Scott County Paintball Ranges Ordinancec�bf 64. Outdoor parking of semi -tractor trailers. 65. Outdoor storage within the industrial districts shall be an allowed accessory use under the following conditions: a. The outdoor storage area occupies space other than a required front yard setback. b. The outdoor storage area shall be fenced, screened and/or landscaped according to a plan in compliance with Chapter 4 of this Ordinance and subject to the approval of the Planning Department. c. Subject to the approval of the Planning Department, the outdoor storage area is surfaced with crushed rock, crushed concrete, Class V, asphalt, or concrete paving or other similar materials approved by the County Planning Department to control surface dust. d. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 4 of this Ordinance. e. The outdoor storage area shall not encroach upon required parking space or required loading space as required by this Ordinance. f. The outdoor storage area shall not encroach into the required rear yard or side yard setback area if abutting a rural residential, residential suburban or urban expansion district. 66. Paintball Ranges — A field or property on which players use compressed -gas powered guns to fire pellets containing paint "paintballs" at opposing players. Paintball ranges usually consist of several fields of play within a single complex or property. The fields generally have staging and spectator areas separated from the playing field by netting or other physical barriers. The minimum lot size for each outdoor paintball range shall be 10 acres. b. A minimum 20 -foot buffer zone between the property line of the outdoor paintball range and the playing, staging, and spectator areas shall be maintained. C. A minimum 12 -foot high, nylon mesh screen or other barrier shall be installed to separate the playing areas from the 20 foot buffer zone. This screen shall be anchored at the bottom and secure by a non -stretchable cable at the top and bottom. If a nylon mesh screen is not incorporated into fencing, a 200 - Scott County Zoning Ordinance Chapter 16 Uses foot buffer zone between the property lines and the playing areas shall be maintained unless other agreements exist with adjacent landowners. d. No outdoor lighting shall be allowed other than for building access, parking area, driveway and signage. Nighttime use of a paintball range may be permitted if in the opinion of the Planning Advisory Commission such use will not be disruptive to the surrounding area. In these cases, playing, staging, and spectator areas will be required to be lighted per Chapter 4 of this Ordinance. e. Only non-toxic paintballs shall be used at the paintball facility. f. A description on the procedures for storage, maintenance and use of CO2 and other compressed air fuel stations. No long-term outside storage of CO2 and other compressed air fuel equipment shall be allowed. g. The outdoor paintball range operator shall cavy field liability insurance and a copy of the insurance shall be filed with the Planning Department. h. Any vehicles brought onto the range for use as props shall require prior approval by the Planning Department and the applicant shall submit a surety, at a type and amount determined by the Planning Department, to insure the vehicles are removed when the conditional use permit expires or terminates. Off-street parking shall be provided per the requirements of Chapter 5 of this Ordinance. 67. Park & Ride Facility - A surfaced parking area utilized as a congregating location where persons can leave their personal vehicle while participating in a private or public "car-pool' or other mass transit operation. 68. Play & Recreational Facilities — Only accessory to an existing principal permitted use on the same lot and that are operated for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the principal use and their occasional guests, except as otherwise permitted. 69. Portable concrete and asphalt mixing plants within a permitted mining operation, as regulated by Chapter 10 of this Ordinance. 70. Private Airport or Heliport - Any land or structure which is used or intended for use, for the landing and take -off of aircraft, and for appurtenant land or structures used or intended for use for port buildings or other port structures. 71. Private Campground — Overnight primitive, independent and dependent camping activities. Scott County Zoning Ordinance Chapter 16 Uses