WCA ApplicationProject Name and/or Number: 2011..275, PART ONE: Applicant Information lf applicant is an entity (company, government entity, p,artnership, etc.), an authorized contact perscrn must be irjerntifierl. lf thcr applicant is using an agent (consultant, lawyer, or other third party) and has authr)rized them to act 9n their behalf, 1:he agenr s contact information must also be provided. Applicant/Landowner Name; David Vogel Mailing Address: 105 Pioneer Trail Phone: 6t2-99t-2848 E-mailAddress: dpvogel@gmail.com Authorized Contact (do not complete if samer as above) : SAA Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: Agent Name: Wayne Jacobson, PSS, WDC Jacobson Environmental Mailing Address: 58211 Humboldt Avenue North Phone: 612-802-6619 E-mailAddress: jacobsonenv@msn.cr:m PART TWO; liite Location Information County: Carver City/Township: Chanhasserr Parcel lD and/or Address: 9541 Meadowlark Lane Legal Description (Section, Township, Range): Sr-.c. 25, T116N, R23W Lat/ Long (decimal degrees): Attach a map showingthe location of the site in relation to local streets, roads, lrighways. Approximate size of site (acres) or if a linear proje<:t, length (feet): 2,4 lf yc,u know that your proposal will require an Individual Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engrneers, you musl prrr:vidt: the nanres and addresses of all property owners adjacent to the project site. This information may be provided by attaching a lrst tr:r your application or by using block 25 of the Application 1'or Department of the Arnry permit which carr be obtainerd al : trttp //www.mvp.usace.armv.mil/Pot"rals/!i7/doc-glregglatolv/ResulatorvDocs/'ensform 43i45 2012oct49!l PART THREE: Gelneral Project/Site Information lf this application is related to a delineation approval, exemption determination, jr"rrisdictional deternrination, or ol.h*r correspondencesubmitted priortothisapplicationthendescribethathereandprr:videtheCprpsof Engirreersprojectnunrber. Describe the project that is being proposed, the projer:t purpose and need, and schedule for lrnplementation ancl cornpletion, The project description must fully describe the nature and scope ofthe proposed actii,ity including; a descriptic,n of all project e ernents that effect aquatic resources (wetland, lake, tributary, etc.) and must also include plans and cross section or profiler 6rawrrr5ls shoruing the location, character, and dimensicrns of all p'oposed activities and aquratic resource tmpacts. See Appendix A Project Description, Apperrdix B lmplenrentation Schedule, Appendix C Project purpose and Nerr:cl. Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Applir:ation Form February 2014 Error:?nf1' I Project Name and/cr NunrLrer: 201.!;-27!; PART FOUR: Aquatic Resource Inlpactl Summary lf y'3111 proposed project involves a direct or indireclt impact to an aquatic resoLtrce (wetland, lake, tributary, etc.) iderntify ela<:h impact in the table below. lnclude all anticipated inrpircts, including those exper:ted to be temporary.,Attach an overl"r.ad r,riew map, aerlal photo, and/or drawing showing all of the aquatic resources in the prroject area and the location(rs,l 01, thr: p.op'serd impacts' Label each aquatic resource on the rnap witl'r a rerference number or letterr and identify the impar:ts in the ii:llo',rrlnq taltle. Aquatic Resource lD (as noted on overhead view) Aquatic Resource Type (wetland, lake, tributary etc.) Type of lmpact (fill, excavate, drain, or remove vegetati on ) W1 F ation of nanent (P) ern pora ry (T)' Size of lmpact Overall Size Aquatic Resour,ce of 3 Existing Pl Commun Type(s) i lmpact Ar P 0.022 N/A SM Counrt'y, Major Watershed #, and Bank Servicre Art'a # of lrrrpact lrre'a F,age4 of :Ll Impact Permanenl or l-ernpor lD.; lPlant unity s) irr a llf irnpacts are temporary; enter the duration of the impacts in davs next to the "T";r.,,,,n'roa, u r;* *;.r"r-r;;r.r, t,u tnu,- - would be removed after 220 davs would be entered "T n:2C\,,2lmpactslessthan0.0lacreshouldbereportedinsquarer f€ret. lmpacts0.01 acreorgreatershouldbereportecl asacresandroundecjt.the nearest 0.01" acre. Tributary impacts must be reported in linear 1'eet of impact and an area of impact by indicating first the lirrelar feet of impar:t alongtheflowlineofthestreamfollowedbytheareaimpactinparentheses). Forexampler,aprojectthatimpacts50feetof astrearrthatisti feet wide would be reported as 50 ft (300 square f eet). "Thi:; is generally only applicable if you are applying for a de minimis exemption under MN Fiules g420.0420 subp. B, otherwiser erlter ,,\/,{\,,. atJse wetland Plonts and Plant community Types of Minnesotd ond wisconsin 3'd Ed. as morjified in MN Rules g,120.0405 subp. 2.sReferto Majorwatershed and Bankservice Area maps in l/lt\l Rules g42o.os22subp.7. lf any of the above identified impacts have already ccr:urred, identify which impacts they are and ther circumstances associated with each: PART Fl\/E: Applicant Siglnature [-l Check here if you are requesting a pre-application c,]nsultation with the Corp:; and LGU based orr the inform;ation vou have provided. Regulatory entities will not initiate a fornral application review if this box is checkecl. By signature below, I attest that the information in this application is complete ancl accurate. lfurther attest that I pcss.rss the authorlty to undertake the work described herein. signature: F---Date: 1,/4/201.6 I hereby authorize Wayne Jacobson to act on my behalf as my agent in the pror:,essing of this application and to furntsl, uporl request, supplement,al lnformation in support of this application. %,tr_. ---7- /7'ThrE term "impact'sas used in this joint applicatiorr form is a generic term used fior disclosure purposes to identify activities that may require approval from one or more negulatory agencies. For purposes of this fonm it is not meant tol indicate whether or not those activities may require rmitigation/replacement, Mllnesota Interagency Water Resource Applir:ation Forrn February 2014 Project Name and/or Number: 203.1i-275, l\ttachment C Avoidarnce and Minimiization Pro.iectPurpose,Need,andRequirements.Clearlystatethepurposeofyourprojerctandneedforyourproject. l\lsc) inctLtdea des,:ription of any specific requirements of the project :rs they relate to project location, projerct footprint, water managerr enr, and any other applicable requirements. Attach an c,verhead plan sheet showing all relevant feratures of thr: proje,ct (buildirrgs, roads, etc.), aquatic resourcefeatures (lmpact areas nol.ed) and construction details (grading plans, s;torm water rrapagern{lnt plans, etc.), referencing these as necessary: liee Appendix C Project Purpose and Need Avoidance' Both the CWA and the WCA require that impacts to aquatic resources be avoided if practicablr: alternatives r:r:is;t. Cle;rrly describe all on-site measures consldered to avoirl impacts to aquatic resoLtrces and discuss at least two prrrject alternatives that avoid all impacts to aquatic resources on the site. These alternatives may include alterna1ive site plans, alternate sile:s., and,/or not doing the project. Alternatives should be feasible arrd prudent (see MN Rules 8i420.0520 Subp. 2 C). Applicants ar .e encouraf{ed to attach drawings and plans to support their analVsis: Iiee Appendix D Avoidance and Minirnization Minimization. Both the CWA and the WCA rerquire that all unavoidable impacts to aquatic resources be minimizerj tq tnr: greatc,st extent practicable. Discuss all features <lf the proposerd project that have been mcdified to minimize the impacts Lo war€rr resources (see MN Rules 8420.0520 Subp. 4): 5iee Appendix D Avoidance and Minirnization Off-SiteAlternatives. Anoff-sitealternativesanalysisisnotrequiredforall permitapplications. lfyguknowthatyourproposal will require an individual permit (standard permit or letter of permission) from thr: U.S. Army rCorps qf Engineers, you may 5e required to provide an off-site alternatives analysis. The alternatives analysis is not required for a complete applir:at on but n1u:;t be prrovided during the review process in orderr for Lhe C.orps to complete the evaluation of your applicatiqn and rerar;h a f iral decision. Applicants with questions about when an off-s;ite alternatives analysis is required should contacl their Corps pr,rject Manager. N/A Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Applir:ation Forrn Februarv 2014 Ft;roct 7 nf 'l 1 Project Name and/1lr Nunrber: 20L1:;-21:; Attachment D Re place rne nrt,/tCom pens?to r1r M itigatiorn Connplete this part if your application involves wetland replacement/compensatory mitigation not ar;sociated with the local ro;rd wetland replacement program. Applicants sh,culd consult Corps mitigation guidelirres and WCA rules for rr3quirements. Replacement/Compensatory Mitigation via lA/etland Banking. Complete this section if you are proprosing to use credits frr:rm an existing wetland bank (with an account numb'er in the State wetland banking systerm) for all or part of your rep acement/compensatory mitigation requirements. Number of Credit:; 33 SWC Applicants should attach documentation indicating that they have contacted the'uvetland bank account owner and r3acl.led at least a tentative agreement to utilize the identified credits for the project. This dor:umentation could be a signed purchase agreement, signed application for withdrawal of credits or some other corresponrlence indicating an agreement bet,rveen I ret applicant and the bank owner. However, opplicont.s are qdvised not to enter into cr binding agreeme,qt to purchose <:redits Ltntil the mittgotion plon is approved by the Corps ond LG|J. Proiiect-Specific Replacement/Permittee Responsibler l\4itigation. Complete this :;ection if you are propostng ro pLlrrsue actions (restoration, creation, preservation, etc,)to generate w,:tland replacement/compensatory mitigation credits for thi:; prc,lrcsed p ro i ect. lM;tjor Wal:ershred # Bank Service Area # Cnredit Type (if arpplicable) Credits Anticipatecl3 Majror Watershed Bank Siervice Area # 'Refer to2^,Ker3r to 'rf \ rcA a the name and subpar the technique listed i nd Corps credlting dif t number n St. Poul fers, then in NIN Distric e nter tory Mitigotiotn in Minnesota. which is Corps and which i:; WCA Explain how each proposed action or technique will br: completed (e.g. wetland hydrology will be res,tored by break pg the.rile......) and how the proposal meets the crediting criteria associated with it. Applicants sfrould refer to the Corps rnitigation policy, lang;uage, WCA rule language, and all associated Corp:; and WCA guidance related l[o the action or te,:hnique: Attach a site location map, soils map, recent aerial phrrtrcgraph, and any other maps to show the locartion and other leler,rant features of each wetland replacement/mitigation site. Discuss in detail existing ve6letation, existing landscape features, land ust,r (on and surrounding the site), existing soils, drainage:;y:;tems (if present), and water sources and movement. Includer a topographic map showing key features relaterl to h,,rdrology and water flow (inlets,, outlets, dillches, pumps, etc,): WCA Action Eligible for Creditl Corps Mitigation Compensation Technique2 Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Appli,cation Fornr FebrLrarV 2014 Pag{l 8 of l:L Proiect Name arrd/or Njumber: Attach a map of the existing aquatic resources, assrlciated delineation report, anci any documentatign of regulatqry revt()\^r or approval. Discuss as necessarV: :See Appendix E Wetland Delineation Approval For actions involving construction activities, attach cons,truction plans and specifi,:ations with all relevant Cetails. Dir;cu:;:; ano provide documentation of a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the site to definet existing conditions, predict projer:t oLLl:cc,rnes, identify specific project performance standar,Cs anci avoid adverse offsite impacts. plans and s;pecifications shoulcl be prr:praretd 