Park Shelter Projects, Carver Beach and Greenwood Shores, Award Quote 2016CITY OF
TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
FROM: Adam Beers, Park Superintendent
DATE: February 8, 2016
7700 Market Boulevard SUBJ: Award of Quote, Purchase of Shelters for Greenwood Shores Park and
PO Box 147
Chanhassen, MN 55317 Carver Beach Playground
Phone: 952.227.1100
Fax: 952 227.1110
Building Inspections
Phone: 952.2271180
Fax: 952.227.1190
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952 2271110
Park & Recreation
Phone: 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax: 952.227.1404
Planning &
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.2271110
Public Works
7901 Park Place
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
Senior Center
Phone: 952.227.1125
Fax: 952.227.1110
"The City Council awards the quote for the Carver Beach Park and Greenwood
Shores Park Picnic Shelters in the amount of $37,242."
Approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council.
This year's park and trail capital improvement budget contains $80,000 for the
installation of covered shelters in two parks. This budget includes the purchase of the
shelters, installation, concrete foundations and site restoration. The structures will serve
as central gathering locations for organized activities and events and provide shelter from
inclement weather. The addition of these shelters will fill a void in the city's park and
recreation infrastructure to help ensure that our park system remains a strong element in
our mission to provide for today while planning for the fixture. These improvements are
scheduled to be completed by early summer.
The following quotes were received and are within the approved capital improvement
Total Cost
Northland Recreation
Midwest Playscapes
Minnesota Wisconsin Playground Inc.
At the Park & Recreation Commission meeting on January 26, 2016, staff recommended
the contract be awarded to Northland Recreation in the amount of $37,242. This
recommendation was unanimously approved by the Commission.
Funds for the project are included in the 2016 Capital Improvement Program.
Web Site ATTACHMENTS 1. Quotes
2. CIP Sheet PK&T —
120 Neighborhood Park Shelter Initiative
g:\pw\adam\ gggl§ gnit foe; Lite -Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
OWNER: City of Chanhassen
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Chanhassen, MN
Minnesota Wisconsin Playground Inc.
5101 MN HWY 55, Ste. 6000
Golden valley, MN 55422
Dan Lanes
Quotes must be returned by December 14th .
by email or fax
Email: abeers@cl.chanhassen,
Fax: 952.227.1310 Attn: Adam Beers
Telephone 763-546.7787
Fax 763-546-5050
email danta"u�
Vendor will be responsible for delivery and Installation of structure (See line Item A 51n section A).
Designs must comply with a local, state and federal safety and accessibility codes and/or guidelines.
Engineering- All b uilding designs must Include stamped Minnesota engineered drawings for local MN building codes along with snow and wind loads. Footing
design and engineering must be included, Snow loads should be no less than 371bs/sgft. Wind load should be no less than 90 MPH. Soil load should be no less
than 15001bs/ sgft. No Correctlons. Shelters will be located at two seperate park locations: Greenwood Shores Park and Carver Beach Playground,
Shape - Hexagon / Size 28'/ Roof- Metal two-tier roof type/ B;12 pitch roof (No Cupola)/ Steel Frame Construction -No/ Low maintenance
The undersigned, being familiarwith the local conditions affecting the cost of the work and with the Contract Documents, including ilio Drawings and ANY
Addenda, and in accordance with Ilia provisions thereof, hereby propose to ibrnisb all labor, materials, mid equipment necessary to complete the order and
installation in Chanhassen Parks.
.sumarco tgtanuues snown on the pia norm arenot guaranteed '
nee, tags, etc., necessary to cover the work described in the Contr
on the actual autl;orized and installed Contractor's bid quantities.
Rich bidder must verify or establish quantities and the extent of work to their own satisfaction for "LUMP SUM" bid items, and submit a total bid sufficient to
cover all the work outlined in the Contract Documents, °LUMP SUM" bids shall include all labor, matetials, storing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags,
etc., necessary to cover tie work described in the Contract Documents. Final payment to the Contractor for "LUMP SUM' bid items shall be based on Iiia
Contractor's bid price for completion of the work outlined in the Contract Documents.
The Bidder is familinrwith the PLANS and understands the provisions thereof. The bidder is responsible for reviewing die site conditions (both surface and
subsoil) and Contract Documents to establish a clear understanding of the work within the scope of this project. The bidder shall not rely on verbal information
obtained from employees of the Owner or Consultant.
