CC Minutes 10-12-2015Chanhassen City Council – October 12, 2015 th activities so come out on Saturday, October 24. That’s a week before the actual Halloween date. That th will get you ready for the holiday. For the Halloween season. Saturday night October 24. 5:30 to 7:30 at the Chanhassen Rec Center. Come one come all. CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Ryan seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendation: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated September 28, 2015 2. Item Deleted. th 3. Fretham 19 Addition, Located at the Intersection of Bretton Way and Teton Lane: Request for Preliminary Plat Extension, Applicant: Lake West Development, LLC Resolution #2015-62: 4. Resolution Decertifying Tax Increment Financing District #4 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 3 to 0. Mayor Laufenburger: By the way ladies and gentlemen, we are a quorum tonight. We have 2 members who are, have excused absences tonight. Councilman Campion and Councilwoman Tjornhom are both unable to be with us tonight so, but we are a quorum so we can conduct business in accordance with State Statute. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Laufenburger: We have one, for sure one scheduled visitor presentation. Dr. Peterson. Just state your name and we’re happy to have you with us Dr. Peterson. Dr. Dennis Peterson: Mr. Mayor, members of the council. Mr. Gerhardt, Mr. Knutson. I’m Dennis Peterson. I’m the Superintendent of Schools in Minnetonka School District and a resident of Chanhassen. Mayor Laufenburger: Happy to have you as a resident of Chanhassen. Dr. Dennis Peterson: So I would like to do a presentation that I had sent over earlier today and share with you regarding the referendum that the Minnetonka School District is running in November. rd November 3 actually and so with your permission I’d like to share that power point and talk through it a little bit. Mayor Laufenburger: Absolutely and just for citizens who may not be aware of this, Minnetonka School District 276 comprises about the northern one-third of our city and whereas the southern two- thirds is part of Eastern Carver County School District 112 and you’re District 276 so with that you have our permission to continue. Thank you. 2