1cy a llcensed engineer following standard engineering practices. Discuss anticipated construction sequence and tinri.g: lSee Figure] Plan Sheet For projects involving vegetation restoration, provirJe a vegetation establishment plan that inr:ludes nformation on:;ite preparation, seed mixes and plant materials, seedingT'planting plan (attach seedirrg/planting zone milp), planting/'seedin51 melhods, vegetation maintenance, and an anticipated schedule of activities: For projects involving construction or velgetation restoration, identify and discuss goals and specific outcomes that can tr,,l detr:rmined for credit allocation. Provide a proposed r:retdit allocation table tied to outcomes: Pro'ride a five-year monitoring plan to address projr:cl. outcomes and credit allocation: Discuss and provide evidence of ownership or right; trl conduct wetland replacemr:nt/mitigation on each site: l-ot is owned by David Vogel Quantify all proposed wetland credits and cornpare tc, wetland impacts to identify a proposed wetlarrd replacemernt ratig. Discuss hor,r this replacement ratio is consistent with corps and wcA requirements: ,l:L By signature below, the applicant attests to the follr:w'ing (only,required if application involves project-specific/permitte,: respronsible replacement): r All proposed replacement wetlands were not: r Previously restored or created under a prior approved replacement plan or permit o Dralned or filled under an exemption durirg 1:hr: ppgyl6u5 10 years r Restored with financial assistance from public conservation programs o Restored using private funds, other than lanclori,rner funds, unless the funds are paid back with interest to tl-re individLral or organization that funded the restcrration ancl the individual or organizi:tion notifies the local ggvernmr:nt unit in writing that the restored wetland may be c:onsidered for replacemenr. o 'l-he wetland will be replaced before or concurrent with the actual draining or f'illing of a wetland. o l\nirrevocablebankletterof credit,performanci3brond,orotheracceptablesecuritywill beprovirjedtoguarant€)3sur:cr:,ssful completion of the wetland replacement. o Within 30 days of either receiving approval of this ;application or beginning work on the project, I will retcord the t)eclaration ot Flestrictions and Covenants on the deled for the prop,erly on which the replacerrent wetland(s) will be located ancl subrrrit prr:cf of such recording to the LGU and the Corprs. Appli(:ant or Representative: David Vogel Title: Landowner Date: 1,/4/201.6Signatu re: Minnesota Interagency Water Resource Applir:ation Forrn FebruarV 2014 Prsrr Q nf I'T ir 1a'+!:; i'F: i i-#,r ,:- l; *F'. ri5il,1 --,€liIt€ l1 :.i ii, Proposed Wetland lmpar::,t 1i;248 SF (y'ellow hatch) Proposecl Dr"iveway (15 ft imde) (green)15)':n I t'""/ 'l't"' |@ iil@, \l*'' \\ \ '\ri \ Delineated Wetland Br undary (red) ,*qffiF, '.FlF', '{l&ii#, l.{ff' ui"' t'''*' ,r,#* ${*ir .,. ,. , ' . l, Prop<lsed Contour {ir [::lcrvaiilorr /hl:nl<\ ) 1ttr trl 0ukav*"k' [:<isting eontour & Ele,rvation Itlln_-Topo L-idar (white) Chanhassen, Carver Coutnht, Minnesota 0510 20triE:trea8 -- Eel Phone: (6'i 2)-802-661 I E-mail: jacobsonenv(Dmsn.com pro^citrm |,:,. %4 r M -,rowt,h Ldr, ,; .'r r,,.- , 1 26.261-,! :. [,4DX Nan]e l:'rojec.t Ncpr"t' D , wdvWp.laJrr tmor.r lr, ,. Existing tSonlour & Elevation Mn._Topo Lidar (white) :RUINE.iiLr ffiF Minimum 5 Ft. Wefland Setback From Proposed Drivewav Proposierd Driv'eway i(12 ft wide) I l::)'rl::*i rii{ Delineated W-.tlan d Bou ndary (red) (green) Proposed Contour (lclack) €i Elevatir:rn (yellow/black) ffi-r*ll 621561,,si:; Phonei (612)-802-6619 E-mail: jacobsonenv{@msn.com 957 SF (yellow hatch) Chanhassen, Carver Courrty, Minnesota "+^L.05.10207 ---f I\PPENDIX A lrroject Description Droject Description This project proposed by David Vogel is for a construction of a drivewav in order to access his lot l"rorrr Meadowlark Lane. The driveway will Lre a minimum width of 12' of bituminous on the top with a 3 t1 tiill slopeonthesides. AL2"culvertwill bepl;acedinthecenterofthecrossinginordertofacilitatevyzrtgr flowinthewetland. Thelocatiorrofthrecrossingisatapointwhichwill be5'awayfromawetlandon the east and at least 35' away from an intermittent ditch which occasionally carries water to Rilev Laker. The Figure 7 plan which reflects required avoidance and minimization reflects 0.02.1acres of perrnan€rnl fill impacts to low quality (as mearsureci Lry MNRAM) reed canary grass dominated vuetlands, anrl replacement by high quality 0.04,4 acrer r,rretland bank credits. A wetland bank purchase of 0.04,1 SiWC acres from bank service area 9 within watershed 33 would be completed frorn the lvlinnesota Weltlarrl Bank to fulfill the mitigation requiremernts. /\PPENDIX B ll mp lernentation Scherd u le Project lmplementation Scheclule Item 1. Initial Project Grading 2. Initial Spring Construction 3. Construction Inspection Proposedi Completion April 201t5 April 201t5 May 20L6 I\PPENDIX C Projer:t Purpose and l\eed Purpose and Need The purpose of the project is to provide rJriveway'access to the lot for home construction fronr MeadowlarkLane. CurrentlythelothasnoaccessavailabletoitLrecausetheentirelsouthportiongflhrer lot has a wetland separating Meadowlarl< [-ane and the lot. The wetland crossing is necessary in crdertrt provide access. /\PPENDIX D Avoidance and Minimization Avoidance and Minimization No build alternative The no build alternative is not considererl to be a viable option because benefits such as tot ac:cess aro necessary in order to build a residence on the lot. No lmpact alternative A no impact alternative does not exist in this caser. Alternate 1- Figure 6 A minimum width driveway of 15'widr: vvas used in this case. Ste,ep slopes of 3:i- coming down from thr: driveway top were also employed to mininrize fill impacts to the extent possible. FLll impacts rrueri: L.l4fllt sf. Alternate2-FigureT A minimum width driveway of 12'wide vvas used in this case. Ster-"p slopes of 3:l- coming down from thr: driveway top were also employeclto mininrize fill impacts to the extent possible. Fill impacts werit 9li7' sf. I\PPENDIX E Wetland Delineation Aprproval Mi nnesota Vfetland Conservation Act Irlotice of Decisiion A.ddress 7700 Msrket Boulevsrdt" PO Box 14? Chsnharsen. MN :5531:l Local Government lJnit (LCU) City of Chanhassenr Applicant liame David Vogel 1, P'ROJEC:T INFORMATION Ilrcrject Name --TDatt, of 9641Meadowlark Lane I Application 10t28/20Xs Attach site locator maa. of Decision: X Wetland Boundary orTyp,o ll No-ross [] Exemption f]nanfing rUnf Replacement Platr Technical Evaluation Panel Findings and ReconLmendation (if an fl Approve f] Appro.re with r;ond.irions I Deny Summary (or atl.ach): ":-__---+_l: _:.1 Dale of Decision: November 20.2011i f, Approved 2. LOCAI, (]OITERNMENT UNIT DECISION ffi Atrrproved with conditions (include below)I Derried -l BWSRForrns l1-25-09 of3 Page I For LGU Findings and conclusions (attach aclditional sheets as necessiary): Jacobson Environmental PLLC, on behalf of David Vogel, has performed a wetlanrj determination and boundary delineation, for the piucel located at964l Meado\i'lark Lane, in Charrhassen. This parcel is located in the NE 7+ of Section 25, Tl 16N, R23W and has ths following parcel ID: 25742007a. This delineation identilied rhree wetland basins on-site. Wetland basin I is located at the southem edge of the properfy and extends north through the propr:rty to Riley Lake, which includes an intermifent stream which flowii iato l,ake Riley, rrnd drains a T3 acre watershed. It has been i&ntified as a Type 3, wet meadow, PEMCd wetland. lVetland basin 3 is located in the southeast corner and has t,een identified as a Type 2/6,wet meadow/shrub swamp, PEM/SSIB wetland. Wetland basin 4 is located on the soutlwestern border of the p,arcel, and erxteirds into the ptoperty to the west. It has been identilied as a'fype 4, deep ma15h, pEMF wetland. Wetland basin 4 has been iden.tified on the National Wetland lnventory map. None of the identifie4 wetland basins on site are idenrtified on the DNR Public Waters lr{ap. Howiver, Lake Riley lies at the northern border ofthe properli. Based upon our review, the City of rChLanhassen, as the LGU responsible for administration of Minnesota R. 8420, concur$ with thrc delineated boundary and types as identified in the wetlancl determination and delineation reportlprepared by Jacobson Envirr:nmental PLLC, dated Octoberr 23id, 2015, and the wetland boundades shorvn within the report. The Application for Wetland Bounclary and Type was noticed on October 2ll,'Z}ls. No additional comments were received from ths Technical Evaluation Panel members or from the public, This concludes our revieur. Upon the provision of the electronic rcpresentntion of the delineated boundaries (*.rihp or 1,4wg), this delinestion will be conside:red rpproved. Plans cr,edits ;bcm the State Wetland Bank: Balk Service Area Counfy Credits Appruved fbr Withdrawal tisq. fi. or nerarest .01 acre Rephcement Plan Approval Condirtions. In addition to any conclitions specified. b), the n GU, fte appryyal of a Wetland Replacen:.ent I'lag iis conditional upon the fc,llowing: n Financial Assurance: norpalait-specific replaciment thal is not in-advance, a finilncial ia$sunilnce) specified by the LGU must lbe suhmitl.ed to the LGU in accordimce with MN Rule 8420.0522,, Subn. 9r(List amount and type in LCIU Firrdiags). f] Ueed Recording: Forproject-spec,ific replacement, evidence must be providerl to the LGtLJ thal. ther BWSR "Declaration of Resfiictiorui nnd Covenants" and "Consent to Replacement Wetland" :lbrms have been filed with the county reccniler's office in which the replacement wetlarrd is located. I Credit Withdrawal: Fo:r replactrrrent consisting of wetlanclbank credits, confirmation that BWSII has withdrawn the credits fr,rm the state wetland bank as speciiied in the approved rep.laeemcnt plan. Wetlands mry not be impacrted until all applicable conditions have been met! BWSR Forms l1-25-09 of3 Page Lt- LGU Authorized Signing and mailing of this completedTirrm to the apptopt{ate recipients in accorAarce *th g420rb25j; ISubp. 5 provides notice that a decision r,v4s 6u6. by the LGU un,<ter the Wetland Conservatiorr Act as , specified above. If additional details ,cn, the decision exist, they have been providecl to t1e lanclow::rer Iand are available from the LGU Name Terrance Jeffery, wDc I wrter Resources coordinxtor sigl ry' | { P? | oate lphone Numb€" ana E-maif | 952.221.1165t*fui/r tr | tirffervfalei.c ipeclfied above. It addttronal detarls ,cn, the decision exist, they have been providecl to t1e lanclow::rer I md are available from the LGU upon re,quest. Iffi ferrance Jeffery, wDc I wrt". Resources coordinxtot l lffi ------*---;ie, *dl {P? | oate lphoneNumb€"ana E_.naii-*-* l"/il//-r' I lssz.zzl.lr6s I{\ \fff - I tsl?*i/rs- | *iosfo*,r?}^i ahc*'"-^.-* |--:J'ffi _ ._.., - L *,ti*ff*{Ff4ei.ch*g.[?_sse&g$,Il__.J or permits from T0 THE MTNNESOTA WET.LANp CONSERyATI,0-N_ AOl', local, stale, and federal agcncies may be required. Chesk u'ith all. appropriate authorities before commtncing work in or near wetlancls. Applicants proceed at their ourn risk if v'ork authorized by this decision is started b,efore the time perir:r1 for appeal (30 days) has expired. Ifthis decision is reversed or relised under appeal, the applicant nray 6e responsible for restoring or repl.acing all rvetland impacts. This decision is valid for three :/ears ftom the date of decision unle ss a longer period is adyised by the lf tiJt, and specified in this notice of decision. 3.I|'PPEAL OF THIS DECISION Pursuant to MN Rule 8420.090:5, any appeal of this decision can o.nly be commenced by mailing a p{rtitio:r for,aRqgal, including applicable fee, udthi:r thirty (30) calendar days of the date of the,ruili"g of thijtqotic,r, to the followi:rg as indicated: Check one: Appeai of an LGU staff&:cision. Sr:nd Appeal of LGU governing body decision. petition and $50.00 fee (if applicabll) to: Chanharsen City Council c/o Todd Gerhardt City Manager 7700 Market Blvd, PO Box 147 Channhssen, MN 55317 Send petition and $500 filing f'ee to: Executiver Director Minnesot,a Board of Water and Soil Resources 520 Lafa.yette Road North MN 5515s .'