The fawner reserves the right to revise tha scope of the work outlined on the Contract Documents and listed above in the bid schedule, The Owner, based on
budgetary considerations, reserves die right to eliminate a parlicularline item. "Lump Sum" mid "Unit Price" bids in the Bid Schedule shall prevail for eliminating
or changing quantities of work items from those indicated in the Contract Documents.
The Contract for the work outlined in the Contract Documents and this Bid Foran, wi11 be awarded to the lowe at qualified quote. Lowest quote will be
determined by the TOTAL BID PRICE for the accepted bid items and quantities, plus any altematea chosen by owner.
No. Section Description
Est. Qty,
1 28' Maim Octogon Two Teir Mull! - Rib Roof Type, 8:12 Pitch Roof 2.00
4 Delivery 2,00
Alt - 5 Installation of Park Shelter/ per universal building code & City of 2,00
Chanhassen permitting, Anchor bolts to be Installed by vendor
Unit Unit Price
Total (unit x qty)
$ 22,728.00
$ 45,456.00
$ 2,007.00
$ 2,007.00
$ 1 $ 7,505.00
$ 15,010.00
$ 62,473.00
I hereby propose and agree to furnish all labor, materials, removal, overhead, protil, insurance, and other costs required to complete the Base Bid Work described
In the Drawings for the following amount.
WRITTEN: Sixty two thousand, four hundred and seventy three DOLLARS NUMERICAL: _$62,473
The undersigned agrees to achieve Substantial Cohnpletion alneiter structures by May 15, 2016, Bidder understands tike retainer is set at 5.0% until satifectory, completion of work,
4 cf 2 Chanhassen PaeKs Concrete Quote Form 8.29.14
I have visited the work site to verifv existlna cmtdlttens in regard to the (nnir?Dt Documents.
It is understood and agreed that this Proposal camtot be withdrawn within Sixty (60) days without the consent of the Owner.
Alternate Bid - Price to install footings and anchor bolts - $5,132 Each - Qty 2 = $10,264
Alternate Bid - Price to install 691 sq, ft. concrete pad at 4" depth. - $4,350 each - Qty 2 = $8,700
Name: Dan Lanes
Street 5101 MN 55, Suite 6000
City, State, Zip Golden Malley, MN 55422
End of Contract
Firm Name Minnesota Wisconsin Playground, Inc.
Phone 763-546.7787 Fax 763-546-5050
If a partnership, list name and addresses of all partners. If a corporation. Affix
corporate seal and list State of incorporations. The person signing this form is a
person authorized to bind the company for which they are signing,
2 of 2 Chanhassen Paries Concrete Quote Form 8.29.14
OWNER: City of Chanhassen
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Chanhassen. MN
Name - Portercorp (Poligon) t Northland Recreation
Address - 4240 N. 136th Avenue, Holland MI 49424
10085 Bridgewater Bay, Woodbury, MN 55129
Contact - Bill Johnson
Quotes must be returned by December 14th .
by email or fax
Email: abeers@ci.chanhassen,
Fax' 952 227.1310 Attn Adam Beers
Telephone 651-269-0720
Fax 414-395-8538
email bjohnson1,&ncrthlanorec com
Vendor will be responsible for delivery and installation of structure (See line item N 5 insertion A).
Designs must comply with all local, state and federal safety and accessibility codes and/or guidelines.
Engineering- All building designs must include stamped Minnesota engineered drawings for local MN building codes along with snow and wind loads. Footing
design and engineering must be Included. Snow loads should be no less than 37 fbs/sqR. Wind load should be no less than 90 MPH. Soil load should be no less
than 1500 lbs/ soft. No Corrections. Shelters will be located at two seperate Park locations: Greenwood Shores Park and Carver Beach Playground.
Shape - Hexagon / Size 28'/ Roof - Metal two-tier roof type/ 8:12 Pitch roof (No Cupola)/ Steel Frame Construction - No/ Low maintenance
The undersigned, tieing familiar with the local conditions affecting the cost of the work and with the Contract Documents, including the Drawings and ANY
Addenda, and in accordance with the provisions thereof, hereby propose to furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the order and
installation in Chanlisssen Parks
- - --•••- annnc. raumarea t uanunes shown on die Bid Form are not guaranteed. "tSNI'I' PRICE" bid:
Shall include all labor, materials, storing, equipment, overhead. profit, insurance. rags. a[c., necessan to co er the work described m the Contras; Documents.
