Email from Susan Proshek 07-26-2015Ingvalson, Drew From: Susan Proshek <sipnchew@mac.com> Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2015 9:29 PM To: Ingvalson, Drew Subject: 3603 Red Cedar Pt. application Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged I live at 3613 Red Cedar Pt. and have owned this property, in the family, for many years, since the 1930's My husband and I built our current home in 1984. 1 would like to comment on the proposal at 3603 for a new garage. I am definitely not in favor of that proposed building being constructed as illustrated in Option D. Way too confined of an area and bad idea. The other three options on the East side of the current home are all right if the proper set backs and variances can be met. I worry about the change in the appearance of the Point, which I believe to be an integral and important part of Lake Minnewashta from an esthetic point of view I also worry about any adverse effects on the land and environment but I will leave that decision to the Planning Commission whom, I believe, work in the best interests of all involved. Respectfully submitted, Susan Proshek