. LTST OT' ADDRESSEIIS X SWCp TEP member: Chip Hentgeu, As,ron Finke K nWSn TEP member: Ben Meyer fJ t CU TEP member (if diffiereni ftarn LCU Contact): X PNn TEP member (notice only): E nNn negional Offrce (if d,itrerent than DNR TEp member): E WO or WMO (if applicablc): Cltire Bleser, Ritey-Furgator1.gl,r6 Creek Watershed District[J Applicant (notice only) and Lan,Cowner (if different): David \fogel X Members of the public who requrested notice (notice only): llhlrre Jacobson, J,acobson Environmental, PLLC fi Corps of Engineers Project Man,ager (notice only) Melissa Jenny [J BwsR wetland Bank coordinal;or (wetland ban] plan applicirtions only): BWSR Forms 1l-25-09 of3 F'age 3 5. NL\ILING INFORMATION )For a list of BW$R TEP re,presentati.ves, see: www.bwsr. state.m_q gsl?b-outbv,,sr u4rrlg.easAV CA_areas.pdf FFor a list of DNR TEP represerrtatives, se s: www.brvsr.state,mn.ur;r'wgtlands/wca/DhlR*TEp_conta$ull1 of Natural Resources Offices: Central Reeion: Reg. Env. Assess, Ecol. Div. Ecol, Resources 1200 Warner Road SouftemjR"egion: Reg, Env. Assesri. Ecol. Div. Ecol" Resources 261Hwy.15 South Neq'Uku' MN :t60?3 l/tN 55106 For a map of DNR Admidstrative Regiorm, see: http://files.dnr.q-Bte.m-nus/aboutdnr,dr"_,r"grglsglf FFor a list of Corps of Project ${nnsg€rs, sroe: www.mrp.-usace.army.millregUlatory/di:lllult.asp?pageid=687 or sr:nd to: FDept. of the Army, Corps of Enginee:rs, St. paul District ATTN: CO-& 190 Fifth Srreet Ihsr St. Paul. MN 5:i101-l63ti )For wetland Bank Plan applicarlions, also send a copy of the application to: Minnesota Board of 'Watcr and Soil Resources Wetland Bank tloordin,ator 520 Lafayette Road lrlorth St. Paul. MN 5:t155 NW Region; Reg. Env. Assess, Ecol. Div. Ecol. Resources 2l l5 BirchmontBeach Rd. NE NERe4!on: Reg. Iinr'. ,{.ssess. Ecol. Div. Ecol..Resources 120111.I}ry.2 Grand Rrp:ids, MN 55744 6. ATTACHMENTS In addition to the application, list any other attachments: X .loint Water Resources Applicalion for Approval of Wetland Type and Boundary, drterrl October 26,2115. [l Memorand'm and Wetland. Delineation Report, datcd October 23, 2015. BWSRForms ll-25-09 of3 I'age,{ /\PPENDIX F \A/etl;arrrl Delineation Fleport Jacobson Environmental, l2l_LC Environmenta I Consultants www,jacobsonelnvi ron menta l.c;om Wayne Jacobson, P.S.S., W.D.C.,, p.W.S,, ,A.F.S;. 5821 Humboldt Avenue North, Bro'klyn Center, MN 554301Email: jacobsonenv@msn.com October 23 2015 David Vogel 105 Pioneer Trail Chanhassen MN 55317 RE: (612) tl02-661tt Celtt Dear David: As discussed, Jacobson Envirortmental, FLLC ('1E) visited the above refere,nced site lo perform anofficial wetland delineation in ac:ordance with thr: 1gB7 U.S Arm,7 Corps of Engineers WeilandDelineation Manual and the 2010 Regtionarl supplement to the corps oi Enginelrs we|antj Delirealior.Midwest Region Adlacentsite land use includes restdental lots, rletlands;, woodlanci s, Lake llrley, ancl roaclwaysor.r;)rlsides. This parcel is a combination of a ,ryoodlanci, and lrree wetlan,Js at 96.11 l/leacicl,,viark l-ane inChanhassen, Minnesota Figurer 5 is ,a \Vr:tland Delineation Map of the proprertv FigLrre 1 is a siterlocation map of the property Alr figur,as rerferenced by this report are presented dt thi3 end of the,text.The purpose of thrs study was to investigate the project area, identfy areas meeting the tecfrnicalcrileriafor wetlands, delrneate the juriscictional e>ltent of the wetland basin:; ancl ctarssily tire vrefland hatlitat. Project Name: Comm. No,: Project Location: Project Description: 9641 fVleadowlark Lane Delineation 201 5-2341 City of Chanhassen T116'N, Fl23W, Sectiorr 25 Wetland Delineation Report \Aiet Meaclow-Shallow Marsh Species Herbs Rr:ed Canarygrass Trrsssock Sedge Sllnging Nettle Water Sm:trlweed Lake Sedlte Lersser Duckweed J€welwee(i Broadleaf Cattarl Woodland Species Noted Trees Cottonwood Quaking Aspen Box Elcier Red Maple Silver Maple Red Oak Shrubs Quaking Aspen Common Euckthorn Herbs Smooth Bronre Kentucky Bluegrass Common Plantain Tall Goldenrod Common Dandelion Red Raspberry White Clover Ground lvy wetland Delineation-Mitigation-Permittin3-Monitoring-Banking-FunctionalAnalysis-T gr E Sr"rrveysPhase I Environmental Assessments-E,\v/'s;-Soil ID-ioil Analyils & tr,3llnq6q;.n-Envirorrnentat Refr:rral:;Pond & Lake Weed Control & Fish Sto<.kirq-Tree Surveys_Natural ll:source t4anaqernr:nt plans Jacobson Environmental, Pl-Lc www.jacobson€:nvironrnentar.com Environmental Consultants Wayne Jacobson, p.S.S./ W.D,C., p.l/V,s., ,A"F.S. 5821 Humboldt Avenue North, Bnoolilyn center, MN 5s430 (612) tl02-6619 celrlEmail: jacobsonenv@msn.com The growing season for this site is apprcximately, from 4115 to 10i 1 1J_where the air tr:rrper;ature aver9qesiabove 28 degrees F The growrng seas;ot't in zoi s started in April This site is in the t,,g-,^toossubsectlon ecoregion according to Minresota DIrJR and the annua precipitartion uu.ruglu 30 g3 incher;The presettlement vegetation was marple-bassw.:od forest in this area. The precipitation for tre prevtous three nonths erlong with the r:ornprarison c,f the 10/6i 1s prrecrprlatiorrwori(sheet data was as follows Sept Aug Jruly Worksheet (Wks) 3 19. 2.9r. 7 64 220 309 2484.15 533 485 2015 Wks Interpret Normal Dry Wet Multi-month score (3-2) + (2"t1+ (.1"3) = 11 Normal (10 to 14 D{)tng normat) The delineation was performed ,)n octoo€,r 6, 2015 and it is unlikely the pre:ipitation tr:tals in thir; perrcdaffected the boundary of any wetlands in this del neation, sincr: the period w,as'rorma. precrprterti,cn c,lti;rts located in Appendir A. This raretland <ielineation was perfornred aincl reported by wriryne Jacobsor.,Minnesota Professional Soil Scir:ntist #30611, Sclciety of Weiland {lcientists _ professionat WetlandScientist #1000, University of Minnesota / BWSR WeilanO Del neator, Certifred #.101g AmerrcanFisheries Society - Associate Fisheriers Scientjst #A-171 Methodoloqv The wetlands on the sublect property welre delineated using the routine ceteirrrrinat:on meii.rocotc,gy g,31forth in the'1 987 U S Army Corps of En3irteers lV/etlancts Detineatictn Manuat. \4/eilanrj bounda.es,//e-€)determined through a routine analysis o1'the vegetation, soils and h,,idreiegy which rnrstall show,,welianclcharacteristics in order for an art:a to be d,elineat,ld as a wetland. \l/e:lands are areas that are sitturate)clor rnundated with surface and or groundwirter at a frequ,:ncy and duration sr:ificient to support, and thatunder normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vege:ation typically adapted ,or lrte ln n\/d1() sorconditions' Examples of wetlands inc ucle seasonally flcoded bas;rx;,-l'loodplarn forest,;, wer nreaq{f,\\,s,shallow and deep marshes, shrub sw:rmps, woocled swalmps, fens, ano ooqs Veqetation The plant species wrthin the par<;el were c;atalogued and assigned il wetlancl inclicator status accrlro ng t:r.Lichvar, R W, Butteru'ick, N C [/elvin, ernrj \{ N Kirchner, Zd.tq n,e NittionatWetlan,J ptant Dst.2i]1llUpdate of Wetland Ratings, phytonslt..,l 11014_41 1_42 In the text of this report and on the encloseid data forms, the plant indicator s;tatus follo,ws the plant s;scientific name unless a status has not been assigned. The hydroplryrrc ptant c-iterion is met when nrorethan 50 percent of the dominant sFecir:s by the 50/20 rule foreacir s;tratum (herb, si"r,rb/saprrng, rree en()woody vine) were assigned an ocligate (O3L)1 f:rcultatrve wet (FACW), andror laculter:ive (FAC) weilarrcstatus. ' oLll- Obligatc \\'etlancl, occu|s aD estinratt:d !)t)9i in rretlanrls. I-'A( W..1.'acirlratiVr: \\/etlan,J. has irn cstilrat(:rL67o"o-99ok p|obabilitv ol'oc:cttrrettce irt ive':larrrls. FA('-ljacLrllative, is equ:. lly likcl; to occrrr irr \\.ctlarcls and rrLrrr-ttctIands.31o,.a-669,uprot>abi|ity'[r/rCL]=l:a<:u|tlr1i',,e|,|plancl'occursittrvclIatlclstltt'rtt:casi.lll probabilitl'. tlPl-"Uplarl':1. altttost tt(:vcr occrls ln rvctllncls. .,. l{l,o probabil lr. Nl N, lncliclrtor instrl.llcie,ntirrfbrrnatiorlarailablctodctct.lttitltlattitltlicltltlt.stilttlS,[)()i[iV lott'ard hig,hcr (,) or lor,.er (-) lieclLrcncl,of'ocrlurrcnc., rr itlr :lr rlrt-s,rrr wetland Delineation-Mitigation-Permiftin,J-Monitoring-Banking-Functronal Analysis-T Br E Surveys ii:Phase I Environmental Assessments-Ei\vl/'s-soil ID-soil enalyiis & [rr:lineation-'Environrnental Referrai:;Pond & Lake Weed Control & Fislr Stockirrg-Tree lliurveys;-Natural Resource l{anaqenrent plans = NWS Da:a 30% less than 30% more than Jacobson Environmental, PI-LC www.jacobsonenvironrnentar.crm Environmental Consultants Wayne Jacobson, p.s.$., w.D.c:,, p.W.s., ,A.F.S. 5821 Humboldt Avenue North, Brorclllyn center, MN 5543cr (61.2) Ilo2-6619 C:ellEmail: jacobsonenv@msn.com with the 50/20 rule, dominants ilre-geinerally measured by absolutr: 06 cov€r in each s,tratum whichindividually or collectively account for more ihan-s-0% of total veger:i:tive cover in tfrer stratLrm plus anyOther species which rtself accounts for ert least 200/a of the iotal vecr:tative co,rer Soils A hydric soil is a soilformed uncler conditions of saturation flooding or ponding long enough durinq tiri:growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper oart lf a sojl exhibits thr: inclicators,:f ahydric soil or is identified as a hydric s;orl tre hydric soil criteric,n is "net. The break between hydric and rron-hyclric soils vias determine,d by,excavatinlS soil prits along transec;l$crossrng the wetland/upland eco-tone and evaluilting the soil colois, textures and presenc;e or abs€rrceof redoximorphic indicators.(i e. mottles, oley or oxidized rhizosplrr:res) Hydrrc Soil lrrdrciitors fr:r thr:Midwest Region were noted as presenterd-''n ihe Nation:rl rechnical commiitere tor ilyiiic isoils F:ierklIndicatorsof Hydric So/sttt thetJniter! Silertes version 2.0(USDANllcS20lcr) if presr,rntateachsanlp;e)point' Also, upper soil proftles \ /ere contpared to the mapped or inclusionary soil serrt,rs founcJ in thesample area for soil identification purno:;es. cautions used in apprvinq the Fiercr rndicatons of Hydric soirs There are hydric soils with morphologies; trat are difficult to interprerr Theser include r;,:ils rvith bl;ack, gra,,,,or red parent material, soils with high pFl, soils high or low in content of orgarnic matter; recenlydeveloped hydric soils, and,soils hrgh in iron rnpurts In s;ome casesi we do not currentiy have indicators: [r:assist in the identificaiion of hydric soils in these sjtuations As lon(t as the s;c,il meets, the defrniti,cn r:,1,;,rhydric soil, the lack of an indicat,lr does not preclude the soil fr,:m tierng hycrrc, Ther irrdicertors !