Proal payment to the Contractor for -UNIT PRICE" bid items shall he based on the actual authorized and installed Contractor's bid quantities.
Each bidder must vcrif` or establish quantities and the extent of work to their own satisfaction for "LUMP S(.iM" biditems, and submit a total bid sufficient to
cover all the work outlined in the Contract Documents, "LUMP SLJM- bids shall include all labor. materials, storing, a uipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags,
etc , necessary to cover the work, described in the Contract Docurrients. Final payment to the Contractor for "LUMP SUM" bid items shall be based on the
Contractors bid price for completion of the work outlined in the Contract Documents.
The Bidder is familiar with the PLANS and understands the prtwisions thereof. The bidder is responsible for reviewing the site conditions (both surface and
subsoil) and Contract Documents to establish a clear understanding of the work within til: scope of this project. The bidder shall not rely on verbal nfonnation
obtained from employees of the Owner or Consultant.
The Owner reserves the right to revise the scope of the work outlined on the Contract Documents and listed above in the bid schedule. The Owner, based on
budgetary considerations, reserves the right to eliminate a particular line item. "Lump Sum" and "Unit Price- bids in the Bid Schedule shall prevail for eliminating
or changing quantities of wort: items from those indicated in the Contract Documents.
The Contract for the +work outlined in the Contract Documents and this Bid Form, wilt he awarded to the lowest qualified quote. Lowest quote will be
determined by the TOTAI, BI PRICE for the accepted bid items and quantities, plus anv alternates chosen by owner.
No. Section Description Est, Qty. Unit Unit Price Total (unit x q )
1 28' Metal Hexagon Two Telt Multi - Rib Roof Type, 8:12 Pitch Roof 2.00 E500.
4 Delivery 2.00
0 $1,000.00
Alt - S Installation of Park Shelter/ per unive;Sai building node & City ct 2.00 0
Chanhassen permitting. Anchor bolts to be installed by vendor $12,500.00
BASE BID TOTAL $37,242.00
t hereby propose and agree to furnish .ill labor, materials, removal. overhead. profit. insurance. and other costs required to complete (fie Base Bid Work
described in the Drawings for the following amount.
Two Hundred & Fony Two DOLLARS
The undersigned agrees to achieve Substantial Completion shelter
understands the retainer is set at 5.0% until satifactory completion of work.
I of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quote Form 8.29.14
I have visited the work site to
ft is understood and agreed that this
Name - Bill Jo n
Street `10085 Bridgewater B
cnnditinns in regard to the Contract
cannot to withdrawn within
City, State, Zip _Woodbury, MN 55129
End of Contract
(60) daps without the consent ofthe Owner
Firm Name Portercorp (Poligon) / Northland Recreation
Phone _651.259-0720 fax_,414-395.8538
11'a partnership, list name and addresses of all partners. if a corporation. Affix
corporate seal and list State of incorporations. The person signing this form is a
person authorized to bind the company for which they are signing,
2 of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quote Form 8.29.14
V_ 10WEST PLA`tSCAPES , i N 0.
500 Pine Street, Suite 104, Chaska, MN 55318
w w w. m i d w e s f p I a y s c a p e s. c o m
Project: City of Chanhassen
Contact: Adam Beers
Ship To: Lake Ann Park Shop
7700 Lake Ann Park Drive
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Email: abeers(a)_ci.chanhassen.mmus
Shipping Contact Name:
Telephone: 952-361 -3504
Fax: 952-36 1 -3549
Toll Free: 800-747-1452
—ter—° A15 , l t • j
Phone: 952-227-1304
Bill To:
Date: 12/1/2015
Qty Design/Item # Description Total
2 Shelter Classic Recreation Shelterss
$ ,.. 30, 538.00
Model - 28' Dallas (Hexagon)
- 8:12 Roof Pitch
- Two Tiers
- HR36 Roofing
- 7'6" Eave Height
- 24 go trim fascia
- (6) Surface Mount Columns
- TGIC poly powder coat w/zinc rich primer
- 40 Ib Snow Load / 90 mph Wind Load
"Price includes Shipping
"Price includes (3) sets of Structural Calculations.
