CUP 85-04 1161 Bluff Creek Drive Bed & Breakfast ." , e e .. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants a conditional use permit for: A Bed and Breakfast establishment. 2. property. The permit is for the following described property in the City of Chanhassen~ Carver County, Minnesota: 1161 Bluff Creek Drive - See attached legal description marked Exhibit "A". 3. Conditions. The permit is issued subject to the following conditions: l~ The structure meets all Uniform Building and Fire Code requirements. 2. The structure meets all requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health. 3. . Two (2) offstreet parking spaces plus one (1) additional space per rental room must be provided. 4. One non-illuminated sign may be erected on the property, not to exceed six (6) square feet in size. 5. There shall be no more than one employee in addition to the residents. 6. The bed and breakfast establishment must reflect the approved site plan (Attachment #4 of Planning Report dated February 13, 1985; Planning Case #85-4 Conditional Use Permit). . '" I;~),~ U...., e e 5. Criminal Penalty. violation of the terms of this conditional use permit is a criminal misdemeanor. Dated: (7uz./vc.lv I'll I'iJS- CITY 'L By: Its 1/2..< Clerk Q~,~~ STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) -IJ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1--1'" day of 71i~tJ , 19S'~ by Thomas L. Hamilton, Mayor, and Don Ashworth, City Manager of the City of,Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation. on behalf of the corporation. d~ ......~;;Oi", KAREN J. ENGELHARDT fiA'. ..lJA"' N.")TARY PUBLIC. MINNESOTA \ ~ n 'ill CARvt:R COUNTY ~...)l My CommIsSion EAplfe. Oct. 11 11180; . ~.,.".......~ ." 36 : Hal~old Hess e ':od Alcott e EXHIBIT "A" - Or. 9207..J l26-74~ F.C.; .JACKSON LAND SURVEYOR RaGa.TERED UNDaR LAW. 0,. STATE M MINNE80TA L1CaN.&D S., ORDINANC:& M CITV 0,. MINN&A~I. 36115 EAST 55TH STREET 55417 727-34~4 fi j,urbtpor'j Ctrtifitatt "~S _'~8o - - .. oJ "".g" >":.... ....~ """- ~37 tlJ.J" o 'ofr)lt, 0'" -.: Iq fo.J \,j 0\' 'rv " ~ '" Building location Oct. 21st. 1981 r.4f;)<nt~ N~te: See sheet 2 for description of that part of houBe lying witninBluff C~eek Drive. ~. * 4 It, \~ 0\ "'. _ 0 " I.? ,'" CV l'4 ~ '\: ltj 5ca/e;. ;":=. /00' o Dcno/es Irot1 '1-- ....~.... "..s'c:9. . 0 ,.,p. ~Q. ~ I HIERKSl' CIERTI..V THAT THE -"-OVIE I. A TRUE AND OORR&CT ""-'T OP' A BURV.., OP' That part or the North 1/2 or Sectlon 35,Townahlp 116,Hunse 23,Carver County. Mlnnesota,descrlbed as rollows:(;ommenclng at the Northwest corner ot said Nortb 1/2ithence S.88-19'50tlE.,asaumeti bearlng,a1ong the north line of sald North 1/2 dlstance of 1049.12 teet to itH 1ntersection with the center line of Town Road; thence S.48~3Z.'E.along said center line 2~2.83 feet;thence S.33~44'E.a1ong said center line 1150.0 teet ; thence S.38:'39'E.along sldd centerline 710.75 teet ;tben S.25~33'E.along s~ld ceI~er line 507.30 feetithence S.68~18'E.along said cente line 509.0 teetithence S.sa2.19'30ItB.along said center line g4.0 t'eet to the actual point of begin~ng;thencQ oontinuing S.5B~19'30~.along aaid~ente~ line 181.0 feet;thence S.12-40'30"W. 0. diatance of 254.5 teet;thence N.58-19'30"W. a distance of ot 181.0 feet ithenco 1l.122.40'3Q'tE. a dlstance of 254.5 teet to the point of beginning.Contu1ning 1.0 acrea. Subject to an e~S6ment fo~ Town Road ov~r the northe~sterly 33 f6et thereof. Ao OUAV"'O 0... TH'. 8th OAV",Jug. A.D. 1968 It!!~. f- --- Revined this 2Btb dLl.Y of Mll.rch i~.D. 1~73 - _ : Rev hod t"h 2Jrd. day of Oc t o.or A. D .1984 "0'00.. ." _ ;::> . c.. _ ... C--~ ---z /{ 2.4..f 1 F. C. J CKSON. "'..'';~''''OTAATOOH. No. 3000 r ' ",& -- .t~J,_~-"-~ ";/ ~. I";?O' . . e I ~d I I - - --- - _, I I ARe;. Cf" I I I Rifuec.. /..CUi1 Q.,J I I f Cf" 2 t::.#Z. ~f:., i I dP~t~..~ I 18)1 5~. I I ' , I , I I L ~ --- --- -- ---- ~11B~ IbJ "~ '* * - '- . ~~.4 ~ \tU1'J1 4& ~ tr f.:;fU.P'f. ll"l ~r F U;J-h ~\Je:.. . BLuiF UU-F.J; De..IVe." FJrkl-ti"<1P >.JT * ::; *- '7k "% 2,['l5 , 3~ Kow " ".331