\,eredeveloped mostly to rdentify the bouncjar"y of hydric soil areas and generally work best on the marginsNotall of theobvrouslywetterhydricsoilswill be dentifiedbythe,nilrcatori. Redoxinrorphicfeaturerr; a;rrt:most lrkely to occur in soirs that cycre icetween anaerobic (redLrcecl) and aerrrbic (oxidi::ed) condrtions; Morphological features of hydric soils inclic,ate that saturation end ariaerobrc condition:, hav'e existeciunder either contemporary or former l-yclrologic regimes where sorl rnorphclogy seerns irconsis;tenl r,r,,ilirthe landscape, vegetation, or observarcler f yorotogy, rt may be necei;sary to obtaan ther assistanc€r of irrrexperrenced soil or weiland scie;rtist to celerminei whether the soil is hvdric. To clarify on some Carver County sites, 1 Many of these soils havr: blaci< or gray parent materials2 Many of the soils have a high orrSanic martter content3 The hydric sotl,margin is typicatl'7 higher than thr: wetlurnd bounoary rlargrn on the srte4 Not all of the obviousry v/etter scirs r,t'ilr be identir,ied by the nd;cator:;5 Many of the h/dric soils are Mollisols which are classic prob em hyd.ic s;oils irr many cases lVetla nd Classification wetland classifications discusserj in the ':e;<t are set fortfr in wetlantjs itncl D,zepwate,r i.lab1lats of theunited Slafes(FWS/OBSPublic;llionl'9r3'l,Cowardine{al 197g) anc,Welitpdsof tht.ttJn4edStatet.s(USFWS Circular 39, Shaw and :redine, 197.1 )l\dditionally, planir;ommunrty ty,pes as. narned by Eg:1t,,rsand Reed (1998) are grven Topographic maps, Nettional Wellands Inverntory maps, the Web Soi Survey, ,Aerrial protographs, ernriDNR Protected Waters maps were corrsultr:d to locate pr:tential weiland habiti:ts. wetland Delineation-Mitigation-Permittinr;-Yonitoring-Banking-Functional Analysis-T &. E sLrrveys 3;Phase i Environmental Assessments-El\\A/,s-Soil ID_Soil lnalysis & Dr:lins61len-Environrnental Referral:;Pond & Lake Weed Control & Fish Stockittg-Tree liurveys-Natural Rt:source l'lernagenrent plans Jacobson Environmental, pLLC www.jacobsonenvironmentat.c.m Environmental Consultants Wayne Jacobson, p.S.S;., W.D.C,, p,W.S,, A.F,S. 5821 Humboldt Avenue North, Brool<lyn center, MN 55430 (6I.2) Eo2-6619 ce1Email: jacobsonenv@msn.com The Routine on-site Determinarion lrlelhod was used on this site rn th s methr:d, the folrowrngprocedures were useC: 1) The vege-tative comrnuni':y was sampled in all present strata to deterninewhether 50% of the dominant plant specres were rydrophytir; using lfre 5l/20 nretl^,:ii 2) Soil pits were dug usinl; a dutch auger to depths of 18 -40', noting scrl prr:files and rarryhydrrc soil chariacteristi :s. 3) Signs of wetland hyciro ogy were noted and were r:onrparecl to field criterira such :rs ,Jeptlrto shallow watertable anJ dspli' of soil saturation found in the soil nitr;. wetland edges were marked with orange numbe,red pin flags 4-fclot ,wood lath marke,.d w th oran5;e'wetland boundary" flagging tape or flagging trecj on vegetation may, be userj if site corditions w.irrantAny wetlands were mapped using mc,dirin irruey methilds by otherrs. At leiast ,lne sanple pornt transr:r:tcrosses each delineated wetlanrj edge. These transects consist or'an uplanc sarnple point and awetland sample point other sample pcints rnay be located in areas vrhich have o.{l or mcre of thewetland vegetation, soi.ls, or hyclrologic :haracteristics present, or,n,here questi:naLrle condrtaon$ exis,tsample points are marked with oran!e prn fiags ,wrth a pink rib,bon tre<l on them. sarnple data sheets art:found in Appendix B Results Basin 1 Basin 'l is a PEMCd ditched Typ:e 3 sirallcw marsh comprised of 3(7: broadleaf cattail, 5004 reedcanarygrass'5%jewelweed,30%openwater, andlO%lesserducl;weedalongwithafewornerspec:r()s. The wetland boundar;r was typically a transition from common bucr(:horn to reed canafygrass wrlh artopographic break The soils changecj from dry l-1amel soil to saturerted Hanrel soil in the weilancj. Soilsaturation was present in the weiland anci hydrorogy dis;appeareci f.r tne upland. Easin 3 Bastn 3 rs a PEM/ss 1 B ditched rype 2lt) uret meadow/sh rub swan p corn prised of 60!,i, sanclbar willow :r:;shrubs' 40% reed canarygrass, i20% 1,au'elweed,2Oo/o strnging netile :rnd 1cr% great rirgweed al6ng ,,vrlha few other species fhe wetland bounclary was typically a transitior from carnrnon buckthorn {o roo,:canarygrass with a topographic break l-he sorls changed front dry l-.lamel s)rl t{l saturated Hamel sr:il rnthe wetland soil saturation was present in the wetlandl and hydroioEy disappearec inr the uprano Fasin 4 Basin4isaPEMFType4deep^marshcornprisedof5%swanpsnrartweed IZ0%reer: canarygrass 1094:coontail, 35% open water, and 3'l% lesser duckweed along wirir a fe:w otner species. lhe wegancjboundary was typicall)r a transiticln from :cmmon buckthorn to reed lanaryg-ass with;r topog;rapnrr:break rhe soils changed from clry Ham,el soil to saturated Hamel s;oil in the v,reilano l:ioil :;arurarrc,n ,wr;s;present rn the wetland, and hydn:logy di:;appeare,d in the uplarrd. wetland Delineation-Mitigation-Permittinr;-\4onitoring-Banking-FunctionalAnalysis-1- &. E sun,eysPhase I Environmental Assessments-El\\Al's-soil ID-soil nnalyii:; & Delineation-Environrrentat Referral:;Pond & Lake weed control & Fish stocking-Tree liurveys-Natural Resource [1erni:genrerrt pl,ans Jacobson Environmental, pLLC www.jacobsonenvironmentar.c.mEnvironmental Consultants Wayne Jacobson, p.S.!;./ W.D.C.r p.W.S.f A.F,S, 5821 Humbordt Avenue Nofth, Broorkryn cr:nter, MN 55430 (ei12) 802-6619 Ce1Email: jacobsonenv@msn.com The Nationalwetlancl Inventory Map (llv/l)(Fig.rre 2) itjentifies Biasin 4 on the subjerct site. According to the DNR Public waters Map (PWl) (Figure 4) of carr,,er county there arr;, no DNR pub rr::Waters on the property. According to the web soil survey (Figure, 3)the followrng hydric scils existerd on the r,arc*l: Hamel Photographs of the sjte s weflands are llrr:senteti in Appendix C. Confirmation of Jurisdictional Status. we are submitting this report to the ciierrt and rel]ulatorv agencies to reques;t a weland bqundary ancitype determination we have enclosed an offjcial-wcA Apiroval o" we|and rype and Boundary fr)rrrr nAppendix D aiong with a uscoE weiland dejineation concurrence request. Conclusion Thts wetland delineation meets the st,anderrds and crrteria descr jbeo in the 1 gg7 u s r\rmy corps ofEngineers wetland Delineation \4anual and the ir010 Regional sLrSictement to the cc)rps of Engirerers;Wetland Deljneatron Midwest Region. 'Il-is was a Routrne Or Siter Determintrtion anc the resutts rer,,le,:i:the conditions present at the tjme of the delineation. lf any wetland impacts are planrred for this; project, permits woirld be necessary from t,re LGU (Citv r::,fChanhassen; and other agenctes I certify that I performed,the field analysis and wrote the report for this wetland delineia:ion Thank yr:)u fof.the opportunity to provide weilarrd seivic;es on this rmportant prolect /4/.u A &%v, ;;_---;--r------;=vvayne t. JaCObSOn .'to,/ZZ/Zavt DateProfessional Sorl Scientist #3061 i Professional Weiland Scientist #1 000 Wetland Delineator, Certified #1 01 g Associate Fisheries Scientist #A.17 j Jacobson Environmental, pLLC, Regulators. Terry Jeffery, Cit.y of Chanhassen Ryan Maltrud USCOT: Chip Hentges, Carver S\tu,3D Ben Mever BWSR Wetland Delineation-Mitigation-permittinq-lvlon jtoring_Banking-Functional An,:lysis_1. & E SurveysPhase I Environmental Assessmerts-Eltw;'s"soil ID-s;il enalyiis & Dtjlineation-Environrrrenhal Referrralr;Pond & Lake weed corrtrol & Fish stocking-Tree !iurveys-Natural Re:r;ource fnlanagenrent plinns FIGUF{ES 93033.000,\ry #$b i:a i:>(:) -l '1j r1 $l I I I l z OOO O z O q f *\' --:J ",'.I "Jij"giq9!!' ' {',,' i')\'. t ';.--L 1 l'ig*):"-,*-{'iii .i,&, rii ,€i [.|.{;.}"'il-l i;; *"' "1 i ',;"i;*t--:,"u jtl' ,: r) .,,.1r€ lr!1r.'il -,;11... .).. . ... ScnliIi t l" :.l c)i g: ld',g j. l"li I I I l I I I I b* 93031.000'w , o.aaa,,,,.r. -,,*,,--,,,,, II,1il5 =.1!u!,,,,*9lS,,.=.,,,1{lol|Ll I l oMtItHS-='vi iirri:- -- r,j" lY'Eu 05 l:eleJ4 00'w ::i:.,c::j!. :; (92005 ro 3 2.00c 1t}(il n{s& c; (920 30 3 2.0 .rl: IniC 93 1 I r(Y, .l;rir."':'r,' ;ilt t.-:; Itr. I :tlSNationillree!0.q7 .000' w )NAL NAPHIC c,rvrtn 11961q6 I 93033.000,\ ATIONAL EOGNAP} ite!t-?gl!!!l g3 0. NATI GEOI wcs84 930i0,000, \v ''\ 9eQs' (-l {.t('l (> v)rr oi 't-) {):i c'.1 J)q,tt cr':t.rl' , (-' !ii\c c.l -. f-. 1J T' a. cl a_)-(] (-' (:J'- u'6, fi: 1ttr s ;l:- n -:-..1 |:t .?i;si:.i I i iiEtj,,. i " 3 i ;-p.; ,i *rilsiti i : Ilii;ii l': r r ! i-; i i i i: i:, i: i; i ,, i I ; j i i t: \{ E :; i i i ii; i i ;iiii :ij i i, sij; ;; il;li : ! fi ':;:' N\ ;i &$ >'t- c CI rN;zu (\:;:o0)L 5 :>lc4*i:$C: .qr mZ: $x*s I J lr, Scil [4ap-{)arver County, Minnesoli,l (Fitture 3 Soits Map) 'Jl .1 ,4 Ij $' ;a-- :l I 45$$0 ,'' 4585!n *,;xi 45Br,iu it :a t4aD Sc.lle: 1 : 1,y0 if pnttel on l podBrt (8. 5,, x 1 1,,) sh&rt. N oTF -:::,.::::.-::-::r:r4eresl"rr&60!)ol\ l---.. -:--_E:1 :1: ._:=l.etl\ ,1. 50 1.0 200 .Jsr/\ Matrpr,€tlrtrr: Welltr'jerutof O,nrercrn,arii* W(i$14 l:iq€tic; tJtMZdlel5llWGSJ, Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative [ioil SL:rvt:y 10122t2() l!) Pagrl 1 ot 3 l lsl)A i;ia* Sorl h,4ap--Carver County. Mrnnesota t:jc rft):l rolls N,la, Map Unit Legerrd Can/er County, Minnesota (MN01g) Map Unrt Symbol * Kts?. KC2 KF2 IVlK ND3 Totals {or Area o{ Interest I Map Urit Name l f lamel toam 0 lo :2 percent stopes LeSte--Krtxerrny lo.trns.2 to b per:etlt stopes. eroded l-estetrKrlkeriny toalr.ts. 6 to 12 per,:ent slopes 3roded Lester-Kllker ny loarns, 1g tO 25 percent SIC)pes.,3roded Musx,lgg an(i H,lu(lhtln sorlS.0 tO '1 percenl Slotr,ers Leste'-Ktlkenny cl;ry loanis. 12 t0 1 3 percent s,lol){ls. severely erorled Water Acres in A0l t*Percent of Aol 5'.,1 f i, "tt 7't l:i 4'l 1;:1't 2t ,1,,1, 1 !i ri l,i, 7 ,/'j,'u 100 t),7" __,..1.__ 4A 03 0g 02 C2 15 06 \j r\ -tl Nt;;;t R;;o,,rc;;Web lSoii Survey hlatronal Cooperatlve {iorl Survey 1 (r/il.l/:13 1 5 'i;gc :i tf :l Conservation Service r lJ w l.'1. I l0-'ll Figure 4 DNll I:'ublic Waters lnventon* l!lap >t 1|^ f itl i\pproxinrafe Scale I " = 5,2g0' Jacobscn [,nviron nr 0ntal, lrl,t_C. ll'>ro ject Nc. 2013;-23i :':*-'*==JlC " h*l:{i" ti," \,;,rp;- r '-\7 Chanhassen, Carver County, Mrnnesota 0 25 50 100I--t- ?eeL lfftrnmental*Pl!:l* "i--!'#, t)honcr (61 2) lj02-{j6i rl E-nrail: jacobso,tcnv(!,msrr.corn E;ilffi;;--.---*- 1 Meidowtarl l ane MD){ Nimc Res V Land Parcel llD Numibrer tt57.I20Q/0 lFigure 6 .{iite I'VX,:rn GIS Acres t.tl Irdet Acres 2,+Deeded Acres Htat RILEIiI LAKEiliEffiVW'_* M;--_l----'__vu/ -lvvt**.--*J I--...---_J Lot Block-Tax Description Year Built rs lnformati;;-:-T:iini-----ia:-t-..,-F*-i, Watershed District WS 064 RILEY PIJRG E}LIJF:F Green Acres N St €[t,,'";;J;r ( i\lt\'l l.i( ()l. ,\1 1 I llIriidi,iy GAYLE M & RICHARD P VOGET- TRUSTEES OF TRUST Mailing AddreG 105 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 5531 7-8660 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 fssesior tn rffiation ' , - Estimated Market Value Land act+ va[6f (Payabte 2015) 2015 r/erlues (Payable 2016)t"ast $ial Date oJ'Sale':-:--::- uale valrj€.. $tt20,700.00 $0.00 $ii2tl'796 69 $555,200.00 Building Total $0.00 $55s,2 00.00 IL rr:ri;j p|1,..,iri-,(l llr!i)rrlij [ ft a rr,t, (l !tl ;: --.".Fi+ +r IN r-- ()'Ri t:.t.:, .i,J 9; F :h i-c'q r'q :r'qn :: ;); I =l[i .: itr ,g:i-. i;!ti[:i : i] ;.*€ : 3d i ; ;i i; i;; !ira1-- r:rr l^o=.:iI: "ra; r:13pa.o ;ii l::: .i-Oc>: ::n-6R:: !,; qii6 i';g;E .='.r ii:: ,''a-;q i,r l:-- 'l^q?r; r.i, i;: :u Clr, :;:9 ClPa< [: +;:-s Id; q; S : - !o 1::::i :ji {,1.# +eiHl lii iiq: !F.Y53 'lie;si bij ii+ .LF-h\i >ii - - i.Qlr",r Er, ;:s Ii::;! H.t i;s iE"=,3ri! g-t Ess 35o';:.iy') p,; :f,r Cralei;; [|ii5,: €.JEi-1":i cf 9;c ou -.,r c 6 J i,: : ::< S6;;).- Yjr 5!rl !iEtll!!tl J., €:u i iln":1 ,:rs ';,, U5q g,iFili.I' !i nsir E2:Di:. ii .::r j-::- ''.Xlt'!:ll ,::{ oSlr s::illiiiii ). boii li ;i*1, si:; :i! eE,'l F crt'itl, ,ri, E!;ii ijr,-bt'[rir /.!' ;;] 5 CL G E oo.o l"- E oHJ h (u l- IrJ cD fI U- APF'ENDIX A Precipitation Datia Preci pitatiorr l)oc Lrntentalion \\/orksh :et l _I sing rjriclcJcd Datlbase rlome I current conditions llournal I oast data l);agr: I of'2 Minnesota climatology wclrking Group ,#, ...-. :-!1:.:-:ll.T:t:.9"9"y_ojji99_- D"II tllljsron of rcotogtcat and warL'r Resources Lrrriversrr,y oililirrne:lrra P reci pitation Works; heiet Precipitation data for target rarefl;rnd county: Carver township name: Lake Minnewarslhta nearest community: Shakopee Aerial photograph or site visit clate: Tuesday, October 06, 201S Score using 1971-20A0 normal period (values are rn inctes; estimated precipitation total for this location: there is a 30% chtn;e thts krcation wiil ha\t; less than: - I summaries I agricuttr.re I o':her sites I corrtact us I i;eaic,ir I |lfi tJsing Grirdded Database location: tcrwnship nunrber: 1 16N r€rnge number: 2l3W section number: ll5 first prior nr<>nth: Sieptemlb,er 2015 --*..-.-.'-* mrssrng C6an nd r rr^tvevvrrtr Frrvl montn Augur;t 201 5 _ nl:gllrs 1. 