Subtotal $ 30,538.00
Shipping $ -
Sales Tax $ -
Total $ 30,538.00
NOTE: Price is contingent upon both shelters being purchased and shipped together. Allow 10-12 weeks for delivery.
NOTE: Shelter size is measured "point to point" of roof.
NOTE: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, prices shown are material only. They DO NOT include: assembly, installation, border, safety surfacing,
drain tile, geotextile fabric, removal of existing equipment, site preparation, excavation or site restoration, unloading of equipment, disposal of
packaging material, storage of equipment, additional insurance and bonding would be extra, unless otherwise stated above. If playground
equipment or materials are stored off site, customer is responsible for transporting equipment to job site.
Prices firm for 30 days, subject to review thereafter. Our terms are net 30. A finance charge of 1.5% will be imposed on the
outstanding balance unpaid for more than 30 days after the shipment of materials. Once customer has signed quotation, your order cannot be changed
or canceled. Please allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery after receipt of order. Standard manufacturing design, specification, and construction
apply unless noted otherwise. Customer is responsible for the identification of all underground utilities. Area must be accessible to Bobcat
and other equipment necessaryfor installation or additional fees will be charged. Freight quote is based on customer unloading equipment and
checking in all equipment for any missing parts. If product is refused by customer upon deliveryfor any reason (unless damaged),
without prior authorization from Midwest Playscapes, Inc., the customer agrees to pay 20% restocking. fee plus freight charges.
If we can be of Other Assistance, please feel free to contact us.
Mike Korth
Accepted _
Printed Name:
Project Name:
Contact Name:
500 Pine Street, Suite 103 Chaska, MN 55318
Phone: 952-361-3504
Fax: 952-361-3549
Installation Quotation
City of Chanhassen
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Adam Beers
Description of work to be done ..................................
Installation of Two (281) Dallas Shelters ............. $10,300.00
on existing Concrete Footings.
(Park locations are Greenwood Shores and Carver Beach
Amount $ 10,300.00
Note: All work is to be completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard
practice. Any alterations from the above specifications involving extra costs must be
executed upon written orders and will become an extra charge over and above the
purchase agreement. Unless otherwise stated a level site matching the drawing
dimensions and the corners of the site must be staked prior to our arrival. If MPCI is
to excavate, all material/dirt will remain on site to be removed by others, unless
stated otherwise. Prices shown do not include Site Restoration.
Prices are firm for 30 days, subject to review thereafter. Terms are Net 30.
A finance charge of 1.5o will be imposed on the outstanding balance unpaid
for more than 30 days after substantial completion of the work. Standard
manufacturing design, specification and construction apply unless otherwise
noted. Area must be accessible by a bobcat and all other equipment necessary
for installation or additional fees will be charged. Installation rates are
based on normal conditions. Price does not include prevailing wages, unless
otherwise noted. If we can be of further assistance please contact us.
Accepted by:
OWNER: City of Chanhassen
Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
Chanhassen, MN
Quotes must be returned by December 14th .
by email or fax
Email :
Fax: 952.227.1310 Attn: Adam Beers
Name MId,WGSt Pia.,/56c pe5
Address 5u- N t' k Telephone o f2, 3 t- t. 3 50 4 x 12
S L'o } t 0 4 Fax ---3549
VACSI: ' MN 5531 f, email oIQ j5LCXne-s La) P, _Y--Hn(anjGy1L'1
Contact M I K E K0 R'f H
Vendor will be responsible for delivery and installation of structure (See line item k 5 in section A).
Designs must comply with all local, state and federal safety and accessibility codes and/or guidelines.
Engineering - All building designs must include stamped Minnesota engineered drawings for local MN building codes along with snow and wind loads. Footing
design and engineering must be included. Snow loads should be no less than 37 Ibs/sgft. Wind load should be no less than 90 MPH. Soil load should be no less
than 1500 lbs/ sgft. No Corrections. Shelters will be located at two seperate park locations: Greenwood Shores Park and Carver Beach Playground.
OFFER Shape - Hexagon / Size 28'/ Roof - Metal two-tier roof type/ 8:12 pitch roof (No Cupola)/ Steel Frame Construction - No/ Low maintenance
The undersigned, being familiar with the local conditions affecting the cost of the work and with the Contract Documents, including the Drawings and ANY
Addenda, and in accordance with the provisions thereof, hereby propose to famish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to complete the order and
installation in Chanhsssen Parks.
