑Wet rXVDne Chain of Custody Present? E2fes [:]No ❑N/A 1. Chain of Custody Filled Out? Yes ❑No ❑N/A 2. Chain of Custody Relinquished? Zes ONO ❑N/A 3. Sampler Name and/or Signature on COC? ,j�am/les []NO N/A 4. Samples Arrived within Hold Time? mites NO ❑N/A 5. Short Hold Time Analysis (<72 hr)? Dyes ,ORo N/A 6. Rush Turn Around Time Requested? Oyes =Q610 ❑N/A 7. Sufficient Volume? 2fes ❑No ❑N/A 8. Correct Containers Used? -Pace Containers Used? ATyes Z Yes ❑No EINO ❑N/A ❑N/A 9. Containers Intact? es EINO ❑N/A 10. Media: ircan Airba Filter TDT Passive 11. Sample Labels Match COC? es []No ❑N/A 12. Samples Received: Canisters Canisters Sample Number Can ID Flow Controller ID Sample Number Can ID Flow Controller ID vt Z) p 0go CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION Person Contacted: _ Comments/Resolution: Date/Time: Field Data Required? ❑Yes ❑No Project Manager Review: if �( Date: wf Note: Whenever there is a discrepancy affectin North Carolina comp—tan a co of this form will be sent to the Nort aro ina DEHNR Certification Office (i.e out of hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers) Page 20 of 20