15-11 Inspection Notification Letter 10-23-2015CITY OF 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www.d.chanhassennn.us October 23, 2015 LDW Properties, LLC Attn: Dave Brockpahler 1850 Lake Drive West Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Planning Case #2015-11 (Contractor's Yard) Dear Mr. Brockpahler: According to City records, there is a conditional use permit for a contractor's yard recorded against your property located at 1850 Lake Drive West. The City must conduct an inspection to ensure the site is in compliance with the conditions of approval, as specified in the enclosed Conditional Use Permit dated June, 17, 2015. An inspection of the property will take place on Friday, October 30, 2015. If the site is found to be in compliance, future inspections will occur annually. However, if the site is in violation of the conditions of approval, staff will work with the property owner to bring the site into compliance in a timely manner. Annual compliance inspections will be scheduled from the time of compliance. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me prior to the inspection date above, at 952-227-1132 or dingvalson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Sincerely, Drew Ingvalson Assistant Planner Enc. gAplan\cup iup wap\annual inspeelion documentsldayco contractor's yard cup 01-02kiayco concrete cup 01-02 cup inspection letter(1-12-2015).doc Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning forTomorrow CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #2001-02 Amended and Restated June 8, 2015 — Planning Case #2015-11 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants an amended and restated conditional use permit for the following use which replaces Conditional Use Permit #2001-2 dated August 13, 2001, and recorded January 21, 2003 as Torrens Document No. T133213: DayCo Concrete Company, Inc. to develop within the Bluff Creek Overlay District with a 15 - foot variance from the 40 -foot building setback requirement. o: the Bluff Creek Overlay District and for development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District primary zone and to operate a contractor's yard. 2. Property. The permit is for the following described property ("subject property") in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota: Lot 2, Block 1, Chanhassen Business Center 3rd Addition 3. Conditions. The permit is issued subject to the following conditions: a. The developer shall enter into a site plan agreement for the property. b. Outdoor storage is prohibited unless it has been approved under site plan review. 1) No unlicensed or inoperable vehicle/equipment shall be stored on the premises. 2) Outdoor storage is limited to construction equipment outlined in Planning Case #2015-11. 3) The applicant shall work with city staff to complete full screening of the outdoor storage space through landscaping. 4) Materials shall be free of concrete. 5) No cleaning or maintenance of equipment can occur in this area. c. The boundaries of the Bluff Creek Overlay District primary and secondary corridors shall be shown on the grading plan. d. The retaining wall must be located outside the Bluff Creek Overlay district primary zone. 4. Termination of Permit. The City may revoke the permit following a public hearing for violation of the terms of this permit. 5. Lapse. If within one year of the issuance of this permit the authorized construction has not been substantially completed or the use commenced, this permit shall lapse, unless an extension is granted in accordance with the Chanhassen Zoning Ordinance. 6. Criminal Penaltv. Violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: June 8, 2015 CITY OF CF.P. THASSEN Dodd Gerhardt, City Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss COUNTY OF CARVER 1 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /%�' day of , 2015, by Denny Laufenburger, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager of the Ci to Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to an tool granted by its City Council. G otary PtAlic DRAFTED BY: #)ZA�REN J. ENGELHAR" Notary PublirrMinnesoia City of Chanhassen my comm. on Expires J. sI taa 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227-1100 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 9522271190 Engineering Phone: 952.2271160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us July 8, 2015 LDW Properties Attn: Dave Brockpahler 1850 Lake Drive West Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: 1850 Lake Drive West — Planning Case #2015-11 Dear Mr. Brockpabler: Per our conversation on your property on June 29, 2015, the City will not require that you complete landscape screening on your property for your outdoor storage provided that the storage is limited to areas out of the public view. This will restrict the outdoor storage from being located in the eastern portion of the approved area. In the future, landscape screening will be required if outdoor storage is moved to an area that is in view of the public. In addition, outdoor storage must still comply with Planning conditions 1-3 and Water Resources Coordinator conditions 1-2 (see below). PI_ annint I. The Conditional Use Permit shall be restated to "outdoor storage is prohibited unless it has been approved under site plan review." 2. No unlicensed or inoperable vehicle/equipment shall be stored on the premises. 3. Outdoor storage is limited to the construction equipment outlined in the CAS 2015-11 staff report. 4. The applicant shall work with city staff to complete full screening of the outdoor storage space through landscaping. Water Resources Coordinator 1. Materials shall be free of concrete. 2. No cleaning or maintenance of equipment can occur in this area. Please, feel free to contact me at the information listed below if you have any questions or concerns regarding these requirements. Sincerely, Drew Ingvalson Assistant Planner ec: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Drew Ingvalson, Assistant Planner 9:\p1an12015 planning cases\2015-11 1850 lake drive west cupVevised approval letter (7-8-15).dm Chanhassen is a Community for Life- Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow SCANNED