Email from Keith Paap 07-28-2015Ingvalson, Drew From: keith.paap@gmail.com on behalf of Keith Paap <keith@paap.net> Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 11:38 AM To: Ingvalson, Drew Cc: Frances Paap Subject: Fwd: 3601 Red Cedar Pt - Survey Attachments: Lot Line Markersjpg Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Attached is a photo showing the lot line marker irons between 3601 Red Cedar Point Rd and 3603 Red Cedar Point Rd. The Geiger's had the lot surveyed as part of their variance request for a new detached garage with studio. When they placed the stakes it appeared to be fiirther over than the lot lines that had been traditionally recognized. For that reason I called a surveyor that we used when we did an elevation certificate for FEMA purposes. When they came out they were able to locate the original marker iron buried about 4-6" below the grass. He showed me the marker and wasn't sure why the other surveyor did not use the original markers since it didn't take him long to locate them. He was going to contact them to see what paperwork they had that would make them place the marker further over than the original marker. I'm not quite so ready to concede that the new marker is correct and the old one is incorrect. At this point he has not yet heard back from the other surveyor with any information to contradict the original marker. In the photo the original lot marker is the one near the rocks on the shoreline where you can see he dug it up to be visible. The wood pile belongs to the Geiger's and appears to be stacked exactly at the edge of the lot line of the original marker. The marker placed by the Geiger's surveyor is over a couple feet and a ways away from the shoreline for some reason. The new marker actually shows that our landscape brick edging would now actually be part of their yard by that calculation. Personally I don't think this is worth the effort and expense to dispute a couple feet difference as long as it's just yard and nothing is done with that space. However a couple feet over the distance of an entire lot line can significantly add square footage that is used in calculating the total percentage of hard cover in the variance request. Keith Paap keith@paap.net (email) 952-470-1776 (home) 612-600-4646 (cell) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Wayne Preuhs <waynena,advsur.com> Date: Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 10:13 AM Subject: 3601 Red Cedar Pt - Survey To: "keith.paap6a)gmail.com" <keith.paap(a@gmail.com> Cc: Information <info(a advsur.com> Keith, just letting you know that last Friday I emailed the surveyor who set the capped irons we found as a result of their work for your neighbor. I have yet to hear back from him. I will give him another day or so and try again. If he can provide me some notes or the survey showing their establishment of the capped irons they set, and if it appears to be sufficient, we will likely agree with those irons. If we do not get a response, we may need to provide you a revised proposal in light of the possible discrepancy due to the found 1/2" iron along the South shore. This is kind of an unexpected situation resulting in more time and effort on our part to determine your westerly boundary line. We will be in touch. Thanks. Wayne Preuhs, LS Advance Surveying & Engineering Co. 5300 S. Co. Rd. 101, Minnetonka, MN Office: 952-474-7964 Direct: 952-674-2627 Web: www.advsur.com ROMA, -M54 Ne WN Ap pq DR l—'. snfL"1��B,yel ti I CY al fN.- ISO 1 1,14 rIS�OA " opp-P -11, FFF 7 a