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J-1. Discuss Comprehensive Plan
0 CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952,227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax:952,227,1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952,227.1110 Web Site www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 3-i MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP, Community Development Director DATE: January 19, 2016 . SUBJ: Discuss 2040 Comprehensive Plan Attached is information from the Metropolitan Council's Local Planning Handbook. This information will be the basis for our 2040 Comprehensive Plan. Staff will be prepared to give an overview of the planning process and Chanhassen's system statements. Attachment g:\plan\2040 comp plan\pc discussion memo 01-19-2016.docx Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Metropolitan Council - Planning Overview http://metrocouncil.org/Local-Planning-Handbook/Planning-Overview.aspx PLANNING OVERVIEW Planning in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area is unique. This is in large part due to the adoption of the Metropolitan Land PLANNING Planning Act (§473) and the subsequent formation of the Metropolitan Council. The Council is tasked with ensuring the OVERVIEW orderly and economic development within the seven -county metropolitan area. In addition, we have operational responsibilities related to our regional systems. The statutorily -defined roles in regional policy and planning, as well as operational functions for regional systems are unlike any other regional planning agency in the nation. Regional Planning Regional Planning Local Planning Following each decennial census, the regional planning effort starts with adoption of a regional development plan, Thrive MSP 2040. Thrive establishes PLAN ELEMENTS a regional vision and adopts land use development policies through 2040. The 20 regional system and policy plans follow and are adopted with policies that � reflect Thrive. The Council has a System Plan for Parks, Water Resources, and Transportation. Policy plans are adopted for Housing and Water Supply. #% I'm COMMUNITY Thrive PAGES The Council is also responsible for reviewing local comprehensive plans and providing technical assistance to communities as they work through their local comprehensive planning process. REVIEW PROCESS Local Planning The plans of each jurisdiction in the seven -county area build upon the regional planning vision. Local comprehensive plans reflect regional policies at the same time as identifying important local goals and objectives. This approach allows LOCAL PLANNING both the individual community and the region to succeed. HIGHLIGHTS Using the Local Planning Handbook as a guide to write your plan will help when we review local comprehensive plans for completeness. A complete plan addresses the issues outlined in the Metropolitan Land Planning Act and contains all of the RESOURCES information necessary for the Council to review a community's plan for its conformance to regional systems, consistency with regional policies, and compatibility with the plans of adjacent and affected jurisdictions. CONTACT US Local plans are also required to include specific content areas. The Local Planning Handbook is organized around these content areas called Plan Elements. Six Plan Elements reflect statutorily required content areas. Two Plan Elements are identified as issues of regional importance and are reflective of Thrive MSP 2040's policies. All Plan Element pages in the Local Planning Handbook outline minimum requirements, provide suggestions for value-added planning efforts, connect Training & Workshops you to resources specific to that Plan Element, and identify how we can help you with your planning efforts. FAQs 2 of 3 1/11/2016 2:03 PM Metropolitan Council - Local Planning http://metrocouncil. org/Handbook/Planning-Overview/Local-Planning.aspx PLANNING OVERVIEW Regional Planning LOCAL PLANNING While your community establishes a unique local vision, it must also reflect the adopted regional policies outlined in the system and policy plans. Local plans contain much greater detail than regional plans by identifying local street connections, neighborhood parks, residential development standards, and phasing of utility extensions and improvements necessary for your individual community. But these local planning efforts tie into the larger regional infrastructure of parks and trail systems, arterial road networks, and wastewater infrastructure. It is the efforts of the 188 cities, townships, and counties together that implement a shared regional vision. Local Planning Local Comprehensive Plans Minnesota Statute requires certain topic areas to be included in local comprehensive plans. The Local Planning Handbook PLAN ELEMENTS is organized around these Plan Elements and provides guidance on how to meet requirements within these planning areas. These Plan Elements in the Local Planning Handbook are: COMMUNITY • Land Use PAGES o Transportation Land Use REVIEW PROCESS • Water Resources (Wastewater, Surface Water, Implementation Transportation Water Supply) LOCAL PLANNING • Park & Trails HIGHLIGHTS Plan • Housing Resilience Water Resources RESOURCES • Plan Implementation Elements CONTACT US Other Plan Elements are identified as issues of regional importance and are reflective of Thrive MSP 2040's Economic parks & Trails policies. These Plan Elements are: competitiveness Housing • Resilience Training & Workshops • Economic Competitiveness FAQs Local Plan Reviews Part of our statutory responsibility is to review the local comprehensive plans of local governmental units. Similar to local development applications, the Council must review a plan for completeness before initiating the review process for an update or an amendment. A plan is considered complete when it includes the elements required by statute and contains sufficient information for the Council to conduct its review. The Council's review covers three primary areas: 2 of 3 1/11/2016 2:07 PM Metropolitan Council - Local Planning http: //metrocouncil. org/Handbook/P lanning-Overview/Local-Planning. aspx About Us News & Events ENEWSLETTER / TEXT Subscribe to our newsletters, or text & email alerts. Email Enter Email or Phone # Data & Maps Connect With Us Terms & Conditions Sitemap Privacy Policy Employment Publications & Documents Doing Business Council Meetings Contact Us The mission of the Metropolitan Council is to foster efficient and economic growth for a prosperous metropolitan region. 