4a' 7.6;4 201 | Z.',tei I there is a 30"k;han* tf,is krc"tifiwill f,r"r; more than: ' type of month: dry nrrrrmal r,ve,t monthly score multi-rnonth score: 6 to 9 (dry) 10 to'14 (normalr 15 to 1 Score using 1981-2010 normal perriod t : Nws h)1^ (values are in inches) first pric'r mcnth September 201 5 estimated precipitation total 1'or this location: there is a 30% cnanie tnGGcati,cn ,Mtll have less than: - there is a 30"h 415 type of month: dry normal raret 4.{trl1l monthly score 7 x 7 =1i,'_ I I x n.ov'rru*l 3 -1,7 .t- * 2 ?.0 seconoliror l-T;ij :;r;i I - month I rnorrth IAugust j Juty i2015 I 2015 |+-----_- ----l - _2.81, r _l__1.Q1 _ .i- -1-__** 309 | 2413-1--- -- - i533 | 4tr$ I-7;,; - -_-*;l.-- I :-,'.,1a-l ,'T;;'5--l mrssrnrJ mrssrnrJ chance this location rvill have more than: - IJIgh DENsity radir_rs rerriu,al 0'i l2l0 number of missing days allowed per month: ,! retrieve monthly data I I retrieve daily dirta res u lts : Target: T116 RZj S25 mon year cc tttN rr"w ss nnnn oooooooo I an 2015 10 116N 2 3w 2 3 B,yRGreb 2015 10 116N 23w 23 BYRG rvrar 201_5 10 116N 23w 23 ByRGapr 2015 10 1I6N 23w 23 EyRGMay 2015 10 116N 2 3l1j 2 3 B,/RGlun 2015 10 116N 23w t3 B./RGtul 2015 10 116N 2lw z: e.rniAug 2015 l0 116N 2jW 23 BYRGSep 2015 10 116N Z3w 15 i,]|{S (HI\N._NWSoct 2015 mNov 2015 mDec 2015 m Pirrlr: I r.l1'I Ml nnesolu c]:*?iplfl.sil{,H:?Illn,g. ",?n:lp, :: Rcs.urc s un,vers,v. M 1r( .ia-;o;;f.,,.;;;t..^oi',..rli.r,rrr'fprrro.ilf r"r,,r'irrt.r,,'rrir,."'ir;;;;;.f ,;;;;;;f .,,,r,,,r,1m; Nearest Station Precipitat,ion Datil Retrieval Minnesola's precipitation data archive is i;earc;hed for data closest to a serlr:clecl tar{let location for earlh pontf .,r,,.aluesfrom the site closest to tle target location are returneci below after clr,:kin,J the retrl:ye monthly dirta or retrieve ct;ttilydafa butlons The precipitation data are narJe up of measurerJ rainfall an,i tn,- rnear;ured licluid conterrt of srrcrrvferll Temperature, snowfall, and snott'depth clata lrom l{atronal weather srlrvir:e reporting statiors are no long{lrretrieved from this application. To obtain lhoser data, see our newest data relrreval t,rol (May llc14) Natiorral\a/eatl-r:rservice precipitation data continue ro be .vairabre trorn this apprrcatir:,n. Oblain ng data for legat purposcs Gurde for column headers in the data tabler target location: carver'L;tke rrinnr:washta-shakopee 116N 23w s25 (latitude: 4.1 g2634 lorgitucle 93 53116) ctrct< ro select ters"l::gll"i Iyears !2015 v: lO i2015 v pre (i nchr:s) )A .85 2.74 4 .34 3.50 7 .83 2 .82 3.19 I l_l I r-15 mi.ni,ni. n. j. ti.ri. .rri. -r,i. !t1,)9 ni 9t1,)9 ni 9tl)9 rri icr prrc p lal gr oald +fl,re ine f!i,llj state clinatology office - lvlnDNR - Ecorogic'ar arrd wilter Resources hltp :,'r'c I i nt atr. rr rln. c.ti rri I I I Dracl i u s/ra cl i rr s lt c \\'. i.ls p 1 (.rr 1,1 llil I 5 APF'ENDIX B Samplet Data Sheelts WETLANO DETERTvilNATToN DATA FORM - Midwest RegiorF'c;eciisne761{ Lt+tlt ,t+/r. L<r^o---- ctyr66rn,, Gu+rhtry __-sarncri.rg D?te,. ]DJ.gj!!f- __;iffi:|*|" ,tu4-Yql- sl,l N'lap unit Nanre ltr.:,,.-, _*__ ,i,fuI cbr*ilon A'e climatic/hydrorogic condrtions of the siie rvp"rr r, t|* trl*rf ti.. yeJl _L , ,-,. ,,ro ," ;r."rrr., -A;e vegelation N ' soil A/ , cr hydrolcgy -$l srgn,i,r:anrlylisturtre:cr? Are ,nc .mar crrcumr;ta!"r::r€js,,i 1-':l-"11':. A/ -?1_ fV* , cr hycirorcsy I n.'r,uily problemau,; ? t)ft]s,onr,;, ,y' Tiee Straturrr (Ptot size: hbl__l *--LJ- --_ _ *--b{* ' u'| rlvururrgy rv_ naluraily probrenrarj':? r)fes,(:rit,;, ,y' SUMMARY qF FINDINGS / jf nppaed o.. --,.-l H'dr^^h\rri^ ,,^^^{^{ ^^::-=----: ._*-* (lf 'eeded r"x6ruin any ans\^/€rsi in i€rn'a:ks )Hydrophytic vegetat on present? jf ---:- Hydnc soil present? _ }, ls the sarrrpled itr€,a within a weila I$/etland hydrology present? At . f yes, optlonar 'r,etrand sjte rD Rr:marks: (Explain alterrative prccedures here or in a separate rrl0on ) VEGETATTON -- Use scientific names oi pt:,rits Absolr,rte Dominan lrrJicator ''/o Caver t Species Sjtaus; Donrinance Tr: srt Vlbrksher:t _fr_ Number of Dotxi rant Spec;res :nat are OB- t:t\,.)\Ai. ,|. ;aC __4:__..._,,/,, Trtal Nurrber of D:rmrrranl S:pec es l\()rc ;s a , S..ata __ Q_._--.-_. A Percent of Dornr ant Sipecies rhat.).e OBL f/..)W or rAC _ 1b..1__-_.,^ iaplinqlShrub stralu,r Prevaletrce Inrlrlx Tatal ah Oover c,ft OBL specres; Worksheel FAC$/ spec es C :<2 x3 (q x5 FAC specjes C FAe li crronl,r,: n UPL species C(Plot srz:e colunrn lotats c tA) _zo y_ FA/:-__- 1',r 5 i c'ur, -, '', -4e Y *tg_ tp y _fut1 Toial Cover 0 Total C;over c, _v_ BJ.-7a-.-7a __?a -_t p -.-*r __lp--f YY Y f.' -N_ A1_ /J FAc_- -F&,_-F"rr-t! FA("--FrAil ful-r^ Fk".l Prevaler^ce Ind:rr = E/A Hyd'ophytic Ve geta'iion tnilkrt;;;l;- __ ilapic tes: 1r:r hyclrcphytio veqr:t:ti:rn a l)crninarrcre lest $ >5Oo/,, _ l)revalerce index is :3.0, lvlorphocicer adaF.]tations, tir.ppod ng :tata in Remar _ separaie sh:)el) i)roblem.alic hydrophytic v€ gEtat c l', _ (expratn) "lnd cators of rydf ,l sorl .rno \!el anil h,/,J:olcq, i.t-Lst b3pfesefri Ut less rJ slLJrced 0r ploltlernal c oFhvti -. cn t?O size Xotro4 ) Total Cover vegetation grres ent? l!r,o't .--- US Amy Corps of Engineers Total Cover M iti'rur;',, 1 Rr,1:1 iO rt Rerrarks llnclude photo nunrbers lrere or on ,, se[lllr,: .neet1 SOIL S;rrnplin g Profile Description: (Describe to the depth neeclec to document the irrdicator or r:onfirm tre absenc;er of indicatc,rs,)I r-eatu|es Color c/c Type'F(em;,irr:$; 'T,,pe. C = Concentratrcn. D =Depletion, Rlr,,1 = Reclrci:d Matrix, i\iiS = trlas^"1 Sa,.oiHydric Soil lndicators: Histisol (A1) (]"ar,r< .,t .^^r,.,. -,-'----LJvd,!, rL:: F,ore l_rr,rr,r IJ:: t,.alr, Irrdi':ators for Pro6,erlrratic Hyct r-fSrriGl _ Histic Eprpedon (A2) -_ Black Histic (A3) -_ Hydrogen Sulfrde (A4) _ Stratif ed Layers (AS) _2 cm [/uck (A10) Depleted Below Dark Surfar:e I nrc\ Ua'( Srr'ace (A121 Sancy f',4ucky fulineral (S 1 ) _5 cm l/l'cky Peat or pear (53) Restrictive Layer (if observed) Ty )e Depth (rnches) ern a fks HYDROLOGY etland Hydrology Indicators: Prr narv Indrcatcr-s (Oinimum of one s require_(j: check irll thai app.U) Surface Water (A1) Hrgh Water Table (A2) Saiuration (A3) Water lrlarks (81) Sedinrent Depcsits {82) Drift Deposris 183) Acluatic Fauna (813) '1'tcrcatCrs of hyl16rl;Iy1l1: vegetet or] rllll u aritanc lry(jrclogy rlust ber i)res9nt, unless ::ti3t.lri:{:}al or p oblerna.trc -- Sand,r Gleyec lvlalrix (54; --{iandv Reocx (S5) -_ SlrrpFed N4atrLx (56) _ L.c)amy fr4ucky Mineral {Fl ) _ L.oamy Gleyecl Matrix tF2l ). De'pletec.l Llalrrx 1F31 flecjox Darr Su.'ace F:6r .- )e0leied Darl: Surfacer (F7) _ Fle(lo)( Depressrons (FB) _-_ Coast irrarrie F.ecjcx (A16r aLRR K., L, R) -_._ Dark Surface (57) ILRF| K, L) _*_ 5 cm tuiLrcky Peat r: r peat (S3) (LRtt K, ___lron-Manganese hjtasses lF12) (LRR K, _'_ Very Srallo'a., Dark Surf,ace (TF1lZ) ___ Ctler (explain in llmanis) R) R Hydrrc soil ___l _*True Aquatrc Planis (814) __ fiydrogen :Sulflde Odor (Cl ) Oxrdizec] Rhizospheres on [_ivrng floots -- Presence r:f ReduceC lron {(14) Recent lrol Reductron ln Trl ed Sci,s (c6) "- f nin lvluck Surface (C71 _* Gauge or !,'/ell Data (D9) _* Otrer (Explain n RemarKs) _2:7&_- V:LL S-CggldA. v t n q&,r t o rs_fu r n r n' ri r11-r1i-1 r!1 -9111 i r e q _- Surface S: I Cracks (86) _- Draina(le F atte,.rrs (810) _- D') -Seaso Water Tao,() rC:] , _- Cralfish Errrrows; ((lg) Saturatic,n /tsiblr_. oi- Ae,lll lrrial;e r 7 -- Stunted ,rr tjtresseJ plants, .t) l) -'Germorpl. r: Posltion (Dll) _- FAC-Neulr il Test (D5) A19al lv4at or Ci'ust rron Deposils (85) lnundatron Vislcle on Aerral lmagery (87) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface 1Bg) [/ater-Stained Leaves (89) Su'face vr'aler preseni? Water table present? Sa:uration oresent? irnc ludes capillary frir i:: il: -F-3::llil::[:i Vac Nr^, s. r\0 E Dept,] i.ncnesl Wetla hyd rcr prese rd ogy 1t? Derjcribe recorded data (streanr US Army Corps of Engineers gauge, nronitoring weil, a€)riat phctcs, pruuious ,,.rffi; )J f *r;il]g -' lv4 id yrers t l:ie13i r: n *ETLAND DE'ERivtNAT,,oN DA,TA FoRM - rllicrwest RegiorrPrcledtsne 761 I *l..&o-tqze l<, o^-_-*- crty/coLrnty %tu,+, *-sampllrg Dare: .lo/' -.- rvrt tvt6a1o4,t^.4c I4 a____ urty/U.ttlty C.1.*rt*l,urr *-Sampl'tg Cate, .lO/6J::r,f- ._._l['fi::::]"' ;fodz-:tgt- -*-- -st,,t.Jy,-=:sanrp gp,:,in, ___11^f,2rsitr *_ Alrti earrtrA,n,no. n;,ffi;;,.',"',.-J&t1-S/r441_ _sti:re ,*tN_____ !99oe0. exp,?ln any ans\vers in rern.arks jiiydrophyUc vegeiat or present? y" - j--- l.- I rd lnnn sril N4apurffi __--' LOIr9 ---Datum A'e crimat crhvorotosic concitions or 1.,, s,te rye.d;;;t^-r rh. )-r,, _'.t' ffi::i:jl,lJ;;t.tfff*fl:::-:--.:.: A-e vegetation N ' soil Al . , oi'hydrology xl srqn frcanilvlisturtreldi Are ,,nr.rnar cr.crmst;ln(:;es,, 1.:]:-s-.1i,:i -=.Al- t:1^ - tV_ , or hycrrorcsy -F naturarry prooremari:? Dkrs{nr,;, ,y' SUMMARY OF FINDINGS --.-,-* Hydfic soil present? Wetland hydrology present? ls the san)pled ...rrc,a withirr a wetlal, '( f yes, opt onat ,^€ttand srte lD -l --" l:_l" R,)marks. (Explarn alternative prccedufes here or in a separare r,loo( l VEGETATION -- Use scientrfic names of plarnts Tree Stratum 1 (Plot size: _2x!*.(_*) AbsolLtte Dom nan lrrJ:cato 7, Cover 1 Species llrau:i --Uonlnance Tr:r;t Worksher:t N!n ber Df DJlxilant Sjpecies :hat ilre OBL, F7\)W, or iAC: Tltal Nun^ber of Da)minant S;pec es Acrcss ail Srrata Perceni of Dornrant Sipecres that .rre OBL, Ftri.)W, or t.AC: ).,12O.__--._.,,ArB ::--------Hyd.'ophytic Ve getation Inclical::rri: -_ liapid test f or hylrcphyiit veci€tr,tti,:)n 14 l)orrnarce:est rs >501r .- f)revalence .]dex is s3.0,, l/lorphogrca adeptaticns.' (pro,,,,:le: !rt"rpporting r:,lta ir Renrark:; r)T o-r z; _ S:ePErate S,hi:et) Problemalic; .tydropnvt c yegotit or, ._ (exprain) 'ln,Jicatcrs of hydfi: presert. u. ? j I t To,ur Coietjep]ilEShlub stratrrn- (Plot size. IS.WnL _) I '.2 :l 4 l; llerb stratunl Total Cover Y - F*at Y - Ftlzer2r DgL.- Y- aBL,- --4n.-k -*7-? __22 w-*Total Cover (Plot size: ?^rvtt4 -I SOrt :inC lvet atd r\j(i.ar l(i: I ess a,Stirri)ed crr pr0l:leiI6Lt cj Re'narks (tnctude photo nurnbers r,ere or oruG$ilil;|r*t) US Amy Corps of Engineers ', Total Cover .-.---..I Hydrophytirr Mrdrler;t Re g,i,cn SOIL ^^ ^/ i a-,^,\vu Jr {. iLrt5l) Y'r l'r1F" t^^r. l)rofile Descrlption:E=tl-19-th:_gth n er: de d to d o c u "* rt th. i,r d t., t".;;". f I *Iii Text.rre - l-1ist c EpipecJon (A2) _ Black H stic iA,3) _ l.lydfogen Su ride (Aa) _ S:iat fied Layers (A5) _2 cm fviuc< (AlC) Dec eted Belovr Dark Surface (A11 ; _ l:].Ck Ua'k Srrrface (A121 _ Sandy i/ucky ivlinerai (S1 r 5 cm Mroky Peai or peat (S3) _- Sarc/ Gretec l,latrix (54) *- Sancy Redcx (S5) __,Stripped Matrix (S6) _- -()a iry lliLrcily lr"4rner,al (F 1 ) _. _()a ny Gleyed fuiiatlx iF2) *)c" Dep;ered lV;rrrix (Fi) __ Redox Dar. S.rlace 1F6) -- Deple:ec Deir< Surface 1F7) _. li3cox Depr:ssions ,Fg) F?€ rr",:l r<s; t__ tryra ffi*ffii,.",.,t'iir*nJ:!l:11-:' ril u rl' --, .*_ Coast Praine fle,jox (Al e ) (L.RR t(, [. Fl , ".__ Dark Sur'ace (S,; ) (LttR K, L,) .__5 cnr I'lucky pee:or pe:l (Sl]) (U?R K, 1., Rl .__ lron-lvlarganese lr'las,ses (Fi 2) (l.RR ii, L, R) .*_ Very Shailow Dalk Surface (.)-F.1,1) .*_ Othe' (expiair i-r fenrarhs) 'l' o cetors of f.,crr )Dh, : C regt)::,l,-1r, Er(j ..,e(arc irydrology rnust b,: present ;nres:i :lis.:,,rr:ecJ c, Fiyclric soil preser.) t? S e-,:o n ci a rl. I r rli ca,t ct s_(UIL:tiJl1_lJ.!t: il-Jg.l"!rie q! __ Surface [)oil Cra;iis (86) Drainage pailerrrs (B.i C) __ Dry-Seas,cn V!,ater TaD e (O2) ' __ Crayiish i3"rrrcws rCg) Saturairo l Vis ble cn l\er,a rla(i$11/ I,Cg.r-- Stunted c.r Strtlssed pia rtr; tD 1 i'g GeOno'p'rric DOsi: or. rD2r.a FAC-Ner,,trat Test (D5l Wetiand hycl rol og y preEent? ::_: *:; -*,--....*_._.--] l*-*-*-t --*--*--1 i I V/etland Hydrology Indicators : Fr:rrarv lnC:cal_crs (m:nimum of cne is reoiriled, checi( ali ti,.at ai)civ) Su'face Water (A1)__,qoJalic Fauna (813) __ Irie Aqreiic Piants (B141 __ lydrcgen Sutf de OCcr (C)l j 3x C;zeC Rhlzospneres o I Livrrr.t Rocis .c3,)*- Presencr: cf Reduced lro r (C,1) lie;ent l'or Rec'ucticn in 'f ilted tlcils -fhrn I'i'r^lz q,,r{.