shed burned down 1892, .fail o;Istep inl and look 6:ve�r our line as`we guakantee to give you al; Don, Drtm belt; ®r dualities, lower prices than ,anl:y o�nr) competitors. YOURS TO PLEASE, SC ,14MIDTj ILTIS c5`c mEI*_-,GENS, CHASKA ELBLF'.a !Our fail ,veather-y For u uau 'ilor fres'! Oysters call at Katz Highest of all in Leavening Pocder.—Latest IT. S. Gov' ��i�� beatrtifnl;�ves,vve rnightsay�lor,o s. I'Salooh: . neapolis cimmger S . T oris. Fresh Oysters at Kntz a tit 4Q nd We added tbree new, names to our ' NORTH.. �0 cls per can. aub'scription list on Saturday. 6AS a. m. We must have money so fall and Nbw is the time, to settle for your S•?R P. 1n. I 95:47:08 P, settl' your subscription. _ •puper. . p, in, train orly `r ng c'hen hn - see that your name is on. the ,tif you have any books to bind •go pdw( Iat for hors. T,C c:�s n. Y+i• Registry list.' tat? A%Lethert. Chaska. at ctt >sing oUIY. - LInooLN, Agi. pit enty ttve. cents will buy one of- those f 3e sure and mark the letter (X) ug5 cC Kali to piviaion. those Campaign lanterns at Nicolin & V oeite the names of the, candidates V PM —T Linenfelser. iu vgte for on Novsml erS \4 EST GA1 n- m Passe agm t 50 a• I. See that your • ialme is upon the Itel in Brine., haves splendid store, Don't . neglect tct re late; or cn The Pioneer i c:hr (�•• I Tie n' >s registry list. There is no time to ilea full of splendid Roods. (;all m g K Pryeso us Trans. t CoIogno '; loSP. �k !k tiaEm,lltithEllx a 1F'luatbtikni— ,vp rTf� ttew iaW` a Aper, stock of good in -the Goodrich or Bierline'Umldin t.' lmlierative in fhip resp rt.""' t ; fol nd on the shelves J. V. ROOT. Ago it. Lets have a general Holiday on : The fnneroil of bfi s Schwartz was the present time. G, the 21st, and evrITUOdy ' should Remember tha groin d ball to be Niven U the O. I. R Society, at very lat•gely attendc;d; she. was hi;rhly the selection persona �Ty oI' ICtp..S. decorate for the occasion. y regarded by the Old settlers of this and we can assure yo Flenk'sOpera House, o4iFridiiy even- judgment in his selec IWe have added several new names ling, Oct. 21st) in honor of Colum county. —LoonardStrcuk$ns, to .our list of subscribers. We hove Our citizens should decorate in mllresseoods. Lodi+ Una day, It promises be, a very his stock beforepurcb or—G Bongatd. honor of . Columbus day. There room for more h o,vecer• leasant offal in every respect. See ad. I of Docds—Fred] Gralaci. p . r � sllrnild also be n general tgnumt for feourt—Gust..KraveributiL Ifakeanh f X) after each candidate l ' Nels H. Johnson and Jacob Dunn, the ptiniilp. _ ra�ALESJIEN WAN7 E. DaToit, you:voteimm forderthecolunma.rked fico prominent farmers of the town if Probate --7s nfin�enntdz.:The Council pulllisll a Registration �EL in anrrnurtdii )ommissionor—F. #I. Thomas. with an arrow. Do this correctly., Of Sall L'ra>Siiisco, have; Ueenalr8wn Attornoy—Frrmk ardor. Notice in this Isaac. The Judges of team orotherwise, Ro Vic. Greiner writes tis frOM :\(Innen• to serve as petit Jurors in the United election n`ill sit-in each ward to commission from ret r—Dr. Shannon.. Bn},orit+tondout— A- Taylor. pOlia 9syln�,' "ti»p(l me t11eiIIF.ee that I for b a nDistrict Couinril l won N •opens Register on Tuesday, Oct. ?5th, nuc] rubber boots :lad all servo}•or—T. F. I. ietnnu. cannot get along\vitiiaut it Chet fol• business at :ylnnkato nn Nov. 1st ,Tuesday Nov. 1st. Itis the duty of nP�gd direct from facts _oout+� ooxerrasT care. ft is sent regularly." n lst. every vpter to see that his mime is rikady. traveling with rhntz. Clmirmnn. V Am rice' 1 C t #editor undTreasurer 'u on f is ward list or he will losehis goods could make tl Distrigt J, r. hstrict—Aug, V Districts -A• P. in every S re o C 17 1 i House. CHASKA—Evory last ftKER. month.; CAav1tY—EV Uiy last Srt Propr. xon.,'oon=Evory last month.:, '�'aaCR,tA- Yoirxh Arrnn,TCA—Each ,C,, oto ingt Saturday. i.Australia \yA00,aTA—E,•ery Sntnr mmkm nd ltfondav in the inout I Y= You at aaace con- \vAz ad con- mohtd: don twant r .cl thon't wane Snu. ,.oaYndayoa, mono d W obllpd Ben I dide, see -- see him ilk r teas za M1 t to -c" Wit Wb v co, On of Chris Klancke of citing n e -Is qua P dition o their bul,i glen,, i vena hurled'to tUe gronndivvhile mov- pub,'sh the�October fitntement