390 Robert street North St. Paul, MN 55101 651.602.1000 © Metropolitan Council 3 of 3 1/11/2016 2:07 PM - LPH Online http://lphonline.metc. state.mn.usICommPage.aspx?ctu=2393799&applicant=Chanhassen COMMUNITY PAGES CHAN HASSEN STATUS TRACKER Status trackers identify Council review deadlines, Committee meeting dates, and show the movement of your project through our process. The time line starts when you submit your plan update or amendment online and appears for the 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update and any in -progress Comprehensive Plan Amendments. 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update 2040 Comp Plan Supp Info Completeness CDC Review Env Committee Met Council 120 Day Deadline Received Received Review Due N/A Review Review N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A FORECASTS AND COMMUNITY DESIGNATIONS 1 of 4 1/11/2016 1:51 PM - LPH Online http://lphonline.metc. state.mn.usICommPage.aspx?ctu=2393799&applicant=Chanhassen ' Tonrta.7p�,� ' even h.tir+5tGt3 'aM11. Y29erq oo i I shore oc>d Er �;� i brinnetonks Sector Rep(s) Angela Torres District 3 Council Member(s) Jennifer Munt 'v lctzri9 r I L sx 4owr Twp. Dah 1ar>' n y Eden F airie s Twp.! I Jecttson 7 an-W.opse Csvg -..1 Tivp. ; Chanhassen, Community Designation Map (Click on the image for larger map) The Council updates its 30-year forecasts at least once per decade. Forecasts indicate when, where and how much population, household and job growth the region and its communities can expect. Forecasts are used to help plan infrastructure needs and weave consistent growth expectations throughout your plan. These are your recent adopted forecasts. Forecast Year Population Households Employment 2010 22,952 8,352 10,905 2020 26,700 10,000 15,200 2030 31,700 11,900 16,500 2040 37,100 14,000 17,600 Chanhassen is designated as Emerging Suburban Edge, Emerging Suburban Edge. (Look under Council Policy tab at the bottom for specific policy for each designation.) Affordable Housing Need Allocation 31 % to 50% AMI 197 51 % to 80% AMI 145 At or below 30% AMI 464 Total Units 806 AMI = Area Median Income 2 of 4 1/11/2016 1:51 PM - LPH Online http://lphonline.metc. state.=.usICommPage. aspx?ctu--2393799&applicant--Chanhassen ALLOCATION OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING NEED The Need reflects what share of forecasted regional household growth will make less than a set threshold of income and therefore need affordable housing. The Allocation is the determination of each community's share of this regional need and the first step in helping to determine the housing goals and objectives in local comprehensive plans. The Region's Total Need for Affordable Housing for 2021 - 2030 is 37,900 units. Chanhassen's 2021 - 2030 Allocation of Need is 806 units. SEWER ALLOCATION FORECASTS Your community -wide household, population and employment forecasts have been allocated based on the wastewater system serving your community. This allocation must be used in projecting future wastewater flows and system capacity to plan for additional infrastructure needs. Forecast Year Forecast Component Population Households Employment 2010 MCES Sewered 20,576 7,519 10,662 2010 Unsewered 2,376 833 243 2020 MCES Sewered 24,320 9,170 14,960 2020 Unsewered 2,380 830 240 2030 MCES Sewered 29,330 11,070 16,260 2030 Unsewered 2,370 830 240 2040 MCES Sewered 34,720 13,170 17,360 2040 Unsewered 2,380 830 240 ONLINE PLAN SUBMITTAL You can now submit your comprehensive plan update and amendments online! Just complete a quick registration and login and you can simply upload your plan directly to us. The online submittal works for informal plan review, supplemental information, the 2040 comprehensive plan update and for plan amendments. Click for more details on how 3 of 4 1/11/2016 1:51 PM - LPH Online http://lphonline.metc. state.nm.usICommPage. aspx?ctu=2393799 &applicant=Chanhassen to use the online submittal tool, requirements for submitting comprehensive plan amendments and comprehensive plan update submittal requirements. Hard copy or digital (CD) submittals are still accepted. Maps/Tables Council Policy Planning Process Grants Other Resources Generalized Land Use Table Affected Jurisdictions List Link to Community Profiles Page Download your Community Shapefiles Maps Community Designation Map (pdf) (jpg) Generalized Land Use Map (pdf) (jpg) Owner Occupied Housing Values Map (pdf) (jpg) Current Revenue Scenario Hwy Project Map (pdf) (jpg) Functional Class Road Map (pdf) (jpg) Metropolitan Freight Systems Map (pdf) (jpg) Regional Bicycle Transportation Network Map (pdf) (jpg) Long-term Service Areas Map (pdf) (jpg) MCES Sanitary Sewer Meter Service Areas (pdf) (jpg) Surface Water Resources (pdf) (jpg) Regional Parks System Map (pdf) (jpg) (Click on map below for interactive mapping tool) %oree,00d E.c�Isir•i 4 of 4 1/11/2016 1:51 PM