Lakeside2INSET a East line of Northeast Quarter of the Northeast East of Government Lot 1 of t/ --Quarter of Section 24, Township 116, Range 23. S00020'00"E -- Section 24, Township 116, Range L RR 1® 4 23. - 894.78 IR Drainage & Utility Easemen-t. S09""21'53"E C14 over crit 5. C14- LCN'4 of __ T 43 �O 43.00 43. 0 43.00 'T 7 S 00* 5 1 2 9t" 7�W S 00* 5 V F29t" ;W SW A cizv 3: Z LIN 14 ;3v) V - co 00 N 00(5 C� 00 cor ;a 0 UTLO T C OR - 03 _00 P 4 r) Vi co LO 0 4 0 C) mo 3 600 itsg CO 0) cc V - d 00 0 U) C� W CO C0 CO C14 V) z in (n z r�' (0 00 00 r- 114 < NOW 51' 29"E A 43.00 43.00 43.00 4300 N00°51'29"E 045.13 60.41 11-00 16-5 4 -P0 f 90.84 y 6 46�040 51.14 4-4.44 105.53 202.99 59.55 0'00"W ]i�"W R=2520.00 l N00*2 R=770.00 [IN00 2 R=330.00 R=770.00tl N00049'4 -6"E *1 6'53"W N00051'29"E R=8,30-00 1 NO3 �L\,--01009'46" A--04012'17 " &=04.'42'1 2" 1 Drin,ge oj� 4--07042'59"1 ,Ob-)� I / ' Droinoge & Utility Ease A=04�0639" 1W I ro k-� ;Ftp � 0, f I I I & Utility Eas"ent 19.66 over Q/f�ti/it 7L over all OUTLOT A. OUTLOT A OT A. -68 N00051'29"E I 4 zo 0 Is. uc� - 50.33 90.84 53-57 59.92 A�_- 11 *24' 3 `32 �q' 0 101, 49.77 - 49.83 N00051'29"E to .42 91 0 b" N00*20 00 W R=�_30 Zoo 202.99 �Z 4S4 kcg - t' - - - - - - - - - - - - - 62 0 R- 62.0o 'N R=2480.00 T R=;T3U.OT 85.87 I N0004946"E _R=;8_76.0d _Nd_3'i6 w R=370.00 6,--01009'46" A--04*12'17" A=07"42'59" A=04042'1 2" 0&' A=04�06'39" S -2�Joo U-) 72.83 -4.7 0- -__i o 50" y CD 00 0 0 U) z N)Y 0 00 Cn to 0 . C'4 7 � 00-S M0 C� 04. opd" 0 411 Q� C) 76 AF 0 ::r-_ C) C14 cr) 00��q) N1010 0 00\N U) a C'4 ca Ui C'4 C'4 C7 01 -C N cri 00 '55 -C C7 04ri C-) 0 C C ct C-4 _y) c� 291 58 1 tot oz.2 Ir, r% Ilk -C 6 OUTLOT F 0 +, V) (0 0 %26 W C 0 0 0() �ose N, '9 1& CL x\ :E Q 4) 00, 0-� C fn 4�1 4J C 1 :3 Do ri 1 J 12055'28 " 0 :3 = 0 0 UTLOT G Groin oil A V) a Or oJe ' =R173-00, 39-02 .0=" k * & 4 A01'04'24 eO' 7.12 0 3.24 18- 02 -7- R=1 3.00--- 1b q# dlz� c5z� V 1V IV/ I A-31-21'40" /-N _T_ Z /C N4 6 o*> z Z 9.04 :0� - P R=20.007c��. CJ. 'VVQ� 053"! 0" L,- 25 0 0 -0 Ap C 4 4=1204,31n-" /10 0 41 &-A 4�431'2 4.2* Ap -1��630. 00 0;" 00 S00003'30"w P,=380,00- 12§ 46 740 91co 1-66 N=95*361Z'•-----� 61 9 0 (01u! 3; .00 M 46 0-0, Z 00 Drainage & Utility Easement 0 4a--12043127* 141*43 28 over all OUTLOT A. &=105012' A 0 UTLOT A R==670 00 1 0 148.?q►S00003'30"W R-420-00 a 62.7 10-7.9 4 244.96 XZ"TL# '...;�Drainage & Utility Easement 0 CIV O - 05*22-6-1 _"26" 8 6-03 S00 020 00" 17.0 OZ__. 0 Z� V�- 0 'E 80cooIV) 17.11'- 47.00 42.00 42.00 47.00 7.00 42.00 36.28 0 0 S 000 33' 24" W 178.00 4- 0 co I JW'V' z // 4=24 3:: �'4 C> R_ 14 48,34, '45.00 r Z 0 Y�) (d 3: _CD 1, •0 0 0 1.1) 62.7§,:Q 0) 0 0 0 0 cap P10 0 0 0 0 0 0 CE 9 0.P P 0 P r ov' r, 10 (0 (0 0 to (00 t6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 C! C� 4 PO C> '0 2 lo 8 7 6 5 6 0 5�0 0 (0 (6 to to 114- �t Ni C'4 LO k co 00 Eq 'o- to J': co co M Lo to C0 C0 00 M M ao C0 00 00 '0 4--24- V "t 0 0 48,34 0 UTLO T E z z z (n V) V) (n 00 R-- 10 A z V) V) V) to I Zci 01)10 4 0) 1\� M 45 5.00 C0 N00020, 00"w 136.00 (n C'q 0 gs! 11 CS .47 C 47.00 4200 4200 47.00 47.00 7 00 V 1 42.00 IL 00 r�7.00 42.00 4:. Q 0 ItI120.08 C .6��00�42 �OO �A4�7� co �78 178.00 R=120.00 11.55_1=.___ N890'27'55"W //1Z cr) N0003�'24"E 12.57 "f" 11.5 0.e Ile Q_ V (0 NOO'*2*0'00"WA=05030'48" 354.41 4 Drainage & Utility Easement S00.4d5elE 2 Soo 2d C.B.=N87046-41--E SOOO2'0'00"E Nt 12 5042 ()0 �.__'*-4--02-4 ,51,, over a// Lot 12. " \\ 'k 7 0 A__1 8038 14 1515-' - .25 221.75 0=1110 494.67 �A' 0 15 ON --*--1 B. 0 J. S' West line of the East 641.67--" S0002000E West line of the East 641.67 feet of the Northeast Quarter feet of Government Lot 1 of of Section 24, Township 116, Section 24, Township 116, Range VO Range 23. 23. M I ngi n e e fi, ng CWH.ENGINEERS LANDPLANNERS LANDSURVEYORS LALNDSCAPEARCHMMIJ GRAPHIC SCALE 60 0 30 60 IN FEET 1 inch = 60 Feet Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron monument set and marked with license number 20595 All monuments required by Minnesota Statute, whether shown on this plot or not, will be set within one year of the recording date of this plat, and shall be evidenced by a 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe marked by RLS 20595. For the purposes of this plat, the east line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 116, Range 23, is assumed to have a bearing of South 0002000 East. 0 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: (Not to Scale) Being 10 feet in width, adjoining streets and private drives unless otherwise shown on this plat. SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS