TEMP9a X 0 110 Ory C C60 V,Spyz 0 X C'i oujm CNW Northeast comer of Section 24, /---Township 116, Range 23. 386.54 A N00020'00"W - - - - - - - - - - - W"LINKS , .1 4b A L-) A 7- It � i:) n A n n 1 7- 1 n A I r7 t_, I \ Lf ri L/ L/ I I I L/ I V East line of Northeast Quarter of Bearpath LTD Partnership ,--the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, Township 116, Range 23. SOO"20'00"E 2188. Q1 286 195 104 92 92 100 104 100 95 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- r - - - - - - - - - CR 10� 6 i 5' 10 I "o 7 19,598 s ft. i n t 4 0) I T 2,837 sq.ft. 13,0051 sqft. 12,706i sq.ft. 8i 1 i 9! i 13, 0 8 31, I " I , sq. ft. 13,3661 s q. ft. J 13,6671 sq.ft. 13,917 1 sq.ft. jj mi 1 17 �i -,1104 a. �9 I �96 1 - - 11 1 �70 (37 6 27 J 267� 55 d68 k, F��il 20' 50ltil vo R R=134sY oUnOT A =1180 151 ,, , I R=580 32 sq.ft. IR=1080 45 14014 _R!!�11220 of 94 �98 i 1071 R=620 - -, _ ­­­­­­' i lot 53 -7 t 1 1161 ;60 1 ' - 40 t 00 L 31 �90 7 L It 7,< 8 31 41 126,926 s ft. 7 i 14,125'sq. t. 13889 s q. ft. 2 ---- —-- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- -D q, (0 -ovements have been shown For the --- �00 All visible impz 01% a,_, 6 14,616 sq. -;0 13,893� sq. ft. 13,943 sq.ft. ov location of an7 additional underground utilities and 040� 14, -i C14 sq.ft. (A before excavation, call GOPBER STATE 1 CALL at 651-454-0002.j I f � L 7 'zzzz,Z 12 fit 145,495 sq.ft. A: — CIVILENGINEFYS LANDPIAN,NERS LANDSURVEYORS LAINDSCAPEARCIMM'S — 2422 Enterprise Drive 201 85th Avenue N.W. Mendota Heights, NIN 55120 Coon Rapids Office Coon Rapids, NIN 55433 (651)681-1914 Fax:681-9488 (763) 783-1880 Fax:783-1883 223 3 88 7 1 94 Nil:105 88 -- CP 96 87 1 9 7 , 103 91 _J 4 t - _J \tiaf . ... . ..... . .... J__ CP L .. .... -7- V 9 r V, 12 m. C14 > / i _ ,. 126,453 sqft. f 10� 22,938 sq. t . lJJ C14 UJ 26,259 sq.ft 27,13 8 sq.ft. F UJ r UJ V) 90 35 91 145 -71 L 205 45 ---- ----------J 340 OUTLOT A 79 I? 1020 140445 sq.ft , �o N 4,„r 188 g 7 r 13 J f 30 135 so ft 12 0 0 being 10 feet in width, adjoining streets and private drives unless otherwise shown on this plat. LEGEND Denotes Carver County Monument 0 Denotes iron monument found L 16 15 T LEGAL DESCRIPTION '14, 74 �J 23,501 sqJt. 27,626 s q. ft. 26,961 sq. ft. All that part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, and J, I Government Lot 1, of Section 24, Township 116, Range 23, which lies East of . ......... 71 a line drawn 641.67 feet West of, measured at a right angle to and parallel L — — — — — — — — — — — — & 45 with the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, and — — -- — — — — --- — --- 4--- --- — — — — — --- — ----- — ---- --- — which lies South of the following described line: DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT T17 Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East, assumed bearing along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the 7 Northeast Quarter, 386.54 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be 106 218 212 195 121 described; thence South 77 degrees 17 minutes 36 seconds West, 656.93 1372.66 feet to said west line of East 641.67 feet thereof, and said line there 0 North Bay Homeowners Association \7 ---A60'20'00” terminating. West line of the East 641.67 feet of AND 0 the Northeast Quarter of Section 24, C_ ;a N, Outlot B, NORTH BAY, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Township 116, Range 23. 0 .01 A I rV A N/ I A I 'X :r C7 T. 05- a# � _r X a- 1A A \n nco 1 0 Minnesota. 11 L IV Ll ri I 9J L/ 0 /-1 L/ U-1 I I V r7\ 0- -6 lk 0 CD 1; — `0 CD co �e 60 C, A % North Bay Homeowners Association 4V 0 - BEARINGS SHOWN ARE ASSUMED GRAPHIC SCAU 50 0 25 50 IN WM I inch = 50 feet