^a in7*--.-. ) .__ (3a,ge or Well Data (D9) .*_ ()tf er (E.rtplain n RentarKs) _ rligf ',rVater Table (A2) Satrrailon (A3) Waier \'iarks (81) Sec ir.ent Deposils (82) Dr;fi Depcsits (83) Algal tu4at or Crust (84) I'on Deposits (85) Inundation Vis ble cn Aerial lmagery (87) Sparsely',,/egetated Concave Surface (BB) \ /ater-Stained Leaves (Bg) ield Observations: S .f;nc \rraitr nrFcanl? V.i atei' tab e present? Saturaticn present? I :alrrr]a< ren larv (r'.noi Describe recorded data istream,Sauge, mcnitcrrng *eil aeriat protos, prevGG ves N,c v leoth rrtcf es,.ves -=;: No )errh rl-.es, wac f,r^F _ f J0 leo:l- ,rcresr Restrictive Layer (if observed)t HYDROLOGY US Army Corps of Engineers if available l'1id,r,'.,sI a e :liorI o',ii|^i,,'ffi*_-Clty/Coun1;r:,Ch'n4u'*,^-Sarnplilgoaul,lo/,6,/,|,5:lr"r.n.,rir'," -st,ter -zY&l--_--------sa.p irrg Pornt EpE' -_.:._ WETLAND DE'[ERMilNATION DATA FORM - Midwest RegionPrOjeci/Slte i-iycrophytlcvegetatiOnpresent? lf VEGETATION -- Use scientific names of Pt<1t I t5 Sorln4ap Unit Name flrr-. t ::_Are ctinraticihydiorogic conditions cf the site ltprcd;;;h" rf th. y.r, _11 lrf .; ,,;r; ;,,-;;"*k;-Are vegetation N ' soil A/ , or hyorrrlogy /V.. signrfi:antiyirsturbeoi' Are ,,rcrma crrcumstarr{:)r)s;,,1.:l:-s_-]i:t N .:1^ ^/_ , or hycrrorogy N naturaily probtemati,: ? ,rr.?!jijr.t-1) ,v SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - -_--, Hydrrc sor present? _-Ad I ,. the sanrplecl area within a wetlan A.f\,Vet;and hydro ogy present? __^L* | f y*, ootrcnal r,,er|anc site lDt .-t - * _* (lf reeded. e:<lrl.:in any ansrrvern:; in renarks ) separate r3pon ) Ircejlrelll 1 (Pict size: lor t&l _l Absolute Domrnan lnlicatcr ozi Cover t Species ljtaus; Dorninance Tr-'st Wrrrksher:t Nurr,ber cf Dcrilrant llpeaies ihat rrre OBL, I:i\(lW, rrr FAC Total Number of Dominanr []pecies Ar;ross a . Sirala Perc:ent,tf D,rrlrlant Spectes that ilre OBL, f:A,:)W, ,;r rAC. Pre'/alerlce In,Jex Worksheet Total % Cover cf. OBL species 0 FACW spec es l- x Z FAC species --T--x : 'AL t- gl)ecres C < 4 UPL species Colrmn tota s Prevalerce Index = B/A = Hyd rophytic Vegetation lnrf icit rrs: ._ llapici test 1t:r hyctrophytic ,.,e5;:talion X l)orninanc;e test s >500/b **ltrevalence ncex is s3.3' l',4orphoorca1 adaptalrons, (F rr:r.,irJ6 ririppol1ir)g Cata in Remari.(s 1lr r:,n i:r _ tieparate !iheet) l)roblern alic; hydrophytic v€,qetal c r,, _ (explain) 'lnd cators of n),d-,) soit anrj ivel;an,l h,/:jroicr]\ ,1.LSl b,, 0feserrt. urless tJ Sluraed 0r ptolla:na1 c veg etation present? 2 3 4 5 Total Cover S_apl nqiShrub slratun (Plot si;e: lS rWnl _) 1 (Plot slze, 5'/e | _l ltrl Total Cover jryoody vlne stratum (ploi slze: Vorry,l- ) . Total Cover YRemarks (lnclude photo numbeis nere oio US Amy Corps of Engirreers a separatil s heet) Mid'wer:,t Rrrplion .50t1 jjng ? = Concentration, D = E)epieticn, Rll : R€:cuced i\latriI r,,,,1S = Masked SarC Gr'lrns "'Loc.alr:t.t p_=por,.| .rr \/::LHydric Soil Indicators Irrrjicators for prolriemalE Hyd ric. S;iG:Histrsol (A1) - l-lrstic Epipedcn (A2) _ Black Hislic (A.3) _ Hydlogen Sulfr,Ce (Aa) _ Stralifred Layers (A5) **2 cm Muck (A10) _ D.p eted Belovr Dark Surface (A1 1,r _ Trick Dark Surface (A12) _ Sandy ilucky tr.4ineral (S1) 5 crn lvlucky Peat or peat (S3) I F:estr;ctive Layer (if observed): T, ^^'Yl-c f)cnth /rr ^hoc\ r.enT a i V/etland Hydrology lrr(iicators : Errrarv Ini,cators (min i^nr-im of one is requred: cl:cii alj thatglciv) .__Coast Pi';:irte lle,,Jox iAi6) (LRR l(, .., Fl .*_ Dark Sur,ace sSi l) (LftR K, L) .*_5 cm lu4Lrcky ?ezr:or peat iS3) (LltR f(, j-., R) .-._ rr0n-l,,4an3anesi: Mas:ses (Ft 2) (LRFI l.i, l_, R) .__ \,e'y Sha.,o;r I): .k SL. rface i'f c t 2) .*_Otbe- (expiail i- rerrarrsT ' I'rc:c€ tors of fryc,,. :phyt:c !egel€ li0n €rn(;,,,reltar g ny0r0togy must i,,: present, u,r es;s disl.irrbec cl p ro b lein a tic Fiydric soil preserrt? _ f/ l *_ Saiuraticr Vis ble on r\erjz; __ Stu'rleci :.,r Stfi..s.sed planls __ Geon,trphic positiori iD2l __ FAC-lr'er.,irat Test (D5l Sanciy Gteyr::d Matrix (S4) SanCy Redc,x (S5) S lrloped fv,latrix (S6) Loarrry Muci,ly llinerri (Fl ) Loarny G eyed lviatr x {F2) D3pleted l\,4atrix ( F3) R edox Dark Surface (F6) D3p:e:eo Der'< Su-face rtrt, []edox Depresslcns iFBl _ Su.face Waler (A1) I'j,grr Vy'ater Table (A2)__,Aq Jatic [:ar,na (31 3) *_ True AqLatic Plants (314) iyclrogen Su f de Odcr (Oi ) -] "rutuna,, cf RecrrceC lror iC.4. lecent i'on Recluct cn in -f illed lScrrs __ :c6) fh'n l\,i ': arrlarc.t^7'---,- ) ,3auge or \l,/ert Daia,Dg/ r)tirer {Explain in Remarks) Saturatlon (A3) UVater \,1ar'ks (81) SeC menl Deposits (82) Df ift Depcsits (83) Aigai tu1at or Crust (84) lron Deposlts (85) lnundation Vrsible cn Aerial lnragery (87) Soa'sely VeJetaled Corrcave Sr,rface 1BB) !'Varei-Staineci Leaves (Bg) ield Observations S 'f:np \\/arF. nra.onl? l\,\/al^. r^( - ^.^-^^rali;t(= rcurc Plc)c 'lr lSai"r'aiion present? ^^^ r^-,. ,-.-^^.| , u,?c5 9dlr: rdl y lr lt tLiYr \c Depth \i1ci,es) _-;- Decrh i-bhes)r __Ja_ Depih (ircnes)t _:r'2.+__zL+ gJ Nr. i\o NO Wetland hyd rology prel;ent? le<nr ia rp^nrria4.iat2 lclr-c,o \r.iearr" Ja!lge HYDROLOGY Q 1r*r,, f a"^" ^( r^^:^^^--uJ -/rri, !v PJ vt LrtSrrtgtrt5 nl0:'lrt0rrng '/,'ell, aerial p rOtOS pfevr0us ilspections), if ava labie N4iclrvr.,s : I r:5;io rr F "oJect/S rte WETLANo DETERTIflNATToN DATA FoRM - Midwest Regiorr Hydrophytic vegetation present'2 V, ' -i"'""''" (e?l lvtt'lut44e I t<a'---- ctvrcountv: -fu+rtatea__.-samcrirg aarc ,1ol,ful1,f1_.__;i[::l;il''1.@investigator(s) LlZf .t ;u.ili*-- """ -i2--ttd-tr-J---.*. Lirndform (hjl stope, t.rr.c,-- Seclion Toitrrrship' Rarrge 5.ct-477t)a"r-laiiisez s ope io,r', , ' ;: JTq*!*4--- , ^^^-t'tt 'e|3i ic''rrca!'e tt""t^ n*= -Oa ro-ztEr--.----_LUng. Datlin:s':r lvlap urrr Name lr&r"r,*{ -____ _- ,J'tr EIJ "rt ".A e crimatrcrhyo,orofrIiioitions orine.,t. iyp"il; ti* t-.,,f rh. rcr,, _U '"" il;H."^',,;;#,)fi/J[/t[-------- ll:::::::]:: --|- ::lj -+ cr hvdror,:sy /r,/ sisnrrir:anryf sturb,e d? Are ,nc,maic,rcumstan(:es, i.:::_n_.]i:i _ 4{* r:1- F/ , or.hycJior)gy nJ naturalry probrema,i:? " rrd urrL;urr*iran(:e3 suMMARyorrtt{ottrtos ' tr pres€r':/ _** (lf needed, e>lplain any ansvvers n lenr,a.ks ;nyuroonylcvegetatt0rrpreSent'/ V" Hyoi'ic sorr present? :i:: N ,. the sanrpted are,a with jn a weuan Y '\/ac .nr ""11 Wella'to Stle lD Wetland hyd:ology present?*_Y"f yes, cptio.ral Rr:'rarks. (Exolain alternative procedures here or in a sepa.ate r{)oort } VEGETATION -- Use names of Iree Straturn Absolute Donrinan Indicator(Plot size. ln, vh.l . _1 9i, Cover t Spec es Staus1t z -Ln Y *s:. ,)jp[0sisxru!-stra.!,"r (plot size. I S, rarl -, -6p-= Total cover - 17D " Totai Cover Donrinance l'e s;t Worksheet Number of Dorri-ant Species lhat are OBL, F:l\:)W, ur FAC, *l:--... T,)tal hJunrber cf D,:m,nanr S;per:ies Acral;s all Slrata Percent of Dornir.ant Sipecies Total 7; Cover:' OBL species 0 FACry'/scecres " 0- FAC species FACU speck::; UPL species Colunrn lotals Prevalence l1J,?( = EJ/A : Hydrophytic ta,ge taljon lncli;i;"; _* IiaciJ tesl f c,r hyr:ropnyii,: veclet,:rtir:,n I X1 x2 v2 x4,- x5,.(Plot size _!! [)onr,nanqe est i$ >S0% [)re,ralence rdert rs s3.C.' lvoodv vrnq straturn {Ptot size: 7"rryll ) F)roD enriltrc. lioropt.tylic ,ege.. tt cr,. (explain) 'lnCicatcrs of i)ydfl:; sorl znc v/eta1d hyjrlloi;,, 311s1 g6. t,resent, u:resS Cj sturbed ()r 0:ajt)leftallc);opntlij-_- ! egetation Frresent? l,4orp hogica I adai,tations', lpr(I,/ ()€) s,lrpporllnel drlta rr Femari<s or on i; s,eparale s;h{;et) _Y_ T6iiiTil.,' Re narks photo numbers here or on a separate sheet) US Amy Corps of Engineers Mid',,velst Replion SOIL Col.rr (rncist) aA Type- Loc.- I)rofile Description: i ri'lcnes ) l'T-vpe C:Ccn,:entration D = Deplet,on, Rtvrl nu- --:r,5 =,f;rr"di;, *r*i Hydric Soil Indicators: lt.rmptinq poinr: Z _L_,!_= (Describe to tG def,tf, '*Ifl[I" d.",*r,,t th. hldt..t.-;;ft* th;-mtfi---T-**-_-;;;;:-F:=-::::-**--1-*--__* rstr:e of inrlicat r Th:cn Dar( Su'iace (A12) | - Saroy l,'r,c,,7 l,'rleral {S l | -S cm tuiucry peat or pe,at (53) ] f:eslrrctrve Layer (tl oDserved): 1r,^^,";- Suiace Waier iAi ) Hrgr lry'atei' Tacle (A2) SatJratlon (A3) Water lviar<s (Bl) SeCrment Deposlts (tsZ) Drlft Depcs is (83) reld utlservatlonsl i rrie^p r,,/rlor ^.6coni?I c5 .t/^r^. r-!r^ ^-^^^^rav F vv!, r{ r q.l r.tl r^ nroccnt? \ r uuc> !cpilrdr __ Aq.atic Faura (ts13) -__ Trr-re AqLratic Plarrts (3121) __ Hy,Jrogen Sulf de Odor. (O 1 I Cxidized Rhlzospheres c- Lii.l:rq F.octs Presencs of Recuced lro- i'C4' Recent iron Recr.,cticn In -lilled ;3cijs lc6) Thin Mui:;k Surface (C7) ,3auge or Well Daia (Dg) ,Jtn-3i (t\plarn 1n ReiTtarkS) rr3,ns. "-Locai c,n pi- = porr: [_iit rq, iri ,, f,,,iair,xln,jicil;;slor Frorilemarrcltartt56l;f-* -': ^ ]#ffiii 3}i"+#' Lllll,-!: -:: r1''::--l __ Surface :loii Cracks (ilL^) __ Drair age Patierns (8.1 il) __ Dry-Seerr;cn V\/ater Table ({)21 *_ Crayrisir 3urr,iws ,C8) SatuIa:i( I Vis;bls on r\er.a ln Stunled .rr Str-.ssed pianir;-f, Ge om i r 1,h ic P os iiio r r'02 ) _5. FAC-Nerrtlal Test (D5) -Hlstrsol (A1 ) SardyGey-eclvlatri)i (S4) cnastpr:ir,o,r".r^,".^-.^rt,l';:::'"' -nrsr'5ur (A r) Sardy G eyr:i lvlatri>r (s4) _ coast Prairre lle,jox iA:ti) (L,RR I(, .-. R,_flisticEopeclon(A2) *-SandyRed:,x(S5) ]-oarrrsurl..iiriiiro**,rf_ Btac( H strc lA3) __ Sirippec fvlairix iS6) .__ 5 crn l,4uoxy >e; I cr peai {S3) (Lll,R K, i.., R] - Fydrogen sulf ce tA4) -oaxy l,iuclly f,,4inei"al (Fi ) 'I- irori-i'la,r3anesrr yas,ses (F12) (LRFt l.i, 1., R)_Siratifred Layers (A5) Loanry Gleyec,Matri;< (F2) ]_v"ry iiri"r*orlu'r.r,rce (.rF1t2)_2 crn fvlucx (A10) -'Depleted f,li,rlrix rF3) _-otnu:1ur;i;;.1-", ,"u*u..1.;Depeted Eelovr Dark S,:rface tA1 I, -f'Ro.l.u n:r! e rr,:as rcA\ . ''-'. ( Dark S,riface (F6) -. Depletec D;rri< sur'iace (F7) 'r'rd'c€toi's of hyclr)phi,tic ,"eget:riir:n arn(i ,,,/ertarc -. Reccx Depressions iF8) hydrology nrust [ ? present ulli]rjsi dis:irf0ecj c pr0: er]1attc f.esLn0UVe Layer {tI oDServeo): , / pe I l_lydric soil preser t? \,/t,er'"anffil'er'vJv"F's>c''-l *---_-*-l I I"IYDROLOGY V/etland Hydroiogy indicators: Fr mar"',' llc,calors (mintnt';m of r:ne rs requiiedi chg,:ir a. tnat a-.i:il i:) '/es 'a: NcYes ,.< : \o lelrr I ,.c.es);2bt* Wetlancl hyci rol ogy prer;ent? atriar,ba rcearaad Aala (clr,suv,uev uaro qorr€Ofli gauge mon lcring v,,ell, aerial pi.roics prevrtuS InSpeatiOnS), jf ;rvarlaOtg 5FnY hyarct.r, it y.+.*t* q*ht=,p_ru,+,, I -.-_.-.*._l US Army Corps of Engineers It'4iclwr:':; i E,:r[]tc n WETLAND DETERMTNATTON DAT'A FoRM - rVridwesrrRegionP.ot"'vsne ?611 h-y'o-t-'tr l<r"z--**- cirv/oountv fubu2*a---samprinr; Dare . tr*,,L12--:___* 1o],]:,'']o::e|.'w:1V"qot--Stat:'ru--_--SamplingPoirrt-4=t-W-..lnv?s|gator(sr Ugf 4Larldform(h||lSlope.t@;_--,.'.::.::]l"[:::::.i::::,#,'-,.2ffi::i].i!i9_ Srope 1%1 3 Lat --T--- soir Map ur,, *"n,u qrr*--I-.-_ *.*- Long --..-- - Dalurn Are crimatic/hvc,orosiiiioitrons orrhe site tf rcarr,rr n-, r*.rrh" y..r -Lt- ff;:ff:iJ;t,a:__--*:--:-- Are vegetation N ' soil A, , or hydrololly -$l srgn,frcantryfsturbed? ,Are ,,norr.lar crrcurnst;aicils,i::]_Y]i:i -d- t:1_ * N . , or hydrol'sy /V naturany problematic:-; ' ' '" "'"''";;;:.:;;1., SUMMARY OF FINDINGS (if ner:ded explilrn any answerrs; in rr3mrarl<s ) fs the sarn[]led area withir, a weilan, k,l t yes opt on.:l weil:rnrr srte l[) - - | Y -- Rernarks (Explarn alternatrve procedures here or rn ;i s()p?rate rel)ort ) VEGETATION -- Use scientific names c.f plarrts Lteg Stratum (Plotsize _LkoC*_t oomininie"TGl w*Ch""t- 2 1A.4?c.r^/rt4../vb -_- _'?4, V tH{.,:J Numb,:r of Donrn; rt Specres lhat an: OEjL FAO'rV, or F/\C. Total Nirmber Dr Dornine|t Species Acros;:; all Strata. Perce't ol Domine -l S1;ecres tnat arr-. OBL, FACtrrV. or FAC; 3 5 *^2,9 = Total Ccver l\br;olu1e Dominan lndi:ator i/o (lover t Species Sraus trt -_'*x_._-- H':rb stratum 3 A 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B I 9aplrno/Shrub stratun (Plot srze: lsryryul_t1 P*u. .s rrttr--t-,. , _2p._21r, Y _ F,qc-_ -_'{ _. N _ F4r+t -:5 M _ FA+l Total 7, Crver of : OBL spec es F.ACV/ species FAC speoes FACU species UPL species Colunrn totals 0 0 Preva enc': Inde>: = Hydrc,phytic Vegr:tation Indir:atord I _ Riroid test for ryd.opnvt,c reget3r,cr _ Domrnancu t,t,,t 't ,>t0,,, _ Prevalence in.lex is s3 0. N4,:rphogical 3 Japt.ttrons' ( F,ro,vi,*, supporlrng d;r a in Renrarks rlr jr a separate she: t) Problemattc ir,,droph),ttc vegetiatrort', (e.