TEMP6T k� f �r1 CDA @ 3a tea- 1 �A F5 the East Quarter comer of spntis East line of •Quarter Northeast t - of Section �24.« t t • r att• ti A:i HANHA ENj MINNE TA West wile a yr+—•-- East 641.67 feet of ' QO°20'00" the Northeast Quarter of Section 24,— ` � C_� � � � o �� Township 116, Range 23. a e ! ° \ e? ff S1 wo @ �a S G tQ Cb '' Qa ' of �ection 24, Township lovae 23 gr North Bay Homeowners � k � � %� � � � � � � °o � 0 � `� � � @ � +� @�� \ �' \ �o \ °0 c Association 0 g — 0 @ / C"JI�C 0 cow g 1 6 `�_ c, goon, \ �a\ Q� North Bay Homeowners Association ` � a \\ s �r-%IA n/%"fnA tvLA t i r7 i* %Jt tLlt i tL/t v h incx-r-r r Aar gn to A nn1--1nn 4� PIDr r r ,� �f �n rn n nnr�-rnn t e va.�r t r Ci f i r vt t r F7 A r vt.r r itlt✓i t tt/r v North Bay Homeowners Association @nom visibleAll t: been shown. Forthe location of any additional underground utilities and before tr call GOPBER STATE I CALL at 651-454-0002 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 0 40 - IN FEET t = 80 feet under1TWENEERengineering I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by 2422 Enterprise Drive RapidsMendota Heights, NIN 55120 Coon Coon Rapids, MN 55433 am a duly licensed Land Surveyor Terrence E, Rothenbacher(651)681-1914 F=681-9488 (763) 783-1880 F=783-1883Reg. k • f !f co fN \ dl q tIZ " Cj 0 f ;r t All Northeast Quarter of and Government, Section 24, TownshipEast of t line drawn 641.67_- _ • measured at a right angle to and parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, .. which liesthe following described cornerCommencing at the Northeast s Quarter Northeast Quarter; thence South it degrees 20 minutes 00 secondsassumed bearing along - East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, 386.54 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 77 degrees 17 minutes 36 seconds West, 656.93 feet to said west line of East 641.67 feet thereof, and said line there 1 Outlat B, NORTH BAY", according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. LOCA 77ON MAP AC. TOTAL (NOT TO SCALE) (LYMAN & LAKE RILEY ROAD TOTAL SITE°�� ! 8 OUTLOT A TOTAL y C. OUTLOT tir i t TOTALC. WETLAND AREA ' i LAKE R1 Y--' ROAD. E, i + C. N ±19.82 AC. z i' • i, IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE Co ±7.71 H 117.17 SURFACE—±39.4% ±135 i N00020"00"W i North Bay 8 Homeowners CONDOMINIUM - Association All Northeast Quarter of and Government, Section 24, TownshipEast of t line drawn 641.67_- _ • measured at a right angle to and parallel with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, .. which liesthe following described cornerCommencing at the Northeast s Quarter Northeast Quarter; thence South it degrees 20 minutes 00 secondsassumed bearing along - East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, 386.54 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 77 degrees 17 minutes 36 seconds West, 656.93 feet to said west line of East 641.67 feet thereof, and said line there 1 Outlat B, NORTH BAY", according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. SECTION 24, TWP. 116, RGE. 23 l`� a TOTAL BOUNDARY x.i x LOCA 77ON MAP AC. TOTAL (NOT TO SCALE) (LYMAN & LAKE RILEY ROAD TOTAL SITE°�� ! 8 OUTLOT A TOTAL y C. OUTLOT tir i t TOTALC. WETLAND AREA ' i LAKE R1 Y--' ROAD. E, i + C. N ±19.82 AC. OF : TOTAL NUMBER i' • i, IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE 9 ±7.71 TWIN HOMES LOTS PERCENTAGE OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE—±39.4% q i i i 8 4 CONDOMINIUM - COMMUNITY BUILDING TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS r MULTI—FAMILY SECTION 24, TWP. 116, RGE. 23 l`� a TOTAL BOUNDARY x.i x ♦ AC. AC. TOTAL TWIN UNITS (LYMAN & LAKE RILEY ROAD TOTAL y. ROW ! 8 OUTLOT A TOTAL y C. OUTLOT tir AC. t TOTALC. WETLAND AREA ' ±0.15 + C. TOTAL AREA ' ±19.82 AC. OF : TOTAL NUMBER i' • i, IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE 9 ±7.71 TWIN HOMES LOTS PERCENTAGE OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE—±39.4% i THREEOW LOTS 6 FOUR UNIT ROW LOTS 4 CONDOMINIUM - COMMUNITY BUILDING TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS r MULTI—FAMILY , CONDOMINIUM UNITS +' BUILDING UNIl- 1 ZONINGCOMMUNITY EXISTING R-12 'iiD NI PROPOSED i UD UTILITIES AVAILABLE x! f TOTAL DRIVES ♦ SIDEWALKS 4.09 AC. TOTAL TWIN UNITS ±2.58 TOTALC. y. ROW ! 8 x TOTAL CONDOMINIUM BUILDINGS ±1.58 AC. TOTAL POOLBUILDING ' • '. ±0.15 x C. t TOTAL—±11.03 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AC. i' • i, IMPERVIOUS PERCENTAGE 1000 FEET OF OHW I ii ; 11A V " ROM5 TOTAL DRIVES & SIDEWALKS ±3.07 AC. TOTAL11am 0 TOTAL ROW UNITS x C. TOTAL CONDOMINIUM BUILDINGS ±1.58 AC. TOTAL POOL BUILDING AREA ±0.15 AC. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE WITHIN 1000 FEET OF OHW ±7.71 AC. PERCENTAGE OF IMPERVIOUS SURFACE—±39.4% CONTACTr = I = = I = M t = = t = = I I Sienna Corporation 835-2808 1. COVER SHEET 2. EXISTING CONDITIONS 3, PRELIMINARY PLAT 4. PRELIMINARY PLAT 5. PRELIMINARY SITE UTILITY LAN F. PRELIMINARY SITE TII PLA 7. PRELIMINARY GRADING & EROSIONCONTROL PLAN 8. PRELIMINARY GRA I OSIO CONTROL PLA 9, DETAILS L17 PRELIMINARY LA SCAPE PLAN 1--3 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN LAKESIDE AT BEARPATH