CC Minutes 12-14-2015 CHANHASSEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 14, 2015 Mayor Laufenburger called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag. COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Laufenburger, Councilman McDonald, Councilwoman Tjornhom, Councilwoman Ryan, and Councilman Campion STAFF PRESENT: Todd Gerhardt, Chelsea Petersen, Paul Oehme, Kate Aanenson, Todd Hoffman, Greg Sticha, and Roger Knutson PUBLIC PRESENT: Amy & Ron Dvorak 4061 White Oak Lane Mayor Laufenburger: Well good evening and welcome to this council meeting. Those of you that are present in the chamber as well as those of you that may be watching at home on Mediacom Cable Channel 8 or 107.2. For the record all members of the council are present this evening and we’re delighted to have those of you in the chamber with us as well. First item is just to review the agenda. Those of you that may have an agenda in front of you, item H-1 has been deleted from the agenda for this evening. That’s new business on the Gateway Medical Building. That has been deleted. Council members are there any other modifications to the agenda at this time? There being none we will proceed with the agenda as printed. CONSENT AGENDA:Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated November 23, 2015 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated December 1, 2015 3. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated November 24, 2015 Resolution #2015-76: 4. 2016 Street Reconstruction Project 16-01: Accept Feasibility Study; Call Public Hearing Resolution #2015-77: 5. 2016 Street Mill and Overlay Project 16-05: Accept Feasibility Study; Call Public Hearing Chanhassen City Council – December 14, 2015 Resolution #2015-78: 6. Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Carver County for CSAH 61 (Flying Cloud Drive) Improvements from CSAH 101 to Charlson Road in Eden Prairie Resolution #2015-79: 7. TH 5 Acceleration Lane Improvements: Approve Zero Dollar Permit to Construct (Temporary Easement) for Stormwater Improvements on City owned Property at the NE Corner of TH 5 and Market Boulevard; Approve Land Use Permit for Trail from CSAH 17 to the Carver/Hennepin County Line Resolution #2015-80: 8. Approve Bid for Recoating Lake Lucy Water Reservoir 9. Glaccum Highlands: Approve Revisions to Development Contract nd Resolution #2015-81: 10. Reflections 2 Addition: Accept Streets & Utilities Resolution #2015-82: 11. Approve Joint Powers Agreement with Carver County for Powers Boulevard and Pleasant View Road Intersection Improvements Resolution #2015-83: 12. Trunk Highway 101 EAW Preliminary Design: Approve Resolution Authorizing Loan Application and Purchase of Property Through Metropolitan Council Right-of-Way Acquisition Loan Funds (RALF). 13. Bethel Fellowship Church: Approval of Interim Use Permit to Operate a Church on Property Zoned Industrial Office Park (IOP) and located at 1252 Park Road. Applicant: Jonathan Wall/Owner: Core Minneapolis Industrial Portfolio, et al. 14. Approval of Shared Services Agreement Between the Excelsior Fire District and the City of Chanhassen; Part Time Administrative Support Specialist for the Chanhassen Fire Department 15. Approval of Upholding Monetary Limits on Tort Liability as Established by Minnesota Statute 466.04 Resolution #2015-84: 16. Approve Resolution Accepting Donation from Mount Olivet Rolling Acres 17. Approval of City Council Minutes dated December 7, 2015 All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: None. 2