<plarn ) 'lndlcators lf hy,Jflc ,oil aI]rj v/eiland hy(j o o.y rrIst lsprosent uit{:1js dlsl Jrbcd or p,obl€ ntatl,(l (plot size: '.tyra . - r- 'b -= 'fotal cover _*:fr^*3e* _*lo _*7 __3 ..Y _ -Y "..lv _. N._ _FtJa;:. FA(*, F,4a. Fil4L/ FAa. 10 :9{. l-otal Cover Ioody vrne stratum 1 l Plnl qrze ='ioGl-667u,vegetation prese nt?I'Lflerrarks( Incl ude photo numberi i,ereiiill;"pr;f" rh.",J Hydrophyticvegetationpresent? N_ Hydric sorl present? Nl.*- Wetland hydrology present? N'_ US Amy Corps of Engineers Midlvest Repir:rn 130tL l)rofiie Descriptionl {ilrrtr- t.,* cllrllG[g!.*r.,,t th;h,'di.rt.,..ilr,fi-"G rr i11i1':g-:t nt' **J[: *DJt -['C?x ----T_---lgj.;T; r*--*: --"""" ::'-"'', -teffiffiIle indicator ()f confirm th_e abserr;e of inciica,.;,i:::-.-_ -.:: n9t?t) , - 7: I c:i.rr (mcst) - 9'c Type' L_!l____ fextrre r Flerr:iL<s1)t1 tnn I r_t__t____ _ .:-_-_ _*.*_.._-*-_-! Recr,cet i.la.:., i,lS = lr.lasl.el Sarc - iiistlc Ep;oeCon (A2) _ Biack hrsllc rA3) _ Hydrogen SulfiCe iA4) _ Sir'atlf ed Layers (A5) _2 cn lvi.rck (A10) Depreted Below Dar.k Srtrface (A1.1 I 1.4( Lrar< SL.l.aCe tA I 2, Sandy l,l,:cky 1,.;lineral ($1t 5 crn lviircxy Feat or Pe.at (S3) fitfo; #trji *#ffil:-:l :- I:'''' -l ._ Ccast Prairie Re,lox iA.e )(L,RR l(, l.-, filj . * :rrt Surface iSi;') (LttR K, L) __5 cm llucky re6t or peai (S3) (LltR i(, t-" R) ._-lron-lilanEanesr: Masses (Fl2) (LRFt hi, -, R) lSardy G ey{:c lla(rix (S4) Sandy Recic,x (S5) S:ril>ped Matrix (56) Loarny l\4uclry fu4:ner3y 1p 1; I-oamy Gleyed fvlatrrx (F2) D3pletecj fMalrix lF3) Recicx Darr S;r'face (F6) D3plei,3c D;rrr SL,:iace iF7) fl3Ccx Deprilss ons lF81 .__\/et'/ Shaiiow l)a -** Otne- (explarr iir "t:rd cators of h),cl hyCrology r.nust c 'k SL,rface ("iF12) rerlarf,.s ) )ph)/tic !'eg€riatro: iinci ,,,,'e larc 3 present, ut its;s dis..r.rbecj cr. p i'c I leiuatrc l-iydric soil preser t? - lV Restrictive Layer (if observed): Ftonth / nehcc\ HYDROLOGY VJetlarld Hydrology Inclicators: Er'marv lndtcaiors (mjnin"rum of cne is rectuireC qr lr.r \,\/.rar /A 1\ l-- l,9n Water Table (A2) r Saturatior (A3) L_ lvalef ivlarKs [ts i ) i Sedirrent Deposits (82) [- Orrfr Depcsiis (83) ;; gat [,lat or Crrst (84) _ Water-Starnecj Leaves (Bg) ield Observations: Yes /r.eir,rJeq nan larv frinnot __,qqJatic Fauna (813) __ IrLe Aquatic Plants (314) __ tydrogen Sulf ide Odor' (C t) ,)xdlzed Rhizospheres o- L \r:.t,1 Foc,is ,c:i) -- >resenc3 cf Recuced lro- (C4) ll.e.ent lro;t ReiLct on in'f illed .Sciis r C6)--- Tt' r' f.lu::< Sudace rCTr ,__ t3a.rge or lVell Data (D9) ()tl-ei (Expiain in Remarks) ::-._J:z+*1:-.2* *_ Drair.agr paticrns (Bl C) __ Dr)-Sca::o1 V!ale.Tac e r(.ll *_ Crayfisl: 3!rrrt,//s 'CE) _* Satufa:i: r Vis ble or, l\er,ei lr aelerrr 1Cg,i Stunied )r St.ilssed plaTs iill r-- Geor-,t :'1:hic Fos jl,or, D2) __ FA0-Neltral .Iest (D5l lq ,f""o !//rtAr ^roc6.t?l'""-"- ]V /eter iable present? ISaiL,ration present? \: L Jeatlir:resj )lo X Jectr'irbuesl No \a lectn . jrcnes r Se :on da ry I nr; ca tci,p (rn i n T| r.rn1_9j !1,qj eriqrer:f __ Surface :joii Cracks (tj6) cr ,/ lltr I I I I---l -l-l I ----_-.*...1 Wetland hvcl ''ology p ret;ent? neqarlilA atraaaalc.l dele 'errevv,vLJ worc ,>.i€8fi Jauge mox toring ,rvell, aerial photos _at_ LS Arn"y Corps of Engineers Pte/r0-S Inspe:to.S), if ava iaC.e Mid'"r.rirs: i creltcn ^',,,"^*',iffiL__city/County'C,t"n'uafu_-SarlP1rgtla1e".!el|.hLt:t:;ilffi;,;"' ,-w4!4J -state *1ul*--sarrorrrspoinr ZuJ;:r *- lrrvestigator(s)r Uey .t 4"Y"- Yri !Y 1 \/'r'' -*.7-:'LdJi-1 .__Landform1nilr,ropffi:.--,,l1l.,ll=Ii]ll]::::i:]::"I::'z+,,Eu+'a;!zju- S|ope(9{)',,..,_+^-la--_,^^^,.,.',re|ref(crlncave,co.l,yex'none\| _-_Epr.LtAe___-"-_Long., Dalun.r *ETLAND DE'ERMrNATroN DATA FoRMr - Midwest RegiorrFrolecr/Site ?a&.t l, , , ..^ | ^..,^^,.-r -___,-----*_ (lf reecled, e:xp ain any ansr,veru in ,Ji,ilHycirophytic vegetatron present? yr' T--.--_ I Hydric soll present? l' | 'u the sampiecl area within a werlan\ryetiand hyorology present? Jn I r y*r. optic.at *,etl66s sils ,p R:marks. (Explarn aiternative procedures he"e or ir a separate r:port ) VEGqTATION -- Use scientific nu*"s of pi.u.rf , Absolute Domrrran lnJicatcr 7i Cover t Species ljtaur; Dorr inance f,;rt \Al,xk.h.,rt 2 J I j Nunber cf Dcr rant {ipecies that are OBr-. Fr\ilW, or FAC. Tclal \urrrb,er of Domrrant !)pecies Acrc;s all Strata Percent of Dcrni.rant Sipecies :hat are OBL. Fl\:lV!. r:r.:AC: = Total Cover - irfl12-..-.(A'Bi Sorl fulap Unrt Name 1l- rtr,th-l !,tr/l Ctassifrcetion:Are ciirnatic/hvd,orogollloitjons of rhe site tvpcarTr;tr* ,f t,* y"r, _L_ " ,il;:ffi;',;;;#$A''e vegetation . N soll Al , or hycrology -$L. s,gn't':anilyT stu:bedi, Are ,r,r,rma cjrcumstarrr)esr :lr;?.iiln.T+fu'i,tS__}J_,orhycroJogyN'natura|]yprob|ematic?,., Tree Silatum (Plot slze: 1or,&( _l Saui,ncrSn ui: sl'at.,n 1Plor size 1 ls'mnl --) .2 3 ri Totel ak Cover ( t OBL species; FACV/ spec es FAC species Vegetatiorl Srresen t? .{1 XJ ) scrl a:nci wetiatd fl(:1,C, f!1. :,)Jst or, ess d slurl)ed ()r oicri) eiDarl (. _v_ C) 0*-T- Totaj C:oirer FACU species -T** q UPL species --d-x s Co'un.n:ota:s . ,-O Prevalerce Ind: < = Ll/A = nyo"opnytic Ve getar:ion Inclicatrlrri: .-- l?aOiC les: f( r h)trcpnyri: vecl,:t rt,,.,r X I)onrinarrce test is; >5096 _ f)re,ralence rdex rs s3.0' llorphogioa adaptatrons" (pro;,,:ir: s;irppcr'.ting {: ata ir Flemafks o. r:r z, -*:ieparaie sh(iiet) f)roblematrc: hydroprvtic iegelat or, ._ (exp,lain) 'lncicators of hldrii presenl. u, '"--.,-i."....._-r., rlyorophyti( llerc straiunl (P1ot size Kt*o ,l - .t (Pior sizer ?n rtr,l ,r- '7b ' Total cover Total Ccver Re ra rks i I nctude photo n unrbeii-hEreTiilGEp*atels*h".t) US Amy Corps of Engineers Miclr,ve:,;i Re g,ln Qr\rl t)ara, c^^, *rwJU.( lea'l-esa^l^/ /h..,^,\!e,v \. r-r5.' "/) l)ae" Loc.. Profile Descripllonl (Describe to the th nertded to document the indicator or confirr Texture -"_.*til __ Hist.c Ep pedon iA2) _ Biacx Hrstic (A3) ._ Hydrogen SulflCe iA4) _ Stratrfred Lavers (A5) -* 2 om f/uck (A10) _ Dep eted Eetovr Dark Srrface (A1 1 _Thrck Dark Sui-face (A'1 2) _ Sandy f/.icky i!1 neral iS 1 ) _ 5 crn lviuc<y Peat or peat (S3) Flestrictive Layer (if observed): Type f)epth (inches) nd Hydroiogy lndicators: Prir,arv iidioators {m:nirnUrn ci one ts i.eqll_tel, chj:cf,l all trat ar:,ot!,) Sudace \ryater (A1)S e riq ng eIL.Ll"(1 c a i c.l s ( m I n i rr {.jllll.U: :I..]-g{hf e.,i *_ S urface l;;oll Cra,:fis iE]6)-- Drainag: patioi.f s (A10) 0ry -Se.ar o1 V, at9- Ta trr:,(.;.; __,>aluratt{)r V:Sible On lie, a lr-rrag:r;, (39) __ Stunted or Stressed p ants (D l) __ ceontori hic pcsition (C2) __ FAC.Ne":ral i,est ,DS) -- Sanoy Giey,:d Matrix rSe; __ SanoI Redc,x (S5) *- iStriDpec lvlatrix (56) _- L()axy l/uci.iy i\,,1inei.ai (F.l ) _. Loa ly Gleyed fviatrix r F2) *. Depleted Ma:rix (F3) __. Redcx Dark S;rface (F5) -.. DePieted Darrk Surface iF7) -_. Redox Depresslons iFgl "_-5.r'u l,lucky o6;1or Dertr (S3) (LIIR K, ,__ lron-ila'rgan,?s(t Masses (Ft2/ (LRFI ii, .__ i/ery Shal ow Da .k S,- rface (.1-F 12) .__ Otlre' (expiair r1 i.entarrs) Flydric soit presert? HiEn Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water N4arks (Bl ) SeCiment Deposits (ti2) Drlit Deposiis (83) Aloai i\,'1at or Cf usi (B,i) iron Depcsits (85) Inundation Vistble on Aerial lmagery (87) Sparsely t/egetated Concave Srrrface (gg) Water-S{arneci Leaves (89) eld Observations: S,lface i,vatei' presenl? lA'ater iable preseni? S lluration present? {rfrcrJCes caplllary iringe) __ r\Q,ral c F,ai"na (B i 3) __ 'irue Aq.ratrc ptar,ls (B 14 r ,__ liydrogei Suifite Odcr (C;1) '*- l)resence cf RecuceC lrcn (C,i) flecer,t lrcn RecJuction n Ti iel Sois ._- (c6) .__ --hin i.,,'iuo< Surface (C7) .__(!auge c.Wetl Data (59) .** Olher (E;<piarn in llentar.ks) ()xidired Rhizospheres orr Ltvr"5: Roots __ Crayf is,h ilurrcws (C6) !*r-I Yes , K _ \l Decta {rn:nesl )C _ N) l)eilnirrL1esJ. p _ fi I :-_- )ecri. . .rcres j: --l_---f'r+-L- Wet and hy'd lolog,y pre:: ent? D:scribe recorded data (stream gauge FIYDROLOGY rJ i Arnry Corps of Engineers m0nlicr ng rr,re l, 3erial piroios, previous insper:lioi,rsr, if evailaoie Ml clvre si fl erg ic n APF'ENDIX C S;ite F,hotographs i35,;"i-tlasin i,t; " Y2fg*-g,t1; rtirirl&i !, iW: ii3.'"t;A Basin -?r APPENDIX D Wetland Delli neation Apprcrr/El Forms Project lJ;,,rne and/or Nlurniter PART ONE: Applicant In{:ormation 2la'1,7 * 'l:-3n, lf applicant rs an entrty (company, govenlnent entity, partnership, etc,), air au11.,rr.r*, c()ntact pers:)n must be icler,tif icJ, lf thi: :,]:,,o.:iH:;:ii;,il:l:1:31,'Jlli,jlri]ler, or olher third partv) unJ h,, autrro izecr them to act cn their beharl, lr: a8e.t,,, Applicant/Landowner Name: ft,", tl 'V*.1 lv:ailing Address: IOF p; *rr_^T*rut Ph on e: E-mail Addrestt /p V,, - oTul @/vtt"; |' c:ovtr Arthorized Contact (do not complete if s,ame as above): ,.:,AAMailing Addressl Phon e; E-mail Address: Atr;entName: Dartl?,3r^ 1 (4D,c., ?f s ) ffio.bsn ,Ehu,n4*_6r1Mailing Address: fq,- :::i;nf"'-ili' t,; t*r*t'+'I-z- N 7 hrc-*fu co,,-!>-r,.4^) s-r4sa .Vcobt*r c4rv A-mAirl , ,en PART TWIO: Site County: A.v.y- ParcellD and/or Address: 7r7 4Zoelta Location I nforrnr atio n City/Towns h i p, <At+t k+.xt*, :::i,,ffii:ill 'illllJ;,lownship' Range)r sczc ' 25.', Tt tt,N, Rt su Atlach a map showing the location of the site in rerlation to localstreets, roads, highways. Approximate size of site (acres) or if a linear prcrje,ct, length (feetll 2 , * aaal if r'ou knov" that your prcposal 'willrequire an indrvidual perrnit from the U.s. Arrrry corps cf Elgineer s, y(lu nrusl p,r<lvr(er .:1.,:na res and addresses of all property ownel's adjacent to the project site. Tiris in1'r:rrnation rnyiu p.rviderd by a.:tacf ng zi ist toyotlr applrcatton or by elsing blo:k 25 of ther Applicaticn for De.partrrent of the Arrny pernrit r,r,,hich carr be obtain€)cl at: http:/v;r,,riv.mvp.usace,arm,l.mii/portalq!Zljpi>1,reeula1ory/Reg.glgeltDoc:i/en&iorrrr 4345 '.ill:.2qcr_pgl PART THREE: General project/siite Inltormarion 1f tris appiication is related to a delineatior approval, exempiion determinat jon, j,.lrisdictic,nal deternrrnarron, or cthr:rcorrespondence subniitted prior to this application then desc.ribe that here and pror.,ic:e the corps .f ringirreers pr(rj€l(;t .ru.rber. De:;cribe the prolect thaiis being proposed, the p,'s1s1-1 purp,!Q ancJ need, and scnedLrle for inrplerni:ntalion and cc''rp,et r:r1. Thr]pr(:Ject description must fully derscribe the rrature anci scope cif the prgpe5ecj actir,itv irrcrurling a Jesr:r iptic,n cf a1 ;,1ejs1.1 i.rrt,merrlsth'rt effect aquatic resources (wetiand, lake, tributary, etc.) a'd must arso incruder pr,:ns anc crcss section or profile dra,riir6lsshc. lrrng the location, character, arrd dir-nensions of all propos;ed actir",ities and aquatic rescurce impar:ts. I'llrrnesota lnteragency Water R,3s,)urce Ap5:lica.tiorl Fc)rnt FeL,,ua ry 2AI4 Pag;e ! r:rf tli 1I your prop0sed project involves a direct or indirect impact to arr aquatic resourc{: (wetland, lak:1, t,.,butary, r:tc:.) ic1:n1ily erachirrrpact in the table below lnclude all arrticipate<j impacts, including those exp,ected to be tenrr)orary, Attach an o\,,err,:,ad viewn ap, aerial photo, and/or drawing show,ing ai of the aquatic r.ur,,,lrru, in the p:ejssg area and the l{lcation(s) ;,f tlrel 0ropcsecllrrrpacts' Label each aquatic reso'lrce on the map rryith a reference number or lertte- and i,Jenr.ify the irnp,ac:s in the r,ollcrr., .g tarli.,r'---:-----r.