PC Minutes 01-05-2016
JANUARY 5, 2016
Chairman Aller called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Andrew Aller, Mark Undestad, Maryam Yusuf, and Nancy Madsen
Steve Weick, Lisa Hokkanen, and John Tietz
Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director; Bob Generous, Senior
Planner; and Drew Ingvalson, Planner I
Generous: Thank you Chairman Aller, commissioners. As you stated Planning Case 2016-02 is
a public hearing. The applicant is Mount Olivet Rolling Acres. CSM Corporation is the
property owner. It’s scheduled for the public hearing tonight before the Planning Commission
and then to City Council on January 25. The request is for a conditional use permit to operate
an adult daycare center in the industrial office park district. Uses in the industrial office park are
either permitted, conditional or interim uses or accessory uses. In this case conditional uses are
uses that are permitted in certain zoning districts provided you can meet the criteria designed for
that. The property’s located at 18976 Lake Drive East. This is a portion of the city that’s
actually in Hennepin County and so we will be doing a resolution for the recording of the CUP
before City Council. This property was developed, approved for development in 1998. It’s
approximately a 33,000 square foot building that’s guided for office industrial use. Mount Olivet
is currently occupying the unit directly to the west of the unit that they’re proposing for the adult
daycare center and then there’s another, the Korterra to the east of it has the other half of the
building. With the expansion into this area they’ll have a, Mount Olivet will have about 65
percent of the total building in their use. This unit itself is 8,662 square feet. It’s access is from
the south which is the parking lot and you’ll see that on the next slide. They will have to do
some remodeling to the space and that’s part of the, one of the conditions is they’ll need to get
building permits for that and also there are some fire code requirements that they’ll have to meet
before they can actually begin the operation of the adult daycare. The operation itself is pretty
straight forward. Their licensing will allow them to have up to 60 clients. Their hours will be
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. They’re actually extending this from their move from their current
location into Chanhassen and with a larger facility. They currently have 12 employees and
they’re likely to add more with the additional clientele. Food is provided through a caterer that
will be coming in and providing snacks and luncheons for both the clients and the staff members
Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2016
there. And then it’s sort of, as part of their operation they do have outings and they will have a
bus to take their clients to different facilities including city parks, Minnesota Landscape
Arboretum, their facilities in Victoria or any other outings that they may have. And they have,
it’s my understanding they assign their groups to smaller activity groups within the building and
based on their needs and their interest and they can do different things. There’s arts and crafts,
music, computer works, what have you. That’s it. We are recommending approval of the
conditional use permit to operate the adult daycare in the industrial office park district and
subject to the conditions of the staff report and adoption of the Findings of Fact and
Recommendation. With that I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have.
Aanenson: Bob could you just briefly go over with the commission…daycare just for your
edification and anybody else. We do have standards.
Generous: Yeah. Unfortunately our daycare standards are geared towards children’s daycare so
a lot of these really won’t be applicable in this and in the future we will be looking at bringing
forth a code, probably a code amendment to address standards specifically for adult daycare.
One is a site shall have a loading and drop off points designed to avoid interfering with traffic
and pedestrian movement. And you can, their access and drop off will be their doorway would
be right in the middle. Let’s get the pointer. Of the facility and it’s, works out well because
there’s a no parking space right at that entranceway so that will be there. This is the primary
entrance to the unit. The next one is outdoor play area shall be located and designed in such a
manner which mitigates visual and noise impacts of adjoining residential areas. Well there’s two
issues with that. First there’s no residential areas adjacent to this one but really they’re not
designed. That’s for child care. They have the play facilities to burn off energy. They’re going
to be taking their clients out on outings and so they have other facilities that they’ll be using.