of right to'vote. -. mo • Ing a threshing machinQ and quite the l�n:incial condition oftile (bun s eap that the SuE;tjr cane shed, statin particulars rd' sevorly braised: Nothiiik serious Thr) an me appears elsewhere in this pan andl tools of ,John Bnekhoff of ; Colc 1 ter Rubber -- 1, 11 P.i. issue, to which we Call the, nttbatlt)n Chanhassen, burned (]own on Snndlly . Conn. AIRS of our, reac%ers. night,'infiicting a loss of $40: John Henry Klanke, Henry I indert and % Henri 1 1lecar, »t L=of Norwood h vg.' made 501- L. PrevensPeq., Fglmcrl_vCo. Supt., saga a poor nin.0 is always ante to who baa Ur rn(in the aturdny of the of this County,ibut note a resident of have bad luck, mild thinksthat wrong Citf -Ale. t �[.trlcet h dier's claims on the wseton Reserva- the town of M nsouy Stearns County altogether. John yon are about:mop -til4 p st uevero der ATtho mouth.- tion,in �• D., and hnve.herin building was a. delegate from tha:ttown tothe right, but A cant help it. - � with the a roe last n 'hu:a$az of tl o and improving heir pro 'erty late - P g Democratic. County Convention T A<lvice to.conngmea who iiregoing ! employ of thQ Inter st Thursday, be- Bro. Buck, the genial e itor of the Gently held, in that county. to be married this: frill, take a girl ,Ing Co. ci (fiic»go, Arlingto Enterprise, is tasking in Our young. friend Tom Aspden,was that you, know is true,' and a tet nt I3 rla , y bafaw the Seo- the blies f wedded happiness, and good cogk,antl a good cook naturally , set as ag nit for flit in from his CUanhassen homeon loton- md Adondr<ljfn tho� we exten our heartiest ongrntuln- day, and tool: time to calland nenelc ants a good cooking stove -iso just . is no ciniy,a ;roc tions for future,0kOsper, y: forthe HEnALn. Tom also soya be tal, I a. stroll to Nicolia A,Linenfelser 'is an alI rbund' hu Meng iY n the' in lot and lookover ourinrgestock of cook rove a a uaUle '+, Our young friend Geor e l ' g had a big timehilyfng this. Reason. P TL and heating stoves which will be sold pangin h fir.ld lie It �achmonth.. Waconia is receiving the congratuTif- commencing inL July' and finishing dl tions of hie many friend over the ar- in Oct -ober. at astonishingly low prices in order 11•e ret*i a to par omnkeroomforwesreoverstoekefl he pl g•hirhel, rival of a young daught rin his lam-- p Epi Oj�T. , By. Mr. Katz!decorated -his saloon in' George Hall acme .down from her?,:jot i do n wi<hi f grand style ots Saturday in honor of Lacque Parte County on Tuesday, ed suede Tho HE Chaska markt is ib follows arriaon or Cleveland lantern for_ the Dsmocratic rally, which took snHerin from a lame ar>lf, caused by him pg. ted ole t;. asl Oct. •20, vi 25 etas, the lantern is useful s}1i\vell,as place that evening.. air. A. "Mourns lifting fie hepa.�tor, wi�ere .he had orasmeut&1, chimney -ca be used, on was the artiet, and is entitled to been threshing.. George will remain - om Kreii Ilan NO. 9_ i any rdfnarylamp,forti" ieatNicolin, mnch,etedit for the taste displayed "with its for a• while and will then Saturi1 y for �a two 46 to his home in Plne-County. •H s btsf»m cEiais m 2lS & L i6felser. ;.- in deeorattng.., brother Willie, rdmnin ith t e machin for, ssi . r• Onrol friend Fred gennmJr+ Samuel Iiotterman of Norwood, threeller.lVehopei#en 11recover ro., tin tihe Iteryvil 1s hall been improvingthe 'teii�i bf Ytts died. on Oct 8th aged 72. �Cxeorge tfle nee of his'arm soon ,r says lis diz 1 r ger n' I store. /He hila pat r in new iioor, ya Brett; �vell'known as Du b Geo t;<et aoa. - 1 1fi _etc, 1 ,r, .�.�,,, ..,;,:.a-.,. ..„,,.. ..�.,.- ,;.:,,,a ct:, u,i}t.iTlr, editor was out a "duck, enough for"a inoa F ® HO/Kt= eANb GO NTY hl)GWS• doors gtc-. making a same looSt; ,,kgre'ald pftizet a;of this ( rants;a nnear New Auburn, last tce�k, in eom? much ittoie_ciiesrful ., C 11 and,aee their ]attvAs= havaa-ifs entiolpnbe ThPtr ill lieserc fact with a pf t,e many filendsfn the reeve +luny' -:frith L Dfacon, `Jas Frz3nkeil Ghnrch n eo rimer It' ".dry and dnaG, acob Schysoa(ShfkT. r" aYtd,4syor Beeman. . ff'he `party >3us on r;kl»y mo. vete Acaden vtngin df a went. , wale efiter#amud by Chris. (�roshnnn Aii are n ttgd to 1 it !dry i t''t 3age (�� ,.L if., v and L - P y e: h'rinlr..Y-!I is, bs € eGGu It+itlldr y ; 1