*- i Aq,ati, R.,o,,..ui - oo**-l-ir:j]:lj- D:;s;;*r f- - -a--- -- .l ;*;- _--1-ciiri,,,i[;;;; ;;:,.:;":;-'Resorrcetro"l ""1-l*cavale' I lmprct I overallsizeor, .^_ :. _,' - lva,rershedd, l:l::]""j::^:l 1*etrunu, rrru; I drein' or i Pernran:nt (p)l si" or lmprctl, Aquatic t:i:'.''tu 1 '"r,1',,'rr.n , ;J:ilfil]j ir*u,r..0, r,'i., 1 i:::,,"j i Perman'ent 1n)lsizeortmrrect2l _Aquatic. t:.:::,'.'tu I '",,:',, r,.n I tributary etc,r rerncve I o,. Temgrorarv | | Re,,ource: , Tvpets) 't . i ,u,ru,,,u or,uu o:-.-- -- I I vege!!:tL_f __ - (T)' l--- , 'm)act Are.- ur r,, .,r,t ,,'..u,, -*--- -]--- r - -**-f-_*| - --r- ||-.--._-_*'--L_-*---i-__-*'-_*T_*-__.=* __+____-____+ ,i**_ __ *_- -t-__---- --f-----+ -1----- --l-*- -- *L - - __ i ___ __:_ _ __ _:--'r-- -----**i*.**--*-_--*l --** *- I ------*.-____] _ ___- -."_,_._._-- __ _,lli irnpacts are tempora.y; ente'tfre duration of the iT,pacts n cays next to the "T". For e,xample, a project \^/rt r a t*mporary,:cce :;:; ,,ill 1..ratw:rulc.l be removed after 220 days ,rucruld be en:ered ,T eZA),.rlr rpacts less than 0 01 acre should be reported in sqr:are leet. rmr)acts 0.01 acre cr'gr{li)i:er should be reporte,cl as a:r€rs and rou".rcJ,:}(j r:1:, tr"enerarest0'01 acre Tributarylmpactsmustbereportedi'rlinearfe€'tofimpactandanarr:,lofirnpactbyindicatingfirsttl-reinearfeetr)r,irnrar-.r al{:)ngtheflowlineofthestreamfollowedbytl'eareaimpactinparentheses). Forrr:ranrpre,aprojer:tthatimpa::tsslfeetof astredmtnat s{ferrt wide r.vou d be reported as 5O ft (300 souare feetl-T trs ls genqrallv onlv aoolicable if you are applying fc,r a d,: rnrnimiS exemprion uncier M\ Rules g4,20,0,120 5,-rcp, g, otlr0rurise erte. ,,,1,/r1,..'Lse Vy'eilono Plonts onci Plant carnmunityTypesof Nlint)e:ioto ond wiscansin 3'd Ed. as rncdified in MIJ Rules ll:f20.04c,5 5ubp, i:.sR'-'f er to N4ajor watershed ard Bank service Area maps in MN Rurers g42o.a522subp. 7. Project l.J;:me and/or Nlurrb,lr PART FOUR: Aquatic Resource rrnpactl sunrmary 2p/-f -)234* 1f ':ny of the above iclentified inrpacts have already ot:curred, identify which imcact:; they rre ,:nd thr,circunr:;tancr:s a:;::oi: irteowith each: PAIIT Flt/E: A,pplicant Signaturre [- check here if you are requesting a pre'appllcat orr consultation r,,rith the corps and LGU basecl or the inf'rma,[ir:,n ,yoLr l-,:vepr')vided Regulatory entities will not initiate a f,lrrnatapplication review if :his l:ox is che,:kecl. By signature below, I attest thal the infornration irr this appli,::ation is complete and accurate. lfurthr:r attest that p;s:;es;s; theauthority to Lrndertake the worl< clescribed hereirr Srgrrature:Datir I hereby autlrorize to a(rt on my behalf as nry agent in the procesr;rng ol tfris application anrj to f urnish, Lrp0n re(:r.rest, t^,h/_&etat*t supplement:al information in st,pport of thir apptication, "Wry7 ,lffJ::T;jl:#::;::Y::,,,:i::,jlTi.::lil:,",' is,a seneric term used ror discrosure purF,sses to identiryactivities that may require approvalfrom one or more regulatory agencies. F.r purposer; of $,i, ij,ln..,'l; ;;;:;'J;::,,, ,.,inclicate whether or not those activities m,ry require mitigation/repr.."*,,n,, Cl,ra .l ^, 11i ol;c rr './t tt.Ylllne:ota lleragelcV Water Resource Appticati,cn Forrn February 2014 project l{,ime and/of lturnl_,er: Attachrnent A Zats:,_Zl*- Request for Delineation Revierw, WetlanrcJ Type Detr:rrnination, or J u ris;d ictiona I Deterrnination B'/ submissir:n of the enclosed r'vetland delineation report, I am reqrresting that l.her u.s, Armrr corp,5 qf Engir-reers, li.L, paril Drsrrcti(:orps) and/orthe wetland conservatiorr Act L'rcal 13overnrnent unit (LcJ)providr: me vvith the fc,ltrwirrg (checl:;ll that applvl: )! Wetland Type Confirrnatic,n [ioetineationconcurrence concurrencewithacelineationisawrittennoti]'icalionfrQmthecor;.rsarrdadeci:;ir>nfr{lrntf,e..GJ c.ncurring,notconcurring,or:om'rentingontheboundariesofth,:3qu31i6rr3s)urcesdr:lineatedo,th.]prop*r1V D€r in:latronc()ncurrences are generally valrd for five years urles:; site conditions change. Under trris rrlquest ar.rre, ilre corprs wir rror. aecre:,sthe 1"'to'tt onal status of the aquatic resources on ihe property, only the bounc:aries of tl.re ,esc)u.(:es v,rithin tlre revrer^, area{i,rciudrng wetlands, tr butaries, lakes, etc.). $l cretiminaryJurisdictional Determination. A, prelirninary jurisdictional rJeterrrirration {pJD) is a nrn-binding w.i1..:€,rr rnlicaaonfrrn the corps that rvaters, including wet,ands, ider"tif ied o,r a parcel may be ,^/;rters of the Unitecl States. For F,u.pr::;ers :.iccmputation of impacts and ccmpensatory mitigatic'n requirements, a permit cerci:;ion made on th: basis.f a FJt),,/,,illt.:,irj. airwlters and wetlands in the revie'r"r area as if they arer ir-rrisdit:tional waters of thr: U,s. pJDs are advis:rry in 'i:ture anc .1a/ ,-.ot L,ea 1:rpealed. f ] npprovea Jurisdictional Determinatic'n. An approved iurisdictional der ernrirration (AJD) is an oif cial cor.ps rlet,::rmirr;r:icn tfiai:1u'lsdtctional waters of the united states are either p[esent cr abserlt on the prcperty AJDs can gerr:rall,y be, relied ;prn br1 thealfectedpartyforfivevears AnfuDmaybeappeale,JthroughthecorpsadminstrativeaJpe,ll proc{irss, in order for the corps and LGU tc process your requ€rst, the,,vetland delineaticn must be prepared ir., accordance wi;ir rhe j.9g7Ccrrps of Engineers wetland Delineation lVlanual, any approVed Regional sLipplenret.rt:i to r.he 1gg7 l/tanudl, and the t.j1t16t17ti4s5 j111St,bmitting \ /etlond Delineqtio,ts in Minne,sota (2013). lritp://wv.i w,nrvp,usace,armv.ntil,/Mission:1 Rggl latorlAslhgljgDe-qiejrEg.rU&! M nnesota lnteragency Water F.esource Application Frrnr Februarv 2014 Page 5 c{ l..L I\PPENDIX G Transaction Fornr for withdrawal of wetland r3redits Transaction Form for Withdrawal of Wefland Credits from the lVlinnesota Wetland Bank qtnfbygylgf this form looks incoruec:t, click on View, Ecli t Lrtttttntent.then save to your cornllu;ter. 1. Credit User To be completed by the person or entity prop,eslpn to use the wefland credits. Name: David Vogel Organization (if applicable): Street Address: 105 PioneerTrail City, State, Zip: Chanhassen, MN 553'17 Phone: 612-991-2848 E-MailAddress.: dpvoge,l@gmait.com This space is for BIUSFI use t.tnly Debit Date: To be completed for the project with wetland impar:ts; tlrat this withdrawal is intended to reolace. Wetland lmpact Size (acresl: Ct.022A Replacement Ratio: 2:'1 Total Replacement R.equired (acres): 0.044C U.S. Army Gorps Pernrit # (if applicable): **Sec. 25 Twp. 116 Rge. 23 LGU Fite # (if appticabte): x*Projects with multiple impact locations should use the most central location in relation to the projerct as ,a whote, Comments: By signature below, the proposed userof credits attests that he/she ownr3 or has purchase'd thercredits iclentif ed in thris application and has received approval from the applir:able regulatory authorityt'ies). Credit User Signature:Date: 3. Regulatory Approval/Authorization By signature below, the identified agency and authorizecl representative hereby c;ertify that they have: a) verifi,ecl l.hal lhr,r subj,ec:twetland credits are deposited in the account of ther ownerr/s;eller, b) approved a wetland replicement pian or similar agreentenl urnder theirjurisdiction, and c) approve the proposed use of the wetland bank credits described herein. 2. Wetland lmpact Informationr Project Name: Vogel Driveway Permit County of lmpact: Carver lmpact Major Watershed #: 33 lmpact Bank Service Area: 9 WCA LGU/Agency: City of Chanhassen LGU Representative: Terry Jeffrey (for NRCS, USACE, etc. if applicable) Agency Name/Location: USACE Representative: Melissa JennV E-mail add ress* : tjeffrey@ci.chanhassen.mn. us Date: E-mail address*: nelissa.m.jenny@usace.army.rnr liign ature: Dater: *Confirrnation will be e-mailed to user, seller, and regulatory 'epresentative when the triansaction is complete. lf you wgr,rlcl like c,thers notifiedenter e-mail addresses here. ja co bsone nv@ms n. com natasha.devoe@state.mn. us Rev 3/L6/2075 Transa(tion frorm for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits c:\Users\owner\Documents\2o15lnfo\2015-271;Vogelg64lfi4eadowlarkDrivewayPermit\AppendixGtransaction form for lvd ot credts.docx Minnesota Eoafdc{Wale&Soil Resources Transaction Form for Withdrawal of Wetland Creditrs from the Minnesota Wetland Bank To lce completed by seller of crr:dits (account holder). Account Nunrber: 1 392 County: 10 Number of Credits to Withdrawn (a,:re) (acre=ft'l43560) 0.0440 TOI'AL 0.0440 lf TOTAI- does not calculate, right cltick, lJpclit|e l=it?lcl Table www,bwsr.state.mn.us/wetlands/wetlandbankinq/fee and s€rles data/!\'efland Bank Fee Schedule.odf Enter Countv Fee frorn Table (county of seller's balf)6 591; of s;ale pricre Transaction Fere (choose either amount) Above TOTAL x rSounty Fee $ 0.00 $ '1 15.i:i6 Attac;h check payable to Minnesota Board <lf water arnd soil Resources. By sit;nature below I seller and holder of the aforemerrtionr.'d account in the State of luinnesota Wetland Mitigation Bank certifv,that:1) The credits described in this application have bererr sold to the credit user or wi I be used for my ourn project;2) | have received payment in full from the buyer (if aoplicable),3) The credits described in this application have ncrt treen sold or used in any way to mitigate wetland losses other thi:rn for the project and location identified in the wetland impact infornation block on the previous page;4) The credits described in this application should be w thdrawn from mv account: and5) | will not have a rregative balance of credits after tl're subject credits are debitecl from my accounl Seller Name (print): Elroy Knauer Seller Signature: Seller e-mail.: 4. Withdrawal lnformation Bank Service Area: 9 n^+^.udlc. Disclaimer: any trensact'ion in the wetland banking syslem is public informztion. Transa(:tion f:orm for Withdrawal of Wetland Credits c:\User5\owner\Documents\2015 nfo\2015-27;vogelgs4lMeadowarkDrivewayPermit\AppendixGtransaction--form-tor_wd-oi credts.doct 0clsl of Purchasr-.d Crr:rlits (cDs;t per credit.x nun:b€rr of i--.--;;:---l---- . -'l ,OSl: OI t'UfcnaS{-rd Crr:rlits Ds;t per credit.x nun:b€rr of cftxiits) $'17€ii2 48_-i-,i;;--- I I Q n t1,'r Ivv !Js, I S0 ll,:l - -912-8:1 f-- l Federally Authorized Credits (Y or N) Cost per Credit (acre) $40510.80 I . The account holder of the cred its is rr:sponsibl,: for subm ittal of th is form, contain tng sig natu res, to the Br/VSl R Wr:t and Bank Administrator so the affected account car be properly debited 2. No impacts to any wetland or other water resolrce may commence urtil the credits have beern debited anci a copy of this form, with stamped debit date, has been received by the regulatory authority(ies), the acr:ount holcler, and the credit I lq.Fr 3 This form is not an application form. lt is a transaction form to be used in association with an approvr:d pngigct thiat impacts wetlands and requires wefland reptacement. When this form is completed and all requirecl signatures are obtained, send with ther fee check(s) to: Wetland Bank Administration Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources 520 Lafayette Road North Saint Paul, MN 55155 Rev 3/16/2015 Pa5le 2l of 2 O) rOc{tr)ro C\| tr)++ =2 !d:vrfrpP -Hg -o OOO = ==@@a t- . t-= ii, o? *<;-: x '14 o) (JVF <(N x tlOr 2'1 vL "PFH';io:ti E: l<=r ::> | ra)t- q) z G rf $s -.1 c.l c.l o ctl(! o E0 o o c c'l C...l 'o rr a ; F ti a -o,; l-o. N xI - 2 g Iz =I Y a - 9r UJ I o ;u) -t- C)c{ ric{ t-(u ,a t:()()() c)*-o (Dli (u tt (),o *.rf- Jgq- \/i2o !l- .J !? (L ;= (D it '-_i= r[t= +J:t f!tf c) ./ U) .-F *-a) "otr a) F E l'- cD I.- O)a6 N() o .,i i= X i p Urd : v/ : LE;'i o; oo::oF !;: -co--l:La= oc ao ) s g gg(/)aou) rO r.- N (o ts CJ--) Ot cvoFit: _3 ova+ O)OrLL 0) e f.r(r) >2 6E !R:Y/ ;io Po :-!- o 6o)g3- 5t "45 c)-ot) N oJ A o o E oon cr) $N q.) f 1 --) o u- o P ;.ivx =t.4fi \r N ra) : d:lo Y o 6Q)eg >6 "6;