Estimated quantities listed on bid form or clarified in Addendum will be used alone with bidders submitted unit prices and lump sum prices to tabulate bid totals
Each submitted bid will be calculated using the same estimated quantities Estimated Quantities shown on the Bid Form are not guaranteed. "UNIT PRICE" bids
Shall include all labor, materials, storing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags, etc., necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents. Final
payment to the Contractor for "UNIT PRICE" bid items shall be based on the actual authorized and installed Contractor 's bid quantities.
Each bidder must verify or establish quantities and the extent of work to their own satisfaction for "LUMP SUM" bid items, and submit a total bid sufficient to
cover all the work outlined in the Contract Documents, "LUMP SUM" bids shall include all labor, materials, storing, equipment, overhead, profit, insurance, tags,
etc., necessary to cover the work described in the Contract Documents. Final payment to the Contractor for "LUMP SUM" bid items shall be based on the
Contractor's bid price for completion of the work outlined in the Contract Documents.
The Owner reserves the right to revise the scope of the work outlined on the Contract Documents and listed above in the bid schedule. The Owner, based on budgetary
considerations, reserves the right to eliminate a particular line item. "Lump Sum" and "Unit Price" bids in the Bid Schedule shall prevail for eliminating or changing
quantities of work items from those indicated in the Contract Documents,
The Contract for the work outlined in the Contract Documents and this Bid Form, will be awarded to the lowest qualified quote. Lowest quote will be determined
by the TOTAL BID PRICE for the accepted bid items and quantities, plus any alternates chosen by owner.
No. Section Description Est. Qty, Unit Unit Price Total (unit x
1 28' Metal Octogon Two Teir Multi - Rib Roof Type, 8:12 Pitch Roof 2.00 i 3,14 1C1
4 Delivery 2,00 a I F' 5, -7
Alt - 5 Installation of Park Shelter/ per universal building code & City of 2.00
Chanhassen permitting. Anchor bolts to be installed by vendor C
I hereby propose and agree to furnish all labor, materials, removal, overhead, profit, insurance, and other costs required to complete the Base Bid Work
described in the Drawings for the following amount.
WRITTEN: FOt^+y TinOU5and, Eigcif HU.Vt y- rrbLlr}V EIGkf DOLLARS
The undersigned agrees to achieve Substantial Completion shelter structures by May 15, 2016, Bidder understands the retainer is set at 5.0% until satifactory completion of work.
1 of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quote Form 8.29.14
have visited the work site to vedfv existinq conditions in regard to the Co
It is understood and agreed that this Proposal cannot be withdrawn within Sixty (60) days without the consent of the Owner.
Name:ytt is `>1L�r'7 6t
Street SQA
City, State, Zip e -Aa sko , Md,
End of Contract
Firm Name ml �y_;e- S"7 ���GGf SLc2%J�S 1ktL .
Phone Fax C15 3 5,q C/
If a partnership, list name and addresses of all partners. If a corporation. Affix
corporate seal and list State of incorporations. The person signing this form is a
person authorized to bind the company for which they are signing.
2 of 2 Chanhassen Parks Concrete Quote Form 8.29.14
Capital Improvement Program 2016 rhru 2020
City of Chanhassen, MN
Project # PK&T-120
Project Name Neighborhood Park Picnic Shelter Initiative
Department Park & Trail Improvements
Contact Todd Hoffman
Type Improvement
Useful Life
Category Park
Account #1 4004008-4706 Account #3 Priority n/a
Account #2 Account #4
Description I
Total Project Cost: $500,000
Installation of covered park shelters in parks to serve as central gathering locations, provide shelter from inclement weather and provide a meeting
location for activities and events.
2016 - Greenwood Shores Park and Carver Beach Playground
2017 - Minnewashta Heights Park, Herman Field Park and South Lotus Lake Park
2018 - Sunset Ridge Park and Prairie Knoll Park
This initiative will fill a current void in the City's park and recreation infrastructure system helping to ensure that our park system remains a strong
element in our mission of providing for today while planning for the future.
Prior Expenditures
1 ' 20,000, Construction
Prior Funding Sources
220,000 General Fund Surplus
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
80,000 120,000 80,000 280,000
Total 80,000 120,000 80,000 280,000
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total
80,000 120,000 80,000
Total 80,000 120,000 80,000 280,000
Budget Impact/Other
This will add minimal annual operations impact.