Each center shall obtain applicable state, county and city licensing and they’re in the process of
receiving their licensers. Part of the hold up is they need to get through our zoning approval
processes which is the conditional use permit. Daycare facilities in IOP districts shall be subject
to a maximum lot coverage of 65 percent and this standard is really designed for new buildings
so that they can have sufficient green space so they can have the outdoor play areas. This
property under the IOP district the standard is 70 percent hard cover is permitted and they’re
pretty close to that 70 percent on this to meet all the parking standards. They do have, they
exceed the parking requirements for the uses within the building and if you look at it specifically
for a daycare facility they exceed it significantly by over 20 spaces so. Daycare facilities shall
submit average annual test results for radon gas. Well we’re going to make them do this. It’s
not going to hurt them and it will provide some health, make sure that health issues won’t result
from that. And then they have to meet any standards there and prior to issuance of a building
permit daycare facilities that can test a test of existing noise conditions. This is to make sure that
they, it’s not an overly noisy facility, and I just talked with the applicant this evening to explain
what that involves. It will be measurements both inside and outside the facility and it will have
to meet the MPCA standards for such a facility. And of that there’s, it’s those two tests will be
the conditions of approval. The building permit requirement and the license.
Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2016
Aller: Great. So for clarification although we’re looking at the use of the building we’re not
controlling or giving primary input into the employment of individuals and what the standards
are for employment or for the food preparation if any or for the licensing itself. That’s controlled
by state and other agencies.
Generous: That’s correct. We just wanted to make sure we were aware of what their operation
would be like.
Aller: Any questions? No questions. Alright, if the applicant would like to step forward and
make a presentation you can do so at this time.
Bruce Torgerson: Thank you. My name is Bruce Torgerson and I’m the Chief Operating
Officer at Mount Olivet Rolling Acres. Excuse me I’ve got a little something going on here the
last week. I’ve been working at Rolling Acres for 28 years. Our corporate office until 6 years
ago was located in Victoria. 6 years ago we were welcomed into the city of Chanhassen on Lake
Drive and really like being in the city of Chanhassen. Been very welcomed. Been very helpful.
City staff has been as well in developing this and our other project. We also just so you know do
operate 2 group homes within the city limits of Chanhassen. This particular facility is a transfer
of our current clientele from our corporate, our former corporate office in Victoria and we have
reached our licensed maximum of 24 in that building. We have quite a long waiting list and so
we looked for in several communities additional space. It happened that CSM had property right
next to our corporate office which with some very minor modifications, some of them which
were just explained, we can operate within that. The state and Hennepin County will be involved
in licenser as well as you spoke. We took a little while to convince Hennepin County that we
were in Hennepin County. The individual we spoke to that sets up the licensing looked at her
computer and said we’re not. We said computers aren’t always perfect and 2 days later she
decided we were in Hennepin County so we had that licenser lined up and all those are
contingent on this and the City Council moving forward. Again we’ve been operating in the city
for many years and we appreciate your confidence in us. We would like to continue to grow in
Chanhassen and this is our next step. Any questions?
Aller: None from me. Any others? Thank you very much for your presentation.
Bruce Torgerson: Thank you.
Aller: Thank you for your participation partnering with us as we grow as a community. We’re
going to open the public hearing portion of this item. Any individual wishing to come forward
and speak either for or against the item can do so at this time. Seeing no one come forward I’ll
close the public hearing portion of the item and open it up for commissioners discussion. Any?
Undestad: No.
Madsen: Looks good.
Chanhassen Planning Commission – January 5, 2016
Aller: Pretty straight forward. Great report again Bob. So with that I’ll entertain a motion.
Undestad: I’ll make a motion that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends the City
Council approve a conditional use permit to operate an adult daycare in the industrial office
building located at 18976 Lake Drive East subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the
Findings of Fact and Recommendations.
Aller: I have a motion. Do I have a second?
Yusuf: Second.
Aller: Having a motion by Commissioner Undestad and a second by Commissioner Yusuf, any
further discussion?
Undestad moved, Yusuf seconded that the Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends
the City Council approve a conditional use permit to operate an adult daycare in the
industrial office building located at 18976 Lake Drive East subject to the following
conditions and adopts the Findings of Fact and Recommendations:
1. Building permit(s) are required for building code changes and a fire permit for the
proposed adult daycare.
2. The center shall obtain applicable state, county and city licenses.
3. The center shall submit average annual test results for radon gas and shall comply with
all applicable state and federal requirements pertaining to test and requiring mitigation
4. The center shall conduct tests of existing noise conditions and submit test results to the
city for review.
All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0.
Ingvalson: Good evening Chairman and Planning Commission members. So this item is, like
you said for the Golf Zone. Planning Case 2016-01 and the Golf Zone is seeking an ordinance
amendment to conditional use permit, interim use permit site plan amendment and a sign